Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks
A Much Happier Reunion
Party at the Gates of Hell
A Glittering Life
My Sweetheart Went Down With the Ship
Bagging the Zepp
A Much Needed Visit
Checking In
Birthday Surprises
On the Precipice of Dawn

A Picnic

70 1 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

AN: Only one chapter this week, was a bit under the weather over the weekend and our local comicon is this weekend so I'm a bit busy. I hope you all enjoy this!

With a careful eye towards our appearance, we'd managed to return to the house with no one the wiser as to what had happened. I pretended not to notice how closely Louise was examining my dress, and my petticoats, when I'd gotten changed for dinner that night. She had said nothing though, and Will and I had exchanged our usual chaste kiss after dinner before heading to bed.

Will and I were in the library later that week, overseen by a maid dusting the shelves, when Peggy opened the door. I looked up rom my book and Will looked up from his latest project, a model of the Anastasia that he had started, as a swirl of black fabric swept in. Mother took a seat between the two of us. I tried to avoid the way she arched her brow at me. "Well, I heard you gave my daughter a tour of the ship."

"I did." Will nodded, setting the small pair of forceps he had been using aside. "She wanted to see everything."

"Did she?" Mother turned to me, "How many refrigerated holds does she have?"

"Six." I answered, remembering Will's words as we had walked downstairs and trying to keep the memory of his hands gliding over my breasts to warm me up away. "They weren't completely cold when I was aboard, but there were still quite chilly."

"And her electric plant?"

"A steam driven turbine dynamo." I furrowed my brow, "Mother, what are you trying to get at?"

"I simply wanted to ensure that Mr. Murdoch gave you a very thorough education onboard." She looked over to Will. "Although I suppose a couple of hours is a sufficient time for a tour. I certainly hope that you never felt you had to cut anything short." I barely managed to keep my jaw from dropping. There was no way she could know, no way. She just had to think that maybe Will had stolen a few kisses. Any evidence had been left onboard, Will's sheets and his handkerchief had been left for the stewards to send off to the laundry. They had joined an already large pile of linens from the rest of the crew, and Will assured me that he was not the only man to put a handkerchief used in that manner in the laundry.

Will nodded, and I could see a flush on his neck. "Ana was a very receptive audience, she took in everything I had to say." At that I flushed, or at least I felt like I did. Catching my eye, Will gave Mother a grin. "Although I was not expecting you to be joining us today, Mrs. Dalian."

"Yes, well, you probably will not be pleased to hear what I am here for." Mother sighed, turning to me. "My dear, I'm afraid you will have to represent us at the opera this year."

I groaned, "Mother, surely we could skip it." Seeing the way she was glaring at my posture I sat up straighter. "After everything that has happened, we can just make our donation. No one would expect us to attend."

"We donate, which means we attend at least the opening night." Mother, her shoulders set, remained firm. "I cannot attend, not in mourning as I am. And for our family to skip the opening night, after fifteen years of regular attendance, it would reflect badly on us. So, it is up to you to represent us." She looked over. "And Mr. Murdoch. Will a chaperone be needed?"

"They're doing La Boheme! I don't speak Italian, I'll have no idea what is going on." Ignoring her comment I grabbed for any excuse that I could. "And you know the Reichsters will be there, Sophie was already bragging about her opera cape and I haven't been able to get anything. She asked me to come to their box, for God's sake."

Mother very calmly held up a hand. "You don't speak Italian, French or German. You've said the same thing when it was Faust and then Wagner." She ticked the excuses off on her fingers. "You do have a new opera cape, it came in our order from Paris. If they come to your box you will be pleasant, but noncommittal. You have been trained on how to do that. You're going, with William." She looked to him. "Again, will you need a chaperone?"

He shook his head. "No, Mrs. Dalian. We will not."

"I am afraid your uniform will not suffice for this occasion. White tie, tails and a top hat." I saw a smirk break out on her face as Will groaned, "Reggie has already arranged for them to be ready. This does mean that you will be staying home from the next trip though, I have already informed Captain Fraser."

"I suppose it could be pleasant." Will sighed, looking over to me. "It will allow me more time with Ana, which I dearly enjoy."

Mother snorted, and for a moment I was shocked to hear such an unladylike sound from her. "Spend time with her all you like, but you will be expected to be seen with her. Not keep her in here, where you might be able to hide away with her." She glanced to me. "I should like to read about you two in the paper. Carriage rides in the park, dinners out at places you will be seen, perhaps you might even get an invite to a ball after the opera."

"It's no use fighting her on this." I said as I resigned myself to my upcoming fate. "She's as stubborn as a mule."

Mother smiled at that, "I quite happen to like mules. Hardworking, dependable, surefooted. There are far worse to be compared to." With that she swept from the room as quickly as she had come, leaving Will and I alone.

His model lay forgotten on the table, while he looked over to me. "I want you to be honest with me Ana, exactly what am I in for?"

"In terms of the people or the opera itself?" I reached over for the small knife he had been using to cut pieces for the model, wanting something to do with my hands. "The people will be just like the ones we met in Newport, in fact they'll be the same people. Just a bit more dressed up. And the draw of the opera is not the opera itself, but visiting and watching everyone else with your opera glasses."

"And the show?"

"It's about two artists who fall in love, but one of them is dying and everything is all so tragic. That's as much as I could gather from the various showings I've seen, I can't understand the songs." I turned the knife around, using it to clean underneath my fingernails. "I wouldn't worry about it too much, the people we'll meet aren't the ones to interrogate you about exactly what character you preferred."

"Hmm." Will rose, coming to sit next to me. He took the knife, replacing his hands around mine once he had set it down. "I won't feel comfortable without something to protect you, are you sure my sword is not allowed?"

"Not unless you want to have everyone scared." I squeezed his hand. "We'll be fine, we can have people visit our box. I know a lot of the men like to go to the bar the entire time, and the ladies like to visit as many boxes as they can, but if they ask why I will simply tell them that you don't want to miss a second of your first opera."

"As if I will understand a word of it." Will snorted, "Although I may get some of it, I do have a little Spanish. Haven't used it in years though, but it might be close enough to Italian."

"Well, I will be looking forward to seeing you," I grinned, "Finally in a top hat and tails, oh you'll be so handsome."

He groaned, collapsing back in his chair and dramatically closing his eyes. "I'll look a fool, and you know it."

I stood, coming to sit primly on his knees. He sighed as I brushed my fingers over his cheeks, latching them around the back of his head. "It's not for another week, and we can finally do something normal." He gave a content little sigh as I dragged my fingers down the back of his head. "I think a carriage ride tomorrow sounds lovely."

"Does it have to be an open one?" Will, his eyes eyes still closed, raised an eyebrow at me. "I'd much rather keep you all to myself."

"It does, and you know it." I chuckled, rising from his knees. "Now, I am going to go pick out my dress for the opera."

"Not the one you wore to the Reichster's in Newport." He was on his feet in an instant, his hands on my shoulders as he gripped them tight. "I don't want to see you wear that out again."

My voice was quiet as I looked up at him, "You want me to save that one for you?" At that he crushed me to him, his lips harsh against mine as he twisted a hand in my hair. I opened my mouth, gladly letting his tongue slip in and begin to stroke against mine. I sighed into him, feeling myself almost collapse into him as he pulled me tighter to him. Two more weeks of him, of getting chances to do this, it sounded like heaven. Two weeks of him being here, safe with me and these little stolen moments.

He had just lifted me to a table when a voice called out from the stairs, Peggy sounding rather flustered. "Miss Anastasia! Miss Vanderbilt is on the telephone, she wants to talk about the opera next week with you."

"Damn it." Will grunted, stepping back and gesturing for me to get down. "Go deal with it, I'll clean this up. And order the carriage for tomorrow, I want to take you out." I sighed, slipping off the table. That would be a downside, we would not have places to truly be alone. With the ship gone, well, we couldn't exactly retire to his bunk. The bitter taste of disappointment on my tongue colored my voice as I started to speak to Liz, and it took me a moment to force it down.

The carriage ride was not the most pleasant. To start, it appeared that every other socialite had decided to take her carriage to the park. Then it had been the hottest day yet during summer, or at least it felt like it. The air was thick and humid, not a breeze to be had, and I was panting in my walking suit as the carriage slowly moved forward it fits and starts. My parasol provided little shade, and the large hat was heavy on my head. Even Rigel was panting in the heat, curled up on my lap with his pink tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Will, sweating next to me even in his light summer suit, cursed. "I've had enough of this damn heat." He stood and reached back, jerking the cover of the carriage up and providing us with some shade. "And yes, I know that we're supposed to be seen being out, but I am not having you red as a tomato at the opera." He sat back down, mopping at his sweating brow with a handkerchief. "I doubt you've been burnt enough to tan instead of burn."

"Have you?" I asked as I closed my parasol, pulling out a fan and trying to stir a breeze for the both of us. I even shifted Rigel to cool him a little. "You were so pale when I met you that I could practically see the blood flowing underneath your skin." I didn't mention the only other time I'd seen him paler, that morning of waiting in the cold. "Although you have gained some color, it looks good on you."

He leaned back into the bench. "I can assure you Ana, I have been sunburnt plenty of times in my life. My first trip out with my father," He chuckled. "I could barely stand to wear my clothes it hurt so bad."

"Well, perhaps I should get sunburnt on our honeymoon." I quirked my brow up at him, enjoying the flush on his cheek. "Unless you want me to be clothed the entire time."

His voice was barely a whisper, "I don't want you clothed now. And I don't want to have this damn open carriage." I giggled as I leaned into him, not caring about the heat at the moment. He sighed, curling an arm around me. "God, every person and their brother must be here today."

"Perhaps we should go to a museum instead." I waved the fan, glad for the slight movement of the air. "It has to be cooler than this."

Will looked out for awhile. "I have an idea." He stood, talking to the driver for a minute. We pulled off of the crowded carriage path, heading deeper into the wooded areas of the park. When the carriage came to a stop, Will handed me out. "I think a picnic in the shade would be much preferable to sitting in the sun for any longer." He even lifted Rigel down to the ground, handing me his leash.

I watched him grab the small basket we had brought, simple food and a few bottles of lemonade. "We don't have a blanket."

"I'll throw down my jacket for you." He replied, swinging the basket over one arm. "A knight protecting his lady from evil grass stains." I laughed at that, finally cool as we searched for a spot in the shade. It was much less crowded here, although there were other couples and families that had the same idea as us. Eventually Will found a place he liked, a shaded rise that afforded a decent view of the lake. He slipped his jacket off, sweeping it onto the ground. "My noble lady."

"Why thank you my gallant knight." I said as I sank gracefully onto his jacket. Rigel flopped into the grass, laying almost flat. Will sat cross legged across from me, opening the basket and passing over a cold chicken sandwich. I pulled a small piece off for Rigel. He sniffed it, then snapped it up. Will took one for himself and we kept the lemonade bottles in the basket so they wouldn't spill. I smiled after I finished my sandwich. "This is nice, just sitting here and enjoying the day."

"I'd be enjoying it a lot more if it wasn't so hot." Will snorted, but he did smile. "Although it is nice to spend time with you, I'd rather be here than spend another day in that storm."

"A day in a storm?" I cocked my head, "You said it was only a brief one."

He winced, "I may have sanitized it a bit. It may have lasted a couple of days, although it really wasn't that bad after the first one." He held up his hand as I felt my mouth screw up. "Really Ana, I've been in worse. It was hardly a hurricane, just a big storm. We were fine."

"Captain Fraser was sick the whole time?" I said after biting down my initial anger.

He nodded, "As was the entire captain's table from the night before. Something in the food. Really though, he trusted me to see everything through. He said so himself." He started in on how the storm was fierce to start but as they made their way into it the storm had eased up and really had simply been a lot of rain. I kept my lips pursed as I watched him. Him, essentially captaining the ship, through a storm. I tried to forget what it was like being on a ship during a storm, the way the Star had lurched underneath me and how I had felt my stomach drop every time she crested a wave.

"Then perhaps you'll make captain sooner." I mused, after he had run out of steam. "Although I do hope Captain Fraser isn't going to give that fourth officer too hard of a time. It sounds as if the ship was rather out of sorts."

"He dressed him down in front of all us, but I think he's understood what to do the next time." Will slurped down another slug of lemonade, although the sour look on his face had nothing to do with the drink. "God, hasn't he gotten it through his thick head?" Rigel perked up as well, a growl erupting from him.

I glanced behind me, seeing Zachary in a linen summer suit escorting Sophie, dressed in a white billowy dress, across the shaded park. Directly towards us. I sighed, taking a drink for myself. "Don't hit him this time, there are witnesses." He didn't reply, simply grimacing. I plastered a fake smile onto my face as I turned around. "Your Highness, Zachary, isn't today just lovely for a picnic?"

"Oh, but it is!" Sophie smiled widely, "Although you seem to be lacking a blanket, please join us." She gestured to Zachary, spreading a massive checked blanket across the grass. "We have a delightful feast packed, roast turkey and ham, cheese, and we even brought some wine! Although we did only bring two glasses, perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing?" She glanced down. "And I remember our playful little fellow here." She waggled her fingers at Rigel, who ignored her, coming to sit on my lap.

"I think we're alright." Will said, not getting up to join them on their blanket. "We actually just ate, and Ana's cook made us some wonderful lemonade." Sophie nodded, letting her skirt swirl artfully down onto the blanket as she sat. Zachary was already lounging on the blanket, a glass of wine in his hand. Will raised an eyebrow at him, "I hope you've been showing Her Highness a good time here in the city."

"He has!" Sophie clapped her hands, grinning. "He has let me go to the most delightful stores and we've been to the theater and the cinema, not to mention the wonderful restaurants. And the opera next week!" She straightened, turning to me. "That is actually why I was so glad to notice you over here, Zachary mentioned to me that you only know English and I would hate for you to not be able to understand the performance. I would be glad to join you in your box and translate for you."

"Ah, well, it's really not necessary." I demurred, "I've been attending these for years, I find the story is able to translate through the music fairly well."

"But the poetry of the words!" Sophie reached over, touching my arm. "You miss so much when you do not understand them."

"It's quite alright." Will looked over, "The opera is more of a spectacle than a story, isn't it?"

"I suppose." Zachary drawled, "Although it's probably more than you can handle." I watched him nibble at a piece of turkey, following it with a swallow of wine. "I can't imagine you've ever seen the like, being from Scotland and all."

"We have our own form of entertainment, and I'd be glad to list off a number of Scottish artists if you need reassurance of our skill." Will almost snarled at him, "Although I wonder if your nose is comfortable enough to put up with all the talking I hear goes on at one of these. It still looks rather tender. How did you break it again? I'm afraid I never quite heard the story.

Zachary's glare was ignored by Sophie who launched into a story. "He was so brave, he broke it saving me!" She looked to him and sighed, her eyelashes fluttering. "I was getting off the yacht and I slipped, I almost fell between the boat and the dock but he threw himself down and caught me, even though he hurt himself." Again, a dreamy sigh and she looked to me. "Oh, I was so terribly frightened that I was going to fall and drown! I don't know how to swim very well, but then Zachary came in and risked his own safety for mine. Really Anastasia, you don't know what it's like to have the man you love save you from certain death."

"Actually, Your Highness, I do." I stood, picking Will's jacket up from the grass and handing it to him. "And in a far more desperate situation. Should I tell you how he lifted me into the lifeboat even as I begged him to come with me? How he went back to save as many as he could, almost losing his own life? Or maybe you would like to hear about how I found him almost frozen, and how he said he would be happy simple to see me one last time before he died? Forgive me if I cannot equate that with you almost getting a dress wet." By the end of it my voice was as cold and icy as that water had been, any sympathy gone. Rigel stood, shaking himself as he joined me.

She paled. "Oh, no, I didn't mean to-"

Will turned to Sophie. "Yes, Your Highness, I was fully ready to die that night, content only with the knowledge that Ana was safe. I almost did die, several times. I'm not sure that Zachary here was ready to lay down his life for your safety. Or if he ever will be." With that he stood, pulling his jacket back on and picking up the basket.

Zachary leapt to his feet "I will not sit here and be insulted by some jumped up sailor who shouldn't even be speaking to one of our class, let alone marrying her!" Rigel lunged, only stopped from snapping his teeth around Zachary's leg by my pulling his leash back tight. He settled for growling at Zachary as he started toward us.

"I've got far more class than you in my little finger." Will stepped forward, glaring at Zachary. I watched his hand ball into a fist. "And more honor. Or do you want your fiancée to truly learn what a miserable, conniving little worm you are? I'm sure she'd love to know how you really got your nose broken."

Zachary glowered for a moment, but stepped back. "You're a bastard, a complete and utter bastard." With that he sat back down on the blanket, pouring himself another glass of wine. He filled it to the brim, some of it spilling onto Sophie's skirt. She gave a little cry as she pulled it back, but he snorted. "I'll buy you another, just eat the food."

"I will come visit you at the opera." Sophie called after us as Will and I started back to the carriage, but I didn't turn back. Will did stop though, his hand winding around my waist as he crushed me to him. I brought my hand up to him as he pressed his lips to mine, holding him close as he kissed me for all the world to see. I heard Sophie gasp, but I hardly cared. Let her gasp as I thrust my tongue into Will's mouth, as he pulled me tighter to him and mercilessly kissed me. My heart was in my throat by the time Will pulled back, settling all of us back in the carriage before it started for home.

As the carriage pulled out of the park, Will picked the basket up. He searched for a minute, finally pulling out a small piece of cheese that must have fallen off a sandwich. He offered it to Rigel, "He's a good dog, although you should have let him bite Zachary. Little prick deserves it."

I watched Rigel snatch up the cheese, then start sniffing Will's hand for more. "He would have kicked him, I can't see him hurt." I sighed, collecting Rigel back into my lap. "You know I'm going to have to call Mother when we get home."

"Why?" Will reached over, scratching Rigel's head. He grinned down at him, "Gille math."

"It might show up in the paper, and I want Mother to know that 'an intimate moment' was only a kiss." I did smile, considering it. "Although what a kiss Will, what ever possessed you to do that?"

"I wanted to show him exactly how much he affected me." Will snaked his arm around my waist, pressing his lips to my cheek. "Not a damn bit." His lips moved to my ear, his voice a whisper. "And that you're mine, as much as I'm yours."

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