You Are In Love

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A/N: requested by pokititos - i'm sorry guys it's been a while

Warnings: swearing, violence, weapons, not proof read, almost a non consensual kiss but then some shiny dude sweeps in and saves the day,

Word Count: 1251

'Hey,' Din says, and you turn around at the sound of his voice.

You, Din and Cara stand in the concealing shadows of an alley which turns off into the main street. Reaching out, the Mandalorian brushes some hair off your face, his hand moving down to cup your jaw firmly. Both of you ignore the way your breath hitches at the gesture, too shy to point out the way you react to each other's touch, but Cara spares the two of you a dramatic eye roll.

'Be safe,' Din murmurs.
You smile up at him. 'You too.'

You pause for a moment, not wanting to pull away just yet, and it appears he doesn't want to either, because he hesitates, his other hand brushing your waist before he withdraws. Paying no mind to the way you immediately yearn for his touch as soon as he steps back, you turn and throw Cara an awkward smile, hoping she doesn't think too much of the situation.

'Alright,' she huffs. 'Now that you two are done, let's head to the cantina, shall we?'

You nod, letting her cuff your hands behind your back. Din nods in acknowledgement at Cara before striding down the alley, stepping into the Nevarro sun, his beskar shining like stars in the cold embrace of hyperspace. Folding her arms, Cara leans against the wall, counting off twenty minutes. When it's over, the two of you follow in Din's footsteps, heading into the cantina; placing a firm hand on your shoulder, the ex shocktrooper leads you to the bar, forcing you to sit down on one of the stools as she orders a drink.

Out of the corner of your eye, you can just glimpse the cool glow of Din's beskar helmet. Although that's all you can see of him, you know he's waiting in the corner for the bounty you two are after, steady and reliable as always. His unwavering loyalty and trustworthiness is one of the things you love about him, among many other things that soften your heart towards him, making you a powerful duo: both emotionally invested in each other, and both fearless hunters.

Fearless hunters too terrified to admit to feelings stronger than friends.

Cara stands beside you - you had needed someone more subtle than Din, someone who Reymont won't recognise. Sipping on her spotchka and wearing a smirk fit for any proud bounty hunter, she jerks her head at a few that stroll past, emodying the arrogance of someone who knows the strength in their hands very well. Slumping against the bar, you scowl and give the impression of a defiant bounty who needs a quick way out. You don't like the number of surprised looks that you're recieving; a lot of the hunters passing by recognise you and are surprised that you've been caught, but you rest assured that once you bring Reymont, the bounty, in, they'll realise what you were doing.

The plan is to sulk around in the cantina until Reymont comes in and recognises you. He will then proceed to try and take you from Cara - you know that he'll first try with bribery, and then violence, and it's at that point where Din can step in.

'So, remind me what made you want to date this particular Zabrak?'
You scowl over at Cara. 'I had places to go and Reymont was the easiest path to them.'
'Regretting it now, aren't you?'
'I wasn't the one who got emotionally attached to fast,' you shrug. 'I also wasn't the one who had to keep getting his skin saved on every single mission we took.'
'Mando's a little more low maintainance, isn't he?'
'Let's not talk about this now,' you reply, shying away from her probing.

Cara's about to reply when the two of you both simultaneously spot Reymont. His horns are a little longer than the last time you saw him, and he's got a few more scars, but that's all. He still has the same insufferable smirk that begs to be smacked off his face, and he still walks as if he's the only one people should be paying attention to. You're surprised you managed to put up with him for so long.

He calls your name, and you turn around, giving him a great view of your cuffed hands. His eyes widen, and you internally roll your eyes as he rushes forward to your rescue. Looking Cara up and down, he leans on the bar opposite her, a little too close to you.

'Well, miss, how'd you get your hands on this fiesty little bounty?'
She shrugs, looking uninterested. 'Around.'
'Can I take her off your hands?'
She scoffs. 'No, have you seen the bounty on her head?'
'It must have increased since the last time I saw her,' he muses.

Placing a hand on your hip, he pulls you a little closer to him. Cara pretends not to notice, but Din, across the room, straightens up, his head tilting in the way that lets you know he's angry. He begins making his way across the cantina, but halts when you shake your head subtly at him. If he approaches too early, Reymont will be able to escape - he's got the ability to be infuriatingly slippery, and you don't really think he's worth a chase through the back streets of Nevarro.

'Hey, miss,' Reymont says, gaining Cara's attention again. 'Give me this bounty.'
She frowns. 'What?'
'Give me this bounty,' he repeats in a comical attempt at intimidation, reaching for his blaster.
'No,' she answers, folding her arms and drawing herself up.
'This is the last warning,' he growls.

Cara doesn't get a chance to reply. Reymont is so trigger happy that he just fires off a few shots as soon as she opens her mouth, and she dives to the side, melting into the sudden uproar as the other hunters stand up, clamouring at this sudden attack. You catch a glimpse of Din trying to fight his way through the crush before the Zabrak grabs your waist, tugging you towards the back door with astonishing speed.

This isn't supposed to happen.

He isn't supposed to be this fast.

The crowd wasn't supposed to be so thick.

Din was supposed to be here by now.

You know you can take Reymont, but you're more scared for Din than anything. Cantina brawls can get nasty sometimes, and he's a big target with expensive armour. You're about to drag your feet a little, but suddenly you're out in an alley way and Reymont is taking off the cuffs and throwing them to the side and grabbing your face and his eyes are on your lips and you're cringing away because for the love of the Maker what the actual fuck -

'Step away from her.'

You push Reymont away from you, glancing over to see Din pointing his blaster at the Zabrak. Sighing in relief, you run over to Din, relaxing into his hold as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, squeezing you a little too close to just be a friendly gesture.

'Don't you fucking dare touch her again,' your Mandalorian snarls, and you know that he relishes the fear in Reymont's eyes. 'Don't you even lay a finger on her, because I will make you regret it.'

You cling onto Din's waist, and you know it's moments like these where the two of you don't bother to hide how love you are.

Because you are. You are in love.

this song doesn't really match the vibe but it matches the title and i like taylor so

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