Steven Universe AU 3 by: Samu...

By Samuel152

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The third and (most probably) final story of the Steven Universe AU series. More

Chapter 1: Gardening
Chapter 2: Wholesomeness
Chapter 3: Economics
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Tea Time
Chapter 6: The Bolted Behemoth
AU Rap Song
Chapter 7: The Wait
Songs & Moonlight Shorts
Huge Gigantacus' Birthday
Chapter 9: A Different Perspective
Chapter 10: The Pains of Nostalgia
Chapter 11: Old Scars
Chapter 12: Bad Memories
Chapter 13: Opposites
Chapter 14: Obsessions

Chapter 8: Unresolved Tension

55 3 32
By Samuel152



3rd Person P.O.V.

Sector Two:

Moonlight and Pink Diamond walked to the town. They landed too far away, and now they're traveling on foot. They can only talk to each other to pass the time. 

"It's kinda funny." Moonlight said, starting up a conversation.

Pink looked at her. "What is?"

"This whole thing." Moonlight responded. "Years ago, I was in a bubble and you were hiding away. We both impacted Steven's life greatly and now, we're together, working to put an end to another villain."

Pink stopped in her tracks. "Villain...?"

"Yeah." Moonlight said, not realizing why Pink stopped. "I know, it's cliche to use that word, but what else do we call that little midget? Enemy? Too bland." 

"You think I was a villain...?" Pink Diamond said, offended that Moonlight called her a generic term for antagonists in TV shows or movies or video games or comic books.

"Well, duh." Moonlight replied obliviously to Pink Diamond's offended tone. "I mean, I know you didn't sink your teeth in his neck, but I think he sometimes wishes you did."

Pink Diamond shoved Moonlight. "We. Are. Not. Equals."

Moonlight looked at Pink Diamond, baffled. "What's going on? I thought this was the part where we laughed because it's all behind us... right?"

"Do not call me a villain..." Pink Diamond growled. "Do not compare me to what you did to him last year!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Moonlight held her hands up. "I was just stating the obvious for a punch line I was thinking of." 

"THIS ISN'T A JOKE!" Pink Diamond yelled, her pink aura shining.

"Wait... you think you were not a villain?" Moonlight finally understood. "You definitely were."

"No I wasn't..." Pink Diamond hisses at her. "I never broke Steven's back. Or referred to him as a toy. Or left permanent scarring on his neck!"

"But you did worse...' Moonlight spoke up. 

"Worse?! WHAT'S WORSE THAN YOU?!" Pink exasperated. 

"You." Moonlight pointed at Pink. "Everything that ever happened was because of you." Moonlight towered over Pink, reminding her that she's taller than her. "You ran away from Homeworld and painted a huge target on the Earth when you started the whole 'Rose Quartz' facade. Then, you got a little boy involved in a war and you ran away, and watched as he went through what YOU should've gone through. All the while you brainwashed your pearl into never speaking out something that could've prevented all the pain and suffering until Steven had to break it for her. Countless were shattered because of your decision to hide who you really were, and all you cared about was owning a planet full of intelligent creatures. You viewed them like amusing toys. Speaking of toys, you left your friend behind like a broken toy, and she came back to take her anger out on someone YOU brought into the war. Then, he had to fight another war, and you STILL hid. Not coming out until he finished that war. At least when I was a problem, I was straightforward with what my true intentions were. Granted, I was more physical than you, but I never put Steven through what you put him through." 

Then, they heard chuckling. They looked up to see someone was watching them, eating popcorn.

"This is better than cable." Huge Gigantacus said when he swallowed his popcorn. "Nothing like two super villains talking about their past sins. Oh, please, continue. I was enjoying the show."

"What are you doing here?" Pink Diamond asked, showing slight fear in her voice because of how long he was there, listening to them argue.

"Did you really think I was going to let you take my planet?" Huge Gigantacus sneered. 

"Well, considering how you ran away like a baby when Rose hit you in the chest." Moonlight said.

Huge Gigantacus threw his popcorn at her. "I'm not letting the likes of you ruin my opportunity of the galaxy being mine!"

"Technically speaking, it belonged to the Diamonds." Pink Diamond corrected him.

"Oh, really?" Huge Gigantacus leaned forward in his floating chair. "Oh, well, I guess I should just give them back then."

"Really?" Moonlight's face beamed.

"NO, NOT REALLY!" Huge Gigantacus screamed like he was throwing a tantrum.

"Aw, does somebody need a nap?" Pink Diamond talked to him like he was a baby. 

Huge Gigantacus growled and aimed his ice ray at them. They both jumped out of the way to avoid being frozen.


Howard, Yellow and Rose went back to Homeworld after their encounter with the giant robot. They saw White Diamond holding a box that had different items in it. 

"What's in the box. White?" Yellow Diamond asked, curious to know the contents inside the box and why she was carrying it.

"It's Steven's old stuff." She answered, almost as if she's remembering the times when his only problem was the Diamond Authority. She grabbed a piece of crushed metal. "This was part of Steven's old armor. You know, the model before Moonlight destroyed it." She grabbed a blaster. "Your old toy that you gave him to combat gems." And then a watch. "And Steven's most brilliant invention, the watch."

Yellow Diamond smiled at the reminiscent. "Sometimes, I wish we were back there. We never realized how good we had it until Moonlight and Charlotte ruined everything."

"We should've shattered Moonlight." White Diamond said, feeling guilty that them not executing her is what led to Moonlight's atrocities on Steven. "We had her in a bubble and she was vulnerable." 

"We couldn't have known she would've been released in the future." Yellow Diamond attempts to cheer up White Diamond.

"It was sloppy of us to just leave her alive." White Diamond doesn't believe it as a simple accident. "Even back then, when we were enemies with Steven, that was completely foolish of us to just leave her floating around, just waiting to be released!"

"As I recall, we left her there until we could figure out how to control her." Yellow Diamond remembered the very reason why Moonlight was alive in the bubble all these years.

"And what good did that do?" White Diamond asked rhetorically. "It led to me getting shattered and Steven developing trauma." 

"Speaking of which, how was he when you went to Earth a few rotations ago?" Yellow Diamond changed the subject, knowing that if White continued to think of the past, she would start to cry. 

White Diamond seemed to be more than happy to talk about her visit with Steven. "It was very good. I'm always glad to see and talk to him."

"Anything involving Steven gets you happy, White." Howard said, smiling.

"I think she's a bit of a geek, if you ask me." Rose whispered to Howard's ear, causing him to chuckle.

Yellow looked at the watch closely, smiling at the thought she had. "I have an idea."

Sector Two:

"They say brain beats brawn... and they're correct." Huge Gigantacus said, mocking Pink Diamond and Moonlight, who are trapped in a block of ice, with only their heads poking out. 

This type of ice is made to hold down those who are psychically strong, making it impossible to break free from brute strength. They would need the ice to melt or have someone chip them free. A dozen robots were standing there idly, being ready to attack them if they broke free.

"Moonlight's right, you know." Huge Gigantacus looked at Pink Diamond. "You were a villain. Hell, I should say you still are! Think about it. All of this would never happen if you hadn't run away!"

Pink Diamond looked at the abnormal-sized conqueror. "How? How could you make such a false accusation?"

"Oh, my statement isn't falsified, Pink Diamond." Huge Gigantacus retorts. "You see, I wasn't able to do all of this with the other three Diamonds at their prime, so you running away and allowing them to grow weak over time and having Steven getting involved only accelerated their weakness further. Not to mention you consequently allowed all the other villains to have their fun with Steven while I waited for the perfect moment to strike. Spinel, the Diamonds, Jasper, Moonlight, Dominator and Charlotte. All of them were just softening you up for me! And the best part? I didn't have to pay any of them! They all were either going on their own vendetta or being paid by someone else. You ever wonder why 99% of my grunts are robots? They're relentless, fearless, obedient and I don't need to pay them."

Pink Diamond only hung her head low.

"I feel like I should thank you." Huge Gigantacus smiled. "But it'd be more fun to kill you."

"Let them go! Now!" They heard a voice say.

Moonlight was very familiar with that voice and gasped at the sight of where it came from, smiling. 

Huge Gigantacus jumped in his chair, his jaw dropping. "ST-ST-STEVEN?!"

"Who else?" He said, wearing his normal attire.

Jeans with blue sneakers. A blue star-shirt with a pink jacket on top of it. His curly hair, almost perfectly combed.

Steven's yellow eyes glistened. "I suppose I wasn't invited here?"

"What are you doing here?!" Huge Gigantacus stuttered.

"I'm here to rescue my friends." Steven said, as if it was a matter of fact.

Huge Gigantacus tried to fire his ice ray at him, but Steven leaped up to his chair and yanked him out of his chair. Huge Gigantacus screamed as he fell all the way down to the ground. Huge Gigantacus felt his heart bouncing against the metal plate on his chest, causing him to groan in agony.

Steven dropped down and placed his foot on Huge Gigantacus' back, applying slight pressure, making the little man's eyes nearly pop out of his head. Huge Gigantacus looked and felt like a dog toy to Steven. Steven smiled as he took his foot off of the little man's back and flipped him over.

Steven grabbed the little man's throat and lifted him off the ground with no effort at all. Steven's hand almost perfectly wraps around Huge Gigantacus' torso.

"I'll crush you like a grape, Gigantacus." Steven threatened. 

"N-No, please..." Huge Gigantacus choked.

"I can't hear you." Steven replied snarky. "Not so high and mighty when someone throws you off your chair." 

A robot tried attacking Steven to defend its boss, but Steven used his free-hand to back hand it, surprisingly not whining in pain or suffering bruises from his skin making hard contact with the metal soldier. 

"Please..." Huge Gigantacus begged as Steven clenched his hand slightly, tormenting the little man into thinking he'll be crushed.

Another robot tried attacking Steven, but he kicked it away with his leg. Steven could feel the metal plates on Huge Gigantacus' body, almost wondering why he has them in the first place. With Steven being distracted, Huge Gigantacus bites down on Steven's thumb, causing him to let go of the little man. 

A robot caught Huge Gigantacus and flew him back to his chair. Steven fought the rest of them off and Huge Gigantacus fled, not wanting to stick around for Steven to pull him down his chair again.

"I'm so glad to see you right now." Moonlight gushed when Steven finished.

Suddenly, a fireball was shot at the ice, making the ice melt around Pink Diamond and Moonlight. They looked and saw Rose, who morphed into Fire Rose, freed them from the ice. She morphed back into her original self.

"The way you scared him was so hot." Moonlight continued, very gleeful to see Steven back to his old self.

"About that..." Steven took his watch off his wrist and he disappeared.

"YELLOW?!" Moonlight backed up, blushing purple.

"Surprise." Yellow Diamond said, doing her best not to laugh.

"It's been you this whole time?" Pink Diamond asked.

"Yes. Did you really think Steven would bounce into action? He doesn't even know that we're in a depression, let alone who caused it." Yellow Diamond said, feeling a bit terrible that they would actually believe that Steven was actually here.  

"Kind of... you were so Steven-like." Moonlight admits, embarrassed. "I just miss him so much..."

"Well, he's coming to Homeworld today. He's finally ready to see how our society progressed." Yellow Diamond said.

Moonlight gasped. "I can't wait to--"

"You can't see him looking like that." Yellow Diamond cuts her off. 

"Huh?" Moonlight tilted her head.

"Your teeth, your nails, your uniform." Yellow Diamond pointed at Moonlight's deadly pearly whites. "Steven would cry if he saw you."

Moonlight felt her heart drop. 

Rose immediately went to Moonlight. "Don't worry, I'll help you with that."

Rose's Castle:

"How do you propose we fix me?" Moonlight asked as she walked down the hall with Rose.

Rose led Moonlight to her room. "Sit down, I'll see what I can do." 

Moonlight sat down on the chair and waited patiently for Rose to get started. 

"Alright, let's see what we can do..." Rose said, as if she was a repairman looking at a common problem. "Moonlight, please open your mouth and say, 'ah.'"

"Ah..." Moonlight opened her mouth as wide as she could, showing all of her pointy teeth, still stained in human blood. 

"Hmm... I'm no dentist, but I think your dental structure is quite interesting." Rose said, touching her teeth to feel the sharpness of them and inspecting the blood stain. "Perhaps brushing your teeth would wash it out."

"Huh?" Moonlight said, her mouth still open and showing confusion. 

"Don't worry, I'll do it for you." Rose put toothpaste on a toothbrush and began scrubbing Moonlight's teeth and gums. Rose sprayed water in Moonlight's mouth. "Don't swallow it. Now, swish it around in your mouth and spit it out."

Moonlight obeyed and spits the water out at Rose's face.

"NOT ON ME!" Rose shrieked. 

She used a spell to dry herself off. She looked at Moonlight's teeth and was dissatisfied with the results. 

"I guess blood doesn't really wash with toothpaste..." Rose sighed.

"What are you going to do?" Moonlight asked.

"I suppose we can cover up your mouth with a mask. I've bought a few to keep up with the trend back in 2020." Rose handed Moonlight a mask. "Hook those strings on your ears."

Moonlight listened.

"I guess you have to wear that at all times when Steven is around. Now, for your hair." Rose grabbed a brush and began brushing Moonlight's hair. "Gosh, your hair is so stiff."

After minutes of brushing, Rose managed to turn Moonlight's normal-looking hair. "We can style this in so many ways."

The first style Rose did was pigtails. 

"What do you think?" She asked Moonlight.

"I look like Spinel." Moonlight said, feeling a bit unoriginal. 

"Well, I can change that." Rose combed Moonlight's hair and styled it to a different look.

She tied Moonlight's hair in a bun. 

"I like it..." Moonlight said. "I look different." 

"You do?" Rose said, feeling a bit cheerful. "I always liked hair buns. Unfortunately, I don't have hair to do it to myself."  

"So I have a mask and a hair bun. Am I good enough to see Steven now?" Moonlight asked.

"Not yet. There's still one more thing for you to do." Rose said.

"What is it?" Moonlight asked, almost desperately. "I'll do anything."

"Your attire. We need to change it." Rose told her. 

"WHAT?!" Moonlight screamed, causing the little flower to flinch in response to the sudden shouting. 

"Your clothes will bring up any unpleasant memories in Steven's head and trigger flashbacks. Your uniform has the Diamond insignia on it, you still have a bit of blood on your uniform and it's a little outdated." Rose explains. 

"But..." Moonlight trailed off. "...I like my uniform..." 

"If you want to see Steven again, this is a sacrifice you must make." Rose said, putting her petal-hands on what would be her hips if she were human. 

Moonlight sighed. "I did say I'll do anything for him... Alright, let's do this."

An Hour Later:

"How do I look?" Moonlight asked.

"Look at my mirror." Rose moved out of the way. 

Moonlight saw her reflection and gasped at the sight of herself. She has a black shirt with grey around the sides and black shoulder pads. She has black sweatpants with kneepads with a moon symbol on them.

She has a small belt on her waist. Moonlight has long gloves on her arm to hide her nails. And to finalize her look, she has a black cape on her back.

[You can thank Tyra_is_day_dreaming for Moonlight's new look. I love her depiction of Moonlight so much.]

"I look like Batman..." Moonlight commented.

"Wait, hold on..." Rose reached inside a treasure chest and grabbed a Batman cowl. "Put this on!"

Moonlight took off her mask and put on the Batman cowl. 

"Come on... say it!" Rose said, gleefully. 

"I'm Batman." Moonlight said in her Batman-impression.

They both laughed like they were given laughing gas. 

"Can I just wear it instead of the mask you've given me." Moonlight asked. 

"Sadly, no. Because It will still show your teeth. You must wear the mask I've given you." Rose reminded her.  

Moonlight sighed. "Fine..." She took off the cowl and put her mask back on. 


Steven had just been led to the doors of the Palace. He was escorted by Spinel on Homeworld grounds all the way to the Palace doors.

"Where is everyone?" Steven asked, like a curious child. 

"Uh..." She said, not knowing how they could make up a white lie.

Everyone was either hiding due to the soft lockdown on the planet because of Huge Gigantacus' attack recently, or they left Homeworld due to the economic depression. 

"Everyone's taking some time off!" Spinel quickly fibbed. "Everyone has been working so hard recently that the Diamonds decided they've worked a little too hard, so everyone got the day off today!"

"That's so generous of them." Steven compliments.

"Yeah, let's get inside and see what the Diamonds have in store for you." Spinel practially pushed him to keep moving forward.

Spinel opened the door for Steven, allowing him to see the radiant lights from inside the Palace shine in his direction upon the door opening. 

"Wow..." Steven said at basking the breath-taking visuals he saw inside the Palace. "This place looks like a mansion."

"Thank you for that, Steven." He heard White Diamond say as she was at the end of the main room. 

Steven went down the very long red carpet and all the way to the Diamond's chairs. All four of them sat in their respective chairs. 

"Hello, Steven." Blue Diamond greets. 

"Hey, Steven. How have you been recently?" Yellow Diamond asked with sincerity in her voice. 

"I've been doing a lot better recently. Thank you for asking." Steven said. 

"I'm glad." Pink Diamond said. "I'm really happy to see you better." 

"I was told that you guys have an underground basement-type of thing under the Palace. May I see it?"

White Diamond was almost too quick to get off her chair. "Of course! Follow me."

White Diamond led Steven to a door where she typed a code to open it. She leads him down the stairs all the way to a large, opening area.

"Wow..." Stars appeared in Steven's eyes. "This looks like a super secret headquarters."

White Diamond smiled. "Yes, that's exactly what this place is." 

Steven looked like a little kid visiting Disney World for the first time when he explored the room. The four Diamonds smiled at his curiosity and astonishment. They could hardly believe that this was the same human responsible for bringing them down from their reign of terror.

"This place is awesome!" Steven said happily.

"We're glad you like it." Yellow Diamond grinned in pride. "It took a lot of time for us to do it by ourselves." 

"It took a lot of moving and cleaning." Blue Diamond joined in."We all pitched in and cleaned the place before we decorated it."

They heard the door open again and they all saw Rose and Moonlight walking down the stairs.

"Hey, Rose." Steven waved casually. "Who is she?"

Moonlight felt hurt when he asked that question. She changed so much of herself that Steven doesn't even recognize her. Everyone know who she was, her purple eyes gave it away.

"I-It's me, Moonlight." Moonlight said. "Rose gave me a makeover."

"Why are you wearing a mask?" Steven said, confused. "Are you scared of COVID-19?"

"Yes..." Moonlight fibbed. "I'm scared of the coronavirus."

"That's okay. I'm vaccinated and I'm sure it can't reach Homeworld." Steven said. "You can take it off."

Panicking, Moonlight stepped back. "No, no, no! I'm deathly terrified of getting sick."

Scared that he may have upset her, Steven stepped back as well. "S-Sorry! Sorry!" 

"It's okay! It's okay!" Moonlight reassured him. "I'm just nervous... I don't really like my face anyway, so I freaked out."

"Well... I really like your cape." Steven said, changing topic.

"Thanks." Moonlight enjoyed the compliment. 

"Courtesy of me." Rose said. 

"You sorta look like Batman." Steven said.

"I've said that myself when Rose showed me a mirror." Moonlight said. "I was quite astonished by my new look." 

"I like it." Steven said.

"I'm glad you do. I feared that you wouldn't." Moonlight locked her hands together behind her back. 

"It looks like you're trying to copy me." White Diamond folded her arms, jealous that Moonlight's new outfit gets more recognition than hers. 

White Diamond's attire is identical to Moonlight's, just with a different color and more-like an Egyptian goddess, while Moonlight's attire looks like a superhero one, or super villain one.

"It's definitely a good look for ya." Spinel said. "It honestly looks cool to wear. Rosy, can I have a makeover?" 

"Maybe someday." Rose replied. 

"I have to go." Steven said. 

"Aw, already?" Moonlight complained.

"Yes." He said, also disappointed that he has to leave. "I have to get home before dark, or else Phoebe gets worried. But I will try to come back tomorrow, if Dr. Maheswaran is okay with it."

"Don't come here too often, dear" Blue Diamond said. "We don't want you to exert yourself making these trips to our home."

The real reason why she said that is because she's afraid of Steven encountering Huge Gigantacus if he ever strikes at Homeworld again. 

"I will. Bye guys!" Steven waved.

The Diamonds waved goodbye. "Farewell, Steven."

"Come on, I'll walk ya home." Spinel said, holding Steven's hand as they leave.

End of Chapter 8


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