Shortie - Jayson Tatum

DaveIsFave által

269K 9.3K 5.8K

Naomi is an athletic trainer for the Charlotte Hornets. How does she juggle her busy career and love? Follow... Több

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine.
Forty One.
Forty Two.
Forty Three.
Forty Four.
Forty Five.
Forty Six.
Forty Seven.
Forty Eight.
Forty Nine.
Fifty One.
Fifty Two.
Fifty Three
Fifty Four.
Fifty Five.
Fifty Six.

Twenty Five.

6.3K 199 210
DaveIsFave által

Now she is long. My longest chapter yet. Giving a lot of range. I like it.

Anybody want to bring up this Roe v. Wade? It's really sick if you ask me. Weird even. Just. Why?

Other than that, I hope y'all enjoy the chapter and excuse any mistakes.

Naomi's POV

"Pick any one that you want. Make sure you can pick it up." I told Deuce right before he ran off ahead of us. "Thanks for coming with me." I looked up at Jayson.

"Anytime. What made you choose a pumpkin patch?" He asked me as we walked hand and hand.

"I've never been and I always thought it would be a cute outing. This would also be nice to add to our traditions."

"True. The Tatum's annual pumpkin patch day. It gotta be a specific day?"

"Nah. Just anytime in October."

"Yeah I can get with that. Have my baby girl in a cute fall outfit next year matching her momma then me and Deuce getting fresh."

"Next what?" He looked down at me confused. "Yeah I caught that. Next what?"

He laughed. "I'm playin with you. I like your idea and we can add the extra Tatums later."

"Yeah later. Way later."

"I got you. We carving or painting them?" He said bringing it back to today.

"I figured we do both."

"I like this one." Deuce came over to us holding his pumpkin.

"Oh that's nice buddy. Want me to hold it?" I asked him.

"No I got it." He held onto it and walked beside us.

Before I could say anything my phone started to ring. "Pick me out a pumpkin please. I'm going to take this." I told the boys then stepped away. "Hello?"

"Hey sunshine." My mom greeted me.

"Hey ma. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you doing little lady? Haven't talked to you in a while."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. I've been a little busy."

"You taking care of yourself, Naomi? Don't overwork yourself."

"I'm not. I promise I'm fine. Really."

"Okay. I'm just making sure. I remember you were in town some weeks ago. I know you're usually in and out, but I would've liked to have seen you."

"Yeah I know ma. Sorry about that but like you said, we were in and out but I'll see you for the holidays."

"Oh great. I can't wait to see you. Thanksgiving and Christmas, right?"

"No, I can't do both."

"Aw why? It's been so long since you've been here."

"Well I have plans for Christmas."

She was silent for a couple seconds. "Do you have a new boyfriend?"

I looked over at Jayson and Deuce talking, debating whether I want to share. It's not a secret but I don't want another lecture like she and my family did with LaMelo.

"Hello?" She asked since I wasn't answering.

"I'm still here."

"Is that a yes to my question?"

"Uh....yes." I reluctantly revealed.

"Why do you sound so....unexcited about it. Do you not like him?"

"No, I love him actually."

"Oh really? It's serious then."

"It is." I smiled thinking about our relationship. "Hey can I call you back later? I'm actually out at the moment." I feel rude taking this call and taking away from time with them.

"You better call me back Naomi. I need the details on this new man of yours."

"I will. Love you ma."

"Love you too sweetie." We hung up and got back to the guys.

"Everything okay?" Jayson looked up at me since he was squatting next to Deuce as they looked at the different sizes of pumpkins in front of them.

"Yeah. Just my mom checking in."

"Really? That is interesting." He nodded and turned his attention away from me.

"Why is that Jayson?" I chuckled.

"Oh, nothing. Just waiting to meet the woman that gave me you. That's all."

"You will. Maybe even before the year is up if you're down."

"Of course I am. When?" He asked once he stood up.


He nodded. "We could do that. They coming up here?"

"No, they'll be at home."

"Nah invite them here. They can join us at my house. Meet my family as well. I'll even set them up in a hotel because I know you don't like people staying at your house."

"You would do that?" I looked confused.

"For you I would."

"You really think both our folks are ready to meet each other?"

"Why not? What could possibly go wrong?"

"Uh a lot."

"Like what? Both of our families country as hell and black. I think we'll be fine."

"Really? Those are your two justifications? And you know damn well you have some white people in your family."

He laughed and pulled me to him. "Come on. Kill two birds with one stone. I meet your family then we also knock out everyone meeting each other, and not waiting until our engagement party."

"You sure talking about engagement and proposing a lot. You trynna tell me something?" I side eyed him as he picked up our pumpkins.

"Nope. We just talking. Don't read into it."

"Mhm. We're not ready for that. You know that right?"

"We or you?" He asked as we started walking toward the table where we pay.

"Bubba. You're telling me you're ready to get married?"

He stopped walking and looked to the side of us. "Hey Deuce you wanna jump in the bounce house?"

"Yes." He did a little jump, extending his pumpkin to me.

"Be careful Deuce." I said as he bolted to get inside. We stood close by to keep an eye on him.

"Look boo." Jayson turned to face me after he put down the pumpkins. "I don't see myself with anyone else but you, so it doesn't really matter when we get married. I'd get on one knee right now if I knew you wouldn't say no."

"You're serious." I stated with a slight hint of disbelief. This man loves me for real. Did I really find my person?

"Hell yeah. I don't bring this shit up to scare you or anything. I'm just excited about our future together. Being married and growing as a family....and I really want another baby but I'm patient." He chuckled. Oh we know you want another baby sir.

"You're really serious." I stepped closer to him.

"As serious as a ref putting on a jersey of a team that is down 3-2 in a series game trying to take it to game 7."

"Well that was specific." I laughed.

Once our laughter died down he spoke. "I'll ease up on the marriage talk. When we're both ready, I'll pop the question. Until then, I'll focus on us right now. The future will always be there."

I tilted my head back and he kissed me twice, softly. My eyes stayed low and on his lips as I bit mine.

"Nigga we in public. Bunch of kids running around." He said and pushed me. "Ole freak ass. Let's go."

We got Deuce and paid for the pumpkins then left. "Are we painting tonight?" Deuce asked.

It's fairly early because we wanted to beat the crowd and avoid people asking for pictures. He did get a couple people when we first got there but he respectfully turned them down.

"Of course. We can do it after lunch if you want." I turned to look at him in the backseat. "We have to get some paint. What colors do you want?"

"Green and red."

"You got it. I'll get some other colors too." I turned back around in my seat. "We need to stop so I can pick up a few supplies."

"Aight then after I drop y'all off I have to run and do something."

"Something like what?"

"Damn nosey." He chuckled. "I got to meet my agent to talk about something."

"Oh that's not going to work." Flew out of my mouth. I meant to say it in my head.

"What's not going to work?"

I already said something now. Might as well speak up. "Basketball, or work, on family days."

"Nonnegotiable?" He quickly looked at me then back to the road.


He nodded, taking another glance at me before focusing on the road. "Yes ma'am. It won't happen again."

Hold up-

That's it? It's that easy? That simple? No pushback? No debating? I ain't gotta defend my point? Just "it won't happen again"? know Mrs.Naomi Tatum sounds real cute and matter fact, my ring finger is a little cold.

This man here. You know, some athletes prioritize their careers over a lot. It's not that I thought Jayson would argue about it but I did think maybe I'd have to do some convincing.

He took me to the store and I went inside to grab everything we needed while they stayed in the car. I walked toward checkout when I heard my name.

"Wassup shortie?"

"Oh hey Evan." I greeted our rookie with a smile. "I thought I told you to stay off your ankle."

"I know but I needed to get me something to eat tonight. At least I got my crutches."

He sprained his ankle and now we are working to get him rehabilitated. Mostly me because he thinks I'm the best although anyone on my team is overqualified. It's a simple sprain.

"Hurry up and get out of here so you can sit down somewhere. Don't be prolonging your healing process, cause you gone be sick if you have to ride the bench for the rest of the season."

"I hear you. I'm heading to checkout now."

We both walked towards the front and paid. "You came out here by yourself?" I asked referring to him being out right now.

"No, my momma with me. We split up since she needed a few things as well."

"So where you going?" I chuckled since he was still walking with me toward the exit. "Go find your mom so she can help you."

"I got the key. I'm bout to sit my ass in the car."

"Okay. Be careful." I secured his bag on his wrist so it wouldn't fall. "I'll see you tomorrow bright and early."

"Aight coach."

"I am not y'all coach." I groaned with a chuckle. A few of the guys make little remarks that I'm their coach. No sir. Coaching is not my calling.

I got back in the car and Deuce was asleep. I placed the bag in the back seat and let out a breath. It feels like I've been up for days. Since he's going out for a bit, I'm taking a nap.

"Was that Evan?" Jayson asked me.

"Yeah. Why do y'all insist on not listening when you're injured then come crying when you don't get the results you want. I'll never understand that." I said putting on my seatbelt.

"Hm." He said lowly and drove off to his house.

"Hm what?"


"Oh here's your card." I opened his wallet to put it back.

"You can hold on to it."

"Jayson no." I smiled. "Well not yet. You know I appreciate the gesture. Let's just hold off for now."

He spoils me too much. Now once I move in, it'll be really real, maybe then I'll consider having his card. Until then, I'll manage my own money.

Jayson's POV

"Yo what you think about Evan?" I asked JB as I drove back home to my babies from my meeting.

"The rookie? Ain't he injured?"


"I mean he straight. Haven't really sat down and chilled with him much. Why?"

"I caught him eyeing Naomi a couple of times."

"Nigga we all look at her." He laughed.

I kissed my teeth. "Not like that. Y'all be friendly and respectful. I just saw him earlier and he almost tripped because he was watching her walk away."

"Oh nah I ain't doing allat. I would say he's just a kid and maybe he finds her attractive. Naomi isn't ugly. He know y'all together?"

"I would think so since everyone else knows."

"Can't assume. Then again maybe he knows and just don't care."

"Yeah. I was just wondering but I guess as long as he ain't crossing no lines, and she's comfortable around him then I won't make a big deal out of it."

"Probably your best bet. Maybe the nigga got a lazy eye and it just be wandering. He can't help it." He chuckled.

He has a point. Not about his eye but about not assuming he knows. Plus Naomi is a very attractive woman. I don't blame him for looking but I still prefer that he wouldn't.

I don't want to say nothing to her because I don't want to come off as insecure or....jealous. I'm secure and it's not that deep. If she's good then I'm good.

I got home and both of our dogs greeted me at the door. Charlie definitely has gotten used to being around here.

"Hey daddy." Naomi glanced at me then back down at her phone.

"Daddy?" My momma asked from behind me. Yeah we pulled in around the same time. She texted me she was coming over...

"Miss.Brandy." She said surprised and looked embarrassed.

"What happened to Jayson?" My mom asked and stepped more into the kitchen.

"It was an accident."

"No it wasn't." She opened her arms for a hug and kissed Naomi on the cheek. "I don't know what imma do with you two." She looked between the both of us.

It was slightly awkward so I changed the subject. "Who's ready to decorate?" I held up the pumpkin I bought for my mom on my way home.

"Hi daddy." Deuce ran into my legs and I picked him up.

"Wassup? You ready to paint?"

"Yes sir." I sat him down in his chair and was about to sit down but he stopped me. "I want BB right here. You sit there." He pointed beside Naomi.

I sat beside her and tapped her shoulder. "Why I ain't get no kiss when I came in?" I asked when she looked at me. She poked her lips out and I kissed them. "Don't let it happen again."

"Nonnegotiable?" She chuckled.


She placed a kiss on my chin then another on my lips. "I'm sorry. How was your meeting?"

"It was good. I have another commercial coming up."

"Oh that's nice. What is it for or you can't say?"

"Nah it's fine. It's for Jordan brand. Do some more promo. We had to go over the scheduling and stuff. Honestly something we could've talked about over zoom." She nodded. "You staying here tonight?"

"No, I have to go home. I've been here for almost two weeks. Have to get Charlie squared away before we go back on the road next week."

"Leave him here. Him and Lucky will have each other, and I already have someone that watches my dog, they can watch yours too."

My mom sat down with a glass of water and looked at us. "I need to talk to you two. Not right now but before I leave."

"Are we in trouble?" Naomi asked.

"No. Have y'all done something wrong?" We shook our heads. "Then you're good. So what are we doing first?" She looked around the table.

"Carving the pumpkins then we'll paint them, or not. Up to you. I have these little knives. Babe do you want to-" She extended the knife to me and gestured toward Deuce.

"Yeah I got it." I got up and went on his side. "How you want yours to look?" I asked him and he started to describe anything he could think of. I ended up cutting it very basic.

We had some nice family time then my mom got to what she wanted to talk  about once Deuce was playing in his play room.

"So when is Jayson meeting your family?"

"You told her about earlier?" Naomi looked at me and I shook my head. "I don't know. My mom wants to know more about him."

"Yeah she just told her about me today." I said.

"It wasn't intentional bubba. I didn't get a good reaction the last time I introduced them to a boyfriend. I was just being protective." She explained. "Once they find out who you are, I don't know how this is going to go."

What does she mean by that? What could be the problem?

My mom spoke before I could ask her. "I only brought this up because you two are getting serious. Moving in and already talking about marriage. I'm looking at it from a parent's point of view. I'd want to meet the woman Jayson was in a relationship with."

"I hear you. We're still talking about when he should meet them." She looked over at me but I didn't look at her. "It might be Thanksgiving."

"Oh that would be nice. He and Deuce can get used to your family." My mom said but Naomi kept quiet and I looked over at her. "What? That's not a good idea?"

"No, no that would be good. Good food and good introductions. I like it." She nodded with a smile but I know her.

That smile was forced meaning she's not saying something. I'll ask her about it once we're in private.


The next morning...

I walked into the gym and everybody was stretching. It's a team workout and most of us dread it because Naomi is tough. Fifteen minutes she came in with her whistle already in her mouth.

I did a double take when she walked by wearing these tight ass compression shorts. No one was paying attention except one nigga and we know who that was. She blew her whistle and everyone else looked at her.

"Line up on the baseline." When everyone got over there she blew it again. "Start running. I'll tell you when to stop."

We started jogging as we always do but my eyes would land on her when she was in view. She was on the phone but still paying attention to us.

"You running too slow Jayson." She said since I was in the back.

I picked it up a little more but still remained in the back. I'm not trying to die. We just getting loose anyway. We ran for five more minutes and she was off the phone.

"Okay." She blew the whistle and everyone stopped running. "Not you Jayson. You got five more minutes."

"For what?"

She looked at me with her eyes squinted but with this small evil like smile. "Run." She simply said and I did. "We'll wait for your teammate." She addressed everyone else.

After my run she had us spread out on the floor after grabbing mats. "Today we're going to do some relaxing, calm, focusing on our breathing yoga. Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath." She said sitting in front of us.

"Since when you start doing yoga?" I asked under my breath.

"You sure are chatty today Tatum." She got everyone's attention when she spoke. "Don't forget you gotta see me outside of here so keep playing with me. Anything else you want to say or can I get back to my job?"

I remained quiet and let her have it. Her tone and face let me know I had gotten on her last nerve, and I don't want to make the gym awkward.

I'll admit I was doing a little much but I'm slightly annoyed with her. We didn't get to have the conversation I wanted to have last night. She was acting weird and I want know why.

"Now I'm not going to be your instructor today. She is." Some random lady came over and introduced herself. "Have fun and remember, relax, focus on your breathing, and be calm."

I tapped Grant who was beside me. He looked over at me and I gestured my head to Naomi. He looked confused. "Ask her where she going?" I said very lowly.

"So she can snap at me like you? Hell no."


He kissed his teeth. "You're not staying with us?" He asked out loud.

"I'll be back before y'all done. Now pay attention." She said to us then gestured to Evan to follow her. Ah hell nah.

Naomi's POV

I tied my jacket around my waist as I waited for Evan to come out. I've caught him a couple of times staring at my butt in the mirror in the weight room.

I know some guys look but come on. Don't let me catch you and not more than once. I'm not uncomfortable or anything, it's just weird.

"Up here." I tapped the table and he sat down. "This is just a quick progress report for Lisa. She will take over for me after this." I started writing on the paper to document his current injury status.

"For today or?"

"From now until you're cleared. She needs the experience. Plus you're almost healed. You don't need me for real." I said still writing in basic information.

"JT say something about us working together?"

My eyebrows came together in confusion. "And why would he come to me about us working together? Something other than a player, trainer relationship going on between us that I don't know about?"

"No but-"

"Ain't no but. My relationship with JT has nothing to do with this. I'm doing my job by helping you and any other player out there including Jayson. I get paid to do this. My personal relationship shouldn't get brought up. Ever."

I don't want to come off as mean or bitchy but I also want to make this clear. I want to keep the two separate. When I'm at work, I'm here to do a job.

Yes we've talked about our relationship and joked around here but in this situation...What does Jayson have to do with me giving him to another qualified trainer? As if Jayson is jealous.

It's weird and unnecessary, since not a thing beyond a work relationship has transpired between us.

"My bad." He said. "I ain't mean to make you upset."

"I'm not upset. I was just correcting your mistake. Push your toes into my hand." I said as I held my hand against his foot and he did. "Good." I wrote that down. "It shouldn't be much longer. I'd say a couple weeks then you can start doing light drills."

I wrapped up with him then joined the rest of the team. I sat down behind them so I wouldn't interrupt. After ten minutes she was done.

"Thank you." I told her and she left. "How are you guys feeling? Good?" Most of them nodded. "Good. You're dismissed."

"That's it?" Rob asked.

"That's it. Tomorrow y'all have a game. Get some rest and come ready to win. If you lose, well you won't because no one wants a after a loss workout with me, right? Right. Now get out of here. Love you guys." I blew my whistle one more time because I know they love when I do.

Jayson came over to me as everyone was leaving and I was about to walk away. "Wait." He gently grabbed my arm. "My bad. I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm sorry."


"I gotta tell you why I was acting like that?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Can we talk later? I'll call you."

"Yeah. Sure." I got out of his grip and left.

He knows I'm upset but I also know he is too. I already know it's about yesterday but his mom left kind of late, so we didn't get a chance to talk before I headed home.

Later on that night we laid in our beds, not really saying anything, looking at our phones. "You ready to talk now?" He cleared his throat and got more comfortable.

"Go head."

"Why were you so quiet when my mom brought up both me and Deuce meeting your family? And don't lie to me."

"My parents and a few of my family members are a little judgey. They weren't completely on board when I introduced Melo. Him being a ball player that I worked with didn't sit right with them. That's the situation now plus you have a baby. I don't want to hear the negative shit that they might say and I don't want you two to be subjected to it either."

"Oh that was why. You had me thinking you ain't want my son around or some shit."

"No. If that was the case, I wouldn't have even given you a second glance."

Although we know in the beginning I said "i DoN't Do BaBy D@dDiEs." I know I said that but things change. Because that's a black king right there and imma stick beside him.

"Oh word? Not even a second glance?" He chuckled.

"And wouldn't but little Deuce has captured my heart. His dad is cool too."

"Yeah okay. But if you don't want us to meet yet, that's fine. It's going to have to happen eventually though."

"I know and I think I'm just going to rip it off like a bandaid. I love you and your son, and I would love to share that with my family. And I'm sorry for my weird reaction to the idea."

A smile slowly grew on his face. "You love Deuce?"

"Of course I do. He and I are best friends. He told me that today."

"You mean yesterday?"

"No, I mean today. He called me on FaceTime on my way home. We talked the whole ride."

"So that's why he wasn't answering. Y'all something else."

"I'm not staying on the phone with you tonight." I said and chuckled lowly.

"Nigga that's you. I try to hang up and you start catching an attitude. You gone be a big girl tonight and let me hang up?"

"Okay you can chill. Trying to pull some daddy shit."

"Aight. Keep that same energy when we get alone cause you know how I get down."

"Oh. We gone fight when we see each other?" I laughed because y'all knew what "fighting" means when you joking with your boo.

"Goodnight Naomi. I love you fool."

"I love you too clown." I hung up and got comfortable to go to sleep. I can't wait until we officially move in.

Jayson's POV

Thanksgiving holiday....

I felt Naomi's eyes on the side of my face as I drove to her parents house. I have control of the music and she is over me.

"Can we please listen to someone other than Nelly? I beg of you sir. Please. We get it. You're from St.Louis. We all got it. You got the music, the hat, the "er" words. Like we know baby."

Just as she said that the next song started playing. "Mmm you can find me in St.Louie. Where the gun play ring all day. Some got jobs and some sell yay. Others just smoke and fuck all day." I said then bobbed my head to the beat when it dropped.

"Jayson Tatum."

I laughed and turned the music down some. "Aight I'm done. I don't want you having no attitude before we go up in here."

"I don't have an attitude. I'm just tired of listening to Nelly."

"You act like we been listening to it all day. We just started driving. It's been like three songs."


"Okay four." I chuckled. "Let me play one more."

"I don't want to hear no damn Dilemma." She said with a serious face then laughed when she saw my face. "I know you."

"Yeah you do cause I damn sure was about to play it." I laughed with her.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me once our laughter died down.

"Not really. Well a little. I mean these are going to be my in laws. I want them to like me and I want us to have a nice blended family."

"Yeah. At least I already like you. That's what really counts." She leaned over to kiss me.

"Uh. No it don't." I put my hand on her face to move her back.

She smacked my hand down. "Okay. Remember that when I walk away from you in there. Let them pounce on you like some wild animals."

"Yeah you talk a good game."

She sighed and laid her head back, grabbing my hand. "I wish we brought Deuce."

"Next time. I didn't want him to be around everybody and he's sick. I feel guilty for leaving him. He loves being up under me when he's like that."

"And I feel bad for even bringing you here. I wanted to cancel."

"I know but my momma and Toriah both told us to go. We can call and check up on him later."

"I know."

I glanced over at her. "I know I already said it but you look beautiful. I really like this color on you." It's a olive green ensemble with other fall colors.

"Well thank you."

"Now just imagine a cute round belly. That would take the fit to new heights." All she did was laugh. "I'm for real." I smiled.

"I know." She mirrored the same smile. "Be honest. You want a baby before we tie the knot?"

I chuckled. "No I just be fuckin with you. We can talk about it though. Like what names we going with? I like Jaxon. With a x."

"No." She shook her head.

"Why not?"

"Now I'm going to let you answer that one love."

It was originally supposed to be Deuce's name but we obviously went with junior. I can see her point.

"Okay what did you have in mind?"

"Since you said Jaxon, I'm going to guess you want some boy names."

"Either or. My baby girl is happening too."

"Too? Actually how many more do you want? Did we ever talk about that?"

"I don't know but I want two more. Another boy and a girl. Then I'll be straight."

"I think I'm with you on that one."

"What if we get two of the same? Twins even."

"That's not happening. Twins don't run in my family."

"Same. Could we be the start? Shit like that happen?" I asked because I'm not opposed to twins.

"Babe no. Twins would be pushing it. We're having single babies."

"Most likely but never say never." I moved my eyebrows up and down. "Come on give me some names."

"What about Jayce?"

"Baby." I side eyed her.

"No? You don't like it?"

"So we'd have Jayson Tatum Sr., Jayson Tatum Jr., and Jayce Tatum? Now how does that sound to you?"

Her giggle was music to my ears. "Okay maybe not Jayce. It might be a little much."

"Just a tad bit. What else?"

"You can add something too. Help me out. Are we only doing J names or it doesn't matter?"

I shrugged. "Yeah it's not that deep. Any letter is fine."



"No you next. What's your suggestions?"

"What about Christopher? He can have my middle name."

"Hell no. That is a hard no. I hate that name."

"Well damn. Why?"

"They have bad reputations and every one I've met with that name was just garbage. My son will not be associated with such a name."

"So if my first name was Chris?"

"I'd tell you to go play in traffic."


"I'm playing. That's extreme but I'd probably proceed with caution. Luckily we don't have to play the what if game because I got my Jayson."

"Right. What about...Journey? For my baby girl."

"Wait cause I actually love that name. Journey Tatum. Aw bubba. That sounds so cute."

"Write that down. Write that down." I said sounding like SpongeBob.

"Oh it's definitely going on a list. We need to start one of those so we can put names together. We'll have plenty of time to come up with them."

"Yeah because I'm on go after we get married. I'm bout to be Picasso inside you."

"Sir!" Her eyes widened.

"It's the truth."

A couple minutes later I was pulling into her parents driveway. I can't lie and say the nerves didn't kick in.

"Anything I need to know before I go in here?"

"No. I've told you everything."

She's told me about her upbringing and her relationship with her family before. Last night she briefed me on some things so I feel more at ease going in here. Still a little nervous though.

"Aight. Let's do this." I did a single clap and got out after turning the car off. I opened her door and helped her out.

"Looks like everybody is out right now. I'll give you a tour while we wait."

"Now why do you still have a key? You don't live here." I said once I saw her pick out the key to open the door.

"I lived here at one point duh."

She unlocked the door and I followed behind her. "Oh this is nice. You had it made."

"I guess." She shrugged.

"Very cozy in here. Nice and clean." I said looking around.

"Bubba what did you think you were going to walk into? A mess? After I've told you how my family operates? Come on now." She chuckled.

"Hey I'm just trying to get some nice words together for when your parents come home. I have to comment on their home."

"Don't say nice and clean. You have a lovely home works just fine."

I cocked my head back a little. "You getting saditty on me now?"

"No, sorry. I'm a little nervous. Can't lie."

"Don't be. Relax and take some deep breaths." I briefly massaged her shoulders then kissed her temple.

She turned to face me then gave me a hug. "I love you." She looked at my lips so I gave her a kiss.

"I love you too boo." I kissed her again. "You want to show me around?"

"Yeah." She grabbed my hand then started pointing out stuff. "No, don't look at those."

"Why? It looks like a picture of you." I laughed and started walking to the picture frames but she held onto my hand tightly.

"They're embarrassing." She laughed. "I'm sure they'll be showing you plenty of pictures later anyway. We have to see my room before my dad gets here."

"How old are you?"

"In his eyes, twelve. Come on." She led me upstairs and opened the door that had a N on it. "This is me. Or was I should say."

"Okay got you a nice little view outside." I looked outside her window. I sat at her desk next. "Are these yearbooks?"


"Do I have your permission to look through them or no?"

"Yeah you can look through them. Babe don't laugh at me."

"I make no promises." I opened the elementary and looked for her. "You played violin?"

"Only in elementary. I went to a magnet school."

"Magnet school?"

"Like a performing arts school. Had a little bit of everything."

"I see. You were in drama and chorus. Girl you can sing and act?"

"Oh no honey. My acting sounds like I'm acting. Singing? Eh. I did grow up in a church. I can hold a note or two. It's not giving Whitney Houston though."

"I think you lying so I don't ask you to sing." I flipped through the book until she helped me find her. "Aw look at my baby. Journey is going to be beautiful."

"Yeah she is." I looked up at her since I was sitting and saw this twinkle in her eye.

"I'll look at middle school and high school later because I just know imma laugh when I see em so I'll spare you."

"I hope you keep this same energy when we go to St.Louis. I want to see every single picture your grandma has. Every year book. Everything."

"I didn't get a yearbook so jokes on you." I stuck my tongue out.

"Oh but I'm sure your friends did. I'll find them either way."

"Yeah whatever." I opened one of her drawers to her desk. "Damn it's junky in here. I'm telling."

"Why you going through it?"

"Because I'm nosey." I rummaged through it and came across a black box. "What is this?"

"Wait let me see that."

"No ma'am." I stood up since she was reaching for it. "Ain't no need in jumping because we both know you not reaching up here."

"Jayson." She got serious and I handed the box to her. "Thank you."

"It's personal?"

"No. I just ain't want you looking at what it is." She laughed then I snatched it from her. "Wait no I was playing. Give it back."

I opened it and she turned away. "What is this?" I pulled it out. I pressed the button and it started vibrating. "Naomi." I looked at her in disbelief but let out a laugh after turning it off. "I know this ain't what I think it is. Boo."

"It's really not that funny." She said when I kept laughing.

"You were a freaky little thing. When did you get this?" I placed the vibrator back in the box and on the desk. "You cleaned this right?"

"Yes Jayson and I was an adult when I got it."

"When's the last time you used it?"

"Years ago. I'm surprised it turned on."

I looked at the box then at her. "You wanna use it now?"

"No I don't." She laughed. "I don't like the way it feels."

"I heard it hit different if you got a partner."

"Me too but- I don't know. What if we get caught?" She sat down on her bed and I looked at her with a smirk.

"You want a quickie don't you?"

"I mean now that you mention it..." she shrugged. "No one's here. It'll be real quick."

We stared kissing as I laid her back. Her fingertips rubbed the back of my head as she moaned in the kiss. Her breathing picked up when I worked on her neck while unbuttoning her pants.

She stopped me and switched positions to where she was on top. My hands found their place on her thighs and rubbed up and down. Her box on my dick as she kissed my neck.

Her phone started vibrating and she sat up, grabbing it. "It's my mom." She took a few deep breaths before answering. "Hello?"

My hands moved to her hips to move her slowly. She moved them and glared at me. "Yeah we just got here. How long you think you'll be?"

I know she's on the phone but she got me riled up. My hands traveled up up shirt and to her neck. She bit her bottom lip while looking down at me. See she knows what she's doing.

"Yeah I'll let them in. Thirty minutes? Okay. See you in a bit." She hung up and got back to me. "We don't have long."

"You'll cum way before I do." I went into her pants and my fingers went inside her. Her breathing became shaky as her head fell into my neck. "You want it?"

I started to tease her opening then rub on her clit. "Jayson." She said softly and held onto me.

"You shaking already?" I chuckled deeply in her ear.

"Uh uh. Wait." She got off and stood up. I licked my fingers as I sat up. She locked her door and dropped her pants and underwear. "Cause you're not about to play with me."

After I got my lower garments off, she hopped on top and we had our quickie. We were fast enough to be able to freshen up before anyone got here.

As soon as we hit the bottom stair, the doorbell was ringing. I can't lie, I want to go back to the hotel and finish. Her whole body is special.

"NiNi!" I heard a little voice.

"Hey Nyla."

"Uncle JT." Carter ran to me and jumped up. "Where's Deuce?" He looked around.

"Oh Deuce is with his mom. He got a little cold."

"Oh. Maybe we can call him later."

"Yeah maybe. If he's feeling up for it. How you been?"


"Good. You been doing good in school?"

"Yes sir." He nodded.

"That's what I like to hear."

Nyla came over to me and the two of them had a little conversation with me while Naomi said hey to everyone at the door.

Naomi's POV

"Hey Gia." I greeted my cousin. I thought a head nod would do but she went for the hug. "Alright then."

"So where's this new man of yours? What happened to Melo?"

She knows we broke up. "Jayson is in the living room."

"I'm going to go say hi." She left me at the door.

My grandparents came with her so they were walking in next. "Hey granny. How are you?" I gave her a quick hug.

"I'm good Omi girl. How are you?"


"Your new boyfriend here?"

"He is." I nodded.

"It's not another basketball player is it? You don't need to fool with them no more." She said walking away not waiting for an answer.

Lord please help me out today.

"Wyomi." My granddaddy said and I smiled.

"Hey there Mr.Johnny." I gave him a hug and closed the door after he came in. He used his cane for support but grabbed his hand to help him to his chair.

"Melo here?"

"No. We broke up a while ago."

"Did you?" He looked at me then gestured me to help him to a chair in the kitchen instead. We sat down and he looked at me.

"What is it?" I chuckled.

"You look happier."

"I am." I nodded with a smile that could never leave when I'm thinking about the man I have.

"What's his name?"


"And he's here?"


They don't usually keep my granddad up to date when I tell them things. I should call him more on my end to be honest.

I also didn't tell anyone Jayson's name or anything. I wanted them to meet him in person. I didn't want anyone looking up shit then bringing it here to ask questions. They still could but I'd prefer they just get to know him in this setting if that makes sense.

"You love him." He stated.

"I do."

"I know." He eyed me for another second. "You shacking up?"


I mean I'm not completely wrong. On one side of it, I still live on my own besides the occasional sleepover. Then on the other hand, things like what just occurred in my old bedroom happen.

"When did you start lying to me?" I kept quiet. "Just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt cause then I have to hurt him."

"Yes sir. Please don't tell anyone."

"In all of your 24 years, I've kept all of your secrets. Including the one when you stole $10 from your momma for the book fair in 4th grade."

"I eventually paid her back." I whispered and looked around me.

"Don't worry. I got you." He held his pinky out for me and I hooked mine with him. "Now help me in here so I can meet this Jayson."

I helped him into the living room to his chair and eyed my cousin. Jayson was at the edge of the couch trying to create space.

"You look familiar." Granddaddy said when he got comfortable in his seat. "What'd you say his name was again?"

"Jayson. He plays for the Celtics." I said.

"Tatum?" He looked at me then at Jayson. "Well would you look at that? I like Tatum. He not better than Bron James but he on his way. Yeah that's real nice."

"This is my granddad I was telling you about." I said to Jayson and he stood up to shake his hand.

"How you doing sir?"

"Fine. Just fine." He shook his hand with a smile.

"He plays for the Celtics?" Granny said. "So another basketball player?"

"Mhm." I said and sat beside Jayson.

"Girl you-" she stopped and shook her head. "Never mind."

I'm not even going to entertain it. I'm a whole adult being judged for who I decide to date. That's crazy.

The front door was being opened and my parents came in. "Hey y'all." My mom said.

I heard bags being dropped then she came in the living room. "Hey sunshine." She held her arms open for a hug.

"Hey ma. Where's your husband. I want to introduce you all."

"Uh Mark." She called out and he came in.

"Hey dad." I gave him a side hug. "This is-"

"Jayson Tatum." My dad finished for me and shook his hand. "You are a hell of a player."

"Thank you sir. How you doing Mrs.Stewart?"

"Good honey."

I couldn't tell if either of them liked him immediately. My dad is stuck on him being a basketball player and my mom isn't giving me any other reaction.

"Need some help in the kitchen?" I asked my mom.

"Sure." She walked away.

"I'll be right back." I told Jayson and he nodded. I went into the kitchen to see her taking stuff out of the bags. "So?" I asked.


"Well what do you think?"

She chuckled. "I think you're a little eager. I don't know him yet but I do know he has a son."

"That is correct."

"Hm." She said while focusing on the groceries.

"What does that mean?" I low key rolled my eyes.

"Nothing." She shrugged.

Deciding not to say anything else, I left the kitchen. When I got out there Deuce had been brought up.

"Oh you have a child?" Granny asked.

"Yes ma'am." Jayson nodded with a smile.

"So a basketball player and he's a dad. Hm."

I've heard enough hm's for today.

"Yes and he's an amazing dad. We couldn't bring Deuce since he got sick." I said sitting beside him again.

"You two living together?" She asked.


"Good. You don't need to be shacking up. How long have y'all been together?"

"Six months."

"Yeah it's still early. Take it real slow. How does your son's mom feel about all of this?" My cousin asked.

"Fine. Her and Naomi have a friendship of their own which I'm thankful for." He replied.

"Yeah that's nice."

An hour later we were eating. Besides the subtle judging everything was fine. Jayson was getting more comfortable which mattered most to me.

"So what y'all gone do about next year? You going to get a chip?" My dad asked sitting across from Jayson.

He looked at me then chuckled. "I'd answer that but I can't."

"Why? You think you going to lose?"

"Nah. It's family time." He glanced at me then winked.

"What does that mean?" My dad looked confused.

"It means he and I don't talk about basketball or work. At least we try not to." I answered and Jayson pointed at me in agreement.

"Hello everybody." My ex, Dontae, came in and said.

Bruh why? I wonder is he ever over here when I'm not here. Does he not have family of his own he'd like to be with on the holidays?

"Who's that?" Jayson asked me lowly as everyone greeted him.

"My ex. I promise I had no idea he was coming."

"You good boo. I'm not trippin." He brushed it off.

"Naomi." Dontae came over to me.

"Sir." I said keeping my eyes on my food.

"This is Ciara." He introduced the girl with him.

"Hello." I said to her to be nice.

"You must be the new boyfriend. She brings a new one every year." He laughed to be petty and extended his hand to Jayson.

"Well that joke was corny, but don't worry. You won't meet anymore so you can get used to seeing my face." Jayson looked him up and down then went back to his food.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was Deuce. I stood up and tapped Jayson to follow me after we excused ourselves. I answered while we walked upstairs.

"Leave that door open Naomi." My dad called out. We both snickered since it's too late for that.

"Hi buddy." I said when Deuce's face came into view.

"Hi shortie. What are you doing?" He sounded stuffy and his little nose was red.

"Nothing much. We were waiting on your call."

"Hey fat boy. I miss you." Jayson came into view.

"I miss you too daddy. When do you come back?"

"The day after tomorrow."


"How are you feeling?"


"Get some rest baby. Did you eat?" I asked him.

"My mommy is making soup."

"Ou that sounds yummy. Then you're going to go to sleep and feel so much better. That way when we get back, you and I can play."

"All day?"

"All day but you have to get better first."

"Okay." He yawned. "Goodnight shortie. Love you."

"Love you too buddy."

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too baby. Get some rest and you can call me when you wake up."

"Okay. Bye." He waved and then we hung up.

I put my phone down and laid back on my bed. I looked over at Jayson because he was so quiet. "What?" I asked since he was staring at me.

"You sure you don't want to try for a baby right now?" He bit his bottom lip. I stood up and walked out while laughing. "So is that a no? A maybe?"


Well what did we think? Decent. Any thoughts on anything?

I was going to jump straight into the move in but this idea came about so I executed it real quick. Hope you liked it.

Next chapter I'll move them in for real this time. Because I'm ready for a wedding and little Journey, no lie.

Thanks for reading and until next chapter 💚

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