𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐖𝐢𝐧�...

By DWeber02

93.1K 2.7K 1.1K

"𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐊𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞." Brothers of Winchesters, Sam and Dean, got a voicemail from their father... More

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈𝐈
𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮


293 15 11
By DWeber02

After the quiet in the station, every person in the building was preparing their weapons together. The demons that surrounded around the building, possessed people. They're keeping a close eye on the people in the building in case they would begin a war on them.

The black bag sat on the table, unzipped with blades and knives. Bronze hands sorted through the holy knives. Unpacking the holsters for the thighs, and wrists. Karina Leone was flipping the blades upon her hands.

She grabbed the additional blades for the holster, and she unzipped the fold of the bag. She set the blades down on the table. She reached her hand to the fold, revealing the bottle of holy water. She had begun the process of making the blades to be blessed.

Her eyes were set as she opened the cap of the bottle. She recited Latin as she held the bottle. She sprinkled the water on the blades for the continuity of Latin. Sam walked into the room, seeing Karina looking down at the blades. He was unfamiliar with the recitation while she spoke.

At last, Karina slid her blades into her thigh holsters. She looked up at Sam who was standing in the doorway, he walked to her to inform her. "The place is surrounded."

Karina scoffed, "No kidding."

Sam chuckled as he was holding the gun in his hand. He looked down at the blades on the table, and Karina grabbed another two more. She put them on another thigh holster. "I'm unfamiliar with what you just recited... What was that for the blessed knives?"

"Yeah. I baptize them with holy water. They can't hurt the person that was possessing them, but the demon though? Stinged them like a living hell. After the demons' exorcism, the knives can come off the people, showing no wounds. My mother taught me that."

Sam looked down at Karina confused, she read his mind. She explained, "She wrote a journal about it. She was the hunter before me. She just came up with an idea of not hurting anyone but the demons."

Sam shook his head in amazement at hearing the story. He asked, "You write journals?"

"Sam Winchester, have you heard of privacy?" Sam chuckled as he looked into her eyes. "I did once. I barely wrote it. The last one was about my past, I hardly read it. Filled with nightmares."


"There's nothing to be sorry about... You can't control the past or the future." Sam stared at Karina, thinking about the secret he had been keeping from her and Dean. Karina looked at Sam in concern. She put her hand on his arm softly, "Hey... what's wrong?"

Sam partied his mouth, eyes filled with remorse. "Karina..." Distant window glass crashed.

Everyone followed the sound in the room, weapons held high. Victor pointed his rifle at the intruder, "How do we kill her?"

Sam put the hand on the rifle, lowering it down, "We don't."

"She's here to help us."

Amici inferred, "Are you kidding?"

The intruder was Ruby, covered with glass and with blood scratches on her face. She panted heavily, looking at them all. Sam walked to her while Karina quietly glared at Ruby. Dean looked at Karina's face, knowing she was willing to kill her. After he told the secret to her...

Karina held the knives in her hand tightly until the grip became white. Ruby looked at Sam, "Are you gonna let me out?"

Karina growled angrily at the way Ruby used the tone on Sam. She slightly raised her left hand with a knife, Dean caught her arm. He whispered her name, warning her to stop. "Kay..." Karina's eyes were still on Ruby, glaring deathly at her.

Sam lowered down to the Devil's Trap with the blade. He broke the line of the trap. He stood up, looking at Ruby. "And they say chivalry is dead." She looked at the audience in the room, "Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here."

Ruby walked out of the room, passing on Karina's glaring. Karina didn't take her eyes off Ruby, watching her every move as she followed her. Dean shut his eyes, shaking his head. Now he had to watch Karina on every move before she killed her in a brutal and gruesome way.

Everyone was in the main room, looking at Ruby. When Dean walked into the room, he asked Ruby. "How many are out there?"

She sat on the desk, answering "30 at least. That's so far."

"Oh, good. 30. 30 hit men all gunning for us."

Karina crossed her arms, glancing down at Ruby. She was standing beside Dean, hiding her knives from Ruby. She asked, "Who sent them? I'm assuming you did, bitch."

Ruby looked at Sam who entered the room after fixing the salt line. He was standing in the doorway. "You didn't tell them?" Dean and Karina looked at Sam confused while Sam was caught up in a secret. Ruby commented on their exchange, "Oh. I'm surprised."

Karina asked, "Tell us what?"

"There's a big new up-and-comer. Real pied piper."

Dean asked, "Who is he?"

Ruby faced Dean, "Not he. Her. Her name is Lilith."


"And she really, really wants Sam's intestines on a stick. 'Cause she sees him as a competition."

Dean and Karina moved their faces at Sam. Worried and angry. Filling up every emotion from Sam's big secret from them. Karina asked Sam angrily, "You knew about this?!"

Sam went quiet from Karina's question. Dean yelled at Sam, motioning between him and Karina. "Well, gee, Sam, is there anything else we should know!!"

Sam put his face away from them. Dean and Karina looked after Sam in rage. Ruby scoffed, looking at them. "How about the three of you talk about this later? We'll need the Colt."

Huntress and the Winchester went silent while Ruby looked at each of them. Dean sat down in silence while Karina looked down at her feet. Sam looked at Ruby and said, "It got stolen."

"I'm sorry I must have blood in my ear. I thought I just heard you say that you were stupid enough to let the Colt get grabbed out of your thick, clumsy idiotic hands." Dean and Karina exchanged looks at Sam for the last line. Ruby stood up, furious, walking toward the window behind her. "Fantastic. This is just peachy..."


"Shut up." Ruby raised her hand to silence him. For the moment, she was thinking of another plan in mind. She turned to them, "Fine. Since I don't see that there's no other any option. There's one other way I know how to get you out of here alive."

Dean asked, "What's that?"

"I know a spell. It'll vaporize every demon in a one-mile radius-- myself included. So, you let the Colt out of your sight and now I have to die. So next time, be more careful. How's that for a dying wish?"

Karina looked around the room, scanning everyone's faces. She looked at Ruby who was sitting on a desk again, "I don't think anyone has any objections for you to dying so stop your whining and get over it. What do we need to do?"

"Awe... you can't do anything. This spell is very specific. It calls for a person of virtue."

Dean nodded, and got up from the seat, "I got virtue."

Ruby chuckled, "Nice try. You're not a virgin."

Dean laughed, sharing a look with Karina. "Nobody's a virgin." Ruby raised her eyebrows, looking at Dean. Everyone looked around the room until one person looked away in guilt, Nancy. "No... No way... You're kidding me. You're..."

"What? It's a choice, okay?"

Dean stumbled over his words, "So, you-you never... Not even once? I mean not even..." Karina looked at Dean with squinted eyes. He looked down in amazement, "Wow."

Nancy faced Ruby with a pleasing smile, "So, this spell... What can I do?"

Ruby walked closer to Nancy, "You can hold still... while I cut your heart out of your chest."


Karina yelled, "Are you insane?"

Ruby spoke up, "I'm offering a solution."

"You're offering to murder somebody."

"Please you're not exactly an innocent one, Huntress. And what do you think's gonna happen to this girl when the demons get in?"

Victor inferred, "We're gonna protect her. That's what."

"Excuse me."

"Very noble. You're all gonna die. Look, this is the only way."

Dean shouted, "Yeah, yeah. There's no way that you're gonna--"

Nancy shouted out, "Would everybody please shut up?!" Everyone in the room was quiet, looking at Nancy. "All the people out there... will it save them?"

"It'll blow the demons out of their bodies. So if their bodies are okay... yeah."

The moment echoed with silent thoughts from Nancy, she nodded understandably. She began to make a choice of bravery. "I'll do it." Dean and Victor were trying to talk her out of it, she continued. "All my friends are out there."

"We don't sacrifice people. We do that, we're no better than them." Dean looked at Victor who spoke up after his talk with Dean in the office. He finally understood the life of the trio.

"We don't have a choice," said Ruby.

Karina turned her face to Ruby, "Ruby, your choice is not a choice."

Ruby ignored Karina's words, looking at Sam. "Sam, you know I'm right."

Sam was silent, looking between Ruby and Karina. Karina's face was waiting for Sam to agree to the nonsense. Clearly, he has hesitated ever since Ruby got into him. Karina shook her head, eyes widening on Sam. "Sam." Sam looked at Karina, using silent words. "Tell her, Sam."

Nancy spoke up, "It's my decision."

"Damn straight, cherry pie."

"Stop! Stop! Nobody kills any virgins!" Dean yelled in the room after seeing an exchange between Sam and Karina. He was madder than hell to see the disagreement between them. He looked at Sam and then at Karina. "Guys, I need to talk to you."

Dean passed Sam by walking down the hallways. Karina took the last glare on Ruby, and eyes away from her as she walked by. Hearing Sam's sigh behind her. When Dean stopped in the middle of the hallway to discuss the plan.

Karina turned her back and pushed Sam hard. "What the hell are you thinking!?! Are you stupid enough to follow that bitch to kill an innocent human being? By cutting out her heart?"

"And we're also talking about 30 people out there, Karina-- innocent people who are all gonna die, along with everyone in here."

"Doesn't mean we need to throw away the rule book and stop acting like humans, Sam!!"

Dean looked between them, "Guys! Guys! Stop it!" Dean looked at Sam, "Sam, I agree with Kay. I'm not gonna let that demon kill some nice, sweet, innocent girl who hasn't been laid.'

"I mean, look, if that's how you win wars, then I don't want to win."

"Then what? What do we do, Dean?" asked Sam.

Dean thought for a moment. He looked back at the exit, considering a plan in his mind. He returned his face to Sam and Karina. "I got a plan. I'm not saying it's a good one. I'm not even saying that it'll work. But it sure as hell beats killing a virgin."

Karina asked, "What is the plan?"

"Open the doors, let them all in and we fight."

Sam and Karina looked at Dean, blank with multiple thoughts in their heads. She shook her head slightly, "You're a crazy son of a bitch, you know that right?" Dean opened his mouth slowly, shrugging his shoulders. She shook her head and then lasted a smirk, "I'm in." He smirked.


When Sam finished the equipment in the other room, he walked to Dean and Karina in the main room. Dean looked at his brother and asked, "Get the equipment to work?"



"So this is insane."

Ruby looked up at Sam, "You win Understatement of the Year."

Karina rolled her eyes, leaning against the desk behind Dean. Arms crossed. Dean looked back at Ruby, "Look, I get it, you think--"

"I don't think-- I know. It's not gonna work." Ruby stood up, passing Sam and Dean to leave. "So long, boys. Huntress."

Sam stepped closer to ask, "So, you're just gonna leave?"

"Hey. I was gonna kill myself to help you win. I'm not gonna stand here and watch you lose." Ruby walked closer to Sam from a distance, standing near Karina's space. "And I'm disappointed because I tried. I really did, but clearly, I bet on the wrong horse."

Karina scoffed, "You're such a lying bitch..."

"Same brand, Huntress. You have lies and secrets that you can't bring up because you can't face the truth. That truth is one of hell scarier than anything."

Karina shook her head, looking out in the distance, listening to Ruby's words. Sam was listening to her words, looking at Karina. "You know the reason why we respect you in Hell, Karina? Because you are one of us. Manipulative, dangerous, murderous, and the nasty figure we have had for centuries. You're a nightmare that everyone should be scared of, including the Winchesters."

Karina faced Ruby, glaring at her. "Shut up."

"Sam and Dean, she's not what you guys think. She killed innocents more than anyone. Even more than infamous serial killers. You know why? She's good at hiding evidence, does she?"

Karina walked up to her, "Shut your mouth."

"Classic massacre to all mankind. Babies, children, men, women, and families. Drinking the babies' blood for kicks. Unstoppable terrors that can keep you up at night. Screams in every town in the states. So many burdens and tears across the country. Prowling in the darkness."

Karina walked up to Ruby, face to face. She snarled in every word with fiery eyes. "You know nothing about me, you bitch. You're trying to doubt boys about me mostly Sam. You're done. Absolutely done. If I see you with my very eyes or hear your name in the whisper of wind again, I will kill you. Stabbing in your heart deeply inside out even if it is the last thing I do..."

Karina Leone and Ruby didn't blink their eyes off each other. The eyes of Karina were burning fire to see the spark of darkness in her. Ruby chuckled and smiled softly, "There she is..."

"Get out."

"With pleasure."

Ruby exited the room with the help of cutting the line of the Devil's Trap at the front entrance. Karina had her eyes on Ruby until she exited the building. She gave a deep exhale before turning to Sam and Dean. They both glanced at Karina with concern, they finally read Karina as their partner still. Karina looked down before looking back at them "Let's do this."

Everyone was in different positions in the station. Dean Winchester was armed up with a shotgun at one entrance, Victor Henriksen with another along with the shotgun, Sam Winchester stood with the shotgun, looking down at the salt line, and lastly Karina Leone with her holsters and her blessed knives and blades all suited up in the center of the main room.

Dean yelled out, "All set?!?"

Sam yelled, "Yeah!"

"Ready!" yelled Victor.

"Let's do this!!" yelled Dean.

Every person upon the entrance started breaking the connection between the Devil's Trap and the salt lines. Sam walked to Karina at the center with her knives, standing beside her. Cocking up the salt bullet, flipping the throwing knives in the hands. Eye at the wide-open entrance.

Sam asked his eyes on the entrance, "Ready for this?"

Karina answered as she took her eyes at the front, "Hell yeah."

Upon that moment, a demon came running toward the entrance. Sam took the first shot at the demon. Karina heard the screaming approaching in her right ear, she turned to it. Throwing the knife in the shoulder, it screamed in terror. She turned her back, seeing two demons coming to her. She flipped up high to them, throwing two knives at each of them from wrist holsters.

Sam was tackled by the surprising demon beside him. He got up, hitting the butt of the shotgun upon the jaw. He looked at Karina to check on her. Her two arms were busy pulling from her, she kicked at one demon's leg, and it bent down. Then she kicked the demon's chest, and it fell over the desk. She grabbed the blade from her left thigh, then stabbed it into the demon's chest.

It screamed.

Sam was pulled back by another demon on his back. The demon was coming to him then it got stabbed in its back. He pushed the arms around him, then hit the demon in the face again. Karina was throwing knives at every demon surrounding her and Sam.

She backed up until she felt the back of Sam. Sam was shooting at every demon in the room with his eyes. Sam kicked the demon away from him and then shot at it. He turned, seeing the demon running at Karina without knowing. He warned her, "KARINA, DOWN!"

She ducked and over her, he shot the demon. He cocked another bullet as Karina threw another knife at the demon behind Sam's back. She looked around, seeing the surrounding demons coming after them. She yelled out, "Sam, give me your hand!"

Without hesitation, he grabbed her right hand reaching toward him. She held it tighter as she turned to him, making to push herself to spin around. Her left hand supported Sam's shoulder, kicking three demons' jaws with her heel. From her right wrist, a knife threw at another demon.

Sam's eyes widened from Karina's action and exclaimed, "Whoa."

"You're welcome." The more demons came after them, she looked at him. "It's time?"

"It's time." Sam and Karina grabbed their bottles of holy water inside their jackets.

They both began throwing the holy water on them, it all rose of smoke and screamings all over the place. Dean arrived at the main room, flinging the holy water on the demons. Holy water was with them until they were all out. Demons were glaring at the trio with their black eyes. Panting heavily and drowning in holy water.

All eyes were on them until one red-headed demon stood up. It jumped down from the desk, walking closely to Sam and Karina, its eyes were on the trio together. It stretched out the left arm, sending Sam, Karina, and Dean flying against the wall. They were pinned on their backs in pain.

Huntress and the Winchesters looked at each other until Dean screamed out, "Henriksen, now!!"

Suddenly, the speakers around the station echoed Sam's voice of exorcism. Demons looked up at speakers, hearing the exorcism carving into their ears. They were screaming, bodies fledgling, feeling the burning smoke ignited in their bodies. They came running toward the doors, they were trapped, screaming. Thanks to Nancy and Officer Amici salted at every entrance.

Demons were pounding at the doors, echoing the screams along with recitation from the loudspeakers. Heads were shaking then the black smoke from every person came out. Demons were screaming out the burning black pain. The black smoke was forming a circle in the shape of a hurricane. Purple lightning streaks repeatedly lit up, bodies collapsed on the floor.

The eyes of Sam, Karina, and Dean saw the view in front of them. Listening to the last line in exorcism. "Audi nos!" Hurricanes flared a flaming fire, heads turned away from the flames. Becoming an explosion of light on the ceiling. Everything went still and quiet.

Huntress and the Winchesters slid down from the wall onto the floor. Panting heavily at what they all experience. They all looked at each other, lifting themselves in groaning pain. Victor walked into the room, looking at them. Chuckling as he wiped the blood off his lips, Dean shrugged.

The blessed knives echoed the clinkings down on the floor. Sam and Dean shared an impressive look at Karina by her weapons' power. The bodies were unharmed by Karina's knives. The lights in the station lit up as the people began to wake from the floor. Groaning in confusion.

The mission is accomplished.

Huntress and the Winchesters stood in front of Victor, getting their stuff together in their bags. Victor informed them all, "I better call in. Hell of a story I won't be telling."

"So, what are you going to tell them?"

"The least ridiculous lie I can come up with within the next five minutes."

Dean commented, "Good luck with that."

Karina looked at Victor with curious eyes, "Please tell us what are you planning to do before we start to worry?"

"I'm gonna kill you." They all looked at each other and nodded understandably before Victor continued. "Sam and Dean Winchester, and Karina Brian were in the chopper when it caught on fire. Nothing left. Can't even identify them with dental records. Rest in peace, guys."

Their faces were filled with relief, Victor held his hand out to them. Each member of the trio shook his hand as they shared an expression of gratitude. "Now get out of here."

Finally, the trio exited the building with a sense of freedom from the FBI.

After Victor placed the call, there were two people walking into the station. There was a woman who was hand-holding the little girl dressed in a pink coat. They were walking to Nancy who was sweeping the broom in the main office. She smiled sweetly at the little girl, "Well hey there."

The little girl walked up to Nancy, "Excuse me. I'm looking for two boys and a girl. Boys are brothers and the girl is a friend to them." Victor was sitting on a desk, listening to every word. "One's really tall, one's really beautiful, and one's really cute."

Nancy laughed, "What's your name, sweetie?"

"Lilith." A little girl's eyes turned from blue to pale white. Everyone realized that the little girl was the demon. Victor came running to the girl before she held her hand up. The flaming white light comes upon them, blinding them to their death. Screaming for their pain until time ceased.


In the morning, Sam was resting on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. Dean was checking out the weapons in the bags. Karina was brushing her wavy hair upon her shoulders in the restroom.

There was a knock on the door. Sam and Dean shared a confused glance when Karina stopped brushing her hair. She walked out of the bathroom, standing in the doorway. Dean got up from the bed and walked to the door. Sam sat up on the edge of the bed, looking out the door.

The door opened, revealing Ruby walking into the room. Karina inhaled sharply, looking at the bag on Dean's bed. Viewing the blessed knives. Ruby had her arms crossed and was bitter. "Turn on the news." Sam grabbed the remote from the dresser beside him, turning on the television.

Sam, Karina, and Dean had their eyes on the television set, watching the news.

"The community is still reeling from the tragedy that happened just a few hours ago. Authorities believe a gas main ruptured, causing the massive explosion that ripped apart the police station and claimed the lives of everyone inside. Among the deceased, at least six police officers and staff, including Sheriff Melvin Dodd, Deputy Phil Amici, and secretary Nancy Fitzergald as well as three FBI agents, identified as Steven Groves, Calvin Reidy, and Victor Henriksen. Three fugitives in custody were also killed. We'll continue to follow the story here at the scene, but for now, back to you, Jim."

Ruby walked to the television set, turning it off. She was not pleased as she looked at Sam, Karina, and Dean with guilted and sympathetic looks on their faces. Especially after revealing the pictures of the people who helped and saved their lives for nothing.

Sam looked at Dean and Karina, "Must have happened right after we left."

"Considering the size of the blast..." Ruby tossed bags to Sam and Dean on their beds, she continued. "... smart money's on Lilith."

Dean pointed out the bag he was holding, "What's in these?"

"Something that'll protect you. Throw Lilith off your trail-- for the time being, at least."

"Thanks," said Sam.

"Don't thank me. Lilith killed everyone. She slaughtered your precious little virgin, plus a half a dozen other people. So, after your big speech about humanity and war, turns out your plan was the one with the body count.' Sam looked down in regrettable guilt.

"Do you know how to fight a battle? You strike fast, and you don't leave any survivors, so no one can go running to tell the boss. So, next time... we go with my plan."

Ruby turned her back, seeing Karina standing in front of her. She handed the bag to Karina, she caught it in mid-air. Karina looked down at the bag in her hands, face filled with remorse. Ruby walked by her side before saying a few words to her ear.

"Don't act all innocent, Huntress. They were victims of your choice. You knew it was coming..."

The door slammed, leaving the trio together in the room. The room was silent in despair and guilt.

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