Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.6K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


185 15 5
By iamtinasnow


It's premiere day, and the last past few hours have been crazy.  We landed extra late at the airport which caused us to have to push for time. Once we made it to Layah's we had to hit the ground running.

Which is very difficult to do with a house full of people. Anthony and Kai to stay focused and get dressed, but with these two it's like talking to a brick wall. And between both of them, they have been taking me in a full circle.

But once I got them both to calm down Mackie went to his place to start getting ready. After seeing him off I went upstairs to run Kai's bathwater

While he's in there I'm supposed to be getting my hair done. Which shouldn't take long because my hair's already braided.

"Thank you, mama," Kai thanked me as I gave him a small and big towel. "You're welcome baby, call me once you're done," I said walking out of the door, leaving it halfway opened.

Walking back down to the den where Alayah's getting her hair done. She should be done by now, walking through the den doors she was just standing from the chair with her hair in beach waves.

"You look pretty," I said as I sat in the chair taking off my bonnet.  

"Thanks, babes, I'mma head upstairs and get ready come to my room when you're done so I can see your hair." She said, I mumbled 'Okay' as she walked out of the door.

As Max started on my hair, I unlocked my phone and started answering emails.

After my hair was finished and I paid Max for his amazing work I head upstairs to help Kai finish getting ready. I braided his hair while we were on the plane so I didn't have that to do.

"Mama, once all of this is over can I get all my hair cut off?" He asked.  "Of course baby, if that's what you want we can cut it like Papa's," I said.

"Ma, I said cut not bald." He whined.

I laughed, "I'm joking, you're not gonna be bald. Come on let's get your shoes on." He nodded get off the bed and went to get his white Air Force. He looks so adorable in his purple suit. It's something simple for his first red carpet. He came back plopping down on the bed.

"Your brother and sister are gonna be there, you nervous?" I asked, watching him as he put them on. Shaking his head, "No ma'am. Auntie Layah gave me some pro tips and pointers."  I trust Layah could never stir him in the wrong direction, but it is Alayah I'm talking about so that can't be good.

"Well if you do, just  know that Mama's gonna be right there with you." I smiled down at him.   "I know." He said. Once he was done he went down to the game room until I was done getting dressed.

Going to the guest bedroom, and finished getting dressed. My makeup was already done and my suit was already on, I just needed to put my heels on and curl some of the curls that had fallen. Sitting at the vanity I slipped on the heels, then started curling my hair.

After I had finished I put on my rings and necklace and went over to the mirror.

I smiled at how good I looked, green is definitely my color. Smoothing out some fly-away hairs, I turned to put on some perfume and then grab my phone. Deciding to wear a purse tonight because it might throw off my outfit.

As I walked down the hallway I unlocked facetiming Anthony, he picked up after the second ring. When he finally came in the camera he still was not dressed. "Why aren't you dressed?" I asked making my way towards the stairs.

Mackie propped the phone against something, "I am, I just gotta put on my shirt." He said brushing his hair. "You look pretty." He said. "You can't even see what I have on," I said smiling. "I don't need to see you, to know how beautiful you're looking."

"Thank you, I'm sure you gonna look handsome once you're finished," I said walking through the foyer.

"Which I'm about to do now." He said taking the phone and walking out of the bathroom. "You meeting is here or at the theater?" I asked as I made my way into the living room.

"Naw I'll meet y'all there." Sitting down on the couch I said, "I'll see you there then. Love you."

"Bye, love you too."

After I had hung up with Y/N, I quickly finished getting dressed and then headed downstairs to the SUV that awaited me. Now I'm sitting in the line waiting to be let out of the car.

I could hear the screams of fans as each invited and part of the cast celebrity made their way into the carpet. Soon after I was being let out.  I made my way over to fans taking some pictures and signing autographs, then I made my way over to the carpet posing for a few solo pictures before going to do interviews.

"Anthony, hi. It's been a while, you look amazing."

"Thank you Nischelle, you look amazing as well." I complimented. "Thank you, well let's jump straight into it. What can you tease us about your next project with Marvel?"

I started laughing she ain't waste no time.

"Umm, I'm very excited to say that they just finished wrapping for Black Panther 2. It's Uhh, it's gonna be amazing."

"Are you in it?" She asked.

"I-I-I, I'm not, but I've seen and I've been there and I'm excited for everybody to see it." "Great deal, so this is the first movie with Alayah Y/L/N. How was it working with her on set?"

I see her walking towards us, "Speaking of the devil here she comes." She smiles walking over wearing a black lace dress with splits up the thighs. "Hi, you look gorgeous," I said pulling her into a hug once she made it over to us.

"Thank you, are y'all talking about me?" She asked.  "I was telling Nischelle how much of a pain you were on set." I laughed.
After answering a few more questions with Nischelle, Alayah led me to where Y/N was doing an interview with Kai. I stood off in the distance watching her smile as the interviewer asked her about Kai being in show business. 

Y/N looks beautiful as always, her hair is done beautifully, her makeup is done flawlessly and the shade of green she has on really compliments her skin. "You know it's weird to creep on people," Alayah said standing next to me.

"I'm not creeping, I'm just admiring my girl's beauty," I replied, looking at her.

"Well, once you're done admiring go speak," She said, before walking away. I watch her wrap her arms around Kai's neck as she continued to answer questions. I walked over towards them, "I think we're about to be bombed," The interviewer said pointing toward me.

"Hi," Y/N spoke with a dimpled smile. I said while hugging her, "Hey, you look great as always."

"Thank you, so do you." "I'm glad we have you two together, we have some questions for you guys." This can't be good if he waited for both of us to be together.  But we both nodded waiting for him to ask them.

"Just a few months ago you Y/N had court against Myles Sanchez, can you give us some detail on what that was about?"

I should have known if we didn't answer the questions while in court,  why would we talk about it now. I'm so sick of all these sleazy ass tabloids, looking for shit to write about for a quick fucking check.

Y/N opened her mouth to speak, I placed my hand on her on the smaller of her back, "Look, tonight's not about all of that. It's about her son's big break. Enjoy the movie." I said taking her's and Kai's hands we walked towards the venue doors.


The premiere went by smoothly, besides the little moment with the interviewer, but Anthony handle it well. Once the movie had ended and we hit the stage to answer some questions we headed back to the house where Layah had a small party waiting for us.

Kai had fell asleep on the way back so Mackie took him upstairs so he could change and lay down. After I had changed I walked down to the kitchen to get a bowl of fruit, then joined everybody out in the backyard.

Everybody mingled as music played softly in the background. Alayah and Chris sat together gushing like that one high school couple. They can't get enough of each other. Sebastian sat by himself playing on I went over and sit beside him.

"How was your first red carpet in almost seven years?" asked Seb.

"It was fun, I wouldn't do it again. Why didn't I see you on the carpet?" I asked popping a grape in my mouth. He jumped his shoulders replying,  "I was there doing interview after interview. Celebrities right."

I laughed, we talked for a while then Anthony joined us. Anthony and I excused ourselves a moment later and went inside. "Alayah's has a nice place. I would love to have a look around." He said.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." Standing from the couch I walked into the kitchen where Layah had gone earlier.

"Layah," I smiled at her, "Anthony wants a tour of the house," I mumbled, leaning against the counter. She gave me one of those knowing smiles. I rolled my eyes but never dropped the grin.

"The guest bedroom is soundproof. Do with that information as you will." When I went to walk back to Anthony, she hit my ass." I shook my head. Anthony sat down his cup and smirked as I walked back to him.

I threw my arms around his neck. "So, Layah told me I could give you a tour of the house." His eyes sparkled like a kid in the candy shop. A second later, he was pushing me into a bedroom after talking me up the stairs. Funny enough, he chose the right room.

As I tried to fully close the door, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to his lap. "Ant-" My voice was cut off as his mouth landed on me.

I get a feverish kiss from him. He pulls at my clothing with precision as he moves. Within moments, I am naked above him. If Anthony wants something, he moves fast.

I move to undress him but he only flips me, my bare back pressed against his clothed chest. "Uh uh. That's my job."

"Okay." I breathed out, my hips already moving.

"Good girl." He spreads my legs wide open, fully exposed. He traces the inside of my thigh with his finger. Calloused fingers touch my skin lightly, but not too much. I whine. "What do you want, pretty girl? Say it and I'll give it to you." He purrs next to my ear.

As his hand wandered, I grabbed it and led it straight in the direction I wanted. "Here." He presses his fingers against my bud, making a rhythm I like.

"Hm.. like this?" Mackie asks.

"Yes!" I arch as he presses against me.
I felt his fingers teasing me between my folds. Within seconds he inserts a finger inside me and then adds another, then he curls.

I screamed out a moan when he hit the special spot that got my toes curling. "Or like this?" Anthony's so cocky, I love him.

"Yes, Mackie, just like that."

He places a kiss behind my ear and muses, "Always so polite.". He holds me down with his other arm and I don't mind it. While his fingers work inside me, his thumb massages gentle circles on my clit.

His actions cause me to breathe heavily. While it was not in my plans to have my finger fucked in someone else's house, I wasn't complaining.

He pulls at my chin to make me face him. His rugged jeans cover the bulk of his cock, which makes me feel more of it underneath. I kiss him instantly. I was so close. "Please," I replied.

"Who do you belong to?"

It caught me by surprise. He wasn't a possessive person. Sure, he was protective, shielding me from danger. The words did not need to be spoken by me or him to reinforce my claim to him. For him, his actions were enough. I knew he was mine, and he knew I was his.

Rather than responding immediately, I don't react, causing him to curl his fingers more aggressively inside me. When he calls my name, I don't respond.

"Answer me."

"Y-You!" I choke out. Instinctively, my legs clench together, but he pulls them apart. It's the dirtiest thing he has ever done to me. A look of desire is written on his face, but something else dances in his shadows. "I love you." My lips barely brush his as I lean in. "and the only dick I need."

It was too late for me to catch the look of love that flashed across his face before he crashed his lips with mine. As I straddled him, I was stunned by the look of love on his face. I untied his pants quickly.

"Only my cock huh?"

Still focusing on untying his pants, I nod avidly. It doesn't matter how much ego boost I'm giving him, the need for him is overwhelming. When he finally lets go of my hand, I wrap it around him, eagerly. Anthony grabbed my wrist before I could react, stopping me. In confusion, I stared back at him.

"Then ride it like it's yours." He leaned in with a smirk, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
I don't need to be told twice. I lift my hips and welcome him completely. My eyes rolled back as I took every inch of him.

"Oh fuck, baby." He let out a guttural moan. It fuels my desire. I lift my hips and bounce on his cock, desperate to hear him again. He watches me move, eyes locked, "Come on, sweetheart."

He grips my waist tighter and my hips are now thrust out to meet him. He catches a stray nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking in time with his thrusts. Moaning as I bounce, I repeat his name. He mutters to me, "Mine, mine, mine.".

The way he curves his hips sends me over the edge. As he repeated this movement, his pelvis ground down on my sensitive clit, causing my head to fall on his shoulders. He leaned in closer to release me. My orgasm erupted as I cried out.

It was as if his hips were wildly moving without stopping. While still reeling from my orgasm, I bury my face in his neck, powering through his thrusts.

When he released his grip, a familiar feeling of warmth filled me. As he paused breathing heavily, his movements faltered. I still held on to his wide shoulders for dear life, my face buried in his neck. As we breathed together, we remained like that for a moment.

"I love you too." He breathed out, closing his eyes. I leaned up, placing a kiss on his cheek, close to his lips. He slipped a hand through my hair, pushing it away from my sweat-soaked face. I reeled in his touch. He must have noticed because he laughed,

"Gorgeous. I can't imagine being with anyone else."
I smiled as Anthony continued to rub my face. I don't think I've ever seen him this affectionate. I laid back down on his chest, looking off. "Me neither."

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