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A/N: i did this imagine one shot thing for a character in my random simp book but then i had an idea for mando so kinda just copied it in here for yall and changed some things up, also someone think of a better title for me please please please

Warnings: gets slightly spicy (basically mando dirty talking and a big juicy boner), kissing, swearing, nightmares

Word count: 1142

You tiptoe across the hull, far too aware of Mando's sleeping presence in the small metal cot in the corner. Him sleeping is a far too rare occurrence, and you really don't want to wake him. The ladder creaks as you climb up to the cockpit, and you wince, before slumping down in the pilot's chair and curling your legs up to you chest.

Through the glass, you can see the moon glowing with silver light, suspended up in the sky, passively watching. It blankets everything with temporary silver. You stare out at the landscape. It's been far too long since you were able to sleep soundly, and you shift restlessly in the chair, fidgeting as you kick your feet up on the dash with a sigh. At least Mando's asleep. You're pretty sure he's pulled at least two all nighters since your last hunt, and you hate that he seems to think that the only way for him to keep working is to deprive himself of rest.

A small shuffle sounds behind you, and you turn around, jumping out of the chair and dropping into a defensive crouch.

'Just me,' the shadow says, stepping out into the moonlight, and you relax, slumping back into the chair.

'Why're you up, Mando?'

'Why are you?'

You shrug, not sure what to say. You should be comfortable with him, you've known him for years, and yet simply looking at him these days makes your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth, makes your brain suddenly forget how to function. And of course it's made worse by the fact he isn't even wearing a fucking shirt. Cocking your head, you survey him. His helmet is on, and he appears like he always does, but you sense a dishevelled, just woken air about him, mixed with a more worrying tense, uneasy mood.

'Hey, are you okay?' You ask softly.

'Uh... I... I had a dream.'

'Are you going to torture me with withheld information or are you going to tell me what it was about, bucket head?'

'You died.'

You snort. You can't help it. He came to tell you this, despite the fact that either of you are at risk of death on every hunt you go on. 'You dreamt that I died. Hope you enjoyed it, since you won't get rid of me that easily in real life.'

His face crumples. You don't see it, but you're aware of the way his shoulders drop. 'I - I saw you go down, and - and I couldn't help you. I was there and I - I couldn't move. And you were screaming to m - me for help.' The black visor fixes on you, and you hear the tears in his voice. 'P - promise me you'll stay safe.'

You laugh bitterly. 'You know that I can't do that, Mando. I'm a fucking bounty hunter.'

A sob breaks from him, and he nods, turning to go, but you grab his shoulder, stopping him. You won't lie to him, won't give him false promises, but you can still comfort him. Gently, you wrap your arms around him, a shiver running down your back at his warmth, his skin under your fingers. Immediately, you feel disgusted by it, by the way you can't stop the thoughts in your mind about him, even as he clutches you to him, crying. You rub comforting circles over his back, hating the way you can't stop yourself noticing the way his muscles ripple tantalisingly under his skin with every breath.

'I'm sorry,' you whisper. 'If I could - if I could promise you that I'd stay safe, I would.'

He shudders with a sob. 'I... I just needed to - to see if you were okay. I - I don't think - you - I... I don't want to - to lose you.'

Maybe it's instinct, maybe it's something unconscious in the back of your mind, but you turn your head to the side and press your lips to where his temple would be if he wasn't wearing the helmet, where his face is nestled in the crook of your neck. It's silent enough that both of you are able to hear his breath hitch, clear as crystal in the still air of the cockpit. Then there's approximately ten seconds where the two of you are frozen, locked in each others' arms, before he twists his head and pulls his helmet up slightly, just enough that he can cautiously kiss the side of your throat, his fingers tightening around your waist.

You find it amazing how easily he can change your emotions with the gentlest brush of his lips against your skin.

'F - fuck you,' you grit out, hands scrabbling over his back, trying to drag him closer.

'I'm sure you'll do it soon enough,' he answers slyly, flicking his tongue against your skin. 'I'll make sure of it.'

'Didn't - didn't know you'd go so far just to - to get into m - my pants, Mando,' you gasp, but even as you form your words, you're arching your neck up for him, eyes half closed in pleasure.

'Mmm,' he hums, still lapping at your skin. 'Shit, cy - cyar'ika, you taste so good.' One of his hands slips down to the apex of your thighs. 'Bet - bet you taste even better d - down here.'

Cursing under you breath, you squeeze your eyes shut, stifling a moan. Propping yourself up with a hand on the dash, you arch against him, breaths coming out in desperate gasps. He nips at your skin one last time, causing your eyes to roll back in your head, before he lifts his head, almost looming over you, and you swear again because the way you can feel him fucking looking at you should be illegal -

Mando kisses you on the lips, still holding the helmet halfway up his face, just enough that all you can see is the outline of his features in the dark. The kiss isn't soft or sweet, but with the two of you the way you are, you never expected it to be. Desperately, you grab the back of his helmet, pressing closer to him as he tugs at your bottom lip. You gasp against his mouth, one hand running down the muscular planes of his back, dragging your nails over his warm skin, elicitng a rewarding, husky groan from him. Slowly, he pulls away, dipping his head and simply just looking, taking eyefuls at a time - of you, and only you.

And then he wraps his fingers around your hips and pulls you tightly against him, letting you feel exactly what he wants and where he wants it.

'Oh, shit,' you mutter, reaching down and cupping him.

'Yeah,' he answers, breath hitching as you squeeze him slightly, his visor looking wonderfully hungry in the moonlight. 'I think we're going to have some fun tonight.'

Din Djarin/Mando/The Mandalorian: One Shots, Imagines, etc.Where stories live. Discover now