in his arms| J.O

By kailovesx

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By kailovesx


I yawn a little it's saturday and i'm getting my hair done again.I took my hair down already and my hair stylist is doing my hair already.

She's basically just flat ironing it and i could do it by myself but i don't feel like it.

She only has the top to do and my hair goes to the middle of my back so it's pretty long.

If you're wondering i'm black/Dominican.

Anyways after she finished she left and now i'm getting ready to go to jahsehs house.

I showered before getting my hair done so all i have to do is get dressed.

I went upstairs and put on grey biker shorts and a white hoodie and my white fluffy slides.

I took some pictures it's my hair down then i put it up in a pony tail with those clip things.

^^^like that.

I grabbed my house keys and phone and went downstairs.

I turned on the tv and i had to wait a while before actually leaving so i put on care bears and went in the kitchen and made coffee and a heart shaped quesadilla.

I sat on the couch and ate and drank my coffee then went on instagram.

Jahseh has been getting more and more followers and it's low key suspicious because where are all these people coming from.

He has about 100k right now.

I'm really starting to think he's that x dude.

XXXtentacion has been releasing new music and i really can't stop listening and i'm so addicted so i'm going to talk to him about it because i actually think it's him.

I don't understand why he's hiding it like this is really exciting for him.

Anyways after a while he texted me to come over so i sat there for a cool five minutes then got up and walked out the door and locked it.

It's like 11:00 now and i'm low key still tired but anyways i walked over to his house and he said just walk in so i did.

Aiden was on the couch so i hugged him because we met a while ago then went upstairs to see jah. 

I went in there and he was writing in a book  but he turned around and closed it. "hi mari" he smiled and i smiled back. "wasgood" i said and hugged him as he hugged back.

I started smoking my wax pen because i can't smoke weed in the house that's disrespectful.

After a while of smoking that bitch started hitting.

"aye so jahseh when we're you gonna tell me you make music" i scrunched my eyebrows up. "i don't" he said blankly. "i'm not stupid" i blank faced him and he sighed.

"jah i'm happy for you and i'm literally so obsessed with it bro" i said and he nodded. "you don't hide things like that from me jah i wanna see you be successful and i wanna be excited when you update me about you doing what you love" i said and he nodded.

"i'm sorry" he said and i waved him off. "boy it's okay i love yo stupid ass" i said.

I was kinda slurring my words a little and spacing out for no reason. "i love when doc mcstuffins fixes her fake ass friends" i said out of nowhere.

"oh shit i'm floating" i laughed. I ended up falling off the bed and Jahseh came and picked me up and put me back on the bed. "can i suck yo dick" i laughed and he chuckled a little.

"aye let's go to sleep yea?" he said and i shook my head. " i wanna fuck" i said and he laughed. "go to sleep mari" he chuckled out.

"aight aight bru" i slurred.

I eventually slumped tho.


I just woke up to jahseh right by me on his phone.

I moved a little and he looked at me.

"how was your nap" he chuckled.

"why you laughing nigga" i said with attitude for no reason at all.

I be so mad when i wake up for some reason.

"you were high as a bitch bruh i had to make you sleep" he said and i looked at him weird. "not like that" he laughed.

"but you were asking to fuck" he added and my eyes widened. "say sike right now" i said giving him a serious face and he shook his head and laughed. "did i say anything else?" i asked and he shook his head. "nah" he chuckled.

I sighed of relief.

"embarrassing" i said and he laughed.

I picked up my phone and saw it was 4:00 and my mom and sisters should be back.

I had my phone on do not disturb tho so i couldn't see messages so i went to my moms messages and she was blowing my phone up so i told her i'm at Jahsehs house.

She said bring yo ass home and i said no because i don't want to.

I put my phone down and for some reason me and jahseh went downstairs just for fun.

Cleo was in there cooking and we sat at the island. Cleo turned around and smiled at us. "how was your nap"she chuckled and i laughed. "what you making ma" Jahseh asked.

"alfredo" is all she said and he nodded. "i like your hair it's real right?" Cleo asked and i nodded. "your mom was telling me your hair is really long" she said and i rolled my eyes. "she's so embarrassing" i said and Cleo laughed.

"can i see it out of the pony tail?" Cleo asked and i nodded and took it out and combed through it with my hands. "oh girl you got a head full of hair" she said and i laughed a little.

"thank you" i said and she waved me off and laughed.

We sat there and talked with her until she was done cooking then we ate and went back in the room.

He was working on a song while i was basically just on my phone and sometimes i would stop and look at him for a while.

I'm actually falling this boy so fast.

I never really fall this fast but for him bro a whole different story. 

I don't know if he feels the same about me and it's kinda stressing me out because what if i confess and ruin everything.

I mean he treats me like the best girl in the world man...

I got snapped out of my trance by my phone ringing.

I looked down and saw the contact was Solai so i quickly answered and automatically heard crying.

"Solai... what's going on?" i said a little worried.

"Sissy i need you home right now" she said and i slid to the end of the bed.

"okay but explain what's going on" i said as i slowly started putting my slides on and listening.

There was yelling in the background.

"mom and Asia are fighting because she accused Asia or having attitude and she just didn't feel like talking and she said that then mom went off on Asia and i think they finna fight then mom said something about sending me to the mental hospital and calling them right now and Asia got triggered and started arguing with her" she said everything fast and i had my shoes on and keys in my hand.

"i'm coming right now just unlock the door for me and stay upstairs" i said and she said okay before hanging up.

"i have to go there's too much going on bye Jah" i said and hugged him.

He pulled me into a kiss and i smiled then remembered i and to go.

I ran downstairs and said bye to cleo and aiden then ran home.

I busted through the door and saw Asia and my mom on the floor fighting.

Solai was trying to stop it but it wasn't working clearly.

I put all my shit down and went to break it up.

"SOLAI CALL DAD" i said while still trying to break them up. Asia was low key doing her shit i can't lie.

They were both on their sides throwing hits at each other.

It took a while but i split them apart and held my mom back. "GET OFF ME BEFORE I FUCK YOU UP" my mom started going off on me but i didn't care.

"Diana imma need you to chill out" i said to my mom. "LET ME GO BITCH" she yelled again.

"LET HER GO SO I CAN ROCK HER SHIT" Asia yelled and i was trying so hard to hold my laugh in.


Somehow my mom got out of my grip and ran up to Asia and Asia started firing off on her. They were both standing up and throwing hands and my mom grabbed Asia's hair.

I just sat there at this point.

Asia lost balance and fell but then she pulled my mom over her and climbed on her and started rocking her shit. "DAMNNNNN" i dragged out.

Ian know my sister could fight like that. 

Asia stayed on top but my mom eventually got her on the ground and started hitting her so i stepped in and broke it up and my dad finally got here and they kept yelling.

We prolly scaring the neighbors bro.

"dad talk to mom and handle her before i do it" Asia said smirking a little.

My lil mini me😊.

I laughed a little then went upstairs and got my weed bag and grabbed my sisters and went outside.

I know we underage but we stressed so i don't care.

I rolled up and stuff then we smoked it and vibed for a while outside then finally walked back in after a cool hour or so.

Me and my sisters started taking pictures and videos for no reason at all.

We sat on the couch and went on our phones and we kept looking up and making eye contact and laughing. We started to hear moaning from upstairs and we all looked at each other.

"EW THEY UP THERE FUCKIN" Asia yelled out and me and Solai started rollin.

"YALL NASTY AS HELL" Solai yelled and it made us laugh harder. "DIRTY BITCHES" i yelled and we just sat there dying.

The moans kept goin as me and my sisters kept laughing.

I saw jahseh walk up to the door step so i opened it before he could knock.

"are they fuckin?" he furrowed his eyebrows and me and my sisters started laughing again. I nodded.

"are y'all high bro" he made a blank face and we started laughing so hard for no reason.

"you can't have them smoking they are young" he said seriously.

"we're fucking depressed" Asia said and we all fell on the floor laughing as Jahseh stood there looking at us like we were dumb.

The moans kept going so i told them all to come upstairs and i went in my room and turned on my tv and youtube.

I put on deepthroat by cupcake and turned it to one below max volume.

At this point it was blasting because my tv loud as fuck.

"HUMP ME FUCK ME DADDY BETTER MAKE ME CHOKE" me and my sisters yelled out.

Jahseh looked at his phone so i snatched it to see stokeley on the phone. "HUMP ME FUCK ME MY TUNNEL LOVES A DEEP THROAT" i yelled into the phone making him laugh then Jahseh started recording as me and my sisters went by my parents door.

We started banging and screaming lyrics. "LICK LICK LICK LICK I WANNA EAT YO DICK BUT I CANT FUCK UP MY NAILS SO IMMA PICK IT UP WITH CHOPSTICKS" we yelled into the door.

Then we all started twerking. "MOUTH WIDE OPEN MOUTH WIDE OPEN LIKE I WAS AT THE DENTIST" we yelled and i put my feet on the wall and started trying to twerk upside down.

"AYEEEEE AYEEE" Solai and Asia started hyping me up so i got down and put my hands on my knees and started regularly twerking then i did the megan the stallion twerk and they kept hyping me.

We all started laughing even Jahseh was laughing.

The door shot open to my father and my very messy haired mother.

I paused the song and we all just sat and stared at each other before me and my sisters busted out laughing.

When we stopped they were still there.

"HE WAS BEATING HER DOOMIES DOWN" i yelled and we laughed harder.

Jahseh snorted a little then held his laugh in.

"SHE SAID UuUuuH UUh" Solai mocked her moans and we started rollin.

No seriously rollin.

"shut up that's gonna be you and Jahseh soon" my mom rolled her eyes.

"shit it could be" i bit my lip jokingly and my dad took his shoe off and threw it but it luckily missed.

"wait.... HE WAS HITTIN IT WITH SHOES ON" I yelled and me and my sisters started laughing again.

"y'all big asses broke the head board huh?" Asia asked and we started cracking up bro.

"BITCH IM DROWNING" i yelled while laughing.

"BITCH WHAT WATER?" Asia said and we all laughed.

Including my mom and dad.


So we ended up clowning them for a while now we're all in my room and Jah had to leave sadly but i got a kissy kiss.

We all finna go to bed tho we just chilling on tik tok.

I love my sisters so fucking much.

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