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A/N: reader insert of chapter 5 sorta, i don't really know if i like this so i might delete it later, not checked for spelling either so if anything bothers you scream in the comments and i'll change stuff

Warnings: daggers, blasters, death

Word Count: 1926

You were surprised at first. Mando hasn't been in touch in years. Not since you moved permanently to Tatooine to become a mechanic, leaving your hunting life behind. And now, he's calling you, a little blue tinged hologram of his upper torso hovering in front of your face, that depthless black visor unmoving.

'Mando?' You say softly, using the only name you know of his.

'Y/N,' he greets. 'My ship's in pretty bad shape. I'm nearest Tatooine, so I'll land in your hangar. Just a heads up.'

'Peli's hangar,' you correct playfully. 'So, if you're angling for a discount, you'd better go to someone else if you want to use your 'intimidating' presence to lower the price because she is pretty fearless.' As usual, you get a grunt in response to your cheerful antics, and you beam at him. 'I'll see you soon, tin can. Try not to crash!'

'Don't call me - '

You hit a button to hang up on him, and, still chuckling to yourself, you make your way over to Peli, who's got a face shield over her face and is spraying sparks everywhere as she melds something to something else.

'Peli?' You say. 'Customer coming in soon. Friend of mine.'

'They're not getting a discount - '

'I told him already.'

She stands up, pulling the face shield off and raising an eyebrow. 'Him, huh?'

You blush. 'Stars, Peli, I never implied - '

'Yeah, but you're young and you have to be in love with someone, or you'd have made a boyfriend out of one of those guys in that cantina that are always trotting around at your heels. I've seen the way you stare up in space like - '

'The guys at the cantinca aren't boyfriend material.'

'But the special he is?'

You roll your eyes. 'Fine, next time I won't tell you if anyone's coming, then.'

'Oh, no, that won't do!' She says, pointing at me with a grin. 'Remember, I employ you.'

'Yeah...' You say. 'But I keep you company?'

She laughs. 'You and my pit droids. Now go get the hangar ready, you cheeky thing!'


The Razor Crest is in worse shape than Mando said. It makes a sound that you've never heard it make before as it slumps to the ground, and you frown, taking in all those things that you'll have to fix. The cargo ramp lowers, and you fold your arms.

'Maker, Mando, what have you been doing? There's carbon scoring everywhere and have you seen the...' You trail off as he strides down the ramp, and suddenly you're running, running towards him and tackling him in a hug. He squeezes you, pressing you to his beskar breastplate, lifting your feet completely off the ground. You blink away the tears in your eyes as he sets you down gently.

'How are you?' You ask, smiling.

'I'm good, Y/N. The Crest isn't so good.' He laughs softly, a sound barely picked by his helmet, but a sound you love nearly as much as Mando. Peli approaches, wiggling her eyebrows at you, but you ignore her for the moment as Mando leans down slightly to speak to you. 'I - I don't have many credits, but I'll get some.'

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