Should Be Happy

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A/N: little post grogu drabble i'm so sorry, also someone get me a better title for this PLEASE (also thank you to the person who drew that ^^ wow you are a fucking genious)

Warnings: sadness due to lack of grogu, swearing, could suggest sex depending on how dirty your mind is

Word count: 328 (sorry it's so short, i was working on my other mandalorian fanfic, go check it out plzzz)


'Cockpit, cyar'ika.'

You can tell immediately from his tone that he needs you. In a matter of seconds, you're up the ladder and through the doors. The blueish light of hyperspace reflects off his helmet as he sits listlessly in the pilot seat, staring out as the stars streak past. Leather creaks as he clenches his gloved fist on the arm rest, and you step forward quickly.

'Din, baby,' you croon, leaning your forearms against the back of the pilot's chair and resting a hand on his shoulder. 'I... I'm sure he's happy.'

He hangs his head. 'I know, I - I just... I just wish...' He trails off. 'It makes me feel so... so fucked up. I should be happy for him.'

'Me too,' you sigh. 'I wake up every day and wish he was here too, just us, our little three member clan, and then I realise how selfish I am.'

Gently, you rub his shoulder, easing the tension out of his stiff muscles. He groans as you knead at one of the knots in the flesh there, and a small smile pulls at your lips as he tips his head back to look up at you. Melting into your touch, he slumps into the seat as you massage his broad shoulders with hands which look tiny in comparison to his sheer size. You love the way the two of you are so in tune, the way you lighten the pressure of your fingers before he even has time to flinch.

'Pretty girl,' he says, his dusky voice dripping with warmth.

Shaking your hands off him, he stands abruptly, sweeping you up in his arms. You squeak and curl your legs around his waist as he somehow manages to climb down the ladder - with you clinging onto him - and into the hull. Darkness descends as he flicks off the light and the sweet, bell like sound of his helmet hitting the floor rings through the air.

lmfao i'm sorry i didn't have enough time/energy to write any longer, you can choose whether they cuddle or they... do something else

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