The forbidden (Straykids maf...

بواسطة your_local_hoee_

105K 2.7K 3.2K

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ -violence -death -S/A -Drugs -Smut -etc Hey babes for those who have read my stories you kno... المزيد

Part 1.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part. 5
Part. 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 (last chapter)

Part 29

1.7K 55 126
بواسطة your_local_hoee_

Y/n POV:

"Do you have to go?" Jeongin whines holding onto my hand. "Yes I need to but we will be back shortly." I tell him standing beside his bed. I just got done cleaning his wounds and is about to leave to the doctors appointment with Lee know.

"If you need me to pick you anything up just text me." I tell him grabbing my purse off of his night stand.

"Mm, let me know what your doctor says." Jeongin tells me. I lean in kissing his forehead then going out of his room.

I walk down the hall going downstairs to see Lee know standing in the foyer in front of the door waiting for me.

"Ready?" He asks looking up from his phone I nod my head yes grabbing my coat from off of the hook by the door. We usually don't put things on their but I did because I wanted too.

It's now winter out with little snow flurries falling from the sky the cold weather burning my skin a tad bit.

(Fit check 👌🏻)

"We can take my car." Lee know says I don't deny his offer since I am not feeling so well this morning.

We both go and walk to the garage door walking into the massive garage a few cars missing. "Who's gone?" I ask him as we both get into his black sports car.

"Most of the guys went on missions today." He tells me starting the car. I buckle up as he pulls out of the garage driving out of the drive way.

We drive a mile until we reach the gates that the guards open letting us out. We go onto an empty main road driving for about twenty minutes until we reach the city.

I hear my stomach grumble suddenly feeling hungry. "I want McDonald's." I tell Lee know he looks at me his face scrunched. "McDonalds?" He asks looking disgusted.

"Yes bitch McfuckingDonalds just because we have money doesn't mean we are too good for McDonald's" I tell him slightly offended he judged my favorite place to eat like that.

"What is your favorite food or restaurant I will take you to get something better." He says focusing on the road.

"McDonald's is my favorite" I tell him very persistent with the fact I just want McDonald's.

"Okay...we will get McDonald's." He says chuckling.

I can't help but smile and clap my hands excited to eat.

A few minutes go by until lee know and I spot a McDonald's. "The line is so long..." he tells me. "Let's just go in." I say shrugging my shoulders. "We have thirty minutes until my appointment that's enough time."

He parks the car turning it off both of us getting out of the car.

We go into the McDonalds and there are a whole bunch of kids running around the playground inside. I see some people staring at Lee know and I and wonder what the problem is.

"The fuck are they looking at?" I mumble crossing my arms. "Hello what can I get you today?" The lady asks looking between lee know and I.

Lee know looks at me wanting me to go first. "A number three with a tea please." I tell her she outing in the welder then looking at lee know. "I will have the same thing." Lee know tells her.

The girl finishes putting the rest of our order then tells us to weight one moment.

After a few minutes of waiting she comes back with one big bag with our food in it and teas. Lee know pays for the food and we both leave going back to the car. We get in and he starts the car but doesn't go anywhere opening the bags.

We quickly scarf our food down and drinking our drinks then cleaning up the trash.

He runs back inside to throw everything away then coming back. I feel my phone vibrate I pull it out to see Chan calling me.

"Hey." I say into the phone it being on speaker.

"Hey tonight we have a business dinner to go to you need to be ready by seven thirty and I will be in the car outside waiting for you." He tells me through the phone.

"Am I the only one going?" I ask him.

"No you and lee know will be attending with me I'm assuming I'm on speaker so I don't need you to relay anything." Chan says I can hear him typing on his computer from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah." Lee know says to him.

"Okay we we just arrived so we need to go." I tell Chan.

"Okay let me know what they say love you." He tells me. "Love you too." I say then hanging up.

Lee know and I both get out of the car walking into a hospital. We go inside walking to the front desk.

"Your name and date of birth." The lady says typing into the computer. I give her my information then the both of us taking a seat. We sit in the waiting room Lee know playing on his phone as I sit and try to hold down my concerns.

The waiting room is pretty quiet there only being three other people.

"Bang, y/n" I hear a nurse call.

Lee know and I both stand up heading towards the nurse following her into a patients room.

~three hours later~

3rd person POV:

Lee know and y/n are finished with her doctors appointment on their way home. The car ride is quiet no one saying a word not even music playing in the background.

"Do you want to talk about" lee know starts to say but y/n interrupts him with a hard no.

"I do not." She tells him softly looking out of the window her eyes pooling with tears. Lee know can see from his peripheral vision y/n wiping her tears.

About an hour of driving in the silence until they arrive back at the mansion everyone but Chan is there.

Y/n and lee know walk into the house from the garage. Lee know hangs his keys on the key holder before going inside following behind y/n. The both of them walk down the hall leading them into the foyer.

"Your back, how'd it go?" Hyunjin says walking down the stairs with Jeongin and Jisung. "Fine." Y/n says trying to get passed the three of them. Jeongin holds his arms out wrapping them around her kissing her forehead but instead of giving back the effectiveness she stands their leaving once he lets go.

She slips past them walking upstairs to her bedroom closing and locking the door behind her. "What happened?" Jeongin asks sounding concerned.

"She's just tired.." Lee know lies to the three of them who nod their head understanding what they think he's saying is true.

~Four hours later~

It's now six in the afternoon and it's starting to get dark out. Y/n sits curled up on the beach sitting in the sand with her knees to her chest as her long dark hair falls over her shoulders covering her like a blanket.

She stares out into the ocean watching the beautiful pink, orange, blue and purple sky. The wind blowing her hair lightly as she listens to the ocean waves crash against each other and the seagulls squeal.

She lets out a sigh feeling overwhelmed by emotions but unable to cry anymore. She heard a ding from her phone picking it up it's a text from chan.

Chan❣️: dress in something nice and formal make sure your ready to leave in forty five minutes be home soon.

"Shit!" She curses herself completely forgetting about the business dinner she gets up quickly brushing herself off running up to the house.

She opens the sliding door going into the house tracking a bit of sand with her. She's not to worried about it though knowing the maids will clean it up and they won't mind because she normally doesn't leave mess. She runs through the house going upstairs to her bedroom closing it behind her.

"You've been avoiding me." Jeongin says sitting on y/n's bed. Y/n doesn't looks his way instead going down into her closet. "I haven't been avoiding you." She calls out to him.

"You've barely said anything to me since you've been home did you and Lee know get into an argument did I make you upset?" He asks following her into the closet as she searches for a dress to wear.

"No." She tells him finally coming across a nice black sleek dress.

She walks past him going out of her closet back into her bedroom taking her cloths off. "Then what is it? What's wrong?" He asks her genuinely concerned.

"Nothing is wrong Jeongin I'm fine." She breaths out. "Bullshit you won't even look me in the eyes." He says now a bit aggravated. "Did something happen with you and lee know?" He asks y/n shoots her head up at him furrowing her eyebrows. "What!? No." She says completely offended.

"Why would you even say that?" She asks him now looking at him. "Do you really think I'd do something like that!?" Now tears appearing in her eyes.

"Babe." Jeongin says trying to calm her down. "No don't babe me Jeongin I can't believe you'd think I'd fuck Lee know or anyone else for that matter." She tells him turning around to go to her bathroom.

Jeongin grabs her hand stopping her turning her around. "I'm sorry. I...I don't know what I said that. But please don't shut me out y/n tell me what's wrong and I'm here for you." He says y/n looks at him wanting to tell him so bad but can't get the words out.

*knock knock*

Y/n moves her attention from him to at the door then back at Jeongin. Y/n walks past him going to the door opening it. "Is Jeongin in here we need to leave in five minutes.." Hyunjin says with changbin and seungmin standing next to him.

He looks at her and notices her eyes that are red and swollen from crying. Y/n opens the door more making Jeongin visible then walking to her bathroom with her dress closing the door behind her leaving the guys in her room.

Changbin, Seungmin and Hyunjin easily realize the two were fighting and it was a bad time. "I...uh..." Hyunjin begins to say trying to apologize for the interruption.

Jeongin walks to the three all of them leaving closing the door behind them.

"What's wrong with y/n?" Seungmin asks Jeongin as they walk down the hall into the weaponry room downstairs. "I don't know." Jeongin tells them. "What do you mean you don't know clearly you two were arguing." Changbin says grabbing a gun off the wall.

"We weren't even really arguing to begin with and...but then we were...I don't know I'm so confused." He says loading a handgun.

"Well do you know what started it?" Hyunjin asks Jeongin. "I just asked what was wrong with her, you've all seen how distant she's been since she got home and she didn't leave like that. So I asked if her and lee know got into an argument and she said no. So then I made the mistake of asking if anything happened between them." Jeongin tells them his voice sounding more guilty. "Broooo what the fuck that's where you fucked up." Changbin says shaking his head.

"Y/n is a good girl. She's crazy...but she's good I don't think she'd do something like that." Sungkin says shaking his head.

"True and same goes for lee know I mean he may have a thing for her but he wouldn't just." Hyunjin says suddenly stoping covering his mouth gasping at what information he let out.

"He what?" Jeongin asks sounding a bit angry and jealous. "I meant...what I meant was..well..." Hyunjin says loud nervously trying to cover it up.

"Just forget can't go back after that." Seungmin says sighing loading his second gun.

"Please don't say anything please please please." Hyunjin begs getting on his knees to Jeongin. "I don't want him to put me in the air fryer please." Hyunjin says crying begging.

"Get off the floor I'm not saying anything." Jeongin says looking at him disgusted. Hyunjin looks up at him with huge eyes "really!?" Everyone in the room asks.

"Yes really. Y/n is with me. She doesn't like lee know like that and she doesn't know he likes her so there is nothing to worry about. I know at the end of the day...y/n will choose me." Jeongin says. "Wow...your really growing up. Our little maknae is all grown" changbin says fake crying.

"Let's just go Jisung is probably in the car waiting for us.." Jeongin says annoyed.

They all go out of the weaponry room but Jeongin is still wondering in the back of his mind. Did something happen between them? Did he confess and it made y/n like that? Does she have the same feeling that he has?

Y/n POV:

I finished getting dressed my hair and make up is complete along with my jewelry. I grab my purse matching with the dress and putting on my heels. I look in the mirror checking once more to make sure I look just fine.

I know Chan does not want me wearing something to showy....but oh well.

I go out of my room closing the door behind me Lee know comes out of his room at the same time wearing a suit.

" look beautiful." Lee know tells me. I give him a small bow bowing to him thanking him. "And you look well yourself." I tell him he gives me a smile bowing as well.

"We should get going now." I tell him we both walk downstairs going out of the front door. The driver opens the door for us me sliding in the limo and then lee know getting in after.

Chan is sitting on the seat drinking a glass of wine on his computer. "Wine?" Chan asks me. "Please" I say happily. I feel lee knows eyes stab into my soul I look at him and quickly remember.

" stomach is upset to much greasy food." I tell him waving off the wine laughing.

"What did you eat?" Chan asks. "McDonald's lee know and I got before my appointment." I tell him. He looks up at me disgusted. "Listen I don't want to hear it. Just because we are rich doesn't mean we are too good for some McDonald's so stop being so judgmental." I scold him crossing my arms.

Chan chuckles sipping his wine. "How did it go by the way? Your doctors appointment?" He asks me. "Good." I tell him crossing my legs adjusting my hair. By this time the car has already left the SKZ mansion and are on our way to dinner.

"What did they say?" He asks now wanting more information. Before I can say anything Lee know answers for me. "Lactose intolerant." He says drinking what was offered to be my wine.

"My poor baby sister." Chan says wiping his fake tears.

"So who are we having diner with?" I ask Chan. "GOT7 they wanted to take everyone to dinner but the others have missions and this will be the only available night that I have for a while so I brought you. And they don't mind because you are the reason they want this dinner." Chan explains my eyebrows furrowing together "me?" I ask he nods his head yes.

"What about me?" I ask him. "I don't know they said it was business so I'm assuming a complementary for how you ran things." He tells me shrugging his shoulders.

The rest of the ride remains quiet Chan typing on his computer and lee know making phone calls for Chan and writing down notes as I look out the window getting wrapped in my own thoughts.

Before I know it we end up at the restaurant the driver opening the car doors. First of our lee know then me and following behind us Chan.

We walk into a huge fancy high end restaurant I can smell the rich stake and wines making me feel nauseous. "I'd rather be at McDonald's." I say crossing my arms looking around. Chan gives me a disapproving look shaking his head.

Lee know cracks a small smile trying not to laugh not wanting to look at me. "What it's true." I whisper to him shrugging my shoulders he looks down trying to keep himself together slightly shaking his head no.

Once Chan confirms our reservations the lady walks us to a table with all of GOT7 already sitting down with glasses of wine.

They greet us standing up giving us a bow as we do the same in return. "Hello" we wall sat sitting in our seats. "So glad you could make it." Jinyoung says to us giving a charming smile. "Happy you invited us." I tell him giving him a smile. "Wine for the lady." Yugyeom tells the waitress Politely.

"Water actually...please." I tell her. She gives me a smile nodding her head then taking Chan's and lee knows order on what they want to drink.

"Wine isn't for you anymore?" Jay B asks me. "Ah I need to drink more water I am trying me best to stay young looking for about fifty more years." I joke. He lets out a small chuckle sitting back looking at me sipping his wine.

"So Chan how have you been feeling?" Jackson asks. "Good my sister wouldn't let me do anything and today was the first day I've been out and away from her." He laughs. I smile as everyone looks between the two of us laughing. "Well your lucky you have such a good sister to take care of you." Mark says holding up his glass giving me a cheers.

I raise my glass of water as we cheer without clinking due to us being on other ends of the large table. "Mm speaking of. Y/n you did a very very good job managing everything without Chan I was truly impressed." Jackson says complementing me.

"Thank you." I tell him smiling. "I mean we knew you are an extremely good fighter. But never would have imagined how good at leadership you are since you can be an impulsive hothead." Bambam says sounding as if he's joking laughing slightly.

The fuck did he just say?

"I wouldn't say impulsive and hothead are the correct terms. She knows what shes doing and how if effects things the only difference is she doesn't care." Lee know says backing me up.

I raise my water clinking it with his wine the both of us taking a sip.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't speak about my sister in that way." Chan says calmly sipping his wine. The waitress comes back with what I couldn't imagine being more perfect timing.

"Are you ready to order or do you all need some more time?" She asks. "I think we are ready." Jackson tells her smiling. Everyone goes around the table ordering their food once the waitress has everything she goes away to the kitchen.

Everyone is chatting and catching up as I sit here listening to everyone interact with one another a few questions being thrown my way.

The setting is dark not to wear you can't see but the lighting is for sure dim with fancy music playing in the background with such a stuck up atmosphere. I swear McDonald's would have been better than this..

Our food starts coming out as waitresses and waiters come out putting plates on the table. I can feel myself staring to feel more sick from the strong smell of the food.

"If you will excuse me I need to use the restroom." I say getting up pushing my chair back in. I grab my purse rushing to the restroom. Once I get close I start running swinging the door open running into whatever stall.

Lucky for me the bathroom is empty. I bend over quickly grabbing my hair holding it behind me as I puke into the toilet.

Two minutes of me puking go by until I finally feel ready to go back out. I clean my mouth reapplying make up and fixing my hair making sure that I look presentable.

I go back out to the table sitting back down. "Are you okay?" Lee know asks quietly to which I just nod my head.

I take small bites of my soup not wanting to upset my stomach again. I ordered soup because I know it will be light on my stomach so it shouldn't be too much of a problem and it isn't fishy so that won't upset it either.

Everyone pretty much quickly Finnishes their food now talking on drinks it being hopefully almost time to fucking leave we've been here for three hours and I'm so tired.

"So I have a proposal." Jackson says catching Chan, Lee know and I's immediate attention. "A proposal?" Chan asks sitting back. Chan looks over at lee know who pulls out his notebook and a pen.

Where did he even get that?

But anywho if it comes to business Chan always has lee know write everything down.

"A business proposal...and a personal one." Jackson says sipping his wine.

"I'm asking for y/n's hand in marriage."

3rd person POV:

Y/n's eyes widen at Jackson's sudden request. Lee knows head shoots up from the notebook looking at Chan and then Jackson. Chan sits back taking a sip of his wine acting as if he isn't phased by the request.

"I'm listening." Chan tells him asking him to proceed forward.

~two hours later~

Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Jisung, changbin and Felix are all in kitchen cleaning up after making their meal since the maids have a night off. "When do you think they will be home?" Felix asks any of the guys taking a seat on the bar stool now all finished up.

"I don't know I haven't heard from any of them since they got to the restaurant." Jisung says sitting by Felix. "I will call Chan." Hyunjin says pulling his phone out.

"Do you guys here that?" Changbin asks hearing faint yelling in the distance. They all walk out of the kitchen following the yelling. Before reaching the foyer the front door swings open y/n storming inside with makeup streaming down her face.

Sobs wracking her body her breathing unstable before anyone can ask what's going on Lee know and Chan come in from the front door. "Y/n" Chan begins to say as she storms upstairs she turns around looking at him only on the fifth stair.

"Don't y/n me. What the fuck Chan!?" She shouts at him taking her heels off. "IT ISNT YOUR FUCKING CHOICE. YOUR LIFE IS NOT MINE I FUCKING HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU." She screams crying.

Jeongin rushes over to her trying to calm her down. Y/n chucks her heels at Chan hitting him in the face everyone taken back on the sene laying in front of them. "I FUCKING HATE YOU SO MUCH." She screams turning around going upstairs.

She rushes to her room slamming the door behind her locking it so no one could go in. She screams in frustration with tears going down her face. "I CANT FUCKING BE HERE ANYMORE." She shouts throwing her lamp it shattering.

Y/n goes and grabs the suitcase from under her bed going to her closet throwing random cloths into her suitcase not really paying attention to what matches and what doesn't.

Y/n takes her phone out dialing in Yeji's number.

"Hello?" Yeji says through the phone half asleep. Hearing her voice y/n breaks down sobbing Yeji now fully awake. "Y/n what's wrong?" She asks. "I can't be here anymore Yeji I can't." She sobs "I need to leave." Y/n cries.

"Okay it's okay just calm down I'm on my way to pick you up I will be there soon." Yeji tells her. "Do you need me to stay on the phone with you?" She asks y/n.

"Please" y/n says crying.

An hour goes by Yeji finally at y/n's house. "I'm here babe I'll help you get your things." She says hanging up the phone. A few minutes go by until a knock was heard at her door. Y/n goes over to the door opening it Yeji coming in immediately pulling her in for a hug.

Y/n sobs as Yeji holds her in her arms. "Can we please leave." She asks crying. "Of course lets go." Yeji tells her. All of the guys are in the foyer because of Yeji ringing the doorbell getting their attention.

Y/n walks out with a suitcase and Yeji has a duffel bag. "Where are you going." Chan asks clearly upset. Y/n doesn't say anything to him ignoring him as she walks down the stairs.

Before she touches the door knob opening it chan grabs her hand stopping her and without hesitation she uses her other hand bringing it around leaving a hard sting on his cheek.

"Don't fucking touch me.." she tells him tears pooling her eyes.

"I hate you chan." She says looking into his eyes hurting a place in his heart he's never been hurt before.

Instead of fighting chan let's her go hoping time apart will cool things off. He watched as Yeji helps her get her things into her car then driving off shortly after.


Yikes....we're you expecting that!? Bet you didn't! Or maybe you did 🤔 LMK!!! And lmk what you think about this chapter! What do you think is going to happen???

Please read...

Oh my heart hurts so bad 😔 Hiwa though I've never met you and many other stays haven't either we are all mourning. I've thought about you a lot since youve passed and each time I cry a little bit. As a STAY I know the love you have for SKZ and the love that they have for you and many other STAYS. Again, I've never met you, we don't speak the same language, and we live on opposite sides of the world, and I didn't know about you until today but my heart still hurts. The STAY community is a family even if we don't know each other or have never met each other outside of social media we all carry the love we have for Straykids like we do other STAYS. Rest In Peace Hiwa💔

So STAY even though we may not know eachother know that I love you and let's treat each other as a family because at the end of the day we are💗

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