I'm Coming With You

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A/N: this is basically a massive middle finger to that english teacher who decided to force me into english help club at lunch time because even tho i can write shit i dont like analysing the fucking great gatsby 😤

Warnings: threats of death? im not sure if that counts

Word Count: 1129

You wake up abruptly, not sure why. Your skin prickles, and you pull your blankets around you and turn over. You squint your eyes open, and they catch on something shiny, glinting in the moonlight. You tense, seeing the Mandalorian which stands by your window, silent, still. He cocks his helmet slowly, deliberately, and you know he knows you're awake so you sit up in bed.

'I knew someone would come for me eventually.'


'You're a bounty hunter, right?' You ask. 'Because you aren't a robber, since I don't have anything to steal, and plus you're a Mandalorian so you'd hopefully be more honourable than that, and you can't be a kidnapper because no one would pay my ransom - '

'I would pay your ransom.' He pauses, then continues, his voice crackling through his helmet's filter. 'And I know you, Y/N. You were a Mandalorian. I know you wouldn't make it easy for me to kidnap you.'

You freeze. You've heard that voice before, that particular lilt of his words, and your breath catches in your throat, eyes going wide as you take him in, his beskar clad form, standing relaxed but alert in the corner of your room, so familiar, and so very there. You can't believe you didn't recognise him before, with the way he's standing like that, the way he's got his helmet tilted slightly to the left. Your eyes fill with tears, and you gasp, pulling back the covers and launching yourself at him, hardly feeling the cold metal of his armour as he catches you, spinning you around, wrapping his strong arms around you, your heart glowing with happiness as he holds you to him, resting the cheek of his helmet on the top of your head.

Eventually, you release each other, stepping back to run critical eyes over each other.

'You've grown, Din,' you blurt, then giggle at your idiotic words. You've been apart for years and years, and that's the first thing you say once you recognise him? He chuckles, cupping your face in his gloved hands.

'You're beautiful,' he murmurs, and your heart lurches. You grab his hand and drag him over to your bed, forcing him to sit down. (yall, minds out the gutters plz)

'We need a talk,' you say, leaning your head on his shoulder because you don't want to let go of him ever again. You raise your head and look up at his visor. 'How'd you find me?'

He wraps his arm around you, and you melt into him as he speaks. 'After you... left, I tracked you in all the spare time I had. I knew vaguely where you'd gone, and even though I've never seen your face before, I... I'd recognise your voice anywhere. I'd recognise you anywhere.' He sighs, lightly stroking a hand through your hair, and you find that you can't take your eyes off him as he continues. 'And when I found you, I decided I'd visit.'

You touch your face and realise that your crying, overwhelmed that he's here, his arm tucked around you, pressing you close to him, needing his hands on you. Swiping the back of your hand over your eyes, you look up at him. 'I'm sorry I left so suddenly,' you murmur. 'I couldn't help it. I - I - ' You choke back a sob, and you feel Din pulling you onto his lap and cuddling you close to him, engulfing you with his scent, dwarfing you with his sheer size.

'I don't need to know now,' he says gently. 'I - '

'No,' you answer. 'I need to tell you this. I - I need you to know I didn't want to leave you.' You curl an arm around his neck, and a fresh bout of tears come as your heart realises once again that now he's here, it'll just be so much harder to say goodbye again. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself. You want him to know that you'd give anything just to go back to those days when you hunted together, the best in the Guild.

'You remember when we hunted, how I - I never liked working for the Imps, and how I'd take jobs against them sometimes?'


'Well I was told by our last client that if I didn't stop hunting and undermining the Empire, you'd be... you'd be killed.' Your voice wobbles. 'So I did. I gave my helmet to be melted down, but I still have my armour with me, just in case. I...' You trail off, looking up at him and touching the cold cheek of his helmet, your eyes wet. 'Din, I - I've missed you so - so much.' Your voice cracks, and he takes off his gloves and gently wipes away your tears with the callused pads of his fingers.

'I've missed you more than you'll ever know, Y/N.'

He dips his head and touches the forehead of his helmet to yours, and a sad smile pulls the corners of your mouth up as you lightly kiss over where his lips would be. He draws you close again, and you sit in each other's arms, silent, simply basking in each other's presences, until he speaks.

'That's my shirt, isn't it?'

You blush as he points at the pile of dark cloth by your pillow. 'Yeah,' you mumble. 'You'll have to wear it again, it's almost stopped smelling of you.' You chuckle. 'If you'd found me any other night I'd actually be wearing it.'

After a few seconds of silence, you glance up at him and you know that he's easily seen through your words, seen that you want more than anything to be near him again, you want more than anything for him to stay. He speaks, but the words that come out of his mouth aren't what you expect.

'I - I have a kid now.'

'What?' You demand, terrified that it's his child, that he's got some woman waiting for him back on the Crest, someone who's not you, someone who's better, someone who he deserves, someone who didn't leave him without a word.

'It was a bounty. I took it back and now I'm being hunted by the Guild.'

You look at Din with a grin, guilty of the relief that floods through you. 'Stars! Who would have thought that you, you of all the hunters would do something like that.'

'I'm working any jobs I can now,' he answers. 'I have to go. Soon,' he adds, not willing to leave you yet. 'I - I'll miss you.'

'No, no you won't,' you reply. 'I'm coming with you, Din.' You smile up at him, tears in your eyes. 'I am coming, whether you like it or not.'

He tenderly touches your cheek. 'I like that a lot.'

Din Djarin/Mando/The Mandalorian: One Shots, Imagines, etc.Where stories live. Discover now