Din Djarin/Mando/The Mandalor...

By dxn_djarxn

209K 4.7K 5.2K

Just a bunch of One Shots and things for our favourite Mandalorian. :) (also I promise you it gets better bec... More

Introduction/Request Page
Reasons Why Mando Likes You
Things Mando Hates
bruh this is so $hitty
I'm sorry if you see this
Cyar'ika pt. 1
Cyar'ika pt. 2
Living Weapon
My Love
I'm Coming With You
Just For You
You're Home Now
Save Me From Myself
All I Think About Is You
Five More Minutes
Wouldn't Have Done Anything Else
For Us
Should Be Happy
Happy To Have You
It's Only Fair
gloating time
Like That
We'll Go pt. 1
We'll Go pt. 2
If You Marry Me
Rest A Moment
Happy Fourteenth pt. 1
Happy Fourteenth pt. 2
Happy Fourteenth pt. 3
Sympathy Act
Never Have To Go Back There
Not A Taxi Service
Snow Day
Stay With Me
Always Have
Dirty Jokes
Thank You
Din Djarin Headcanons
She's Gone
Father's Day
You're Not The Only One pt. 1
You're Not The Only One pt. 2
Good Idea, Kid
Rulers of Mandalore
Even A Devil
Wouldn't Change It
Nothing And Everything
A Trip To The Zoo
Brown Eyes & Caf
You Are In Love
Forgiven pt. 1
Forgiven pt. 2
His Song Has Been Written
Rambling Confessions
Incorrect Quotes:


1.6K 39 32
By dxn_djarxn

A/N: requested by joycecruzquintero - 'Ica' is said 'Ee-cah' and there used to be trees on Lothal called 'spine trees' (basically pine trees) before the Empire cut them down, so we're just gonna say they're still there

Warnings: wolves (but cute), din is traumatised as he attempts to mount a loth wolf, maybe swearing? idk,

Word count: 1128

You lean against a rock, a blaster and a forgotten cleaning rag in your hands. The tall grass of Lothal sways at your knees, an undulating sheet of greenish yellow blades, and the wind rustles through them, whispering softly to you under the sounds of a very indignant Mandalorian. Din's been trying to learn how to ride your loth wolf for nearly half a week already, and although she's gotten more used to him, she can still be pretty skittish, as through her life, she's only ever had you on her back. A heavy, beskar clad man with no apparent face is probably the last thing she wants to carry around.

You can still remember the first time he tried to mount her. She was already quite used to his presence, since she mostly follows you around, and, well, Din's a frequent visitor. He's always welcome when he wants to lie low for a spell, and you're pretty sure he prefers Lothal's weather to the scorching heat of Tatooine.

Or maybe, welcome when he's not trying to get onto Ica's back.

The first time he tried, he'd barely gotten a hand onto her flank before she whirled around and growled at him, yellow eyes flaring in annoyance. The second time, he managed to catch her by surprise enough to get one leg over before she bucked him off with a practiced movement. You'd huffed a laugh at the kicked puppy look Din had managed to give you through his helmet, amused at how stubborn both man and wolf were.

It had started as a joke - sometimes, as you rode on Ica, you'd lean your elbow on Din's helmet as he walked beside you, and somehow, when the two of you were discussing this habit of yours, you dared him to try and mount her. Both of you were pretty sure it wouldn't be too hard, Ica had never shown any dislike for Din (she'd gone so far as to jump on him and cover his armour with loth wolf slobber once), so he'd agreed.

You're pretty sure he regrets it now, but is too stubborn to admit it.

Currently, he chases after Ica as she cavorts around him in circles, amusement glowing in her yellow eyes. Her tongue lolls out of the side of her mouth, and she races through the grass as Din runs after her. By this point, you know that Ica's just teasing him, because she's strong enough to carry him, and besides, the mirth in her eyes is too prominent for you to ignore.

Din pauses, hands on his knees, and even from your spot, you can see his chest is heaving. Holding back a smile for his sake, you whistle sharply, and Ica comes frolicking over, her tail wagging as she noses at your face. Gently, you take the sides of her head in your hands and look her in the eyes, taking in the fine details on her fur, the speckles around her eyes and subtle bands across her nose. Picking a burr out of her pelt, you scratch behind her ears.

'C'mon, Ica, look how hard he's trying. Give him a chance, we don't want to completely take away his pride, do we?'

She hums, snorting before loping over to Din, nosing at his back. He straightens up, and you cover your mouth to stifle a giggle when he cocks his head in the most bewildered fashion, unsure why she hasn't danced back out of his reach already. Slowly, he angles his body so he's in the perfect position to jump on as she brushes past him, and with a well timed leap, vaults onto her back. You choke down your laughter when you see his hands tighten in her fur as he prepares to stay on, but she demurely trots over to you, flicking her ear and nuzzling into your hand.

'What did you say to her?' Din asks suspiciously.
You shrug nonchalantly. 'Nothing important.'

You pretend to ignore the squeak of alarm he makes when Ica bends her back legs to let you jump on behind him, soothingly patting his shoulder as he makes a sulky 'hmph' sound. Tapping Ica's side with your heels, she wheels around and you hook your arms around Din's waist as she begins to pick up speed.

'You're going to want to hold on,' you say.
'Already doing that,' he grunts, voice tight.
You laugh. 'Don't worry, we'll stop if you fall off.'

»»-———— ★ ————-««

It's barely half an hour later when Ica skids to a halt by a still pool of water surrounded by spine trees. Their crisp scent fills the air, their susurration calming you. Patting your loth wolf's soft flank, you hop off and rub the space behind her ears as she dips her head to drink. Din hops off too, and you grin over at him.

'You can't deny it, it's fun, isn't it?'
'The actual riding or the trying to get on her back?'

Ica lifts her head abruptly as a loth cat strolls out of a nearby bush. Ears perking up, she wags her tail and noses at it, but it scampers off, and she gives chase in a blur of grey and white. Winking at Din, you grab his hand and run in the opposite direction, ducking under branches and stumbling over roots in your hurry to get a head start. At one point, Din digs his heels in, tugging on your hand.

'What are we - '
'Hide and seek. Now, shh,' you hush him, hauling him over a fallen log and wincing when a twig cracks under your foot.

Already, you can hear her playful barking in the distance, and you stifle a giggle as you burst into a clearing, Din, still bewildered, trailing behind you. There's a crashing sound behind you, and you squeak and duck behind a log, heart hammering after running headlong through the forest. Just as you've flattened yourself to the floor, you hear a small meow and then an answering bark, and then the soft padding of paws on the spine needle coated floor before Ica launches over the log you huddle behind, the loth cat precariously balanced on her head.

Leaping forward, she jumps on you and Din, the air leaving both of your lungs in an audible whoompf as she starts slobbering at his helmet, her tail wagging frantically. Meowing, the loth cat plops onto the forest floor beside you, rubbing up against your arm before curling against your side.

Ica lifts her head before sneezing and shaking the spine needles out of her fur. Din chuckles, reaching over to squeeze your hand, and although you can't see it, you know he's smiling beneath his helmet.

alternative title: reader and her loth wolf confuse stubborn!din and i try and stop myself from making dirty 'riding' jokes

also look i just love loth cats so here:

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