His One Powerful Mate (Rewrit...

By CLDorner

200K 5.7K 505

Hi Readers, Before you read this book, I just wanted to say that I am currently in the process of rewriting... More

Prologue - Edited
Chapter 1 - Edited
Chapter 2 - Edited
Chapter 3 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 4 - Edited
Chapter 5 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 6 - Edited
Chapter 7 - Edited
Author's Note
Chapter 8 - Edited
Chapter 9 - Edited
Chapter 10 - Edited
Chapter 11 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 12 - Edited
Chapter 13 - Edited
Chapter 14 - Edited
Chapter 15 - Edited
Chapter 16 - Edited
Chapter 17 - Edited
Chapter 18 - Edited
Chapter 19 - Edited
Chapter 20 - Edited
Author Note
Chapter 21 - Edited
Chapter 22 - Edited
Chapter 23 - Edited
Chapter 24 - Edited
Chapter 25 - Edited
Chapter 26 - Edited
Chapter 27 - Edited
Chapter 28 - Edited
Chapter 29 - Edited
Chapter 30 - Edited
Chapter 31 - Edited
Chapter 32 - Edited
Chapter 33 - Edited
Chapter 34 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 35 - Edited
Chapter 36 - Edited
Chapter 37 - Edited
Chapter 38 - Edited
Chapter 39 - Edited
Chapter 40 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 41 - Edited
Chapter 42 - Edited
Chapter 43 - Edited
Authors Note
Author's Update
Chapter 44 - Edited
Chapter 45 - Edited
Chapter 46 - Edited
Chapter 47 - Edited
Chapter 48 - Edited
Chapter 49 - Edited
Chapter 51 - Edited
Epilogue - Edited

Chapter 50 - Edited

1.6K 65 3
By CLDorner

Nyx looked straight at Ava, and pointing her hands sent white lightning directly at her.

As Nyx started to laugh, Ava merely redirected the lightning into the earth. Nyx screamed in frustration yelling profanities at her, before taking aim at Ava once more. This time the power she emitted was more than she could control and the electricity went wild around her.

Ava and the other werewolves who were on horse back dismounted, sending their horses back to base camp. She would end Nyx's life on the ground, connected to all and connected to what she had lost. Ava watched as the lightning sparked around Nyx and could even see where the power had emanated from. Fear. The one thing no one expected was that Nyx was afraid.

Artemia growled next to Ava, her armour glowing in the early morning sun. She pawed at the ground as she pulled back her lips and snarled threatening at the enemy. The shapeshifters merely sneared back at her baring their own sharp teeth.

Nyx sent her shapeshifters through the portal surrounding them in her power and Ava ran towards the horde shifting into her hawk form before she shifted again and sliced through them with a swipe of her long sword. The shapeshifters sputtered before they disintegrated into ash.

Ava dispensed of a second and third group of shapeshifters that Nyx sent through the portal and by the fourth she heard the roar of her soldiers stepping into the fray for their first kill.

Ava watched as the shapeshifters disintegrated leaving nothing but ash at her feet. Her focus was solely on Nyx and the Goddesses reactions. The angrier Nyx got the blacker her skin turned. Ava could see veins of black and purple forming under her skin. She had given too much of herself away to fear and now she was paying the ultimate price for it.

Now be at peace. She thought.

Ava laughed loudly and ran for Nyx. They would now battle one on one like Nyx wanted. They would end this war once and for all and Ava would get some hits in for the last eight years.

Nyx noticed the shift in Ava. Her eyes sparkled with some knowing, with some plot that no one else knew about. Nyx looked around at the soldiers fighting claw and tooth to end her shapeshifters. When one was taken down, she felt a piece of herself die off, which heightened her fear.

Ava shifted again, this time the exact replica of Artemia. Now she didn't know how she could do this but after meeting her mother in the afterlife, she was given extra abilities by the goddess to end this war; to end Nyx. She felt it deep within her bones and could see it in the power she now wielded.

There wasn't enough time for the King or Raoul to question what was happening. They were too busy fighting off shapeshifters. Raoul connected with Ava through their link and saw that his mate had become something else, something more than she was again. Her power kept growing. The Gods kept putting more and more on his mate, he wondered for a moment, would she ever just be his mate?

Artemia growled and snapped her jaws at Raoul. Concentrate on the battle or die!

Raoul nodded shortly and leapt back into the fight ending three shapeshifters before disappearing into the battle.

Artemia followed him to make sure their mates made it out alive, while Ava dealt with the brunt of the battle. She knew that there was only two outcomes to this war and wanted the one where they got to live the life they've always secretly dreamed about.

Be careful Ava, Artemia said, disappearing into the battle.

This is no time to be careful! Ava projected to Artemia.

Artemia merely growled before sinking her teeth into a shapeshifter and ripping off it's head its spine coming out of the body as she swung her head back and forth before spitting the darkness from her mouth. Artemia charged into the battle as she saw the witches were having a hard time of it. She knocked down the attacking shapeshifters one by one, giving the witches enough time to get back on their feet. The shapeshifters looked undeterred until balls of fire came at them from the group of fire witches they had been attacking. The shapeshifters screeched in agony before they burned down to a pile of ash. Artemia looked at the witches who nodded before she went to follow her mate.

The King was being overrun by shapeshifters. He was trying to protect his son and his men at the same time, but it just gave him more injuries his wolf would have to heal later.

Artemia ran towards him, her mouth open and her teeth bared as she ripped the shapeshifters off the King. She ripped limbs, necks from misshapen bodies and threw them into the fires that were burning. Artemia growled low at the coming shapeshifters; their eyes glowing red.

Get ready. Aim for the head or the jugular. Artemia projected at the men around her. They nodded and drew their swords higher, aiming directly at the enemy.

The shapeshifters moved as one, trying to pin the werewolves into a tight spot, but each time the shapeshifters moved, the King and his men would take a side step outward and threw their move back on them.

Artemia aimed for the leader, her jaws opening wide before she clamped hard on the shapshifters neck. The being smiled before it drew a knife up behind it and stabbed Artemia right in the belly.

Ava and Artemia both screamed in agony.

"No!" Raoul screamed.

Ava took one swipe at Nyx just brushing past her face with the tip of her sword and race back quickly to Artemia. Ava called on the Moon Goddess for healing and light appeared from her hands. She stopped in front of Artemia before laying her hands on her wolf.

You're going to be alright. Ava murmured in her mind.

Artemia laid back on the ground surrounded by werewolves as the healing took place closing up the wound quickly. Artemia stood up slowly, feeling her body for any signs of injury and growled her appreciation.

That's some new power you got their Ava. Artemia said.

That wasn't me. It came directly from the Moon Goddess.

Ava nodded and turned onto the shapeshifter who was still holding the knife. Ava dropped her sword on the ground knowing someone would pick it up and let her rage and her power flow out of her. This was a creation of Nyx. This creation tried to kill a part of her. This creation was a part of who killed her mother and most of her pack members. She remembered that there were some kind werewolves who lived within her pack. Albeit they were omegas, but they showed her kindness and she hadn't seen any of them arrive with her father.

They must have all been killed.

As the rage spilled out of her, her fingernails grew longer and thin white veins appeared up her arms.

Ava's body started to glow with her eyes turning the brightest blue.

"You tried to kill my wolf." She said quietly.

The shapeshifter looked around, it's eyes meeting Nyx worriedly. It turned back to Ava raising its knife and barring its teeth.

"And I was nearly successful." It snarled.

Ava let more of her power rise from deep within her. She wanted them to be scared, especially Nyx. Ava raised her hand up facing the shapeshifter who froze in place. It let go of the knife. Ava could smell that the knife reeked of poison that was used to kill werewolves slowly. She started to spread the shapeshifters body by focusing on the darkness that surrounded it and willing it to move. It did slowly but only small strains moved. It was like the darkness had attached itself to the being within it. She willed the darkness to separate faster. The shapeshifter started to wail, begging for the pain to end. As the shapeshifter started to separate she could see the being beneath was human, no werewolf. This werewolf looked hallow, grey and like it was dying. The entity was darkness; black and oily. It attached itself to this werewolf like tar.

"I know him." Hamish came running over as everyone began to stop the battle to watch. "That's Alpha Colton. He was always a bit of a dick, but even he doesn't deserve this."

Nyx screamed profanities towards Ava and rushed over to her with murderous intent in her eyes. She brought the lightning around her and aimed it at Ava. Ava turned her head while still keeping the werewolf and entity locked within her power. She lifted her other hand and saw where Nyx drew her power from. She had made a pact with an unfamiliar God and now she was using that power for selfish purposes that turned the pact and the power evil. Ava closed her hand until her knuckles turned white and Nyx stopped dead in her tracks gasping for air.

It's time to end this once and for all.

Ava twisted her hand and the werewolf began to burn, to cleanse. The entity burned in a white glow of pure flames before it turned to ash, blowing away into the wind. She set the werewolf down who was now dying free and turned to look at Nyx who had begun fighting the restraints.

Alpha Colton died.

"You won't get away with this!" She screeched.

Ava let her power out to its full extent and Nyx drew back with the shock of it. Ava layered her power, her voice with the Moon Goddess and spoke her mind.

"Either let go of this need to kill, for revenge or die here and now sister."

Nyx laughed, "You're not serious. You can't kill me."

Ava twisted her hand so that the air was blocked from reaching Nyxs lungs and watched for a minute as Nyx fought to breathe.

"I can't kill you sister, but Ava has no qualms about ending your life."

Ava moved her hand to prove the Moon Goddesses point and watched Nyxs face turn a deep shade of blue.

The battles closest to the group had stopped whilst the battles further away still continued. Ava could hear the clashing of blades and teeth and the screams as the shapeshifters burned of weres or witches died painful death.

"Call them all off." Ava said.

Nyx shook her head wildly. Ava let Nyx dropped to the ground hard. As she was tryng to catch her breath, Ava let the earth witches tie Nyx to the ground tying Nyx tightly in roots and vines.

"Then you shall stay here until you do."

The group turned back to the battle while Nyx watched her shapeshifters render the kill blow but then for those weres or witches to be healed and brought back to health by Ava and Artemia. Nyx cursed Ava but when she did Ava deflected and sent it right back to Nyx which hurt her and cursed her.

The morning passed into late afternoon and the shapeshifters still fought while Nyx was trapped by the earth. Ava turned and walked back to her and smiled.

"You have no more shapeshifters left to aid you."

Nyx cackled loudly. "I can always make more."

Ava sighed deeply and lifted her short sword. "No. You're done."

Nyx frowned as she watched the short sword clint in the setting sun.

"What are you going to do?"

Ava heard Nyxs panic and knew what she had to do to reunite the two sisters. Ava pulled out her sharpening stone and started to run the blade across it even though she knew the blade was already too sharp.

"You are no longer welcome here, Nyx. It is time for you to go back to where you came from."

The earth witches opened their trap just wide enough for Ava to get a good view of where Nyx's heart would be.

"What are you going to do?"

"I am sending you back to the Moon Goddess."

Nyx shook her head wildly back and forth. Ava knelt beside Nyx, pocketing her sharpening stone back safely into her armour and cut away the branches until Nyx was free.

"Now get up."

Nyx reached for her weapon that was strapped to her thigh and brought it up. She lunged at Ava taking long swipes through the air. Ava sidestepped them all. She waited until Nyx was close enough and aimed her next attack into her blind spot and brought her weapon up into Nyx's side in one swift movement.

Ava was ready to kill in a fair fight, but she would never do a blood sacrifice.

"That is for all the innocent people you've killed." Ava pushed the blade in deeper and let Nyx drop to the ground. Ava stepped back and watched Nyx bleed out onto the earth. The earth turned black underneath her and as Nyx died she brought up her own power to burn the body and then the earth. To cleanse.

It was over. They had won.

She turned around to cheers and her family looking relieved. She went into her mates embrace and held him before they all went back to the safety of the protection shield.

Thank you, Ava. Thank you, Artemia. The Moon Goddess said before fading away.


Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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