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A/N: requested by CottageCafe - YALL LOOK AT HIM ^^^ HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL FÚCK

Warnings: i didn't do any research for this one so the details are kinda sketchy, violence, me geeking out about hardcase's z-6, kissing if you could call it that, it gets kinda hot at the end, swearing,

Word count: 1041

Din remembers running through the covert's corridors with you from a young age. He remembers sparring with you, giggling as you grappled together on the floor. He remembers the day you had both sworn yourselves to the Creed, he remembers the wonder in your body language when you first saw Grogu.

He remembers the electric tension that had crackled between the two of you before you disappeared.

He remembers the way you'd clasped his hands in yours, squeezing tight.

He remembers the Keldabe kiss you gave him.

Actually, you're the only thing he's been thinking about the whole time you've been gone. And now he's decided to find you. You went on a hunt, and a dangerous one - you'd told him about it, and beneath your words, he'd heard the warning: I might not come back. The thought that he may never see you again terrifies him, petrifies him down to his very core because you complete him, you know him in a way no one else does.

And now someone has taken you.

And he's going to find you, if it's the last thing he'll do.

He knows you took a job from the Empire. Taking in some dangerous criminal - a criminal whose name he'd never heard, whose actions had never been gossiped about in the dark of cantina booths. But still, it was a job, and you'd taken it because it paid good. Too good, he realises now. Maybe you popped up on the Imps' radar, maybe someone reported you, Din doesn't know, but they took you, lured you in, and he needs to find you. He'd warned you before, pleaded with you to be careful, and now he hasn't seen you in two months. It should be giving him satisfaction that he was right, but all he can feel is dark dread deep in his stomach, welling up like a poisoned well locked inside him.

He's tracked you to a remote planet on the Outer Rim. Currently, he's standing inside of a building which is obviously an Imperial facility of some sort, by a heavily guarded door, Stormtrooper bodies around his feet. Taking a deep breath, he touches the panel beside the door, and it slides open with a apprehensive hiss.

His breath catches in his throat.

There you are, stripped of all your armour except for your helmet. From the tilt of your head, he knows you're unconscious, but as he steps forward, trembling at the sight of you, you begin to stir. He sees the moment where you recognise him, because you go rigid, breathing out his name in a broken whisper.

He drops to his knees beside you, scanning for injuries as you grab his hands, repeating his name over in over. You're bruised all over, and he feels anger shoot through him in waves as he gathers you up in his arms, pausing to pick up a bag in the corner. As soon as he lifts it up, he knows it's your armour, so he slings it over his shoulder as he slips back out of your cell.

Din can feel your fingers digging into his shoulder as you hold onto him, clinging onto him with a desperation he's never seen on you before. It makes him want to kill every single person in this building, but he needs to get you out of here before the alarms are raised. Quickening his pace, he holds you tighter as you let out a small whimper, your head lolling back, and he swears underneath his breath as the alarms start blaring, red lights flashing down the corridor. Pulling his blaster from his holster, he ducks out of sight of some Stormtroopers, waiting a moment before he continues running.

Blaster fire sounds behind him, and he scrambles to the side to return fire. You stir in his arms, grabbing the straps of the bag and slipping from his grip.

'Give me my fucking blaster, Din,' you mumble, words slurred, but beneath them he can hear an echo of your usual firey spirit.
'As you wish,' he quips, handing you the bag, and you rummage around in it until you produce a rapid-fire Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, built from the remains of one from the Clone Wars, and promptly blast the troopers.
'Served them right,' you tell Din. 'Thanks for breaking me out, by the way.'
He chuckles. 'Any day.'

He's smiling under his helmet as he leads you out of the Imperial compound and to the Crest. He's smiling when he sends the rebels the coordinates of the Imperial base, he's smiling when you appear out of the shower and slump down in the co - pilot's chair with a groan, he's smiling when you grab hold of him and squeeze him tight once you're in hyperspace, he's smiling when he dips his head to tap his forehead against yours.

Din knows your eyes are wide when he returns the Keldabe kiss he's been thinking about ever since you gave it to him. His hands tighten on your waist as you pull him closer to you, your fingers slipping up his neck to tug at the hair just under the rim of his helmet. He gasps at the feeling, backing you up against the wall as you begin to unbuckle his armour, your hands roaming over him in a way which steals his breath away.

'I - I missed you,' he stutters out.
You pause, cocking your head. 'Din,' you whisper. 'The thought of you was - was the only thing that kept me alive in there.'

His heart stills in his chest for a moment, and suddenly he's fumbling to flick a switch on the wall beside him, soaking the hull in darkness as he rips off his helmet, then yours. Grabbing your chin, he fits his lips to yours, barely stifling the desperate, keening noise that threatens to ease its way from his throat when you suck at his bottom lip. Threading his fingers into your hair, he tilts your head back so he can latch his mouth onto the soft skin of your neck, littering it with marks until you're gasping.

'Don't you d - dare stop,' you choke out as his lips slide lower.
He laughs. 'Never.'

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