LicoVamp: Magic Lovers

By Maowdoodles

27K 1.1K 238

Licorice Cookie x Vampire Cookie Fanfic because i love this ship Vampire Cookie and Licorice Cookie were onc... More

Juice Bar Regulars
Cookies of Darkness
Familiar Cookie
Buddy Buddy
Vampire Sleepover
Magic Lovers
Good Morning
Chit Chat
To Soon
Ex Magic Lovers
The Dark
Concert Tickets
The Scythe
Back to Regular
Night Out
The Bar
" Going Home "
Going Home
Thrist Quenched🩸
Start Over
It's a Date!
After Drinks
To A Kingdom
The Garden
The Street
Double Date
A Dance, Perhaps?
One Night
Bye, Hollyberry
Till Next Time
Rain Water
Hot Shower
Side Effects
Close Call
Morning Over
i love you.
This House
To Know
Freshly Brewed
Over Tea
To Night
Funny Number
Good Night Kiss
Unexpected Guest

Berry Nice

347 16 4
By Maowdoodles

After a while of walking, the two made it to the edge of the land. Before them was a sea and a wooden dock. By the dock, was a small boat and a cookie with a paddle. Vampire was in awe. He turned to Licorice and stared, waiting for him to speak.

"This is how we'll get to the kingdom" Licorice said, knowing what Vamp was wondering.

The duo walked over and boarded aboard the boat. Vampire hadn't been on a boat before, and stared at the sea before him. He was absolutely mesmerized by the boat, soaring over a vast and endless soda-sea. Licorice noticed the cookie admiring the sight. He smiled to himself and felt quite pride with the arrangement he knew he'd love. Same ol' Vampire. He thought to himself. Licorice was now admiring a view of his own, that of Vampire gazing at the passing stream of soda. The two stayed like that until the third cookie cleared their throat.

"We have arrived."

The words quickly snapped them out of their trance and they whipped around to view the land. The kingdom was vibrant and polished. A fruity scent flew through the air and grazed over the cookie's noses.

Licorice walked before Vampire and extended his arms to present the kingdom. "Welcome to Hollyberry, Vampire!"

The words slashed through Vampire like a stake. Hollyberry. Out of every kingdom on Earthbread, Hollyberry. The same kingdom Mint Choco Cookie was currently in. However, despite Vampire's better judgement, he didn't tell Licorice. He rationalized this decision by asking himself: How likely would it be for the two to come across one another? The kingdom was huge! As long as they didn't go around any concert halls they should be good. No need to worry!

     Licorice lead Vampire through the elegant Kingdom. True to its name, Holleyberry's inhabitants and decor all followed a berry theme. The duo made it to a wide street corner. It was heavily populated and busy. Many cookies mingling or simply passing by to go else where. A few cookies were performing for money. One played guitar, the music gliding through the sidewalks and crowding the already noisy street. Vampire and Licorice slowed their pace as to enjoy the talent being shared to the public. It was truly a lovely sight.

Once they'd made it out the busy streets, they reached a quiet part of the kingdom, where they stopped at a small shop. It was a restaurant, not one of those fancy or expensive ones, but one you'd casually eat at. It was a lovely looking building. Like the rest of where they'd passed, it was coated in clean, pink and white paint. They sat a ways away from the other patrons on a table in the corner.

As the two looked at the selection, Vampire wasn't too sure what to order. He lived off of wine and whatever snack or side he'd come across on the daily. The last proper meal he could remember having was pancakes, but those weren't exactly lunch foods. Once it came time to order, Licorice went first and Vampire simply got what he had. A sandwich. Simple and straightforward.

     While awaiting their meal the duo chatted.

"You know, the first time I came here I participated in a contest for the Hollyberry throne."

"Did you? You tried to be a princess."

"I didn't, I was— helping a minion of mine."

"And- Lemme guess- You lost?"

"I- WELL- Yeah, but- it was by accident."

     Vampire laughed. The story was absurd but true, same with many others Licorice had shared of his past schemes in the Darkness. Many of these Vampire had already heard by the other cookies in the kingdom, however the alternate point of view was fascinating. Vampire stared and listened to Licorice ramble on, every once in a while adding a comment or two to ensure he was paying close attention. However, every once in a while, Vampire could sense a shift in his tone. He'd avoid detailing the parts where he'd interact with the other cookies of darkness. He detailed the past plans but gloss over most of the other cookies. He described things so carefully, it almost seemed concerning. Vampire was going to ask about it but didn't wish to interrupt Licorice.

Once their food came, Licorice shifted his attention from his own stories to Vampire.

"Vampire, Do you still study alchemy? I know your sister takes it pretty seriously."

"uhm-," Vampire looked away and thought for a moment. " I honestly haven't done any alchemy since attending the Magic Academy..."


"Well- I did do some, just as a prank to my sister, but—I mean—it doesn't really matter, not like I was any good to begin with."

"-But you were! " Licorice interjected.

Vampire laughed off the compliment and continued to eat his meal. He only ended up eating a few bites before setting it back down.

"So, Where are we headed after lunch?" He asked.

Licorice swallowed a bite and responded, "Well-" He covered his mouth with his hand, "There is this grand garden near the center of the kingdom. I think you'd like it! It's peaceful and the plants are so high they almost cover the sky!"

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