Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures 😋 Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Theatre of Puppets
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Return of Emily's Forgotten Past
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Online Interview
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs
IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Govenment Robot
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS

IRL - The Baby Shower Stream

34 2 0
By Emilythecat66

It was a nice day in los vagas on the 5th of may and in jerma's house, jerma and ster were sitting in the living room watching tv with otto sitting by jerma on his dog bed, jerma was now 9 months pregnant and he was due to give birth at any moment, him and ster was excited to see their son after waiting 9 months for him and jerma was also getting tired caring him around for so long, he was also a bit upset that all the clothes he had never went over his baby bump as it was so big, they all just ping off his belly and end up just covering his chest instead, he now only can wear a really big shirt that he got one time from a friend that didn't know jerma's shirt size, he also had to give up live-streaming from march and he hopes to go back to live-streaming in late june or early july, he misses live-streaming and he really wishes he could do it one more time before he goes into labour, he missed talking to his chat, he missed playing the games which he can still do but he missed doing it during a stream where he could either make fun of the game, having people watch it with him and having a good laugh with the joke the chat make up and him joining in with the joke, he also missed sitting at his computer desk in his computer room, he can't sit down at his desk anymore as his baby bump pushes himself away from the desk and then umpnqble to reach the keyboard keys or mouse.
he sighs from being sad and he leans into ster who looks over at him looking concerned
"what's wrong, jerma dear" ster says and he takes jerma's right hand into his hands
"i miss streaming, i want to stream but i don't know when to do it as little emile will come out at any moment and i can't reach my desk properly due to this" jerma explains and he points to his big baby bump with his left hand
"aww, don't worry, baby, you'll be able to livestream again in no time" ster says calmly and comfortly and phe rubs his right hand on jerma's baby bump
"i know but...what am i going to do in the meantime as it looks like emile isn't rushing to come out" jerma says looking sad and ster thinks on what jerma should do
"...maybe you could do a live stream" ster says with an idea on his mind and jerma gets confused
"what do you mean by that?" jerma says looking really confused
"well, you could do a live stream baby shower" ster says and jerma looks at him with a little surprise in his face
"a baby shower live stream? it does sound like a good idea but what will it be about?" jerma says and ster grins happily
"well i was thinking...that ever now and again during the stream, you open a present from the fans which is a baby item like a pacifier or a diaper pack or a baby toy or even clothes and maybe the whole stream can be about the fans asking questions or even suggests names or even a gender reveal, that kind of stuff" ster explains and jerma thinks about it
"so you're saying...that we should have a baby shower livestream...before the baby is due?" jerma says as he was thinking about it looking confused and ster nods
"yeah! well, i was thinking a day or 2 before the due date as then we have the stream and then a day or 2 later, little baby emile will be born and we be so happy, we won't stop crying!" ster says happily and jerma looks at ster like he was the most handsomest guy he's ever met
"it does sound like a good idea but...what if he comes early during the stream? then what?" jerma says with a smirk then asks a little worried as he looks down at his baby bump and then rubbing it affectionly
" could do a pre-recorded video as a back up of you or us playing a game together?" ster says coming up with the idea on the spot and jerma looks at him thinking
"so like, a youtube video?" jerma says still thinking and ster shrugs with his shoulders
"i guess so, just stop asking questions and give me a yes or no on the idea" ster says getting excitability annoyed and jerma looks at him unsure what to think at first
jerma thinks about it and it does sound like a good idea, sitting in a living room like the one he had at the christmas streams he did, opening presents from 'fans' that will be random baby stuff and then now and again do something funny like receiving baby cards from the fans with stuff on the front like 'it's a boy!' or 'congratulations on the baby!' and then it will have a funny, dumb or nice message inside it, but what else could he do to make it fun? he couldn't do much him being pregnant but maybe ster could do all the stupid stuff he does for him
"...fine, we'll do it but only if you do the silly stuff i do for me" jerma says and ster nods excitability
"sure! i always wanted to know what it's like to act like you" ster says and he looked jokingly as he thinks
jerma rolls his eyes and he lightly slaps ster on his left arm making him react a little as he jumps back a little and starts laughing
"okay, so that's settle then but now we need to find a place to do this livestream and we need someone to help us sort it out" ster says and jerma thinks on what to do
jerma thinks for a mintue then he had the idea on who to use to help them out, he grabs his phone which was next to him on the sofa and he brings up his messages
"who you texting?" ster says as he sees jerma bring up the messages app
"a friend of mine" jerma replies and he starts texting 'hey, can you help me do some stuff?' he says in the text and sends it
he then waits and he looks up at the tv where it was showing a random ad which was about a electronic kids toy, meanwhile in england and in the house of emily and her dads, emily was chilling in her room listening to music and looking though reddit at random things when she received the text from jerma, she looks at it and she smiles
'yeah, what's up?' emily replies to jerma's texts and sends the text to him
'well, me and ster have decided to do a baby shower livestream next week and we need help setting it up and maybe help doing the livestream too, so you up for it?' jerma explaians in his text and emily gives a happy surprised face with her tongue sticking out
'i love to help, i be over at your place in a second!' emily replies happily and she places her phone down after she sends the text
she then teleports away from her room and she reappears in jerma's livi g room flying between jerma and ster and the tv behind her
"hi!" emily says happily and jerma smiles at her happy to se her again after a month with the mansion and the man victor
"hi again, emily" jerma says happily and emily lands on the coffee table
"so what do you want me to do other den help you 2 do da baby shower livestream?...and when is dis livestream going to be?" emily asks curiously and both ster and jerma fills her in
"so we need your help to find a place for us to do the livestream" ster explains and jerma nods
"yes and the livestream is taking place on either the 13th or 14th" jerma adds and emily thinks about it as she puts her right paw on her mouth
"umm...well...i do know a place dat is never really touched but it has a great big wroom dat you could use for da livestream but...why do you want the livestream so close to the due date?" emily explains then asks looking concerned
"it was ster's idea, blame him!" jerma says sounding annoyed and points to ster next to him
"you can blame 'im when suddenly during the middle of da stream, you go into labour or have a sudden contraction" emily says and jerma looks at ster looking ready to either kill him or slap him but then calmed down "have you got a plan for when dat happens?" she asks to see if they did have a plan and ster nods happily
"yeah, me and jerma are going to record a co-op game sometime in the week and then if something does happen, we have the video to have as a back up" ster explains with a emotionless face and emily nods to understand
"ok, so what is this baby shower stream going to be?" emily asks and jerma tells her what he had in mind for the stream
after he tells emily, emily thinks about it and then she nods her head happily with a smile
"yeah, that's a good idea but just make sure da cards and questions you get aren't mean or anythin'" emily says with a worried look
"don't worry, i won't, i check them over with ster when i get the questions or cards" jerma says and he points to ster
"good, good..." emily says and she smiles "ok, i'll be right back, i have to check the place i'm thinking about it still available" she adds then she teleports away
she reappears at a old abandoned studio and she goes inside to see if anyone was in there, she looks around to see it really dark but the light from the sun was coming though the windows at the top of the studio, she goes to a room to the side of the studio where she thinks it would be a good place for the livestream and when she opens the door, she sees the room was like it was when she checked it last time, empty and spacey with dust, cobwebs and things on the floor, the last time emily was here was about a few months ago after she was flying around in boredom and she spotted the abandoned studio, she obviously looked around the studio seeing it was empty and that when she found the room she was in now
"dis should be good place for da stream but i better see what ster and jermaine think" emily says to herself and she disappears teleporting back to jerma's house
when she reappear in jerma's house, both jerma and ster jump a little by her sudden appearance
"i found da place!" emily says happily and ster smiles happily
"good, can you show me so i can check if it's okay?" ster says as he stands up from the sofa
"sure, hold my paw" emily says and she holds her right paw out to ster
ster tales emily's paw and the pair teleport to the studio while jerma stays behind, he sighs as he wanted to go too but ster is treating him like a valuable vase and it make sense now as he almost due to have their son but at the same time, he was capable to di things till it was time, ster was just being overprotective, jerma sighs again and he leans back into the sofa with his right hand in his baby bump, he then feels the baby suddenly kick and he rubs his baby bump affectionly
"what's wrong with you? you upset your dad isn't here?" jerma asks his unborn son and he receives 2 intelligent kicks telling him no "then what's wrong then?" he asks and he didn't get a reply making him confused on what that was about
suddenly emily and ster came back and ster looked pleased
"what's up with you?" jerma asks seeing ster's face
"the place that emily chose is amazing and it should be ready by the time we do the livestream" ster says happily and he sits next to jerma
"i'm goin' now, see you soon" emily says and she teleports back home
jerma and ster wave her off and then jerma looks over at ster with a confused face
"so...what does it look like?" jerma asks and ster smiles as he takes out his phone from his pocket
"it looks great! here is the pictures of the studio" ster says and he shows the pictures he took of the studio to jerma
the place looked really nice and clean and it had beige walls around the room, it was spacey enough to do loads of things in it and jerma liked the place
"it's very nice" jerma says happily and ster smiles with a grin
"i like it too, emily picked a nice place to do our livestream, now i can't wait for next week!" ster says and he was getting excited
jerma huffs as he smiles at ster and he thought on how he couldn't wait to do this livestream either, he was just worried that the baby might want to come out during the livestream but he brushed it off as he knows the baby will come on the 15th of may
"*gasp* we need to do the announcement of thr stream on our twitters!" ster says and he pulls up twitter on his phone
jerma does the same and they write about the stream and the date of the 14th of may in the tweet, when the tweets were sent, they relaxed and they chill for a few hours watching tv, for the next few days, jerma and ster planned for what they are going to do for the stream and by the end of the week, they planned to have the baby card and presents from fans with emily giving them the presents with her magic and she was the one writing on the cards with fan messages when the fans give in donations, they had also decided to do a gender reveal as both jerma and ster never told their fans the gender of the baby and name suggestion too to see who gets it right as they never told the name they had for the baby, they also did a pre-recorded game during the week and they decided to play stardew valley then animal crossing as they were calming games, they were excited for the event but jerma still was worried about the baby wanting to come out during the livestream.
soon the day rolled around which was saturday the 14th of may and they had packed all the stuff they needed for the livestream, jerma was wearing dungarees with a white t-shirt and ster was wearing a plain shirt and trousers with trainers, emily soon appears in the living room of jerma and ster and she looked happy to go
"are you 2 ready?" emily asks and the pair nods
"yep, we have everything for the steam" ster says and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"ok, let's go!" emily says happily and she touches jerma and ster on their shoulders after going in the middle of them
she teleports herself and the pair and they end up at the empty studio room, jerma looks around the room and he smiles seeing the room in person, ster and emily set up the room while jerma sits in a really comfy sofa that was on the middle right side of the room and when everything was set up, ster checks of the stream eas working with a test stream and when it was, the stream was ready to go and ster goes over to sit by jerma after he teaches emily what buttons to press for the camera changes, which button it was for the microphone, the button for the brb card and the end of stream card, where the donations will be popping up, what button it will be to bring up the pre-recorded stream and to start the stream which was on jerma's twitch so he had the 'be streaming soon' planets up, emily could see that there eas already about 2k people watching and the stream hasn't started
"ok, emily, turn on the mic!" jerma says and emily nods
she pushes the button for the microphone and she can hear the mic though her headphones which is connect to her tablet with the stream on it telling her it's working
"hi everyone! welcome to the baby shower livestream!" jerma says happily and emily can see in the chat everyone is saying hi to him "i can't read what you are saying as i'm sitting a little far away from the computer" he adds and emily sees in the chat everyone is talking nonsense
"hi, i'm here too!" ster says and emily says hello to ster "and i'm the one who came up with this stream, not jerma" he adds and emily looks to see everyone again talking nonsense
ster then points to the computer and tells emily to turn the camera on and she does, it then shows jerma and ster sitting on the comfy beige couch and they wave at the camera
"ok so, here is the plan for this stream" jerma says and he explains the plan
he explains that during the stream of donations come in, they will be put in a baby card and also thoughout the stream, they will receive baby gifts from the fans too, he then explains that firstly, they will make the chat guess the name for the baby and if they get it right, they will get to make ster do a dare which ster wasn't happy about, the chat went wild with loads of different name with either boy or girl but there were some trolls in the chat and just kept spamming either 'no gender' or ' name' while others were being funny by putting 'baby andy' or 'otto jr'
"*giggles* otto jr!" emily whispers and both jerma and ster heard her
"wait? are you lot saying we should give our baby to otto to look after?" jerma says looking surprised and emily giggles again
"how is he going to look after them? he's a dog" ster says and him and jerma shrug unsure
emily giggles again and then she looks back at the chat
' that emily the cat? i recognise that giggle' one comment says and emily sighs
"looks like i've been found out" emily says and she goes to the camera "hi! tis me!" she says to the camera and then goes back to the computer
'omg! how is jerma friends with emily?' 'maybe they met each other at the streamer awards a few months ago?' 'oh yeah, i forgot the BAFTAS and the streamer awards were happening at the same place at the same time' 'it's cool that jerma and emily are friends, i wish i was her friend' the comments say after emily showed herself on camera
emily smiles with a huff then she looks back at jerma and ster, she then sees there was a donation with a messages and she makes a baby card appear with her magic, she writes in the card what the message says and then teleports it to jerma, he takes the card and reads it out loud seeing it was a kind message, jerma smiles and thanks the person who send the donation, it was then time to do some of the presents and emily makes the presents appear with her magic, there were about 10 presents in total and both ster and jerma were happy with the presents
"here are the presents you lot sent us so let's see what our baby has gotten from you lot" jerma says and he picks up the first present
he unwraps it and it was a baby grow that said 'glad to be out, i was running out of womb' on the front which made ster snicker, there was also another baby grow with another message on the front that said 'you got this daddy!' with arrows pointing to the head, arms and leg holes
"ha ha! very funny!" jerma says sarcastically and he puts the baby grows on the arm of the sofa
ster and jerma open the rest of the presents which were funny baby bibs, baby rattle, baby food, baby diapers, baby pacifiers, a baby carrier backpack and baby monitor
"chat, these are some nice presents, thank you" ster says jokingly as he knows it was really emily who got them the presents with her magic
"now that is out of the way, has anyone guessed the gender and name of the baby yet before we reveal it, emily?" jerma says to emily and emily looks at the gender chart
"well, according to chat with da gender, 45% of da chat say it's a girl while 55% of da chat say it's a boy" emily says as she looks at the chart
"and what about the name?" ster asks and emily looks at the chart with the list of all the names that were mentioned
"umm...nobody has it right yet" emily says as she looks back at ster and jerma
"shame" jerma says then he smiles his grinny smile "alright, let's go to the black box over there" he says and emily flicks the cameras over to the back box in the middle of the shot
ster gets there first but jerma takes his time as he almost struggled to get out of the sofa, when he goes next to ster, ster knees down to the box and he grabs the flaps of the box
"are you all ready for the gender?" ster asks and emily can see in the chat that everyone was excited
"ok, 3, 2, 1, open!" jerma says and ster opens the box to reveal a balloon that says 'it's a boy!' on it with blue all around it
"it's a boy!" emily says off camera and both jerma and ster get happy
the pair hug each other and then when they part, ster goes back to the sofa with emily flicking the cameras back to the sofa camera but when jerma starts walking to go to the sofa as well, he sudden felt a contraction, he put his right hand on his baby bump then his left hand in his back
"you okay?" emily asks seeing jerma react to a pain
"yeah, it's...just a contraction" jerma says recovering from the pain then he waddles over to sofa when he recovered
"ok, i think we're going on break for a few mintues" ster says and emily changes the screen to jerma brb card with muting the audio "you sure you okay?" he asks in worry to jerma
"yeah, as i said, it's just a contraction, my nurse said it means my body is getting ready to give birth soon" jerma says and explains which made ster calm down a little
"strange, i never got contractions, it must been a hooman ting" emily says as she thinks about her pregnancy
"ok, if you're sure" ster says and he looks around "do you need to go to the toilet?" he asks jerma to see if he wanted to go as he knows about jerma's weak bladder
", not now, i went before we left" jerma says and ster nods
"we can have a quick snack, want anything?" emily says and both ster and jerma think on a snack
"i want a peanut butter chocolate bar" jerma says suddenly and ster looks at him
"is that want you want or is it a baby craving?" ster says and jerma points to his baby bump making ster understand "ok, i'll have a slice of pizza" he says after thinking
emily makes the pizza and the peanut butter chocolate bar appear in the pairs hands and they tuck into the food, when the pair were done with their food, the livestream continued and they decided to open more presents, after the pair opened the presents which were some baby books, some teething toys, a cute baby hat, a newborn baby onesie, baby bath toys, baby bath soaps, a baby towel and a bouncy seat, they decided to see if anyone guessed their son's name yet
"has anyone guessed the name yet, emily?" jerma says to emily and emily looks at the computer
" not yet, do you guys want a hint to shallow it down?" emily says and she looks at chat waiting for a answer
she receives a bunch of yeses and she smiles with her tongue sticking out
"ok, so, the first letter is somewhere between d and g" ster says and emily looks over at chat to see if anyone gets it right
everyone flooded the chat with name between d and g but none of then were right, as the chat went crazy, emily was writing more cards as a few donations came in and she would send it to jerma to look at, he liked all the cards he got and messages ranged from funny to sweet, they then decide to open the last set of presents while emily looks though the chat to see if anyone got the name and as she looks though making her gasp, she sees someone say the name and at the same time, the baby kicks jerma hard making him flinch and grab his belly
"someone said the name! who said it?" emily says and she scrolls back up to see who said the name
"what happened?" ster says to jerma who looked surprised
"the baby kicked me at the same time emily saw the name" jerma says looking at ster and ster looked shocked
"ok, da person who got it right was...garyglammer45!" emily says as she spots the person who said the name "congrats gary, you got it right with the name emile!" she adds and both jerma and ster clap at the camera
"now you can dare ster!" jerma says looking mischievous as he looks over at ster
ster sighs and emily looks at the chat to see if she can find gary's dare, she didn't wait long till she got gary's dare and emily smiles and huffs with laughter
"ok, i got garyglimmer45's dare and...he dares ster to do a jerma impression with jerma most common sayings" emily says and ster hums inpressed by the dare then he makes a smug face as he looks over at jerma
"i always wanted to act like jerma but when i try, he always pushes me away saying 'that's not right! you're wrong!'" ster says and jerma looks at him annoyed
ster then did his jerma impressions and obviously jerma didn't like it as he told ster off making his smiles and giggle a little then ster gives jerma a kiss on the cheek making jerma speechless
"i'm sorry, babe, you know it was for the dare" ster says and gave a stroppy look which ster though was adorable
emily looks at the chat and sees there was a lot of 'aww!' and 'gross!' in it but emily could tell the gross comments were sarcastic
"hey jerma, there is one more present you haven't opened" ster says and he points to a side table next to jerma
jerma looks over and he sees a small present, he picks it up and he opens it, when he takes the wrapping paper off, he sees it was a small box and then ster takes the box out of his hand
"hey-!" jerma says but stopped himself when he sees ster on one knee holding out the open box which has a gold ring inside
"jeremy elbertson! will you marry me?!" ster says calmly and jerma was stunned
jerma then tears up and he hugs ster happily
"yes! i love you!" jerma says really emotional and he grabs ster's face
he then gives ster a long kiss and when they pull apart, they start laughing happily, emily was looking between them and the comment the whole time and everyone was so happy for them after being surprised that ster did this live on a baby shower stream
"how did you-?" jerma asks wondering how ster planned this and ster points over to emily
"she helped me get the ring size and helped me hide the present till the time was right, i also planned this with her while we were looking at this place together last week" ster explains and jerma smile but tears were coming out his outer eyes
the pair kissed again after ster puts the ring on jerma's left ring finger but this time the kiss was short as ster felt his son kick him
"jerma, our son just kicked me" ster says in a sarcastic whiny voice and jerma puts his right hand in his baby bump while looking down at it
"i think our son is jealous that i'm getting more attention then him as this is meant to be his baby shower" jerma explains and him, ster and emily laugh
as the pair were having a moment together, loads of donations came in and emily was writing them all on the baby cards then teleporting them onto the sofa, there were over 20 cards at this point and when jerma notices, he was shocked
"that's a lot of donation cards" jerma says as he sits down on the sofa again with ster's help "i guess we'll read these then end the stream" he says and both him and ster read the cards
as jerma and ster read the cards, more came in and by the end of all the cards, there was about 75 of them
"well, it looks like its the end of the stream, i hope you enjoyed this exciting event and i hope to see you all in 2 or 3 months" jerma says and he gives a wave
"and you'll be seeing me probably in 3 week for a gaming stream" ster says calmly and he also gives off a wave
emily then changes the stream to the end of stream card and after about 2 mintues, she ends the stream and then looks over at jerma and ster who were tidying up the cards and presents, emily makes a backpack appear and ster puts the presents and cards in the backpack
"i think that's everything, shall we go home?" ster says to jerma nods
ster helps jerma up and after emily used her magic to pack away the computer and the camera then checking if everything was packed away which it was, emily teleports the pair home and then helps ster unpack the stuff while jerma walks around to get some excise after sitting for a long time, after ster and emily put everything away, emily smiles at the pair
"well, i bedder go back home, it was fun doing the stream with you 2 and i hope i can do with you again, see you!" emily says and she vanishes with a teleport
the pair wave emily off and then they sit down to admire the cards on the window bottom that emily put up and the baby presents underneath
"...our son is so spoilt" ster says and jerma nods
"i think he's even more spoilt then otto" jerma says and he looks over at his dashshund rat terrier mix who was fast asleep in his bed upside down so he didn't even notice the pair had left
"poor otto, we need to spoil him when emile is born so he doesn't get left out" ster says and jerma grins at that idea
jerma then realised he was starting to feel uncomfortable in his clothes so he gets up to go change
"where are you going?" ster asks as he watches jerma waddles away
"to get changed, i feel uncomfortable" jerma replies and enter and shuts the door to his and ster's bedroom
jerma changed into a baggy shirt and baggy pyjama bottoms and when he came out after about 5 minutes later, ster was chilling on the sofa watching tv
"hi again, didn't think you be coming out" ster says jokingly and jerma sits down next to him
"i couldn't see my legs so i didn't know if i had the right leg in or if i had my bottoms the right way round" jerma says and ster smiles at him
suddenly the baby kicks again as jerma's shirt jumps a little with jerma reacting to the kick and then ster moves jerma's shirt to show the baby bump, he then leans into the bump and starts rubbing the bump affectionly
"hi my son, this is you daddy, i hope you are excited to come out and also are excited that your dad and i are getting married" ster says in his baby voice as he rubs abc kisses jerma's baby bump
"i thought i was the daddy and you are the dad" jerma says calmly but seriously
"oh ok, your are the daddy" ster says sounding disappointed making jerma chuckle
jerma watching happily as ster gave their unborn son and his bump affection when it dawned on him that ster was now his fiancé which made him blush, he can't believe that ster, his long time friend slash crush became his boyfriend after he told him he was pregnant with his child after the sexy time they had when they met up last year for the 'who will replace me?' stream and now he is his fiancé
"what's wrong, babe, you're blushing like emily's fur color" ster says and points out making jerma cover his face with his hand
"nothing, it's just...i can't believe you're my fiancé now" jerma says in a mumble and ster looked stunned for a moment before smiling
"yeah, yeah i am your fiancé and you are mine then soon we will be husbands and shortly fathers to our son" ster says affectionly and rubs jerma bump
jerma and ster then look at each other with love in their eyes then they have a kiss, the kiss then turned into a make out session with ster being the dominate one and soon the pair were getting really horny, the pair then went to the bedroom and do the sexy time till they were both exhausted and ready to sleep, the pair had fallen asleep after an hour or so and the pair were both butt naked under the duvet to tired to take a shower or get dressed.
a few days later and jerma was overdue, baby emile didn't want to come out on the 15th so now it's just a waiting game till emile does want to come out, it was now the 20th of may and jerma was feeling tired from the pregnancy, he had been carrying his son for almost 10 months now and he was wishing emile will come out already, he was sitting in his and ster's bed while ster was out to get food as it was the morning so he was alone, he looks down at his phone next to him and wonders if he should call emily to see what she was up too, he picks up his phone and opens emily's name in the messages
'hey emily, what are you doing?' jerma says and sends the text
'...nothing, just chilling in my living room with my dads, what you doing?' emily replies and jerma smiles seeing emily was there
'not much, waiting for ster to get back, he went to the supermarket to get food' jerma says and emily sends a 😋 emoji after a few seconds
', is the baby overdue? i have seen pictures of him on your twitter' emily asks and jerma makes a worried face
'yeah, he didn't want to come out on sunday so now me and ster are just waiting to see when he does want to come out' jerma says and emily sends a 🫤 emoji seconds after jerma send the text
' you think he's being too lazy to come out or is he waiting for something?' emily asks and jerma thinks about it
'it does feel like he's waiting for something but i have no idea what it is' jerma says after thinking about it and emily sends a 🤔 emoji
'...hmm, strange, maybe if you ask him to come out, he might come out' emily says and jerma huffs a laugh
'i dont think it'll work but i'll try' jerma says in his text then he looks down at his bump
"hey, baby? you know you can come out now, right? you can't stay in me forever, you won't be able to cuddle me or your father if you don't come out soon" jerma says to himself talking to his unborn son but it was quiet
he rubs his bump thrn he looks back at his phone to see if emily sent a text
'did it work?' emily asks and jerma sighs sadly
'no, it didn't, he's either asleep or too lazy' jerma replies and emily sends a 😆 emoji
'well i did hear that babies are lifeless till around 4 or 5 months so they must also be very lazy' emily says and jerma smirks at the text 'anyway, change of subject slightly, who do you think emile will look like more, you or ster?' she asks and jerma thinks about it
'it feels like he's going to be a little ster' jerma says as ster acts like it's more his son more then jerma's
'so, he's going ti look like ster but have a chose personality to you?' emily asks and jerma thinks about it for a mintue before smirking
'yeah, maybe and when the fans find out, they are going to say the baby is fucked' jerma says and he sees emily sent a 🤣 emoji
he gets up from the bed with a little struggle and heads to the toilet, he looks at his phone as he goes to sit on the toilet and then he hears a spashing noise after he sat on the toilet for a minute, he then hears a dribbling sound and he realised that his water just broke
'everyone says that about you on reddit, speaking of reddit, appeartly your baby shower stream got to the news with ster proposing to you and a lot of people are happy for you, the problem is that the new artical title reads 'live-streamed proposes to his pregnant boyfriend during a baby shower stream' which is weird to read' emily says in the text and she puts a 😅 emoji after
'hey umm...emily?' jerma says on his text and emily put a ?
'wat?' emily replies and jerma looked really worried and scared
'i...i think my water just broke' jerma says in his text then he suddenly feels a really bad pain
'😧 oh no! is ster home yet?' emily says in her text and jerma almost couldn't read it due to the pain
'umm...i'll try calling him' jerma says and he phones ster
the call lasted 2 rings and then ster picks up
"what's up babe?" ster says and jerma breaths slightly heavy
"when are you back?" jerma says trying to sound calm but not working
"i'm just reaching the house now, why? are you okay? you don't sound so hot" ster says and jerma cringes and moan from his pain
"no...i think i went into labour, my water just broke and now i'm getting a really bad pain' jerma says sounding slightly frustrated
"oh my god! ok! ok! calm down! i'm running to the house now" ster says and he ends the call
jerma then lies on the floor in pain and he then hears ster calling for him
"i'm here" jerma calls weakly and ster opens the bathroom door
"ok! let's get you to the hospital" ster says with a really panicked face and he goes over to jerma
he picks him up and he holds jerma like how you hold a injured person with putting jerma's phone in his jacket pocket, ster takes jerma to his car with jerma receiving pain the entire time and then ster drives him and jerma to the hospital, they get to the hospital and jerma was taken to the delivery ward where he spends almost 3 hours in there, ster was stressing bad the whole time waiting in the waiting room and he hoped jerma and his son were going to be okay, he suddenly felt a rumble in his jacket pocket and he pulls out jerma phone to emily sending a text saying 'jermaine?'
'hi emily, it's ster, jerma has gone into labour, he's been in there for almost 3 hours now' ster says replying to emily text and emily sends a 😱 emoji
'...hopes he's okay, he told me his water broke then went quiet after telling me he was calling you' emily says and ster smiles a bit knowing he technically wasn't alone when his water broke
'me too, this is really stressful' ster says and emily sends a 😓 emoji
'i know but jerma is a strong peep, he'll be find and your baby will be born in about 5 seconds' emily says after 5 seconds after emily sends the text a baby was heard crying
"mr.ster, your fiancé is fine and you now have a healthy baby boy" a nurse says and ster looked happy thrn confused
'how did you know it would be 5 seconds?' ster says to emily in the text and emily sends a 🤷🏼‍♀️ emoji
'dunno, just a really lucky guess' emily replies and ster looks at the phone looking surprised then he smirks
ster then follows the nurse and was taken to the one of the many hospital room and in the room was jerma who was in a hospital bed looking super sweaty and exhausted and he was looking at ster while holding his and ster's son on his arms
"is that-?" ster says going over to jerma and jerma nods with a tired smile
"yes, this is our son, our little emile" jerma says tiredly and ster takes emile from jerma after handing jerma his phone back
jerma looks at his phone while ster was being affectionate towards emile and sees that ster and emily had been chatting while he was in labour
'hi again emily, i finally had my son, i guess telling him to come out did work' jerma say to emily and emily gave a 😆 emoji
'it was just a little joke but i'm glad it's helped' emily replied and jerma smiles
jerma then takes a picture of emile with ster and he sends it to emily with emily sending a 🤩 emoji
'he looks so sweet, i hope you raise him to be a kind and sweet boy' emily says and jerma smiles then looks over at ster and emile
'we will, he's our little emile' jerma says after looking back at his phone again and emily sends a ☺️ emoji
'has he got a middle name?' emily asks and jerma didn't really think of it
he looks over at emile and thinks of a name, ster notice him looking at emile and looked confused
"what's wrong?" ster asks and jerma sighs
"trying to think if emile should have a middle name" jerma says and this makes ster think too
the pair think for about a few minutes then jerma sees emily had send him a text
'hey, how about henry, emile henry your name-ster's last name' emily says and jerma smiles
"emily suggests henry" jerma says and ster thinks about it before nodding
"yeah, that's a good middle name, welcome to the world, emile henry elbertson-serge" ster says and emile stayed quiet as he was asleep
ster and jerma look at each other then give each other a kiss, baby emile was still asleep and on jerma phone, 3 new texts were shown
'thanks for the name, me and ster like it' jerma says and emily sends a 😋 emoji
'you're welcome and congrats on your son' emily replies and at the end of the sentence was a 🥰 emoji
both jerma and ster were happy with their son and in the back of ster's mind, he was wondering if jerma will be alright if in the future, they could have another.
The End

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