Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

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Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
A Happy Occasion
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

Almost to the Race

78 2 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

AN: Well, I felt like I should give some kind of gift after last chapter. Hence the second half of this one. Enjoy. ;)

Mother didn't say much when I spent the next week sailing with Will or swimming in the cove. Liz and Oscar joined us in the cove one day, although Liz had a harder time of keeping up with me. I spun over onto my back, content to simply float for awhile. She was treading water, her head barely above the surface. I laughed, "Just lay back and wave your arms to keep you up, it's much easier."

"It's easier if you're half fish." She complained, although she managed to get herself onto her back without drowning. "Are you and Will sailing the yacht to town in the morning?"

"Yes, we want to get in early, especially since the Astors want us to stop by before the regatta and the races." I sighed, dreading having to wake up early the next day. It seemed we had barely gotten to Newport and already the season was ending, the races the last event of the summer. And the Anastasia had her sea trials coming up, we had to be back to the city soon. Although it would mean Moody would be coming back, I'd already wired to let him know he was perfectly welcome to stay in the dock house until the officer's quarters on the ship were ready. It would be good to see him again, I'd like to see him happy. He'd already been through so much, I would do what I could to help him.

Liz blew water from her lips, "You're joining us for the big race though, right?"

"Oscar would kill me if we didn't." I rolled my eyes, shutting them briefly as the sun was very bright today. Our mothers had sworn us to no more than an hour out in the water, but Will and Oscar had not gotten such restrictions. Oscar was currently diving as far down as he could, seeing if he could find any shells on the sandy floor, while Will was content to swim laps around the cove, using the waves to assist him. I watched him greedily, he developed a bit of a tan during our stay and watching his strong arms propel him through the surf was a delight that I would never tire of. I sighed, "I don't suppose you've heard anything about our newly engaged friend?"

"They'll be there," She muttered, "Although it will just be him, her and her brothers. Samantha is staying home to take care of her husband, he was mugged and received a rather nasty wound while defending himself." She looked to me, winking broadly. "At least that's what Mother said."

I couldn't help the grin on my face, "I take it you didn't tell her?"

"Anastasia, you know she gossips like a mother hen." She snorted, "So no, I did not tell her that William came running up with a bloody sword drawn while he cursed at Oscar about leaving you." She waited for a moment, her voice softening. "What happened though? You don't have to tell, if it's too much."

"It wasn't good," I allowed, my words halting. "If Will hadn't shown up, we probably wouldn't be able to be out here right now."

"Jesus Christ." Liz spat, returning to treading water instead of floating. "Come on, don't think about it anymore. I shouldn't have asked, let's just enjoy the last bit of time we have."

I followed her, "Race you to the lighthouse?"

"I stopped racing you when I was fourteen." She shook her head, but began pulling for it. I followed, trying to let her have a bit of a lead, making sure that I could see her black swimming costume through the water. She was so slow though, and I was getting tossed about a bit trying to let her win. So I began pulling harder, overtaking her just before we reached the rocks by the lighthouse. Liz clutched one, "You just couldn't help yourself, could you?"

"Well, if you would just swim right." I grinned, "Want to race back?"

"Hardly, I'll be walking." Liz let go of her rock, gently swimming to the shore and climbing out. I kept pace with her in the water as she strolled back to where our parents were, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt enjoying a cold drink with Mother under an umbrella while the younger lot enjoyed themselves.

I made a very inelegant burble as someone caught my ankle, pulling me beneath the water. I opened my eyes, ignoring the stinging from the sea water as I cast around. I looked down, Will looking up at me with a grin on his face. He had let my ankle go though, and I gained the surface to gratefully take in a gasp of air. I waited for him to surface, shaking the water from his hair. "You could have warned me."

"But then it wouldn't have been as fun." He smiled, backstroking beside me as we made our way in. "You didn't want to walk with Liz?"

"We're leaving soon, I want to swim as much as I can." I rolled over onto my own back, enjoying the sun and not so subtly putting myself available for Will's gaze. "It's not exactly like I can just for an afternoon swim in New York harbor, not like I can here."

"It has been pleasant." He sighed, his eyes growing rather distant. I smiled, remembering how he had been by my side practically the entire time since the party. He'd taught me a great deal more about the yacht, enough that Mother was trusting us to take it to town in the morning while she took the carriage. When we'd had callers he'd stayed with me, always ready to speak if someone began asking about the Reichster's party. It was only after the first caller had brought it up that he had noticed I had begun to shake, he had simply took my hand and mentioned that we had gone to it. I couldn't bring myself to say anything on it, the first night I had wanted Will by my side so badly I had begged Peggy to allow it.

She had shaken her head, "It's not done Miss, especially not with your Mother being so close."

"What if he's just in the sitting room?" I had looked at myself in the mirror, closely looking for any bruises on my shoulders or throat. "Surely she can't be mad about that."

"It's one door between your sitting room and your bed," Peggy, her brown hair caught up, had snapped. "And you never close that door."

I had dropped my gaze, hoping that I could lie my way out of this. "Peggy, all that party did was bring up memories about Father. I can feel it, lurking like some monster waiting for me." At that point I had turned, holding her eye as I ticked them off on my fingers. "I can only see three things happening tonight. I wake up screaming and the entire house heard me, Will joins me for the night to keep me calm, or I go down to the kitchen and drink the brandy that I know the cook keeps there."

Her face had screwed up then, and she had left my room muttering. It was only a few minutes later that she had returned, Will in tow behind her. Her voice had been firm, "He stays in the sitting room, and once she is asleep you," She turned to Will, "Are going to leave. If Reggie does not find you sound asleep in your bed in the morning, oh I don't know what I shall do but it shall not be pleasant in the slightest." Her muttering had continued as she had left, but Peggy needn't have worried. All I wanted was for Will to hold me, to whisper sweetly in my ear as I fell asleep. I had actually managed to sleep a full night, and after spending so much time with Will this week, it had made what had happened seem like a distant memory. It could have happened years ago, rather than days.

I shook myself from my reverie, feeling the sand against my back. Will held out a hand, helping me to my feet. I stumbled into him, "Oops."

His hands were firm on my hands, "I know you didn't trip."

"Well, it's only been the once you didn't catch me." I smiled up at him, taking his hand as we strolled up the beach. "And in that case, catching me would not have been for the best."

"No, it would not have been." He shook his head, and holding out a towel that had been brought out to the umbrella. Liz was already ensconced in one, and I let Will wrap mine around my shoulders as I took a seat. He nodded to our guests, "I am looking forward to tomorrow, Richard."

"More like you're looking forward to embarrassing Otto Metternich." Mr. Vanderbilt laughed, "He's brought his own yacht over from Kiel, won a race there and he won't shut up about it."

Will snorted, "Believe me, you've nothing to fear from him."

"It sounds as if he's got a deal to fear from you though." Mrs. Vanderbilt grinned over her drink, "I heard the two of you had quite the argument at the party last week."

"Let's just say that Otto believes his own press a bit too much." Will shrugged, snagging his own drink from the table. "We'll be arriving early tomorrow, the Astors want us to stop by and we figured it would be best to see them before we have our race."

"Have you hired a hand for it?" Oscar said, running his hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "I could lend you one."

"You're looking at her." Will gestured to me, smiling broadly. I couldn't help the flush on my face, although I managed to not duck my head. "Anastasia has been a very astute student these past few weeks, I have no doubt she'll do me proud."

That had caused a bit of a hush among them, although Mother shook her head. "And I have no doubt you'll leave the four other boats you'll be facing far behind you."

"Only four?" Will frowned a bit, "The Dependable could stand some better competition."

"Then you should have joined us fifteen years ago." Mother sighed, "That was right before the craze for the larger boats began, Gareth came in twelfth that year. He had a better showing after the other families sold their smaller boats."

"Yes, he came in third out of seven one year." I chuckled, remembering how proud he had been that year. "He bought all of us, his small crew included, a bottle of champagne each to celebrate."

"I can't promise champagne," Will reached over for my hand, "But I can promise to do my best."

"Don't do your best too much, William." Mr. Vanderbilt had a rather jolly glow to him, the result of a number of drinks. "We might have need of you, and I will gladly buy every single hand champagne if we win."

"I'll hold you to that." Oscar spoke up, grinning. "I'd rather you buy it than me."

The edge of dawn was barely breaking over the sea when Louise gently shook me awake. I watched the sun come up while huddling over a cup of coffee, the sky slowly turning from gray to the slightest yellow, the clouds gilded and pink as the sun slowly rose over the waves. The light outside was still weak as Louise helped me into my sailor style dress, the same one from the launch. I was hoping it would bring us luck, the launch had gone well and hopefully the race would too. I'd clapped my forget-me-not hat to my head as well, again hoping for luck. Will was already in a lightweight suit in the hallway, and we made our way quietly downstairs.

Peggy was waiting with a large wicker basket by the door, "I wanted to send you two off with some breakfast, there's fruit and rolls with butter and honey packed. I also threw in a blanket, it's a bit chilly this morning."

Will gripped it in one hand, "Thank you Peggy, I'm sure it will be delicious."

"Good luck today, Mr. Murdoch. We're all pulling for you downstairs." She sent us off with a smile, although I was not smiling as I stumbled my way through the yard and into the sand in the dark. Will chuckled softly to hear me cursing as he helped me down to the dock, stowing the picnic basket below deck in the sparse cabin that served as home for extended voyages.

I'd never used it.

"Let us loose and raise the sheet." Will ordered, striding to the wheel. After some practice it had gotten easier for me to haul the lines in from the dock and arrange the sail to his liking. Soon he had us scudding out past the lighthouse, the seas calm and placid beneath us as we began to sail towards the city. I found my preferred place up in the bow, leaning against the rail and watching the yacht drop and rise with each wave. The sea spray was rather cold on my cheeks, so I turned back to look at him.

William Murdoch, my Will, looked so handsome at that moment I said a silent prayer of thanks for having met him. With his jacket discarded to free his arms, his shirt rolled up past his wrists and his blue eyes shining in the morning light, it was as if I had never truly seen him before this moment. I had never seen the half grin on his face, one side of his mouth quirked up as the wheel moved smoothly under his strong grip. I had never noticed the way he breathed in deeply as the spray came at him, his feet sure on the deck. He seemed to consider something for a moment, leaving the wheel and approaching the mast. He quickly had the lines sorted out, curling them up as he worked them.

After hauling the sheet in, Will dropped the small anchor at the port bow and the yacht quietly rocked on the waves. It was a smooth day though, so there was hardly any movement of the deck as he came across it to me. There was a bit of a breeze though, and I kept my hand to my hat as he approached. I smiled up at him, "Will, why are we stopping? We're supposed to meet everyone over at the city."

"And everyone else is at least an hour behind us." He grinned, holding out a hand. "An hour by ourselves Ana, my God, what I would give for two alone with you. I can't help myself it seems, not when I've got you to myself. We'll have to be quick."

I let him pull me up, pressing myself flush to him. I almost moaned at the feeling of him, strong and firm under me and his hands immediately gripping my rear to hold me tight. "God Will, is this what it's going to be for a whole year until the wedding? Hardly an hour spent pleasuring each other before we have to go back to being all proper? I mean, we've been able to get away with some things, but the time. We've had no time." In response his lips crashed into mine, his tongue insistent as he began pulling me to the small cabin below. I was as bad as he was, moaning into the kiss as I worked the buttons of his shirt off. He broke off for a moment, unbuttoning his waistcoat before rushing back up against me. I didn't pull his clothes off, simply running my hand over his tanned skin below the light cotton of his shirt. I groaned as I felt him begin to ruck up my skirt, "Leave it on, we won't have enough time if you try and get my dress off."

"God Ana, all I want right now is your breasts." He complained, but he turned to the picnic basket and pulled the blanket from it, spreading it over the hard floor before he lowered me down. I pulled him down on top of me, letting him push my skirt and petticoat up around my waist even as he pushed two fingers into me. I moaned, pressing my hands to his chest as he leaned over me, his voice thick with lust. "Ana, you're so tight and wet. Christ, you're so hot."

"Can't you just put it in me, just for a bit?" I wrapped my hands around his shoulders, my hips bucking against his fingers. "Just pull out before you finish. God Will, I've wanted you so badly. I want you in me, right now." I wanted him to claim me, to make me his, get rid of this damned virginity. I wanted it to be his, and it was only by the grace of God that it hadn't gone to Mr. Reichster.

"Ana, I wouldn't last a minute." He slipped another finger in, his eyes dark as I groaned loudly. I'd never felt this stretched, it was almost painful but I wanted more. I wanted him, all of him, and I whimpered as he curled his fingers in me, stroking. His voice was strained as he bucked his hips against me. "I won't last long now, I want you hand so badly."

"Christ Will, you're stretching me so much." I keened, feeling him pump his fingers into me, curling them. "I want more. You've got to be bigger than this, just take me Will."

I watched his other hand dip into his trousers, rubbing at himself. He rubbed his thumb against the spot that I loved so much, "Keep talking Ana, fuck, keep talking."

"I've wanted you in my bed every night." I panted, wishing I could shed my corset and dress. "I've wanted to, agh, suck your cock until you beg me for mercy. To spend an entire afternoon on my knees for you. Will, please." It was building in me, the heat and tension that heralded a complete and utter bliss. "I wanted to ride you in the carriage, I want you inside me, Will. I want all of you, I want you to have all of me. I want to feel you come in me."

"Don't stop, Ana," He grunted, and I moved myself on the blanket so that I could reach him in his trousers. He shifted, freeing himself from the trousers and I wanted nothing more than to have this swollen, flushed instrument inside me. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable position for me as I pressed a kiss to the head of him, before continuing to pump him. His voice was hoarse, "Fuck, do you know how many times I've wanted to come over and just fuck you in your bed? God, you're so wet."

"What will it feel like Will, when you fuck me?" I bucked against his hand, thrashing my head as I felt a rush of heat speed through me. "Will it hurt?"

"To start, but I will do everything to prepare you." He started thrusting himself into my hand. "To get you as wet as you are right now. And the pain will only last a moment, and you'll be so hot and ready for me that it won't take any time for you to finish."

"And for you, ah fuck, Will. What will it be like for you?"

"Like your mouth, but better." He paused for a moment in my hand, "Ana, you need to move. I can't finish on your dress, they'll see it." What followed was a brief moment of confusion as we had to reposition ourselves onto the wood, where we could each finish without leaving any evidence. Will let loose a long moan as I returned to stroking him, "You'll be so tight, and wet. God Ana, you get so wet for me."

"Will you be gentle?" I gasped, grabbing his hand and pressing it to me. "I'm so close Will, so close."

"The first time," He grunted, pumping his fingers faster. "But who knows, if you want I can take you rough. Just bend you over your desk and mount you like a horse. It's not a bad time, and I'll push any memories of him away. You'll only remember me on you, fuck Ana. God, I want you that way so bad." The image of myself, bent over a desk with my skirt thrown up as Will thrust into me from behind flashed through my mind, and despite the both of us being mostly clothed in it, it made me moan with desire. He glanced down, his eyes barely open. "Oh, you want it rough. Don't you?"

"Fuck," I moaned, my hips shuddering as I met his fingers. I wanted it rough, I wanted him to pull my hair back and claim me, to make me his in every sense of the word. Will seemed to enjoy the way I was losing myself in it, my stomach clenching as the heat in me grew and grew. I came apart with a loud cry, even as he still pumped into me with his fingers. I felt him jump in my grasp as I did, a bit of his seed leaking from him. I turned my attention to him, giving voice to my thoughts. "I want you to take me until I scream, and fuck me through my screams. I want you to fuck me so hard I can't move after."

"Fuck Ana, God, you're a vision."

"I wanted to have your mouth on me the entire engagement party. I dreamed about throwing my skirt over your head before it."

"Ana, God Ana, I'm almost there." His eyes were shut, and he was thrusting himself quickly into my hand. I brought my other one around, caressing his sack and listening to him splutter curses as I did. It was only a moment before he finished, his seed falling to the deck in spurts as he sagged. His breathing was harsh as he brought his hands around, holding me close. "You're either an angel or a devil Ana to do this to me, but I hardly care which. God, I love you."

"I love you, Will." I shuddered in his arms, wishing we didn't have to leave this little bare room. "Do you want me to clean?"

"I'll get it, go pull the anchor and set the sheet. Point us to the west, we're fairly close. I'll be back up before we reach it." He groaned, tucking himself away. My feet were rather unsteady as I tried to stand, it took me a minute. God, it had been so good, but I felt so weak, like a newborn deer trying to stand. I kept one hand on the railing as I moved towards the bow, glad that the anchor was light enough that I could haul it up myself. Setting the sheet was simple after so many lessons from Will, and I had us tacking to the west at a good clip by the time Will emerged from down below. He had a napkin in his hand, which he leaned over and wrung out in the water. He looked back at me at the wheel, "You hardly need me anymore, do you?"

"Will, I will always need you." I chuckled, letting the wheel spin to allow us to catch the breeze, "Although I think have this in hand. I will need help when we get to the dock though."

"I can see the town coming up off the starboard bow, you'd better let me at the wheel or they'll start questioning everything they know."

"I'm going to be helping you on here during the race."

"Yes, but they don't know that." Will let his fingers linger on mine as he took the wheel, "And I would like to surprise them with your incredible skill."

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