The official Yandere's X work...

By adventurefan2020

525K 5.3K 3.8K

(FINISHED FOR GOOD!) This one-shot book will feature workers of all kinds who go on mini adventures of their... More

More info about the book.
The rule guide for requesting.
Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader
Yandere Schnee Family(Willow, Winter, and Weiss) x Male Faunus butler.
A Christmas one-shot special!
Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.
Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader.
Yandere Mipha x female cook reader
Yandere rich family x male teenage pizza delivery reader.
Valentines Day special one-shot!
Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x male orphan child reader.
Yandere Twin sisters x maid reader
Yandere Danganronpa 2 girls x Male teacher reader.
Yandere female flight attendant x male child reader.
Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader
Yandere Crunchy-roll Hime x female graphic designer.
Yandere Civilians x male soldier reader.
Yandere class x male teacher reader.
Yandere male patient x male doctor reader.
Yandere ????'s x male chef reader.
Yandere Balalaika x male bartender reader.
Yandere female robot x male engineer reader.
Yandere Customer x male Barista reader.
Yandere Femboys x male security guard.
Yandere Female Idols x female assistant reader.
Yandere depressed male teenager x male family friend reader.
Yandere Goddess x male Priest reader.
Yandere female Anthro animal girls x male zoo Janitor reader.
Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.
Yandere Princess x pet dragon reader.
Yandere female bullies x male class president reader.
Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.
Yandere family (wife, son, and 2 daughters) x male janitor reader.
Yandere O.R.C. x Male Manga/Hentai store owner reader.
Labor day shorts.
Yandere mall thief x male mall cop reader.
Yandere Honkai Impact 3 x male butler reader.
Yandere Liberty Buchanan x male Ranger reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x female swimmer reader.
Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.
Yandere Warriors of Hope x male babysitter reader.
Thanksgiving Special!
Yandere Female bank robbers x male banker reader.
Christmas special!
Christmas special #2
Yandere Cinder and Emerald x male Reporter reader.
Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)
Yandere Doll x Male doll maker reader.
Yandere Fem FNAF x male security guard reader.
Yandere female teacher x female student reader
Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.
Valentine's day 2022 Special!
Announcement from me!
Yandere class x male teacher reader. (Part II)
Yandere Apple white x female teacher assistant reader.
Yandere Customers x female waitress reader.
Yandere male fan x male youtuber reader.
Yandere female game character x male game designer reader.
Yandere Husband x Wife reader x Yandere Daughter.
Yandere supernatural girls x male paranormal investigator reader.
Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.
Yandere Abigail x male farmer reader.
Special 2022: Yandere Actress x male cameraman reader
Yandere Mermaids x male fisherman reader.
Yandere King x male Servant reader.
2022 Thanksgiving Special!
2022 Christmas Special!
Yandere female actress x child reader.
Finished for good

Easter Special

2.8K 42 73
By adventurefan2020

(Yandere child bunny girl x male child reader)

(Y/N's POV)

I was in the car with mom and dad heading over to my grandparent's house for the Easter weekend, they live in the countryside so there's nothing really to do except play offline games on my switch which made me glad that mom and dad let me take this time around since we are spending a couple of nights over there. 

Y/N- Mom, how long are we there again?

Mom- Almost 30 more minutes honey, they have snacks for you to eat to wait for dinner around this evening.

Dad- Dinner is gonna be grilled meat, salads, and much more yummy stuff son.

Y/N- I can't wait.

After that, I turned on some Super Mario Odyssey to pass the time till we get there.

(30 minutes later)

We made it and I got out of the car to see grandma and grandpa, I opened the door as it was unlocked and I saw grandma cooking something in the kitchen.

Y/N- Hi Grandma!

Grandma- Oh hi again Y/N! It's good to see you again.

I hugged her for a bit before letting go and asking where Grandpa is and she said that he was in the back grilling, I ran over there and there and was.

Y/N- Hey Grandpa!

Grandpa- Ey, how's it going Y/N?

Y/N- Fine, it's Easter weekend!

Grandpa- Indeed it is, the meat will be done about another hour or so, I got some gummies for you if you want them.

Y/N- Yes, please!

He went to his drawer and pulled out some gushers and I quickly opened the bag and ate them with excitement. 

Y/N's mind- I can't wait to eat soon!


It was around 9 PM, mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa had gone upstairs for the night and I was watching cartoons downstairs by myself as I wasn't tired yet, not even close. Everything was going alright till...


I heard some creaking outside and I paused the TV to see what was going on, it was dark so I couldn't see anything but I swear that I saw a shadow trying to grab something on the table. I ran to the kitchen to look for a flashlight and see what it was. I slowly made it to the door and gently opened it not to alert the shadow, I went outside and the small shadow was making some kind of noises like grunting and whatnot. I was gonna confront whoever it was, and in case it was a bad shadow thing, I have to switchblade in my pocket in case, so I went behind it and turned on my flashlight.


But what I saw was not what not I was expecting at all. 


It was a girl, but she looked very colorful and had...bunny ears?!

"G-g-get back! P-p-please don't hurt me!!"

She hid behind the big grill and was whimpering, I felt bad for scaring her but I was still careful.

Y/N- W-what are you? 

"B-b-bunny. I'm a bunny and I'm very hungry, please don't hurt me, please. I'm only hungry and I didn't want to disturb you or anyone in your home."

I heard her stomach growl and I slowly lost my fear of her and I felt like I had to help her.

Y/N- Listen, I'm sorry I did that, I didn't know there were bunny people like you out there, and i..kinda always wanted to meet one in person.

"Y-you do? You're not gonna hurt me?"

Y/N- No, I'm gonna do that, just come on out and I will take you inside to eat some food. How's that sound?

She slowly walked toward me and she felt more out of this world, I have never seen anyone like her. This must be something else but I won't go any more into that. I took her hand and we slowly made our way back inside and I closed the door. 

"Wow, look at this place."

Y/N- It's quite nice, so where do you come from anyway?

"Oh um, it's far from here but I'm in the same country spot as you are, I... I didn't catch your name."

Y/N- Right, I'm Y/N L/N and you are...

Alice- Alice, just Alice.

Y/N- Good to meet you, Alice, now what do want to eat?

Alice- Anything with vegetables really but if you have carrots, I would love that.

Y/N- Oh sure, we have lots of it, we didn't use them after all. It was gonna be grilled but I guess Grandpa forgot. I'll grab them, wash them and serve them to you.

Alice- I...thank you so much Y/N, you are a kind human.

Y/N- Thank you and it's really no trouble.

Alice went to the living room couch to sit and she looked at the screen, didn't press play, but I continue on with the carrots. 

5 minutes later...

I had a plate with cleaned, sliced carrots and when Alice saw it, she jumped in joy and took the plate, eating it with a smile on her face.

Y/N- Let's watch some TV together.

Alice- *Munch* TV? What's that?

Y/N- It's something we use to entertain ourselves with, they have lots of channels and this one is Cartoon network which is showing Tom and Jerry.

Alice- Tom? And Jerry?

Y/N- Let's watch and you'll see.

And so we watch a few episodes and she was laughing with me and this night turned out to be a very odd one but I have a feeling it was a good one in the end.

Y/N- *Yawning*.


(Alice's POV)

It was around midnight and I had to go back to my home but not before I set the plate down and looked at the nice boy who fed me. I smiled and slowly kissed his forehead good night before sneaking out of the house, I looked at the house one more time before running back. I took notes on the place of the house, I want to see him again and I think...

Alice- I found my friend for life.~

(No POV)

(The next day, the day Before Easter Sunday)

Y/N woke up on the couch with Alice gone, assuming that she went back to her own home, he quickly hid the carrots in the fridge, washed the plate, and cleaned anything that wouldn't draw any suspicion to him. The adults went downstairs and didn't see a thing out of place, which gave Y/N relive and acted like it was another night.

Y/N- Morning.

Mom- Morning Y/N.

Dad- Good morning.

Grandma- I'm making Pancakes, with eggs, bacon, and biscuits for Breakfast.

Y/N- Cool.

Grandpa- And we are all gonna go shopping for Easter supplies for tomorrow, and I will even get you that Reese's peanut butter bunny.

Y/N- I can't wait!

And the family ate Breakfast and after they did, they went to the store to shop for Easter, meanwhile, Alice was in her home, making preparations for Y/N for when she takes him here. She has plans for their future and the first step was getting Y/N here.

Alice- I hope he agrees to leave his home behind so we can live here forever.

She will wait till tonight to make her move and she is jumping in joy at the thought.


The family spend the whole day in town and came back home with so many Easter goods, they are ready to go. Y/N helped unpack everything and went to go watch TV afterward, leaving everyone relaxing for the rest of the day. Past 9 PM again, Y/N wondered if the bunny girl Alice was gonna come back here for more food, cause he is ready for her just in case so he's keeping an eye outside.

Y/N's mind- I wonder if you'll come back, Alice.

Just then, he heard tapping noises and saw that it was Alice at the door and was waving hi to him. He quickly opened the door for her and she went for the hug right away which made Y/N jump only a little.

Y/N- What are you doing back here? Are you hungry?

Alice- Actually Y/N...I got something to tell you.

Y/N- What is it?

Alice- I...I really consider you my first real friend, I have been so lonely by myself for years now and I always wanted someone by my side in my home. And...I want you to live with me Y/N, we can live by ourselves, no one telling us what to do. Let's run away from here and never come back, come on.

Y/N couldn't believe what he was hearing from her, leaving his parents behind is insane talk and why did she want him to leave his life behind.

Y/N- Alice, I don't think that's a good idea. I have a life here and I can just leave my mom and dad behind, what about my school? 

Alice- Please! Please be with me! I don't want to live all alone again, you are the only one who has been kind to me and I don't want to lose someone like you!

Y/N- I'm sorry Alice but...I just can't plus I leave tomorrow evening, I can't be with you. I'm sorry Alice.

Y/N walked away from her and Alice ran away into the woods with tears in her eyes, Y/N felt terrible for making her cry but he couldn't do anything about that, but he felt empty for that and he wouldn't ever forget her. He went back inside and just turned off the TV going to bed early as he lost his mood to stay up late. He fell asleep soon enough but it wasn't the end of Alice, she ran back to the house with some rope, a mouth rag, and a dark look on her face. She went inside as the door was never locked so she was able to kidnap Y/N with ease, by tying his hands and feet together plus putting the gag on his mouth. She carried Y/N as she ran away from the house, she finally has him now and she won't let him deny her again.

Alice's mind- I got you now Y/N, you're not going anywhere from now on.

(Easter Morning)

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up with my body feeling tight, I looked down and saw that I was tied down in a chair with a gag in my mouth. I shook from my chair trying to make noise so as to alert someone near so they can get me out of here. I heard someone coming in and I thought I was saved but when the door opened, my eyes were in shock and my heart was pumping like crazy in shock and fear. 

It was Alice and she looked at me with very scary eyes and she was holding two plates with her.

Alice- Good morning Y/N, I made you breakfast and I got some tasty cookies for you if you behave today. It's a very special holiday today and I thought that this day is a special one to begin our life together.~

I started crying as I felt scared of her, why did she take me away from my family? 

Alice- Hey hey now, don't cry Y/N. This is a happy day and you should be smiling right now, isn't it great Y/N? You and me, together...forever.~

She took off my gag and I wanted to leave and take me back. 

Y/N- Please Alice! Take me back! I want to go home!

She looked at me with scary eyes, and she got close to my face and spoke in a creepy tone.

Alice- You are home now, and you're not leaving this place for many years to come. You're staying my friend here and nothing is gonna change that. So now, please never speak of leaving again or I'm gonna have to use force on you to behave. What's it gonna be Y/N?

I couldn't do anything with me being tied up so I had no choice but to go with this. I shook my head in understanding and she went to her cheerful self.

Alice- I'm so happy you see my way Y/N. This is gonna be so much fun! Now, open wide so I can feed you breakfast. Say Ahh.~

I opened my mouth and she feed me some of the waffle with berries, I ate it and she got a cookie and held it close to my mouth 

Alice- Good Y/N, here is your reward.~

I took a bite of the cookie and she poked my nose a bit as she smiled and chuckled.

Alice- Ahh, this is the best day ever. And more fun days will happen first thing tomorrow, right now let's take it slow and easy. Happy Easter Y/N...Best human friend forever.~ 

Y/N's mind- Mom!! Dad!! Please help me!!! Anyone!!

I'm stuck here with Alice, maybe it wasn't a good idea to investigate the noise that night but...I can't change it now and only wish that things get better but till then...I have to be with Alice. 

(The End)

Happy Easter folks, wish you, folks, a nice day and till then, I'll talk to you folks later!! :) :)

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