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A/N: requested by joycecruzquintero - sorry it's so short!!

Warnings: swearing, probably wrong art terminology since the last time i touched a paintbrush was in year 9, bad writing in my opinion,

Word count: 663

You're lost in your own world, paintbrush moving frantically over the creamy paper in your sketch book, when you sense his presence to your left. Glancing up, you spot Din looming in the doorway, silent, his broad shoulders filling the space. Quickly, you angle the book away from him, blood rushing to your cheeks at being caught. It's just a hobby, and although you'd love to sell your paintings, you don't think they're good enough for that.

'What are you doing?' He asks.

'N - nothing!' You chirp, voice absurdly high.

'Well, you obviously aren't doing nothing,' he replies sardonically. 'You're huddled in a corner, what looks like a sketchbook clutched in your hands, and you've got the look of a bounty who's hiding place has just been discovered in your eyes.'

'Uh... well, I w - wasn't doing nothing, per se, I was just...' You trail off, knowing he's caught you.

Maker, how can he read you this well? It's as if he's known you all your life, not for half a decade, but you know it's because he's so fucking attentive to you every move, like a good... a good whatever your labels are right now. Lover? Boyfriend? You're not really sure what to call it, but you do know that you are severely smitten with this stoic, beskar clad man, and vice versa.

'You were just what?' He prompts, stepping forward.

Slumping down on the crate beside you with a grunt, he leans with his knees on his elbows, somehow giving the illusion of eager curiosity with nothing but a beskar visor. Fiddling with your paint brush, you stare up at him, before sighing. He might as well know; he knows everything about you, so why not this?

'I'm - uh - I'm painting, Din.' You fidget uncomfortably. 'I was copying a holo of Naboo.'

'Can I - can I see?'

'Uh... they're not very good...'

He shrugs. 'If you're spending this much time on it, I'm sure it's worth my time, mesh'la.'

You blush at his kind words, slowly turning your sketch book so he can see it. Anxiously, you wait as he stares at it. You hear his breath catch, and he goes completely motionless. The seconds stretch on, and you begin to wonder if it is really that bad. Maker knows, you've been working on that painting for almost three standard hours, and you aren't even finished yet.

'Is it - is it really that bad?' You venture, nervously gnawing at your lip.

Slowly, his head turns to you, his black T - shaped visor staring into your face. Nervously, you look back, gaze sliding over the beskar until you fix on the point where you assume his eyes are under the helmet. Suddenly, he chuckles, and you reel back a little, taken aback by his strange reaction.

'Oh, cyar'ika!' He laughs. 'You think this is bad? It's - it's great, sweet girl, hell, it's beautiful! You could - you could sell this stuff, and get a hearty sum of credits for it!'

'Really?' You ask quietly, eyes widening. 'You think so?'

'Of course I do, mesh'la, I wouldn't dare lie to you.'

You grin up at him. 'Thank you, Din. Thank you.'


Not a week later, you stand beside Din, one of your paintings displayed on your right as you lean on the table of your stall. Already, you managed to sell a few of them, racking up the equivalent of two bounties in credits. As another customer approaches, you give them a dazzling smile to offset the presence of a Mandalorian bounty hunter next to you.

As you sell your product, you feel Din's fingers reach for yours from under the table. The corners of your lips pull up a little, and you squeeze his hand as the customer starts rummaging in his purse for credits.

'Told you it was good,' Din mutters in your ear. 'You've got talent here, and I couldn't let it go to waste.'

You just throw him a smirk.

Din Djarin/Mando/The Mandalorian: One Shots, Imagines, etc.Where stories live. Discover now