~~Artiste~~(Benedict Bridgert...

By House_OfBlack13

394K 10.5K 498

Elizabeth Sheppard Has never been one for traditions. She is smart, artistic, and has a bad temper. She is a... More

Sheppards Meet the Bridgertons
Elizabeth Meet the Ton
A Few Friendly Faces
Callers....Or Maybe Just One Caller
An Unpolished Gem
A Walk In The Park
Benedict Bridgerton Indeed...
Operation Artiste
Entangle My Mind
A Masterpiece
Everything's Ruined
A Rather...Big Question
A Pleasant Goodbye
A Future
Problems and Solutions
Ice Sculpture and Golden Swans
One Last Time
I Love You
Authors Note
A New Season
A Brooding Viscount
A New Figure
A United Front
To Admire a Woman
A Friendly Competition
What Have You Done!?
A Broken Reflection
A New Chapter
A New Bridgerton
A Beautiful Day
The End
Spin-Off Part One
Spin off Part Two

Going to the Chapel...

10.6K 320 17
By House_OfBlack13

       "Your Jacket has a wrinkle" Elizabeth noted as she flattened out her father's Forrest green jacket, then adjusted his champagne tie. The Sheppard boys only wore their signature color for special events, and today was indeed special, today was the wedding of the Duke and Daphne Bridgerton. After getting their license approved the wedding preparations were swift and neatly pulled together, rather quickly that even Elizabeth did not know what to expect for her good friend's wedding. She wore a satin mint dress with cream-colored accents and white lilies tucked into her hair. The Sheppards sat on the Duke's side, supporting Simon as they always did with Lady Danbury and The Mondrichs. The Bridgertons filed into the three first rows of the small chapel, the boys wearing different shades of blue while the girls wore pale pink gowns.

        "It is so quaint it is not?" Benedict interrupted her as she admired the beautiful architecture 

      "It is; but I quite like it" She gave him a smile as she admired the white flowers that adorned the aisles, "I could only wish for my wedding to be so calm and serene, but I fear my brothers will have me running around like a tyrant" She left out a breathy laugh, Benedict did too as he saw the Marquess looking at the pair as they conversed. He froze slightly, only to earn a small nod from the gentleman as he made his way towards The Duke who was in conversation with Mr. Mondrich.

       "I bet she is nervous" Elizabeth finally locked her gaze on his,

      "I would be concerned if she wasn't" He gave her a tiny smirk, looking down at her beauty and licking his lips slightly. "You look beautiful today" He spoke bluntly, nerves rattling his voice as he watched the blush creep onto her cheeks "I mean you look beautiful every day, but today...you are exceptional" She looked up through her thick eyelashes, her lips curling at the ends and her nose scrunching.

       "Thank you," She said softly under her breath, fiddling with her hands as butterflies rose in her stomach. How she wished she could kiss him, run her hands through his soft hair, and to wrap her arms around his broad shoulders. But today was not the day, their time would soon come but for now, it was Daphne and Simon's turn.

       "Lizabeth" Simon called from the front of the room just as everyone was trailing into their seats.

      "I'll see you later Benedict" Elizabeth smiled as she turned to the Duke, quickly making her way towards him.

       "I want to let you know that I will take care of her" His face was cold but his voice was filled with emotion "I will take care of her to the best of my abilities, I will not see myself become my father I won't I swear-"

      "I know Simon" She took his hand and squeezed it "I am sorry for every insinuating you were, you couldn't be. You have too big a heart to become such a monster" The Duke's lip turned upward slightly "I have known you almost my entire life, and even though we are not bound by blood you are my brother. Nothing can and will ever change that" She turned to see Her father had taken a seat next to Lady Danbury, her brothers behind them and then the Mondrich's "And everyone here shares the same love in their hearts for you as I do" She gave him a wide smile "So enjoy today Simon, enjoy your life because I couldn't have found a more loving, kind, and beautiful bride. Your new Duchess"

        Daphne Bridgerton, the diamond of the season had never dazzled so brightly as she did when she walked down the aisle on Anthony's arm. Her smile was broad as the soft piano fortes' soft tune rang through the halls. Everyone admired the girl's beauty in her silk white dress with jewels scattered along the bust to match her large tiara. She seemed angelic, perfect in every way, and Elizabeth couldn't help but grin from ear to ear to see how pleasant her friend looked today. Benedict put on a smile, fiddling anxiously with the ring in his pocket as he watched his little sister walk down the aisle. But he couldn't help but imagine how his wedding would be, how perfect it would be for Her. 

       He would picture the aisles covered in the most vibrant orchids known to man, with the entire church filled with friends and family alike to witness their union. He had often imagined what it would look like as she walked toward him, to call her his wife at the end of the day would only be the start of a long, never-ending dream. And the large bash they would throw would echo through the ton for weeks, a permanent reminder of their union for the entire city. Anthony and Daphne made it to the altar, the eldest gave his sister a small smile and a nod as he retreated next to his mother, everyone sat down as the Archbishop approached the couple

       "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less of beauty but more of safety than the single life" Elizabeth's gaze flickered over to Benedict's across the aisle, his prominent profile was in full view as he was backlift by the large stained glass windows along the walls of the chapel. She took in a short breath, her heart pounding as she licked her lips slightly, hoping the next time they'd kiss, would be at their own wedding. How their love would finally be shown for the whole world to see, and at the end of every day she would always have him, and he would always have her. He would be her husband, and the thought of the word made her giddy. The couple turned towards each other, Simon took Daphne's gloved hand softly and pulled it off slowly. He then placed the ring onto her finger, the metal fitting perfectly on her delicate member as they looked into the eyes of each other with passion.

       "In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the holy ghost. Amen," The Bishop spoke as he crossed his arms over the bible and in a cross-like motion "I now pronounce you man and wife" He announced, his voice filling the large room as the roar of everyone's cheers and applause filled the gaps. And there they stood, facing the crowd now as the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, Simon and Daphne Basset.

       Elizabeth had been in the halls of the Birdgerton home hundreds of times over the years of her friendship with Daphne, and those hundreds of visits could have never prepared her for the immaculate party being thrown within the familiar white walls. Large tables lined the foyer filled with delectable foods and the most expensive glasses of champagne. The ton's chattering and laughter filled the two floors to the brim as they fought over the loud, yet soothing music. Flowers that challenged those of the Sheppards were hung all along the balcony in large bouquets and in the center of everything stood the multi-teared cake that mimicked the architecture of the Versailles.

       "I think the Romans would be jealous" Benedict appeared over Elizabeth's shoulder as she ogled at the beautiful cake

      "It is quite honestly the prettiest dessert I have ever seen" She turned to him, eyes wide with amazement "Your mother outdid herself today" She spoke in high regard as her eyes trailed over every perfect detail that Violet Bridgerton had procured.

      "She was a wild beast for days" Benedict joked, allowing a small chuckle to fall from her pink lips. Just then, Gregory and Hyacinth came barreling through the crowd, pushing their brother into Elizabeth and almost into the cake. Benedict grabbed onto her waist, cheeks blushing as he held her from pushing over the main centerpiece of the event "Stop running!" Benedict scolded, but it only fell on deaf ears as his siblings disappeared again into the crowd.

      "They are fine Benny" She reassured, placing her hands over his and sliding them off. They were in public, in front of the entire elite of London, no scandalous looks or unnecessary touches could be allowed.

       "Daphne looks unwell..." Elizabeth noted as Benedict finally distanced himself again, also spotting his sister who seemed to be slightly down.

       "Perhaps the attention is clouding her mind?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes for only him to see 

     "Daphne has never shied away from attention" Benedict crossed his arms and clicked his tongue against his cheek.

      "Perhaps my mother is vexing her"  

      "It looks more like Eloise is vexed" Elizabeth noted as she saw the young Bridgerton girl with her brow furrowed and a pale face.

      "Now Mother is definitely vexing her" 

      "Or Perhaps it is her inquiry into Whistledown" Elizabeth added, earning a confused look from Benedict. Elizabeth remembered the small chat she had with Eloise about Whistledowns identity, but she had thought the conversation was just that. Daphne had reminded her later that with anything Eloise got her hand on, nothing was ever small. 

      "Nevermind my sisters for once" He held out his hand "Come with me" He gave he a cheeky smile as she swiftly took his invitation.

     "Colin has gone off somewhere and I am bored" Elliot spoke aggravated as he sipped on his drink, which he had swapped for a strong liquor. 

      "And what am I to do about it?" Edward asked, Elliot sighed as he tucked into a pillar on the outskirts of the party "I fear that if Father sees me inactive in conversation he will drag me to the lords again" The eldest now leaned onto the wall behind them.

      "Do you think he'll do it soon?" He asked as the pair spotted their sister with Benedict across the room.

       "He better or I think father might just force him" Edward added as he saw his father's gaze not so subtly fall onto the pair.

       "He knows they've been together alone....he's even allowed it but I don't know how much longer he'll tolerate him dragging his feet" Edward chuckled while sipping his drink.

       "He's been dragging for bloody years" Edward joined his brother in their small laugh as his eyes drew to the Duke, who seemed to only look at his bride with solemn  "At least he's not like Simon" Edward stood forward now as he patted his brother on the back "He did that to himself when he declared marriage off entirely. He's too stubborn to admit he actually loves a woman" 

      "He told me we'd be bachelors forever" Elliot bit back a smirk as he watched his younger brother turn to him unamused.

      "You are both heirs" The Eldest shrugged, wrapping an arm around Elliot's shoulder,

      "That is why we have you" He hushed, his voice already smelling of liquor.

      "You are a rake" Elliot groaned as he scrunched his nose from the powerful smell of alcohol and stepped back "I consider myself a vagabond" Edward finally smirked, putting down his glass and slicking his hair back

      "And what if you fall in love?" Edward asked, honestly intrigued at what his brother's answer would be until he finally answered with a simple. "I won't" 

     "You can't honestly say that" Elliot shrugged with an unamused face as he scanned the floor 

      "I just did" The younger brother groaned as Elliot smacked his arm and shook his head when he noticed Benedict and Elizabeth were gone, disappearing from the public eye.

      Benedict knew she loved to dance, and with such a grand party they had to share one. So he dragged her to the small entryway of his home, right next to the violins and cellists who were playing a soft melody. 

     "Are we dancing?" She asked, her brows raising as she filled with excitement "Should we not dance on such a joyous day" He turned to the small band, asking them to play a faster-paced tune, Benedict turned to face her.

      "My Lady" He bowed his head and stretched out his hand which she took instantly. He quickly spun her around, forcing a loud giggle to erupt from her throat as her dress whipped around and a slight breeze blew through her hair. Benedict couldn't help but feel at this moment that everything depended on her as he clasped her hands tightly and joined in her laughter. He had seen her smile a hundred, maybe even thousands of times before but right now he was enamored, and now he was completely entranced by her body and soul. He pulled her in closer, the two now circling each other as they stared deeply into each other's eyes. She couldn't help but feel her heart as it leaped out of her chest, her cheeks now a deep share of ruby as she bit her lip

      "Elizabeth.." His voice was soft and smooth, he only called her by her full name when they were in public, or when he was serious. He squeezed her waist slightly, making her take a quick breath in. He too was feeling the tension and could almost feel as if the ring in his breast pocket was burning.

       "Elizabeth you know I love you right?" His question seemed odd, but she replied with a small nod "I've loved you for so long" His right hand traveled upwards, cupping her cheek as she leaned into it. Elizabeth was never one for a few words, but at that exact moment, she couldn't help but lose her voice as he kissed her temple and reached into his jacket pocket. Her mouth became dry and her eyes wide as she watched him painstakingly take his time, she licked her lips waiting for what seemed like hours when he finally pulled his gloved hand back out. She gasped, her emerald eyes only focusing on one thing. 

      The Ring. It was her mother's, a beautifully intricate piece that she wore everywhere, which meant that He had already asked her father, and he had approved. Benedict made up for lost time and swiftly dropped to one knee, a nervous smile on his face as the music slowed and everything seemed to slow down with it

      "I have always been a man of poetic expressions and yet I still cannot seem to think of the words" He let out a shaky breath, tugging at his collar as he looked into her eyes. "You have bewitched me since the moment I met you outside of Madame Delecoux's shop. Your eyes are like emeralds bathing in the sun, your hair is like the finest threads of gold, and your smile makes my heart skip a beat" With that her lips curled and she beamed with joy "I love the way you bite your lip when your nervous, your bad temper, the way you can somehow manage to fluster my brothers with a few words. I love the way you can spend hours in a painting, how big your heart is, and most importantly I love the way you make me feel. You make my heart stop and I don't know what to do with myself anymore. Every moment without you feels like an eternity and it's driving me crazy" She could feel the tears pricking her eyes as he took her hand, his blue eyes filled with anticipation and nerves

       "I wanna spend every waking minute with you, I want you to be the first person I talk to in the morning and the last person I talk to at night." He took one last deep breath in "I love you. I love you. I love you and I will love you until my last breath" He held the ring closer to her, saying the two most anxiety-inducing words he had ever spoken in his life.

       "Marry Me?" Elizabeth paused, her eyes now completely filled with tears as the nerves in her stomach turned into butterflies, jumping and fluttering around.

     "Yes," She spoke lowly,

       "Yes!" She repeated as he shot up and quickly placed the ring on her finger, it fit perfectly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep embrace as he spun her around. The pair's excitement beamed as they filled the entryway with cries of happiness, and who could blame them, they were finally getting married. And their happiness was shared by the group standing in the doorway, the entire Birgderton family, Sheppard family, The Duke of Hastings, and Lady Danbury stood with wide smiles on their faces. They had been forced to watch him pine over her for years and finally, finally, they were together.

       "I'm gonna have another sister!" Hyacinth beamed as she threw herself onto Elizabeth, wrapping her arms around the girl's torso. 

      "She was practically our sister already" Colin smirked as he stood next to Elliot, who could only hope their plan would work. 

      "Daphne" Elizabeth beamed with excitement as he best friend came up to her with a large embrace, "Oh I am so happy for you! For the both of you!" She smiled brightly as she placed a hand on Benedict's shoulder.

      "We have another wedding to plan!" Violet Bridgerton collapsed her hands together, sharing an exciting glance with the Marquess and Lady Danbury.

       "A fine wedding indeed" He added, catching his daughter's excited eye and giving her a small nod  "It seems the city will call for us quicker than expected" Simon smiled, standing next to his new wife as she nodded.

      "A fine reason to join everyone again" Her lips curled as she took Elizabeth's hand and examined the ring,

       "Such a beautiful piece Benedict, did Anthony lend you the money?" She asked, as the Viscount now inquired about the ring at his sister's question.

       "I was my mother's" Elizabeth looked to Benedict as his chest was puffed out

       "Well I certainly say it's about time" Anthony patted Benedict's back in congratulations and Edward joined them.

       "That's for damn sure" The young Sheppard chimed earning a laugh from the group.

       "Come along dear, the carriage is almost ready" Violet took her daughter's arm and ushered her outside, the rest of the group following her now as they wanted to say their goodbyes to the lovely couple. But the Marquess stayed in his spot, still watching her as she walked to the door, turning with a smile on her face. She now ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him as he rested his chin on top of her head.

       "Thank you Papa" She spoke, her voice muffled in her chest,

       "Anything for you dearest" He closed his eyes, squeezing her tightly "Anything for you"

      The Marquess and his daughter joined everyone outside to say goodbye to Daphne and Simon "Perhaps we could come live with you, I've always wanted to live in a castle" Little Gregory beamed up at his sister.

     "If Daphne is going to take anyone with her, Gregory, It will be me" Hyacinth added, sticking her tongue out,

      "The two of you are staying here until our dear sister allows us a visit." Colin went in for a quick hug.

      "You mean if she allows us a visit. I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet" Benedict smirked as Daphne embraced him.

       "I'm going to miss all of you terribly" Daphne's voice was soft and her demeanor slightly down as she said goodbye to her family.

      "Even me?" Anthony asked, the question caused the Sheppard girl's ears to perk,

      "Even you" Daphne replied, this time with a cheerful tone of her voice as she kissed his cheek.

       "Good luck Simon" Elizabeth squeezed his hand, earning a small smile from the Duke as he  said goodbye to the Sheppard family,

      "I shall invite you all to Clyvedon soon" He reassured them "That is once my wife has stripped every inch of my father from its walls" The Marquess smirked as he stepped forward, the pair sharing a few looks before the Marquess wrapped his arms around the Duke.

      "Have fun my boy" He hushed, only for Simon to hear as they pulled away.

       "And please do not take years to return to the city again" Elliot gave Simon a quick pat on the back.

      "Not when I have to see Lizabeth on her big day" Simon winked as he wrapped his arm around Elliot and Edward's shoulders

      "I promise I'll visit more often" He ruffled their heads of dark brown hair teasingly,

       "Just don't miss me too much" 

     "Never" Elizabeth scrunched her nose, turning back to see Daphne saying goodbye to her mother.

       "Lizzie..." She gave her friend a watery smile as she wrapped her arms around her.

       "Write to me?" The Sheppard girl asked,

       "Every day" She answered quickly pulling away slightly but still holding each other's hands "We must discuss the wedding preparations" She added causing Elizabeth to blush as she looked over at Benedict who stood next to his brothers.

       "I love you Daph" She spoke softly,

       "I love you too Lizzie" and with that, the New Duchess of Hastings took her husband's arm taking one last look at the brick home she grew up in before settling into the carriage and heading off.

Big chapter everyone and everything is finally coming together! I'm so excited for you all to read the rest! Thanks for the support

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