Shortie - Jayson Tatum

By DaveIsFave

269K 9.3K 5.8K

Naomi is an athletic trainer for the Charlotte Hornets. How does she juggle her busy career and love? Follow... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.
Thirty Eight.
Thirty Nine.
Forty One.
Forty Two.
Forty Three.
Forty Four.
Forty Five.
Forty Six.
Forty Seven.
Forty Eight.
Forty Nine.
Fifty One.
Fifty Two.
Fifty Three
Fifty Four.
Fifty Five.
Fifty Six.

Twenty Four.

5.5K 181 145
By DaveIsFave

Sigh...we didn't win the finals but I'm still proud of them for even making it and taking it to 6. Lots of work needed in the off season.

My bad the update wasn't as quick as I wanted. It wasn't my intention at all. My little cousins were at my house last week and chile they the sickest children I know.

No shade, they just always sick and I think they got me. They were all up in my room and whew, I'm down. Can't even lie but I'm pushing. Thankfully it ain't da covid.

Anywayyy I hope y'all are doing good. This chapter is eh. I hope you enjoy it!

Naomi's POV

"Ouuu you made lunch?" I asked Toriah as we walked towards her kitchen.

"Girl no. I ordered this." She pulled out the trays. "So Jay told me y'all thinking about moving in together."

"He wants me to."

"You don't want to?" She glanced up at me.

I shrugged. "I'm over there all the time but actually living there would be an adjustment. It's Deuce's house too. I don't want to mess up their routine you know?"

"Well you don't have to worry about that. Deuce loves you. Why? I don't know. You aight." She looked at me with a fake stank face then laughed. "So what's the real reason you indecisive?"

"Honestly?" I asked as she gave me a plate.

"Honestly." She nodded.

"You. And not in a bad way but I want to make sure you're okay with me living there while your son is too. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't have a conversation with you first."

She nodded and sat down beside me after getting everything she needed to eat. "Well first I'd like to say thank you. It's nice that you thought about my feelings in this."

"Of course."

"On the other hand, Jayson is your man. It would be silly of me not to know that one day you'd move in. I've been able to witness you with my son and I've heard him talk about you nonstop when he's with me. You and I are good because he adores you and you have an amazing spirit. I have a good judge of character and you're alright in my book."

"Aww Riah." I hugged her. "That makes me feel better. I was really worried. Deuce was chatting with me about moving in and he sounded excited about it but I still wasn't sure."

"You wanted my blessing or something?"

"I don't know if blessing is the word but I have enough respect for you to bring this new transition up to you."

"I appreciate that. Now what's up with this new glow?" She used her fork to make a circular motion toward my face.

"What glow?" I looked at her confused.


"I really don't know what you're talking about." I chuckled. "What's with your glow?"

"My man."

"I know that's right. How long y'all been together?"

"A year, almost two."

"He's from here?"

"Nah he from the Lou."

"You two grew up together?"

"Yeah. Went to school and all that."

My curiosity got the best of me with this next inquiry. "So I have a question. Now you can choose not to answer it."

"What? It's a question about me and Jay?" I nodded. "That ship has sailed. You have nothing to worry about."

"No, no. Nothing like that. I was just curious as to why y'all broke up."

"Oh. Well the simple answer is we were young and Jayson was a fuck boy. Pretty much sums it up. We're better friends anyway."


"Yeah but I can tell he's much better with you. I was starting to feel bad for the boy. Him being all lonely and shit. Them girls on the road be for the streets."

"They do and the players fall for it every single time."

"Right." She sipped her water. "Now I have a question for you."


"When are you going to make my baby a big brother?"

"Girl imma reverse that right back to you."

"No ma'am. You first."

"I'm just now coming around to the idea of moving in, now the baby talk is starting? Not happening. I want to be married before I have kids."

"I feel that plus I think Deuce enjoys being an only child. He hasn't asked me for a sibling. Maybe he's asked his dad."

"I know that's right. Shoot I'd enjoy being an only child too. Y'all are doing such a great job with him despite you both being on the go a lot."

"Girl the compliments are pouring in and I'm soaking it up. Thank you."

Her and I finished our lunch together, shared a few laughs, then I had to get going. We have a game tonight so I need to get home and change before heading out for the night.

I quickly got changed, walked Charlie, then headed to the Garden. I walked down to the locker room to see some of the guys already here. "Grant. My boy." I said and we high fived as I walked by.

"Wassup shortie." JB said when he saw me.

"Hey friend. Give me a couple minutes and I can wrap you up."

"Take your time."

I had to talk to my team real quick then I was able to get to the guys. They say I wrap the best so they wait for me every time even if I can't get to them fast enough.

"Too tight?" I asked JB as I went around his ankle.

He wiggled it a little. "Nah it's good."

A loud smack could be heard throughout the little room and I felt stinging on my butt. I hissed and closed my eyes. "Why?" I turned around to see Jayson.

"Too hard?"

"Just a little."

"My bad." He kissed his fingers and placed them on my butt. "What I tell you about wearing these leggings? They do something to me." He hopped on the next table beside JB. "Wassup boy?" He spoke to Jaylen.

"Chillin. Me and your girl going on a little date."

"Who? What girl?"

"Boo." He pointed at me then we laughed at Jayson's face.

"Don't fuckin play with me." He said with a straight face.

"He's not lying. We are going out when we get to New York." I said still laughing.

"It's not a date though. We wanted to check out some record stores." I nodded in agreement to what Jaylen was saying.

"Why I can't come?"

"I mean you can but we're the ones that like records. We figured you wouldn't enjoy it but it's open invitation. JB paying for my records anyway." I shrugged.

"Who said that?" He sat up to look at me. "You better ask your multi millionaire boyfriend."

"Bro now you acting cause you said you would buy me one."

"One. That's it."

"Fine." I said then looked over at Jayson with a sweet smile. "Bubba." I said in an innocent voice.

He scrolled on his phone not even paying attention. "Huh?"

"Never mind." I rolled my eyes and focused on wrapping Jaylen.

The past few days Jayson has been in his phone heavy. Very invested in whatever is in it. I don't have the urge to go through his phone but I would like to know what or maybe even who has his attention.

I'm trying not to read too much into it because it's not like he's neglecting me as a boyfriend. I'm just curious.

Jaylen left once I was done with him then Marcus came in. "Hey friend." I said when he hopped on my table.

"Wassup boo." He said then looked over at Jayson with a smirk.

"Yo." He finally looked up from his phone. "Y'all doing too much now."

"I'm shocked you heard him." I mumbled and started working on Marcus.

"What you say?" He looked over at me. I shook my head and focused on what I was doing. Nick came in and helped him a couple of minutes later.

Jayson and I decided that we wouldn't work closely together while at work. It was more so my idea. Of course we work together for team workouts but other than that we don't work too close.

Only because you know when some couples work together they get tired of each other after a while and I didn't want that happening with us. That's all.

After coach spoke to the guys, it wasn't long before they had to get to the court for shoot around and the introductions.

I went out to help some of the guys stretch and do warm ups. I was working with Grant when I felt little arms trying to go around my neck since I was squatting.

"Hi shortie." Deuce put his head to the side so I could see him over my shoulder.

"Hi buddy. How are you?" I turned around to embrace him.

"I'm good? You?"

"Same." I nodded. "You do your warmups with your dad?"

"Yes but I'm not finished." He looked over where Jayson was.

"Oh you just wanted to say hi to me?" He nodded. "Well thank you. I'll see you later." He gave me one last hug then went back over to his dad.

"He ain't even say hey to me." Grant said while laughing.

"You need the batman costume." I said while laughing but it soon died down when I peeped something.

I was casually looking around, wasn't looking for anything in particular then I see a face that's all too familiar.

Jayson's ex. Now I'm not saying she can't come to games but this is someone who isn't based out here and now they're at a game.

She's not sitting near Miss.Brandy so I'm guessing it's a coincidence that this girl is here. I can't lie and say that my mind is making up different scenarios. Jayson has been in his phone a lot, maybe it's been her, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

I sat behind the team and focused on the game once it started. That overthinking, obsessive bone in my body caused me to take glances at the other side of the court to see if the ex gave any signs directed at Jayson.

I had to snap out of it though. He knows he's in a relationship. He could be telling her things that aren't true. Or maybe Naomi, just maybe, nothing is going on and Jayson is one hundred percent committed to you.

Toward the end of the first half, I felt eyes on me. As soon as I turned my head to see where it was coming from, she looked at me then looked elsewhere with a smirk. Yeah these niggas got me fucked up.

I don't play games so the both of them need to find something safe to play with.

When the first half was over, everyone headed to the locker rooms. We were up by ten. Everyone was feeling great but I was definitely thinking about other things. I guess it was obvious on my face because JT walked up to me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

I looked up at him trying to see if I could read anything. "Peachy. Excuse me." I said and got by him to walk back out to my seat.

I'll talk to him. That's not a problem but this isn't the time nor the place to have that conversation. I know I won't yell because I simply don't. Wasted energy. That and I'm just a calm person in general.

Midway through the third quarter, Jaylen came off the court holding his head back, so he wouldn't drip everywhere, because his nose was bleeding. "One thing we can count on during a game is your nose bleeding." I said as I treated him as quickly as I could.

"Right. It's not my fault though." He chuckled.

"Mhm. Let me see." I told him so he could put his head down. "You good. We're gonna keep this in to be sure." I stuck tissue in his nose to make sure no blood dripped.

He ran back out on the court and they started the game again. Jayson was on the bench getting ready to go back in. He turned around to look at me using his hand to get my attention.

"You sure you good?"

I nodded then pointed. "Coach is calling for you."

"Oh." He stood up. "We'll talk later." He looked at me then went to the scores table. We sure will talk later. I need answers.


I stood in my kitchen drinking from a wine glass filled with water. I came straight home after the game and warmed me up something to eat. Jayson texted me to wait up for him so that's why I'm not in my bed yet.

Soon there was a knock and I answered it. "What did I do? I feel like I did something but I'm genuinely confused on what it could be." He said as soon as he came in.

There's no point in beating around the bush right? I should just come straight out with it.

"Was there a reason your ex was at the game tonight?" This is embarrassing. I feel like I'm sounding insecure.

He shrugged. "I don't know. That's a question you'll have to ask her yourself."

"So you had no idea she was coming?"

"I mean I know it's her birthday and she asked me to come out with her but I said I had a game."

I just looked at him. "Are you slow?"


"Are you slow?"

"No, are you?"

"I'm not the one saying no I don't know anything to oh yeah I do know why she was here."

"What you want me to do Naomi? I don't control what she does."

"Nah but it does make you seem suspect."

"How? I was at the game and I've seen you all week."

"Okay answer me this. Why were you so into your phone the past few days?" He shrugged again. "If you shrug them wide ass shoulders one more time."

"Boo I'm not arguing with you. I just had a game. I'm tired and don't have the energy to do whatever it is you trynna do. Now if you wanna talk calmly then I have no problem entertaining the conversation."

"I haven't raised my voice once."

"You sounding combative as hell."

"How? I'm literally calm and asking you questions."

He ran his hand down his face and looked at me uninterested. "Well I'm tired of the questions. You wanna talk about something else?"

I squinted my eyes at him then relaxed. "Nope. That's all. I'm tired myself so I should get to bed." I pointed behind me.

He nodded. "You want me to stay over or head home?"

"You can head home. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a tight lipped smile and opened the door for him.

"Aight." He kissed my cheek. "I love you."

"Mhm. Get home safe." I held the same forced smile and avoided eye contact as I shut the door.

I made sure my door was locked and everything was off in the kitchen before going to my room. I don't want to doubt him but I do.

What could even make me believe him? What would be something he could do to prove to me it was an honest coincidence that she was there?

Jayson's POV

The next morning...

"Something wrong with you two?" Grant asked me while looking at Naomi then back at me.

"Nope." I said while eating my fruit.

It's the next morning and we have a flight to North Carolina. After last night and her not saying she loved me back, it did hurt my feelings. I get she's upset but damn. That could have been the last time we saw each other.

I want to talk to her but she doesn't look like she's in the mood and she has earphones in. She clearly doesn't want to be bothered.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"Why you assume I did something?" I looked over at him.

"Well if she's mad it means you did something or you didn't do something."

I chuckled and shook my head. "Like you said, if. We good G." We're not but that's no one's business but ours.

"Okay. If you say so. You know my mom is a licensed therapist. I know a few things. You know, if you wanna talk."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks." I nodded while laughing.

When we touched down in Charlotte, we headed to the hotel. Everybody checked in and went to their rooms.

I got settled then went to find Naomi's room so we can talk. I don't like beefing with my woman. Had my bed cold and shit last night.

Nick was heading in my direction so I asked him. I want to surprise her. I'm going to pick up some food for us. Who can say no to food?

"You know which room Shortie in?"

"She's not staying here."

"She not?"

He shook his head. "She left when we got here."

"Oh. Thanks man." I dialed her number once I went back to my room.

"Yes?" She answered.

"Where you at?"

"Out with my friends."

"Why? I mean that's cool but you know you and I need to talk."

"I'll be right back." She said to someone on her end then I heard a door shut. "Talk."

I kissed my teeth. I understand she's upset but if she just let me explain, I can clear this whole mess up. It's not even a mess, it's a misunderstanding.

"You know damn well I'm not having this conversation over the phone. I need to see your beautiful face."

"That was corny as hell."

"It made you smile though."

"No it didn't." Lying like hell.

"Sure. Let's do dinner."



She hesitated for a second. "Okay. What time?"


"Text me where."

"Aight and the next time your big bobble head ass fails to say I love you back, imma start leaving the toilet seat up. Watch your back."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Do it again and see. Now. I love you boo." I smiled as if she could see me.

I know she rolled her eyes. "This feels like bullying."

"You said you want to fall in the toilet?"

She kissed her teeth. "I love you too damn."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. See you later Tatum." She hung up.

I know she loves me. I just need her to say it. I like security within my relationship. Them words of affirmation hit. That don't make me sound soft do it?

Naomi's POV

When I was done with my phone call I went back out to the living room where everyone was. "Everything okay?" Jas asked.

"Yeah." I nodded as I sat down. "What were y'all talking about?"

"Me dropping 30 on y'all head tomorrow." Melo said.

"Oh you worked on your shots during the off season?"

"Damn." Miles said while snickering.

"I hope you niggas worked during the off season. Acting like they some big shots." Melo said.

"If I'm not mistaken we made it to the playoffs."

"Then got eliminated."

"How far did y'all go again?" I sat up to look at him but he didn't respond. "Exactly. Like I said, we made it to the playoffs." I said to him with a smile.

"Man whatever. Don't get mad when y'all lose tomorrow. They trainer got all the mouth in the world."

"And my boys can back me up."

"So I hear you off the market." Terry said to me.

"Well that was abrupt. Changing the subject and shit." I looked at him and laughed. "You heard right."

I'm assuming they told him about Jayson being at my house when they came to visit, since he didn't come.

"How's that going?"

"Good. Great. I can't complain."

Although I'm slightly upset with JT, I love him at the end of the day and I don't like fighting with him. It wasn't a huge blow up but I still didn't like the feeling.

I'm open to going to dinner with him to talk. Maybe I overreacted just half a smidgen. My questions were valid though.

"I'm glad to hear that cause Lord knows JT used to get around."

I was going to ask what he meant by that but my silence changed the subject. What Jayson did before me is his business. I can only judge what he does now.


"Are you cheating on me?" I asked Jayson as we sat across from each other at dinner.

He looked at me weirdly while sitting his cup down. "Points for being direct." He chuckled but stopped when I didn't join. "No boo I'm not cheating on you."

"Would you even tell me?"

"Yeah. I couldn't lie to you. If I were to fuck up, which I won't, I'd have to be man enough to tell you but I promise you've made me an honest man. I'm not cheating nor have I even thought about it."

"So what was up with ole girl the other night?"

"I honestly don't know. She had texted me saying she wanted to see me. I said no and told her I had a girlfriend. She shows up anyway and that's what happened. Honest." He unlocked his phone to show me.

I held my hand up. "I believe you." I don't want our relationship coming to this. I feel childish even having this conversation. "So about you being all in your phone?"

"I'm planning something that you can't know about just yet."

"Why? You proposing?"

"Not yet. This is for something else."

"Can I get a hint?"

"Yeah. Mind your damn business." He bit into one of the complimentary rolls we were given.

"Who you talkin to?" I asked with a little chuckle. He pointed at me and sat back in his seat comfortable.

I nodded but I was already planning on getting it out of him. If it is for me, he knows I don't like surprises. Lil Deuce might be going undercover for me.

"Why you not staying at the hotel? I made you that mad?"

"Yes and no. I had already planned on staying with Jasmine. She wanted girl time. Last night didn't influence my decision but I was upset. We're good now though. I trust you won't lie to me."

"Unless it's a surprise then I'm lying like hell." He shrugged.

Our food was sat down in front of us so we got into different conversations. "So you know how I said from time to time I have vivid dreams?" He nodded. "Well I had one last night. I wanted to share."

"I'm all ears." He looked at me but would take glances at his food to continue eating.

"I was pregnant." He immediately started coughing and reached for his drink. "Chill out."

"I'm fuckin with you." He abruptly stopped while laughing at my face. "Continue. Pregnant you say?"

"Yes and when I tell you it felt so real. When the time comes, just know your boo is going to be fine. My belly was so cute."

"What were we having?"

"I don't know. Usually when I really like a dream, one of two things happen, it either changes the channel or I wake up. That thang was low and heavy though." I said that last part referring to my belly in the dream.

"Change the channel?"

"Yeah, another dream will start up and the harder I think about the other dream, my body wakes me up unfortunately."

"Oh. Where was I?"

I shrugged. "It was just me and my little pumpkin."

"You sure it was a baby? Maybe you just gained weight." He chuckled lightly to himself then looked up when he didn't hear me. "Too much?"

"Too much." I confirmed.

"My bad. Speaking of pregnancies though. When you moving in?"

"Now how do those two correlate?"

"You know that sitting in a tree song. First comes love, then comes moving in, then comes baby in a baby carriage."

"Nah I don't remember those lyrics."

"No? It didn't go like that?"

"I don't think so."

"Hm. Must be the remix."

"Got to be so let's stick to the original."

"You right." We laughed together. "No but for real. When? Me and Deuce want you to move in with us. I talked to Toriah myself and I know you did. Any reason you're still not on board?"

He looked genuinely curious and like his feelings were hurt which I never want. I felt bad but I have a good reason.

I grabbed his hand. "You know I love you and I would absolutely move in with you. I just really like this pace and I haven't lived long term with anyone in a while."

I had my short stay with Melo but nothing of this length. I can't lie and say I'm not nervous. I want this transition to be great for everyone.

"I get that and I love you too but-" He stopped talking and sighed.

"Why are you feeling defeated?" I tilted my head to the side and asked softly still holding his hand.

"I'm not."

"You are. I can see it. Be honest with me Jayson. You tired of waiting?"

He looked into my eyes and sighed again. "Not tired of waiting just anxious. I'm ready to go on a new journey, start a new chapter with you. And maybe I'm doing too much and it's too heavy for you but-"

"No you're not too much. I can see why this would make you feel like that. It's not my intention." Our fingers interlocked and I continued with what I was saying. "Next year."

"Next year? Like a whole year from now?"

"No bubba." I giggled. "My lease is up in May. After that, I am all yours Mr.Tatum."

His tongue ran over his bottom lip quickly then he bit it, leaning forward. "All mine?"

"Mhm." I nodded and met him halfway. He pecked my lips twice then relaxed in his chair.

"I'm happy now. It's still a ways away but I like that answer."

"I bet." I laughed then smiled in his direction. "Me too."

He kissed my hand then let me go. "What do you want to do now?"

"Well I have to get back to Jas."

"Oh yeah. I ain't mean to keep you out this long. I gotta apologize to her."

It's a little after 10. Jayson and I can talk. We just jump from topic to topic, laughing, getting serious as you saw. I enjoy our conversations. I always feel full when we're done.

He helped me out of my chair and led us out of the restaurant. We took the short stroll back to the hotel since it was around the corner.

"Text me when you get to where you going." He said then kissed my forehead, then my lips before opening the car door for me. After he closed it, he leaned down. "My bad Jas. Blame your friend, she wouldn't be quiet."

"Mhm." Jasmine said. "I know it was the both of y'all flapping them lips. Thank you for returning her."

"I'm not no damn lost dog." I looked at her. "Talking bout thanks for returning her."

"We'll wait for you to go inside." She patted the top of my head like a dog and I moved her hand.

"Goodnight baby." I blew a few kisses as he walked backwards. "I love you."

"Night boo. I love you too. Y'all be safe." He turned around to go inside the building and we were off.

"You're in love." Jasmine stated while glancing over at me with a smile.

"Uh no." I shook my head while looking out the window.

"Naomi please. I see you girl and so does everyone else. Blowing kisses and shit. You are sprung."

"Sprung, sure but in love? I don't think I'm there yet. How do you even know? Is that something you share with your partner or do both parties usually just know?"

"I think you'll know. Telling each other would be a preference. I'm sure some people tell each other then others don't. Looking at you, you can tell you're in love. Ugh I'm so excited for you. The wedding planning? Yes! Count me in. How many dresses are you going to have?"

"Probably one. I'm a simple girl and I'd rather spend most of the money on the honeymoon. The wedding is only one day." I shrugged.

"I can see it now. Two under two."

"Two under two what?" I looked at the side of her face.

"You know. You two going in like some rabbits. You know I'll babysit."

"Two under two sounds like a threat. Scary really."

"Well they could grow up together."

"They gone do that regardless. They'll all be under the same roof."

"True. So no two under two?"

"We know I never say never but nah. Not happening."

No ma'am. It's giving stress and who wants that?

Jayson's POV

Back in Boston....
A couple days later

"What are you cooking?" I asked Naomi as I came into the kitchen and looked over her shoulder.

"Chicken nuggets."


"Yeah but I wanted some too. My nuggets are a1."

I watched her as she seasoned her flour. I could really get used to this. Not just the cooking but walking into a certain part of the house and seeing her.

I went to find Deuce to talk with him about something. I found him in his playroom getting some shots up.

"Look daddy." He started dribbling the ball then did a jab step.

"Ouu." I hyped him up.

"Wait I'm not done." He stepped back then shot the ball into the hoop.

"Bang!" I yelled like Mike Breen then I picked him up as we cheered. Once we calmed down I sat down on the steps as he got down to play with something else. "I wanna talk to you about something."

"Yes?" He looked over at me but quickly returned to looking through his toy chest.

"You like shortie right?"

"Mhm. She's nice."

"Yeah she is. And you're okay with her living here?" He nodded not looking at me. "What do you think about her and I getting married?"

"Right now?" He said with his head inside the toy chest now.

"Nah not right now. In the near future."

He finally came out with a dinosaur he was looking for and sat down. "I don't know what that means daddy."

"What? Marriage?" He nodded. "Shortie would be my wife and your step mom." He still looked confused. "She'd have our last name."

"Oh that would be nice."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. So I'd have two mommy's?"

He stumped me a little with that one. Maybe I should've waited to bring this up or called his mom to help me.

"Kinda. Mommy is your mommy. You have one. Shortie would be like a bonus mom. Like you have an extra one but nothing would change. We're just adding titles. Understand?"

He nodded and smiled. "No. Be right back." He got up and left me in the basement.

All I could do was laugh. I probably did a terrible job explaining anyway. I truly don't know how to explain this but I want my son to feel included and not like I'm making decisions without him, or without considering his feelings.

I went back to the kitchen to see these two working together. "Do you want fries daddy?" Deuce looked back at me to ask.

"Yeah I'll take a few."

"Okay we'll just pour half the bag. Here." Boo gave him the open bag as she held the air fryer basket. "You pour and I'll say when to stop."

"You sure?" He looked up at her.

"Yeah buddy I'm sure. I can't cook all this food by myself. I need your help."

He nodded then began putting the fries in. Once he was done, Naomi helped him adjust the temperature and time, then he pressed start.

"See. Easy peasy. Make sure one of us is with you when you work this thing though. Okay?"


"Promise?" She held her pinky finger out and ticked him a little with her other hand.

"Promise." He giggled and hooked his finger with hers. He jumped down from his stool and left, I'm sure going back to play.

"Try this." She walked over to me with a hot piece of chicken.

"Damn." I had to look at this chicken then at the cook. "Now this how you season some chicken."

"Thank you. You're too kind."

I went behind her and grabbed another piece. I added some chick fil a sauce she brought over here and that was the icing on the cake.

"You been holding out on me." I pointed to her.

"You know I got a few things loaded in the clip. Can't give all of it to you in one shot."

"Oh word?"

"Word. Now you Mr.Tatum have some things up your sleeve too. You cooked breakfast and it was delicious. What else can you cook?"

"I can definitely let you taste it better than I can tell you." She turned around and bit her bottom lip. "Get your head out of the gutter you freak."

"It wasn't even there." She laughed. "Men that can cook is very sexy to me. I don't know what it is. I know cooking is a basic skill everyone should know but a lot of people don't. So a man that can makes me raise an eyebrow."

"What if it turns out I can only make good breakfast?"

She shrugged. "I'll take it. You can do something. Plus breakfast for dinner exists for a reason. You can cook that any time of the day."


"Go tell Deuce to wash his hands. The food should be done by the time you two get in here. Want me to make your plate?"

"Nah I can do it. Thanks for cooking for us." I kissed her temple and she smiled.

"You're welcome bubba." She quickly grabbed my chin and let go then I went to get Deuce and helped him wash his hands.

Yeah I might be proposing sooner rather than later. I know this woman is end game for me. She's perfect in my eyes man.


Well that's it for this one. What did we think? I added a sprinkle of drama but I wasn't going to drag it out.

Hopefully it wasn't too bad. I'm at a 65-70 right now with how I'm feeling. I'm coming along but I'm still a little down.

Next chapter I'm moving them in. What else do y'all want to see or any ideas of what chapters could include? I'm open to suggestions.

As always, thanks for reading and until next chapter 💚

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