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A/N: requested by @1Mando , sorry but this is unfortunately that sad area of time before baby yoda (i hope yall like the pic^^) 

Warnings: injury, blood, deaaaaaaath, gory ass shit, swearing, 

Word count: 1395

One second you're standing on both feet, shooting at the mercenaries that your bounty hired for protection, the next second there's a searing pain just above your hip and you're on your knees, teeth gritted in pain as you scream through them, twisting around and aiming your blaster over your shoulder. Your finger spasms over the trigger and somehow manages to pull it, and you don't even have it in you to turn around and see if you hit the mercenary because now you're on your hands and knees, simply trying not to get trampled on.

Rolling onto your side, you grab your blaster and your knuckles turn white as you try not to give in to the sudden wave of black that threatens to drown you. A foot nears your head, and you turn your wrist and shoot, blowing the foot clear off before it hits your head. The mercenary collapses to the ground next to you, and you swipe the spray of blood out of your eyes with the back of your wrist as you twist sharply and shoot her in the head, freeing her of her misery.

'Ahh, fuck,' you mutter, twisting to dodge the body that goes flying, thanks to Mando, causing pain to spear through your side as you try to get up. You're aware that you're lying in a pool of your own blood, and that it's soaked into your trousers, but you try to stand up one more time in effort to get out of the way before dizziness sets your vision spinning and you collapse to the ground again, the boot of someone's toe narrowly missing your chin.

You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to ground yourself amongst the spinning forest of ankles and feet stamping way too close to your head as your blood flows out of you steadily. Someone grabs your hair and your eyes fly open as you struggle to wiggle free of the mercenary's grip, knowing that if they get a blaster to your head, Mando will stop fighting and you'll lose the bounty, maybe for good.

'Shit,' you gasp, pain rocketing through your skull now too, and you're forced to bow your head and stare at the wound in your side as the mercenary starts hauling you up. Blood bubbles out of the hole in your clothing, and you're vaguely reminded of the source of a spring, snaking down to feed the lake of crimson pooling around your leg. Black starts clawing at the edges of your vision, roaring loudly in the edges of your mind, and this time you can't ward it off.

Suddenly, you're released too fast, and you slam back to the ground, your head hitting the floor with a sharp crack. It jolts you awake, and you drop your blaster and press your hands to the wound, wincing. You glance up and catch sight of the silver glint of Mando's armour before he's standing over you, warding off the forest of mercenaries, looming directly over you, one foot either side of your body, somehow making you feel safer than you have this whole hunt. You feel a strangely sleepy smile cross your face, your eyes drooping shut.

'Y/N?' Mando grunts. 'Y/N? Y/N?'

You realise that tone in his voice is urgency, and you moan. 'Uh?'

'Stay awake. Keep your eyes open. Even - even if it's the last thing you ever do that I tell you to, just keep your fucking eyes open.'

'B - but - '

'Do it!' He roars, his left elbow snapping back and catching a mercenary in the face before he turns and swiftly shoots over his right shoulder. You know why he's saying it; you're losing too much blood, and you're losing it too fast, but the black pulls at your eyelids now, insistent and promising places where there aren't what seems like thousands of feet trying to trample you. Your eyes are millimetres from closing, when Mando barks your name again, snapping you back into consciousness, and you shake your head in effort to fight back the black bleeding into the corners of your vision.

'Come on, Y/N,' he says from somewhere above you. 'I promise you, you can sleep as much as you want once I've fixed you up. Just - just stay awake now, please? I'll get you out of here soon.'

'J - just f - for you,' you answer deliriously.

'I don't fucking care who for, just stay awake! Stars, Y/N!'

There's an edge of panic in his voice you've never heard before, an urgency which scares you a little, because you've never heard anything but calm, unfazed sentences crackling through his modulator.

'M - Mando?' You mumble, your voice a pitful whine. 'It - it hurts,' you whimper, half aware that you sound like a child. A wave of light headedness smashes into you like a star destroyer, and you groan, clutching at the ground in vain effort to stop yourself from spinning. You hardly notice when the fighting stops; you just register the pain that prickles up and down your side when Mando scoops you up. You dig your nails into the muscles of his arms below his pauldrons, gasping in pain each time he takes a step.

'I - I'm sorry,' he says, quickening his pace and holding you tightly to his chest. 'I - I don't know... I don't know how long you'll last, I - '

'It's okay,' you murmur dreamily, resting your head against his breastplate.

'No, it's not!' He yells, startling you awake yet again. 'I don't want you to fucking die, Y/N!'

His steps pound into your skull as much as the meaning of his words as he strides up the cargo ramp of the ship, and you moan quietly as he sets you down on the metal cot, disappearing from your vision for a second before reappearing with the medical supplies.

'I'm going to have to stitch you up,' he says, and your eyes listlessly focus on the way his fingers tremble as he threads the needle. His gloves are off, and you don't quite think you've ever seen so much of his skin before.

'M - Mando?' You choke out, and he shushes you, smoothing a warm, callused palm over you hair as he gently lifts up your shirt. You can tell from his silence that it's bad.

'I - I'm sorry,' he whispers. 'This is going to hurt.'

You briefly glimpse a white antispetic wipe in his hand before fire roars through your side as he tries to clean your wound as gently as you can. You try to thrash away, and he presses a firm insistent hand on your stomach, pinning you and grounding you, and you clutch at his wrist, sweat sheening your forehead as he throws away the wipe and starts with another. Cries of pain squeeze out from between your clenched teeth, and suddenly, he starts talking. You're not sure whether it's because he sees the way your eyes beg him to distract you, or whether he needs to fill the silence in the ship with something other than your pained cries, but he speaks.

'Y/N, it's going to be o - okay. I'm m - moving onto the stitching now. D - don't - I - Just keep your eyes open a little longer. Please, Y/N. I... You don't get to leave me, not like this...'

You focus on his voice, the way it catches on your name, breaks on certain words, crackling through his vocoder. You aren't quite sure when he finishes the stitches because the pain is still there, roaring through you like a wildfire, but he pulls away, and you look up at him through heavily lidded eyes.

'Can I - can I sleep now?' You murmur, your eyelids slamming shut before he can answer.

'Yes, my love,' he whispers softly, and you feel the brush of his fingers as they run through your hair, then stroke lightly over your cheek. You relax into his touch, and he mumbles something in his own language, too soft for you to hear. He repeats it again, this time in Basic, maybe because he thinks you're asleep, maybe because he thinks you won't remember, but he says it anyway.

'I love you, Y/N.'

You stir a little, reaching up slowly to catch his fingers and squeeze them. 'I... I love you too, Mando.'

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