Happy Fourteenth pt. 2

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A/N: happy fourteenth part 2, requested by joycecruzquintero (still no grogu guys i'm sorry, have pedro holding a pillow instead)

Warnings: violence, blood, gore,

Word count: 963 (sorry it's kinda short)

Din smiles so hard that his cheeks hurt when he stumbles across you curled up in the corner of the hull, surrounded by a fortress of crates. The little massiff he gave you is cuddled to your chest, her little snores muffled by the fabric of your shirt. The sweet expression on your face is wonderfully content and peaceful, and he can't help the happy tears that brim in his eyes as he hurries to grab you a blanket.

In a few seconds, he's back, gently tucking the woolen blanket under your chin, careful to fold it back so your massiff puppy can still breathe. She stirs, blinking her eyes open and surveying Din before she snorts at him as if to say 'don't wake my human up, you big oaf' and turns over.

Chuckling to himself, he leans down and kisses the top of your head. Silently, he wonders what you'll call the little animal. He's sure you'll make a good choice.

Creeping back across the hull, he decides to get you a pillow as well - maybe then, when you wake up, you won't complain to him about the crick in your neck. A grin pulls at the corner of his lips at the thought, and he pushes your hair from your face as he eases the pillow behind your head.

'Sleep well, ad'ika.'

'Not possible with you constantly tip toeing around.'

He jumps and sees that you've opened your eyes. They shine with mirth as you bat your eyelashes and smile impishly up at him (a mix of expressions which don't totally convince him of your innocence). Lurching backwards, his heel catches against a crate and he sits down with an audible oof. You giggle, pleased with your little prank.

'Stars, ad'ika, don't do that!'

'Well, you're a bounty hunter! Surely you should know that I was fake sleeping?'

He huffs indignantly. 'Well, you don't have a bounty on your head, do you? Plus, when have you ever seen one of my bounties fake sleeping to give me a shock?'

Delighted, you giggle, and the massiff wakes up, nosing her head out of the blanket. She squeals, the spines arcing over her spine caught in the tangles of the blanket. Carefully, you ease her free, and she snorts at Din again as if somehow it's his fault. He raises an eyebrow.

'I don't think your massiff likes me that much.'

'You did put her in a stuffy cardboard box,' you point out, then shrug. 'She'll forgive you sooner or later, right?'

Your last sentence is addressed to the small reptile curled up in the crook of your elbow. Booping her nose, a grin spreads over your face again as her little tongue darts out to lick your finger. Sighing, Din gets up with a grunt, holding his back and wincing before he stretches it out with a symphony of pops and cracks. He makes his way over to the kitchen area of the Crest, where he managed to hide the cans of massiff food from you - an impressive feat, since you're always rummaging around for snacks.

'So, what are you calling her?' He asks as he opens a can.

'Koran,' you reply. 'It means brave in Rodian.'

He smiles. 'Cute.'


Din can still remember that scene, five years ago, perfectly. He was surprised by your choice when you first told him what you'd call your massiff, but now he completely understands. Recently, you've been training Koran, and he'd doubted that he'd need her help, and now he's here, backed up against a wall with precisely seven Trandoshans pointing their blasters at him. If you weren't by his side, he would risk it, but he's not risking your safety - however much he knows you can look after yourself.

And of course, Koran is at your side, her head reaching up to just under your hip. Her eyes gleam as she blinks at them, snarling. She can sense the agression pouring off the Trandoshans, and as far as Din can tell, she won't let them hurt you - or him, if your massiff has in fact warmed to him.

One of the Trandoshans narrows his eyes, the sound of his blaster tuning up, and Din watches as your fingers brush over Koran's head. To the men in front of you, it looks like nothing but a terrified girl assuring herself her strange looking pet is still by her side, but Din knows otherwise. 

He rips his blaster out of his holster just as you click your tongue and Koran leaps. She flies forward, the sandy colour of her scales a blur as she pounces onto the first unexpecting Trandoshan, her sharp teeth closing around his arm. A sharp crunch fills the air, and he screams and drops his blaster. By then, Koran is long gone, crimson staining her fangs, having taken down three more of the Trandoshans. She whirls towards the last few, but Din has felled them with his blaster.

Prancing back to you, Koran bounds over to you, and you grin widely, rubbing her sides and finding the point where the plates of armour like scales down her back merge with skin. She growls in content, eyes closing as her tongue lolls out. Din chuckles under his breath - for a creature small for her size, she's fiercer than most massiffs he's seen, and without a doubt just saved both his life and yours.

Kneeling in the dirt in front of her, he rubs her chin and chuckles when she darts forward and licks the cheek of his helmet.

'She did good, didn't she, buir?'

He glances up at you at the sound of your bell like voice. 'Of course she did, ad'ika. She had the best trainer she could have ever had.'

(btw i just made up that Koran means brave in Rodian if you're wondering)

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(btw i just made up that Koran means brave in Rodian if you're wondering)

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