Interception (Book 6)

By Dijah_Love

1.8M 72.5K 138K

Four years into the future, about to graduate college, Aliyah and Marcus have both created new lives for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (Part 1)
Chapter 34 (Part 2)
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part 1)
Chapter 50 (Part 2)
Chapter 51
Authors Note:Quick Vent
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (PART 1)
Chapter 58 (PART 2)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 | The Prelude
Chapter 70 (PART 1)
Chapter 70 (PART 2)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85

Chapter 82

5.5K 338 396
By Dijah_Love

Aliyah P.O.V.

"I can't believe you're doing this, I really cant believe Im doing this with you,"

I glanced over at Sky, who was sitting in her car seat, with her large headphones on, before looking back over at Marissa.

"Just think of it as you bringing Sky to visit AJ, that's pretty much what you're doing anyways,"

"Uh yeah, that, and we're popping up on your ex at a football game, let's not leave that part out," I sighed. "Im already nervous enough without you having to remind me every 15 minutes about it, let's just get settled in at the beach house tonight, and worry about all my drama tomorrow please,"

"Alright," She said in a sigh. "And you're sure you dont want me coming to the stadium with you?"

I shook my head no. "No, Malibu is already a pretty far drive from the Stadium and AJ's condo, so it's a big girl, I got this,"

"Okay, just double checking,"

I nodded. "...How are you feeling?" I asked, lifting a brow. "This is the first time you've been too LA, I know you and AJ were planning on moving here together, so how does it feel to be going to his condo tomorrow? Like, technically it would be been you guys' condo,"

She smacked her lips together. "Really Li?"

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that, I know you're happy with Malcolm, and he's happy with Mariah, but I was just it not weird at all? I need something else to talk about besides my situation,"

She sighed, nodding her head slowly. "'s a little weird, part of the reason why I never flew out here, but it's whatever, Im trying to be a supportive friend, so you better appreciate me for it,"

"I do," I said with a smile. "No matter how crazy my antics are, you always have my back, and I appreciate that. I just wish Amara was here with us, it would've been nice to have both of y'alls support,"

"Especially because Amara is here for all of this," She started. "Ever since she's got with Armon, her soft side has been coming out more....Im not sure if I like it," She gave me a playful smirk, letting me know that she was kidding.

"I swear, Im not used to seeing her all lovey dovey, she's never been the one for the mushy stuff, but goes to show, love can melt the coldest of hearts,"

"Facts, cause Mara was the ice queen, well atleast infront of us she was,"

"Flight attendants, prepare for take-off. Ladies and Gentlemen, please make sure all seatbelts are properly fastened, and keep them fastened at all times. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight."

Butterfies filled my stomach, once the plane was getting set to take off. I had every mixed emotion that you could possibly feel, but I knew I had to do this to if I ever wanted to move on.

"No turning back now, huh?"

Marissa shook her head. " Nope,"

I took a deep breath, shaking off my nerves.

Marcus P.O.V.

I leaned back into my booth, taking a small sip of the Whiskey that was in my glass, as I continued to scroll through Instagram.

"Third time here this week......Didn't think I would see you back here so soon.....should I be worried?"

I looked up from my phone, slightly chuckling, once I seen Desiree standing infront of my table, with a serving tray.

"Wassup," I said sitting up straight. "Nothing, just a little concerned that you keep popping up, especially after how you made it clear that we weren't friends," She leaned over, carefully placing down my basket of wings and fries infront of me.

"I said we were acquaintances,"

"Right, and I shouldn't have to see a acquaintance this much in one week, there's only so many times I can get the other waitress' to switch with me,"

I chuckled. "You've been here the last two days when I came in?" She sighed. "Yeah,"

"I thought you were just a bottle a nighttime one,"

"Waitress by day, Bottle Girl by night, it pays the bills," I nodded slowly. "Oh, well I ain't know, my bad, I thought I was playing it safe by coming in during the day, I mean, y'all got the best wings in LA thus far, im low key addicted,"

She smirked. "Yeah, you and 100 other people............can I get you another drink?" She asked, motioning to my glass.

"Yeah, I'll just take a water, still gotta drive back to the crib after this," She nodded. "Anything else?"

"Nah, Im good,"

She gave me a slight head nod, before turning around, taking a few steps away from the table before pausing. She turned back to around, walking back over to the table.

"By the way," She started. "I got invited to the home game tomorrow, and I do plan on showing up, I just didnt want you to think I was stalking you or something if we do so happen to see each other, I'll be with a group of my friends, male and female, so,"

I chuckled. "You didnt have to run that by me, but Ight,"

"Im just not tryna make shit awkward, Im respecting your boundaries and respecting our acquaintance-ship,"

"I appreciate it," I said with a smirk. "Ion want shit to be awkward between us if we run into each other here, or at a game, or another public place, and to prove that, why dont you and your friends come out with me tomorrow? Or out with the team if we take home the W,"

She lifted a brow. "Forreal?"

"Yeah," I said with a shrug. "It'll be a good way for me and you to break the ice, and not make shit more awkward than it needs to be when we see one another. Im just gonna stay away from all forms of alcohol to keep my mind right,"

"Ooh, Im with you on that,"

We both chuckled. "I honestly was never tryna be that fuck nigga type that night in the club, I did make a mistake, and I still stand by my boundaries, but you seem like a cool person, so lets just get passed all the awkward shit, so you dont gotta be dodging me if I wanna come get some wings," She chuckled.

"....Alright, how do I find you?"

"The breezeway, or right outside the players parking lot, I get escorted from the stadium in a Cadillac Escalade, the license plate number is RCHMND, my last name basically,"

"Okay, so you want me to follow you or something?"

"Yeah, you and my friends can follow my car, if we win, I'll take you to the spot the team decides to celebrate at, or I'll just choose a spot if we loose and everybody goes home,"

She nodded. "Alright.....I guess I'll see you tomorrow then......I'll be back with your water,"

I gave her a slight head nod, before picking up my wings.

A.J. P.O.V.

"How does it feel to be all settled in?" I laid on top of Mariah, kissing her on her neck.

"Good," She started. "I didnt think we were gonna move everything this fast, but Im glad that process is over, we literally talked about me moving in with you a month ago, and here we are,"

"When a man knows what he wants, he makes the moves to get it, there wasn't no point in us waiting, so I made it happen,"

"Mhmm, I see, so, how are we spending our first night as new roommates?"

I kissed her neck again, snuggling up beside her. "Well first, I was thinking we could break in this new bed you made me splurge on,"

She chuckled. "We splurged on, and other than that, what else do you wanna do?"

"Ion know, ima try to get some sleep tonight since Marissa and Sky should be getting her tonight, you know I'm tryna spend the whole day with baby girl tomorrow,"

"Oh that's right," she started. "I almost forgot about them coming, you're meeting them right?"

"Yeah, I gotta drive down to my parents beach house in Malibu, that's where they're staying, then Marissa and I gotta few things planned for Sky,"

"Oh, okay, sounds fun..... I didn't know your parents had a beach house here in LA,"

"Yeah, Actually I had forgot all about it, since Ion think me or my sister has been there since like our last family vacation when we were little, but from what I remember it's dope..... you should come check it out,"

Both of her brows raised. "You mean, like come with you? I didn't wanna crash your plans with Sky, I'm sure y'all just wanna do some family stuff together,"

I shrugged. "It's cool, I'm sure Marissa wouldn't mind, why don't you come down with me in the morning when I drive to the beach house? That way you can spend the day with us, it'll give you a chance to bond with Sky, start building a relationship with her,"

She smiled a little. "Okay......I'm down,"

"Cool, now come to daddy,"

I wrapped her legs around me, as I went back in on her neck, causing her to laugh.


Aliyah P.O.V.

"Sky just knocked out, so I'm gonna get some rest, AJ should be here first thing in the morning,"

I took a deep breath, as I looked over my shoulder from the lounge chair I was sitting in, taking my focus off of the beach infront of me.


She lifted a brow, as she folded her arms across her chest. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said, shaking my head. "I'm good,"

She squinted a little for a second, before walking outside on the deck with me, taking a seat in the lounge chair beside me.

"Somethings up," she started. "Your energy is different, you were more happy and energetic on the plane......what changed?"

"......I don't know, being LA, it's all settling in that I'm here, really about to do this,"

"Yeah, I told you you were crazy," she said in a chuckle. "But seriously, what's on your mind, what are you thinking?"

"I know I said I wanted to do this because I needed the closure, but I think it's just hitting me that things could really be over between him and I,"

She sighed.

"The past year of my life has been such a roller coaster of emotions and stress, and now that I'm finally in a better place psychically and mentally, and I'm clear minded about what I want in life, Marcus is still on that list," I continued.

"I finally found something that I'm passionate about, as far as work goes, and I'm not living in my moms shadow in her store. I'm branching off on my own, contemplating on where to move to start my new business......I'm growing, and this is the only area of my life right now that feels stuck,"

"I did all that work in therapy to realize who I am and what I want, but what if the person that I want doesn't want me back? After everything that's happened, what if he's really ready to throw in the towel for good?"

She frowned. "But I thought we talked about that being a possibility? And you said that you were okay with it, but still wanted to come here to have the conversation you both need to have,"

"I know, and all of that is true, but it still doesn't make it any less scary. I've been really involved with work lately, and it's been helping me not think about the way I feel, but Riss.....I still love him, like I'm still in love with him, everything that he makes me feel, I've never felt, not even with Ronnie, we just have this connection that I can't explain, hence why all of this drama happened in our lives."

"I believe you," she started. "And if that's how you truly feel, then you need to put it all out on the table tomorrow, get it all off your chest so there's no regrets. But, you need to be prepared to not get the response your looking for from him."

"What I learned with my relationship with AJ is, just because you love or are in love with somebody, doesn't mean that it's meant to work out, and you have to accept that, because of you don't, you'll never find heal and happiness, so please keep that in mind,"

"Yeah, I know you're right..... it's just easier said than done,"

"I know it is, I've lived it, remember? But, if I can make it to the other side of this, you can, if that's the case, it may be a bit harder with how public everything was with you two, but you can do it."

"But don't even worry about any of that right now, go to that stadium and get what you need to say off your chest, and have a real, honest, conversation with him. Y'all both deserve atleast that."

I smiled a little. "Yeah, wish me luck tomorrow,"

"You don't need luck," she said correcting me. "You just need honesty,"

"Thank you....... And thank you for being here with me."

"Of course....... Goodnight,"



Amara P.O.V.

"Hey, thanks for being able to come out on such short notice, I would've reached out sooner, I've just been real busy with work,"

I sat down in my seat, across from Jess, hooking my purse to the side of my chair.

"It's fine," she said lowly. "Trust me, I haven't been in a rush to go out these days, not with everything going on in my family right now,"

I sighed. " there a court date set for Mario yet?"

She shook her head no. "No, my parents are still working on it, they've been meeting with several different lawyers, trying to handle this mess, but honestly it's a lot,"

"Yeah," I said lowly.

"Look, I didn't mention any of this before, because we were just kinda getting to know one another, but just in case you don't know, I'm really close to Aliyah and her family......we're best friends and we grew up together, so my alliance is with her and her family, I'm disgusted by what Mario did, and I don't see myself having a friendship with him ever again, but I'm not going to punish you for his actions,"

She nodded, as her eyes became a little glossy. "Thank you..... and I know, Armon finally told me why he had been keeping his distance from me. I don't agree with what my brother did either, it was foul and disgusting, but he's still my brother, and I still feel some type of way about everything that's happening to him,"

"As you should," I started. "Regardless, he's still your family, so I get it, but I just didn't want our friendship to be affected by something your brother chose to do,"

"I appreciate that, no one knows how hard it's been for me these last few months, dealing with his mistakes. A lot of my friends stopped associating with me because of the drama, I get harassed on social media just because I'm related to him, it's just a lot,"

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Jess......if there was something I could do, I would, but things like this only get better with time, that's all I can say, he just needs to pay the price for what he did."

"I agree, but he shouldn't be the only one paying."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Mario didn't do what he did alone. Matter of fact, I don't even think it was really his idea to release the sex tape, he let some dumb ass hoe get into his head about the money that he could make if he released it, and that's why he did it, he wasn't the only one who had a hand in it,"

I lifted a brow. "The dancer chick, right? Aliyah told me about her..... you think she had something to don with it? Because she put everything on Mario,"

She scoffed. "Of course she did, that's why it makes so much sense that she's skipped town all of a sudden,"

"She's gone?"

"Yeah, when I finally mustered up the courage to go back to work. I heard from some of the order dancers that she sent a email to their director, resigning from the dance team. When some of the girls went to check on her at her condo, she never answered. They found out later from the leasing office that she had moved out that same week, so nobody knows where she is, or if she's even still here in Atlanta, my guess is that she's in a different state."

"Wow," I said lowly. "But if you know that she had a part in it, then why don't you give that information to the police??"

"Mario has," she started. "But there's no proof to prove that he had a accomplice, everything that was done, was done by him. She made him do all the dirty work, even when they met with Harvey about selling the tapes, she was there..... in the car. And the night of the rehearsal dinner, she was there, but never introduced herself to anyone, so nobody knows her or her name,"

"Wow," I mumbled. "As much as I hate to admit it......she was smart,"

"Yeah, and Mario was dumb, I just can't believe he let her hoe ass play him like that, but now he's paying the price, maybe it'll teach him not to be so money hungry,"


A.J. P.O.V.

I slowly pulled up into the driveway, as my heart began to race from the excitement that I was feeling.

"Whoa," Mariah said, looking up at the house through the windshield. "This is a beach house?"

"Yeah, nice right?"

"Hella nice," she started. "This would be a bomb AirBnB spot, tell your parents they're missing out on some serious money, especially if y'all don't even come here like that,"

I chuckled. "That's actually a good idea, but nah, I'm not telling them that, now that I remember this place, I plan on coming back here one weekend with you," I pulled up, putting my car in park.


"Yeah, it's a perfect spot for a romantic getaway weekend together, have you ever made love on a balcony that overlooked the beach?"

She smiled a little. "No,"

"First time for everything then," I pulled my keys out of the ignition, before motioning for her to step out the car with me.

"So you're sure that Marissa is okay with me coming today? I can just hang with Aliyah, you said she's here too right?"

"Marissa will be cool with it, don't worry but yeah Aliyah's here too,"

I dropped my keys in my pocket, as we walked up the  cobblestone pathway that lead to the front door.

I knocked three times on the door, waiting for someone to answer.

As soon as the locks clicked, my heart began beating faster, as my excitement to see my baby girl grew by the second.

The door opened, revealing Marissa, who was holding Sky on her hip.

I put a big smile on my face, as Sky and I locked eyes, and just like clockwork, happiness spread across her face.

"Da-Da! Up! Up!" She smiled some, as she began kicking her way towards me, trying her best to get off Marissa's hip.

"Is that my baby girl??" I asked smiling, holding my hands out for her.

"Okay, okay, calm down," Marissa said in a chuckle, as she handed her over to me.

Once she was in my arms, I placed a million kisses all over her face, causing her to giggle a bit.

"How did she do on the plane?" I asked, propping her up on my chest. "Good, she slept most of the flight here, and then watched her shows on her tablet."


"......Hey Marissa, it's good to see you," Mariah said, speaking up.

"Oh I'm sorry, I brought Mariah with me, I thought she could spend the day with us while we take out Sky, that's cool right?"

Marissa nodded. "Yeah of course, come in, I was just putting on Sky's shoes, then we can head out."

We both stepped inside, as she closed the door behind us.

"Where's Aliyah?" I asked looking around. "She around here somewhere?"

"You just missed her, she left like 15 minutes ago, in think she should be back tonight though,"

"Oh, Ight, where'd she go? Matter of fact, neither one of y'all told me why y'all decided to take this random trip to LA all of a sudden,"

"She's handling business, and I came along so Sky could see you, that's it,"

"Yeah, y'all up to something, but ima let it go for now, y'all down to do breakfast?" I asked. Looking between the both of them.

"I'm starving, so yes," Marissa said, speaking up.

"Cool, what about you Ri? You down?"

"Yeah, where do you guys wanna go?" I shrugged. "Ion know, I don't Malibu, and obviously neither does Riss, so it's all on you,"

She chuckled. "I don't know Malibu like that either, as long as I've been in LA, this is my first time here, so....."

"Okay well google it is," I said in a chuckle. "I'll let the ladies pick, I'm cool with whatever,"


"Okay.....well Um, I can google some breakfast spots in this you want to look with me Marissa?" Mariah asked, speaking up.

She hesitated for a second, before nodding her head. "Yeah sure.......we can sit in the living room and look together,"


I smiled a little to myself, as they walked off in the opposite direction with one another as I began bouncing Sky up and down.

"I guess it's just me and you lil mama....... Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into it," I propped her up on my chest again, walking deeper into the house.


Aliyah P.O.V.

I pushed open my hotel door, taking a sigh of relief. I had about 30 minutes before the game was starting, and I still needed to freshen up and change after the hour long drive to this part of the city.

I closed the door behind me, locking it, as I threw all my bags on the bed, feeling satisfied that I decided in getting the hotel for the night, since there was no way I was driving back to Malibu tonight.

Butterflies filled my stomach once I looked over at the game ticket and VIP pass that sticking out of my purse.

"Alright Aliyah, it's showtime,"

Marcus P.O.V.

I kept my breath steady as I continued my jog in place, one of my pre game rituals I always needed to do to get my blood pumping.

My nerves and excitement were at all time high, and the adrenaline of playing was finally kicking in.

I leaned up against my locker, catching break, when all of a sudden I heard a muffled vibration coming from inside, letting me know my phone was ringing.

I quickly opened it up to see Kelia FaceTiming me.

As soon as I picked up, I smiled once I seen her sitting there with Kenzie on her lap.

"Sorry for calling, I know you're getting ready for your game, Kenz and I just wanted to wish you good luck, ain't that right Kenz?"

She looked down at her, as she began to smile, drooling on herself as always.

Kelia chuckled, shaking her head. "Alright, wish daddy good luck, give daddy a good luck kiss,"

She brought her hand up to her mouth and blew me a fake kiss as Kenzie watched her.

"Go ahead Kenz, give daddy a kiss," She blew me another kiss, waiting for her to copy her.

She turned back around to the camera, bringing her tiny hand somewhat up to her mouth, before reaching out it towards me, giving me her kiss.

My smile grew so wide, as I began to laugh. "Thank you baby girl, I love your kisses,"

She blew me another one, as Kelia clapped behind her. "Good job!"

"Alright, we'll let you go, I've been teaching her that for two weeks and it seemed like a appropriate time to use it,"

I chuckled. "I appreciate y'all calling.....I'll hit you back to later,"

"Okay, be safe,"

"Will do, bye Kenz," I said, waving a little bit. "Love you,"

She smiled, as are started at me through the camera.

A.J P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes, regaining consciousness, as I took in my surroundings.

I lifted my head off the pillow I was laying on, looking over my shoulder to see Sky knocked out beside me.

With all the activities that we did today, and the early long drive to Malibu, I guess my exhaustion had finally caught up to me, and I must've took a nap with Sky.

I yawned as I pulled my tired body upright, wondering where Mariah was.

I slowly stood up from the bed, trying my best not to wake Sky up.

I carefully opened up the bedroom door, taking in how quiet the rest of the house was.

"Baby?" I asked, looking around the empty hallway.

I scratched the back of my head, making my way down the hallway, wondering where the hell everybody was at.

I passed a few open doors, stopping when I got to the one that was slightly cracked open, enough for me to have a good view of the inside.

"Baby..... you in there?" I asked, looking through the  slit.

I waited a few seconds with no reply, before I lifted up my hand to knock, automatically freezing in place.

All of a sudden, Marissa stepped out of one of the doors inside the room, in her towel. Before I even had a chance to look away, she unwrapped it, tossing it back on the bed.

My eyes widened once I seen her naked body, and I automatically looked away, moving over so I couldn't see her anymore.

I stood in the same spot beside the door, trying to figure out what to do next.

"Shit," I mumbled, just deciding to go back to the room with Sky until Mariah came back.

I stepped across the door again, glancing at her, as she stepped into her panties.

I quietly cleared my throat, wanting to take my eyes off of her, but the more I seen, the harder it was to look away.

I stared for a few more seconds before shaking my head, re-focusing myself.  I stepped all the way past the door, before beginning to walk away.

All of a sudden, I felt something sharp underneath my foot, causing me to trip and fall down in the hallway.

My head slightly hit the wall, automatically making me groan in pain.

I looked off to the side, to see one of Sky's little dolls on the ground, causing me to sigh.

All of a sudden, Marissa peaked her head out of the door and gasped. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

She stepped out, in a long t-shirt and shorts,  before making her way over to me.

"Y-y-yeah, I'm straight.....I just tripped,"

She frowned. "On what??" She looked around over the carpet, slightly chuckling once she seen Sky's doll in the middle of the ground.

"Oooh, yup that's happened to me a few times, we still haven't mastered picking up after ourselves yet, she's like you when it comes to that, come on,"

She grabbed my arm, helping me stand up straight.

"Thank you...........damn, my head hurts,"

"It should hurt, you hit that motherfucker hard," she slightly chuckled, still holding onto my arm.

"Come sit down," she slowly helped me over to the room she was in, sitting me on the edge of my bed.

"Let me see your head," she tilted my head down, examining it.

"Looks fine, it's a little red though, you might have a knot there in the morning, but other than that, you'll live," I sighed.

"Them Damn dolls are a suicide mission, she can't be leaving shit out like that, I damn near got a concussion,"

She chuckled. "You're fine, just go downstairs and put some ice on it,"

"Ight....... Where's Mariah?"

"She left about 15 minutes ago to get dinner for all of us,"

I frowned. "Oh, what did she get? I ain't even know we was ordering food,"

"Yeah, cause you and Sky have been knocked out for the past hour and a half, we tried waiting on you two to wake up, but we got hungry,"

I sucked by teeth. "And what did y'all get? I ain't even get to pick my food,"

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Mariah and I figured out what you wanted, it wasn't that hard, so hush and go ice your head please, I'm gonna go wake up Sky,"

I nodded, watching her leave the room. I sat back on the bed in silence, feeling guilty about what just happened.


Aliyah P.O.V.

My palms grew sweaty as I pushed my shades closer to my face, as I made my way down to the breezeway.

The game was officially over, and it was time to make my move.

I carefully stepped down the steps in my boots, as I followed the small groups of VIPs I was with, who mostly consisted of wives, girlfriends, managers, agents and more.

As soon as we stepped onto the level ground, my heart began to race.

I took one glance at the cameras and reporters that were here, and fans that were behind the gate, as this feeling of deja by took over me.

Being back inside another stadium after all this time still felt strange, almost too soon.

I took a deep breath, stepping into the background, trying to keep a good distance between myself and the reporters that were here, just in case any of them recognized me.

I turned around, leaning up against the wall, looking over at the locker room door, knowing the players would be out in just a few minutes to do their post game interviews and then go home.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, causing me to pull out out. I quickly unlocked it once I seen I had a text from Amara.

Thinking about you, be strong girl, you got this, go get your man!

I slightly chuckled, wishing that she was here.

Screamed and cheers all of a sudden began to fill the breezeway, causing me to look up from my phone screen.

Once I seen two players exit the locker room, I knew Marcus had to be on his way out soon.

I pushed my phone down in my back pocket, standing up straight.

I glanced over at the breezeway exit, to see a group of people waiting behind security, making me even more nervous about the amount of people that were here.

More cheers and screams filled up the place, as I turned back around to see Marcus stepping out of the locker room.

I stepped up off the wall, taking a deep breath, getting prepared to approach him, when one of the reporters flagged him down to do a interview.

I sighed a little, posting back up on the wall, waiting for him to be done.

Once he was done, he made his way over to the gate of fans, signing a few autographs, and posing for a few pictures, before making his way towards the exit.

I stood up off the wall again, Speed walking to catch up to him.

"Marcus," I grabbed him arm a bit, causing him to turn around.

As soon as he saw me, I could see the shock and surprise all over his face. "Aliyah??" He asked confused. "What are you doing in LA?"

I sighed, pulling him off to the side. "I flew here to see you, it's about time for us to have a conversation, and I didn't want to take the chance of you ignoring my phone call, so here I am,"

He looked past me, at all the cameras that were here, shaking his head. "This ain't the place,"

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, I know, do you have some time to sit down and talk?"

He sighed a little. "Come," he gave me a slight head nod, motioning for me to follow him.

We stepped out of the breezeway and away from the cameras, until we got close to the players parking lot.

We stood in between some cars, making sure no media could see us.

"What do we need to talk about?" He asked, pulling his bag up on his shoulder.

"It's been a few months since what happened at my parents house, and I didn't want to end things like that, now that some time has passed, I wanted to talk to you......for closure,"

He frowned. "You told me that I should leave, I left, and now you're here saying we need to talk because of closure?"

"Yeah, I don't want to keep repeating the same cycles here, can't you see the pattern in this? When do we ever face our problems head on and just talk? I'm sure there's things you need to say to me,"

"The only pattern I see is this roller coaster of a relationship we've been on for the past year. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't we say everything we needed to say that night at your parents? Cause I remember a whole lot being said,"

I nodded in agreement. "A whole lot was said, you're right, mostly out of anger, but I know that's not everything that needed to be said,"

He was silent.

"Look, I know you're mad, I was mad for awhile too, especially after you didn't return my call all those months ago, it kinda pissed me off that you were ignoring me, but then I had to remember that not only my feelings matter in this, you're hurt too, we both were, and it's time to talk about it."

He stayed silent.

"........ I'm making big changes in my life, and I've done more growing in these past few months, and....I can't move past this,"

"I don't know if it's because of the closure, or because I still love you just as much as I did five months ago, I'm not sure, but I really need to have a open honest conversation with you......if you want too,"

He opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of someone's voice behind him, stopped him.


He looked over his shoulder, as I looked past him, at the car full of guys, probably his teammates.

"We going downtown, you sliding?" One guy asked, sticking his head out the window.

"Yeah, yeah, I meet y'all down there,"

"Alright," I folded my arms across my chest, watching the car drive away.

Once they were gone, he turned back to face me. "....I gotta leave soon, the team is going out to celebrate our win......can we do this later?"

"........Okay......yeah, go ahead,"

He took a deep breath, as he stared at me for a second as if there was something he wanted to say. ".......Ight, bye,"

He turned around to walk away, but I called him back. "Marcus,"

He turned back around to face me.

"........I'm only in Cali for three more days....... I'm staying at my parents beach house in Malibu........ here's the address,"

I reached down into my pocket, pulling out the same piece of paper I put in there earlier. In all my years of knowing him, I knew there was a chance that he would need to process everything before speaking to me, if he was actually going to speak to me.

I held out the piece of paper, waiting for him to take it.

He looked down at it and hesitated, before taking it out of my hands.

"You drove all the way here from Malibu?"

"Yeah, persistence is key," I said in a awkward chuckle.

"Ight........well thanks,"

I slightly nodded.



I stood in the same spot, as I watched him walk through the parking lot, until he disappeared into the backseat of his car.


"So you already made it back to the hotel, how did everything go? Did you two talk?"

I softly sighed, as I stepped through my hotel room door, sitting my purse up on the counter beside me.

"We talked......but we didn't have the talk, he uh, went out with his team to celebrate them winning the game,"

"Oh," Marissa said lowly. "Well did he agree to talk? Or want to talk later?"

"Kind of, I mean, he never directly said yes or no.... I told him I was here for 3 more days, and I gave him the address to the beach house, so we'll see."

"You think he's gonna come?" I shrugged as if she could see me. "I don't know, if he doesn't, that's still closure, it lets me know that I really do need to let go and move on,"

"True.....well, I do hope you two talk, it's needed. But you'll be back in the morning, right?"

"Yeah," I said in a sigh. "Everything went ok today with you and AJ?"

"Yeah, he brought Mariah with him, so we all kinda hung out..... they're actually spending the night here at the beach house since it was such a long drive to get here,"

"Aw, that sounds fun..... I bet Sky is so happy to have her daddy there with her,"

"Try ecstatic," she said in a chuckle. "They've been inseparable since he got here, I don't mind though, it's a nice break,"

"I bet," I smiled a little, but it quickly faded. ".....Alright, well don't let me hold y'all up, I think there's some board games in one of the closets if you guys get bored & wanna do something, I'm gonna take a shower and try to relax,"

"Okay....... Don't stress, everything will work out the way it's supposed too. You needed clarity, and regardless of what happens, you'll leave California with everything you need to know,"

I nodded, feeling my eyes sting a bit. "'re right......thanks,"

"Of course, get some rest, we're gonna do breakfast again in the morning and you need to be there, AJ wants to see you too,"

I smiled. "Okay, I'll see y'all in the morning......night,"


I hung up the phone, tossing it on the pillow beside me. My smile faded away into a slight frown, as this feeling of sadness took over me.

Marcus P.O.V.

I sat back in my booth seat, in the section the team and I were in, as everybody cheered around me.

I took a small sip of the Henny that was in my cup, deciding on just having one drink, since I needed something after having Aliyah pop up the way she did about a hour ago.

I reached down in my pocket, pulling out the piece of paper she gave me, staring down at the address written on it.

"There you are, I must've missed you after the game, I heard y'all was pulling up here, so me and my friends just came over,"

I looked up, to see Desiree taking a seat beside me on the rounded couch.

"Congratulations, another win in the books huh?"

I folded the paper back up, stuffing it down in my pocket. "Yeah........ thanks,"

She frowned a little bit. "Okay, are we back to making things awkward again? Because I clearly remember you saying you wanted to hang to make things less're definitely failing,"

I sighed. "My bad, I just got some stuff on my mind,"

"Apparently, you're drinking after you clearly said you weren't gonna drink tonight, wassup? Did something happen?"

I sighed, shaking my head. "Nothing that I feel like really discussing,"

"Okay, can you atleast tell me what you're struggling with? Cause it's clear that you're going through something, I can see it on your face,"

"........ There's just a decision I need to make about something, that's all,"

She nodded. "Okay, well in that case," she reached over, taking my glass out of my hands. "Whatever decision you need to make, you're not gonna find the answer in this glass, so no more alcohol for you,"

She leaned over, pouring the rest of my drink in the plastic plant that was beside her, causing me to chuckle.

"I've been witness to the bad decisions you make when alcohol is involved, and I would be a bad acquaintance if I let you repeat the same mistakes again,"

"I guess I appreciate that," I said in a sigh.

"You should, but anyways, does this decision have to be made tonight?"

"Not exactly,"

"Okay, well just keep a clear mind, and relax tonight, and when you wake up tomorrow, make your decision, I think the club isn't the best place to be deep in thought anyways," she slightly chuckled.

"Yeah, that is true,"

"Right, so celebrate your win and handle your business in the morning, got it?"


"Cool, I'll be back in a minute, I got my eyes on you though, no alcohol,"

I chuckled, holding my hands up. "I got it, I got it,"

She smiled a little at me before standing up. "I'm watching you," she gave me the im watching you sign before disappearing into the small crowd of people in our section.

A.J. P.O.V.

I stepped down the last few steps, onto the cold tile floor, as I made my way into the kitchen.

I seen a dim light coming from the doorway, letting me know Marissa had to be inside.

I stepped up to the doorway to see her sitting down at the kitchen bar, in her pajamas with a glass of wine, scrolling on her phone.

I cleared my throat a little, causing her to look over at me.

"Oh....hey.... I didn't know you were still up,"

"Yeah, my ice pack got warm, so I'm just getting another one," I said, motioning to the melted pack in my hands.

She nodded. "How's your head? Any better?"

"Yeah, that Advil you gave me worked hella fast, my heads' still sore though,"

She smirked. "Yeah, that's a given,"

I stepped all the way inside, walking over to the freezer, pulling it open.

"Sky's asleep?"

"Yeah, she's out like a light, after her bath she kinda fell straight asleep, I guess all the excitement wore her out today,"

"........Where's Mariah?" She asked taking a sip from her glass.

"Asleep, she knocked out a little bit ago, we were supposed to be watching a movie, but she knocked out like twenty minutes into it," She smirked. "I know how that is, can't blame her,"

"Yeah....... But what you doing down here? I see you got the lights all dimmed and shit,"

She chuckled. "Having mommy time,"

"Twice a week I try to have some time of quiet time to myself after I put Sky to bed, it's my me time,"

I nodded. "Oh Ight, well I'll leave then," she chuckled. "I wasn't dismissing you......but you are throwing off the vibe,"

I sucked my teeth. "Whatever, I'm gone, but drink responsibly Ight?"

"Yes dad,"

I gave her a small smile before grabbing another ice pack out the fridge. "I'll see you in the morning,"

"Okay..... goodnight,"


I turned around walking away, when I stopped in my tracks.

I turned back around, facing her, causing her to look over at me.

"What? Did you hit your head so hard that you have amnesia? I thought you were leaving," she chuckled a bit.

"I am.........but there's something I need to say first,"

"Uh, okay, what is it?"

I took a few steps towards her, taking a deep breath.

"I know that I haven't wanted to talk about it since it happened while back, but with you being here in person, it's kinda gonna be hard for the both of us to ignore the thing I did a couple months ago,"

She was silent for a second. "You mean....... The texts and the FaceTime call,"

"Yeah," I said in a sigh. "I know you had approached me about it, and I kinda shut you down, truthfully, I've just been too embarrassed to talk about it, but I really just wanna apologize to you,"

"Apologize for what?"

"Everything I said," I started. "I was drunk out of my mind, and you weren't the only one that got a drink call from me that night unfortunately, you were just the only one who decided to pick up,"

"I apologize for how I came at you, and the things that I said, it was out of line, and disrespectful to both of our relationships, and that's definitely not me,"

She nodded slowly.

"....... I got something real solid with Mariah, and that's where my focus is right now, whatever I said that night to contradict that, was the alcohol speaking,"

"Again, I apologize for what went down, and it won't happen again, I swear,"

She let out a small smile as she nodded. "I hear you.... Thanks for apologizing."

"No problem........ have a good night,"

"You too,"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I bet y'all thought something was gonna happen between AJ and Marissa, what's your thoughts on this chapter??


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