Desire (Bakugou X Reader)

By shadow1dark2night

163K 4.7K 2.6K

Y/N is 20 years old. She lives in secrecy and doesn't let much of her past slip out to the world. She works u... More

Kapter 1
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Kapter 97 [THE END]
Read me bitch

Kapter 77

740 29 8
By shadow1dark2night

The next few days Katsuki and Static had constant meetings back and forth.

A new friendship grew between them. One where there was a man skilled in persuasion and the other skilled in abilities.

With their jointed businesses they managed to get more money and help the economy. Almost every city and town across Tokyo to the other cities were protected. Possibly each street has a hero or sidekick on duty.

Static was a man of business and with Katsuki's ambition it all worked out.

They would meet constantly some meetings sometimes ended up with Static being invited for dinner.

This went on for a few weeks after he came back from his trip.

The boys loved him since he always brought them gifts.

At the moment Kyoko was running around. She's gotten use to her legs and wobbling everywhere.

Her favorite thing to do is hide between ______'s legs, burying her face into her mothers knees.


_____ looked over at Kyori who ran into the bedroom.

"Mama! Kenji's being mean!"

And right behind him was Kenji...

"Mama! He hit me!"

"No! You hit me!"



"BabaBabaa" Kyoko babbled joining in hearing her brothers talk.

_____ looked at them as she folds the laundry.

"Did you finish your homework? You shouldn't be messing around at all." _____ said.

"But mama!" Kyori points at Kenji who crossed his arms.

"Kenji stay in your room and finish work. Kyori take Kyoko's room." _____ said.

"Can I work in dads room?" Kenji asked her walking over as she puts the basket away.

"He's in a meeting no. Just go to yours." ______ said moving to put the clothes away as Kyoko stood up to follow her to the other side of the room.

She bumped into her mothers legs falling onto her butt again as she giggled up at _____.

______ smiles down at her before looking at the boys who hesitatingly stayed in the room.

"Boys? Homework."

"..I don't wanna"

Kenji moved to get into the bed as he hid himself.

______ walked over smiling as he giggled trying to get away from her touch.

Kyori climbed onto the bed aswell as he smiled at Kenji who peaked out from under the covers.

"Oh come on, baby I just made the bed.." _____ said.

Kyoko watched them before she looked at the open door.

She just waddled her way to the hallway going towards the room her father was always in.

She had her tiny hands on the door as she babble's trying to get it to open.

She smacked the door with her hands again giggling at the sound it was making.

Meanwhile _____ was tickling Kenji and Kyori to get them off her bed as they laughed loudly.

"Bababa.." Kyoko smacked her hands again laughing before the door opened suddenly causing her to fall on her butt again.

She saw legs and looked up seeing her father holding a phone to his ear. But all she did was giggle reaching up for him.

Katsuki looked down seeing her as he sighs.

"I'll get back to you on that..bye." Katsuki said hanging up the phone as he bent down picking her up.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you suppose to be with mommy?" Katsuki asked while pointing his finger at her as she giggled trying to bite it.

Katsuki heard the boys laughter as he walked into the master bedroom to find the boys and _____ together all messing around.

"Papa!" Kyori cheered as Kenji smiles wide at him.

"I think you lost this one." Katsuki said smiling at ______ as Kyoko giggles at her.

"Mhmm sorry, my husbands too busy to help me with our kids." She teased.

Katsuki smirked walking to her as he bent to meet her face.

"Well.. you should really tell him to be a better man." He joked back.

She smiled and kissed his lips as Kyoko leans her head to theres wanting kisses too.

Katsuki and ______ smile at her before kissing her cheek.

"Alright, that's enough play time you two, go be good and finish your homework. Then maybe we can all watch a movie if dads up for it?" _____ suggested.


"Yaya movie!!"

Katsuki looked at her nervously.

"I..uh.. I have another meeting that'll last a couple hours..i don't-" he just saw her death glare causing him to switch up as he looked at the boys smiling.

"Ya why not. Go do your homework." Katsuki said as the boys ran off leaving the three in the room.

Kyoko played with his hair as ______ fixed the bed.

"Babe, I know I'm not 100% here but I swear it'll get better. I mean I'm taking meetings at home! That's better then being at the agency, farther away from you guys right?" Katsuki said watching her.

"...I know you're excited about the new agency and all that. I'm proud of you too but i don't want you to miss out on the kids.." she said walking back to him.

"I won't-"

"They love you so much." _____ said placing a hand to his cheek. "..and they're growing up way too fast..And they're going to need their father. The boys hardly listen to me. They fight all the time. I can't do this all without let Static take over for a while okay? Cant you guys go back and forth on command?" She asked.

"..we can but you know I can't let him do's mine. Everything there I built from scratch! Sure he aided me but I know I can't let it all go like that." Katsuki said. "And each day we're getting new recruits and opportunities. Some even outside of Japan! I could rise above from just being the Number 1 Hero!" Katuski said to her.


"I'm being serious. I cant make a mistake. It'll just take a wh-"

"You can not be Deku."

Katsuki just stared at her.

"W-what did you say?"

"He's already done it. I know how much you want to beat him in everything..but that mans never home with his family! He hardly stays in Tokyo.. you're already enough. Your goal was to be Number 1 from the start right? And you got it. So just stop there..I'm not going to let you just constantly go be a hero for everyone when I need you here."

"Hold on- what?! I'm not trying to be like fucking Deku!? How could you say that!?" Katsuki put Kyoko on the bed as he looked at ______.

"I..well what do you expect me to believe? You keep saying you want to be the best and rise higher then the others. Higher then Number 1..But that's literally Deku's position isn't it?"

"What!? No! That damn nerd won't even reach the level I'm going for!"

"But you don't need to do it!"

"I can!"

"I know you can but you shouldn't!"

"Why not?! Im already having meetings with China, and even America. If all goes well Static and I will open agency's across the globe. We can even travel! Babe it's a great opportunity!"

"No. You're not doing that.."

"That's not your choice." Katsuki said.

She looked at him then to Kyoko who sat on the bed waiting for attention.

"Actually it is. It became my choice when you married me!....Katsuki..I don't want you to have to travel for work. You're Japan's Number 1 Hero. You've worked so hard for that title..don't give it up." ______ said walking to him.

"I'm not giving it up!" He laughed in disbelief. "I'm trying to rise above them all! I'll be the best damn Hero this damn world has seen." Katsuki said.


"No. That's the end of this discussion. Seriously can't you at least support me?" He said just walking off heading back to his study.

"What.." she said as he slammed the door.

Kyoko looked up at her mother seeing a sad expression on her face. She whines up at her.

_____ silently picks her up just sitting on the bed rethinking everything she said.

Katsuki stayed in his study room for the rest of the day following up on that meeting.

_____ on the other hand fed her kids and was now starting a movie for them.

"I'll get papa!" Kyori said before _____ stopped him.

"Leave him alone."

"But..papa said he wanted to watch it with us!" Kenji said to her but went quiet seeing her glare.

The boys just turned back to watch the movie as the door bell rang.

_____ sighed walking over and opening it to find Static there with a laptop.

"Oh Good evening, _____! It's always nice to see you." Static smiled.

"Hi Static..Katsuki's busy right now. I don't think he'll come out, but I can take a message for him if you'd like?" _____ offered.

"Oh, well I only needed to return his laptop. I'm sure I can just leave it with you." He said handing it to her before he felt tiny arms around his leg.

He looked down finding Kyoko giggling up at him.

"Oh my I see someone's been practicing their walking huh?" He said smiling down at Kyoko before picking her up.

She babbled at him as he smiles at _____.

"...are you alright?" He asked sensing her mood.

"..Static did Katsuki ever tell you about moving your work to America and China?" ____ asked before letting him into the house.

"Huh? No he hasn't. But I did hear we had some offers! That would be excellent for our business if we collaborated with other Countries!" Static said.

"I don't want him to leave Japan. If he does this he'll surely lose his title as Number 1 Hero won't he?" _____ asked.

Static looked at her before looking at the kids.

"..right I suppose it wouldn't work out to well..I'm sure you need him home for the kids and for yourself, of course. He won't take those offers then, I wouldn't worry." static said smiling.

She scoffed softly. "He was real adamant to take those offers actually.."

"What?! He was?"


"He would be risking a lot..did he not-"

"He didn't even care to listen to me. Honestly..I thought him being Number 1 Hero was enough to deal with..I can't imagine what I'd do if he wasn't home or if we'd have to constantly travel with him! I just wanted a simple life..and now I can't even have that?! Because apparently I'm not a good supporting wife!?" She raged.

Static just looked at her silently before speaking.

"If he said that..then he was mistaken. I have not seen any one support him as much as you do. You take care of your children every day...I don't know if it's a touchy subject so forgive me but you also quit your Hero Job I heard..and I only assume with the kids you're not available to do simple hobbies do alot. And I'm sure Bakugou is aware of don't take his words harshly. You're an amazing mother and wife." Static said smiling at her.

______ smiles softly at his words.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to put you in an awkward didn't have to say that but thank you. It means a lot." She said as he nods before they hear footsteps coming downstairs.

Katsuki saw them as Kyoko reached for him.

"Static?? Oh shit..I forgot you were coming to drop it off. Thanks." Katsuki said while taking Kyoko and just handing her to ______.

Static watched that event meeting ______'s eyes who wanted to scream but she kept her cool and walked away as Kyoko pouted.

"I-..uh Bakugou-"

"Hey guess what! I just got off the phone with China's hero agency. They said they'll schedule a day for us to go and look around the city for a spot." Katsuki said to him smirking.

"Bakugou..I don't think that's a good idea." Static said softly.

"What? Why not!? We're stepping up! That was the plan. And don't worry about your ticket I'll handle it" Katsuki said smiling patting his back.

Static just looked at _____ who sat on the couch with the boys.

He knew she was listening...he looked back at Katsuki.

You idiot..

"Can we talk? Privately?" Static asked him.


Katsuki led him upstairs to his study room and as Static shut the door..

"I'm going to apologize now for my language before I forget. And I know I should keep our personal matters out of our business. But for the love of god Bakugou, Are you really going to hurt your family for a damn job that's not even guaranteed!?" Static asked.

"What?" Katsuki looked at him confused before processing how much he knows. His face fell slightly as he looked back at Static.

He chuckled. "She told you about our argument?"

" have a family to think about. My companies allowing for more equipment here in Japan. As much as it would be amazing for us to reach out to America and China I don't see it being a possibility if we want to continue to live here."

"Oh please it's not like I'm ditching Japan! She must have gotten into your head. I swear I can't believe her sometimes. I do everything for my family! EVERYTHING!" Katsuki yelled

"Then why are you hurting them?"

Katsuki's hand started to smoke. "Don't fucking tell me what I'm doing to them. You don't know anything. Where did all of this come from Static!? What did she tell you?"

"That shouldn't matter. The fact that you hurt her should."

"Well she hurt me."

"By expressing her feelings?"


"I'm just saying to take it easy. You're already Number 1 in Japan. That's why I chose you as a partner. And our business is already sky high. We don't need anyone else."

"I don't need you to get into my business. Especially with my wife and me." Katsuki glared.

"..of course. Like I said, I'm sorry, I just had to speak up. Anyways! I'll see you tomorrow then? Don't be too harsh." Static said to change up the mood.

"Ya whatever."

Static just walked down with Katsuki saying his goodbyes to the others before leaving.

Katsuki closed the door turning his attention to ______ who sat there with his children continuing the movie.

Static left without saying anything else.

He wanted to continue the conversation but something in him didn't.

He looked at the house before driving off.

He has everything any man dreams could he want to hurt them..

Katsuki stared at them.

He just walked infront of the couch glaring at ______.

"If you have problems with me I'd appreciate it if you didn't bring my fucking partners into it." He glares.

The twins look up at him sensing their fathers anger.

______ just stayed on the couch having Kyoko in her lap.

"At least he listened. You might want to try that someday." She snapped.

"You-! I'm doing this all for you guys! Don't you want a better damn life!? We can do better if I get a higher position!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know we were struggling."

"No that's not what I mean-"

"Katsuki you promised me you wouldn't leave anymore. So why do you have to do this?" She asked looking at him.


"I get that you want even more. But the way you're going at it is making me feel like our families not at the top of your list."

" it is..I just. I finally have a choice to do even more I can't just lose it." Katsuki said to her.

Kyoko reached up for him whining.

He looked at her then the twins.

"go to your room." Katsuki said to the twins as they leave the living room.

Katsuki sat down next to her as she just pats Kyoko's back.

"...I'm only saying there are pros for this for our family..the boys can travel. We can go anywhere-"

"I could've done that too if I stayed with Dad." She finally said. "I liked- no I loved Japan so much that I didn't want to leave. We traveled everywhere for SuperNova and for competitions...I just want to stay settled..and not have to worry about anything..especially you fighting for your life. Not knowing if you'll be home or not.." she said while staring down to Kyoko.

"I've been a shitty husband huh?"

She looked at him confused. "What?"

"I'm sorry. I'm seriously sorry..I keep thinking of me you're right. I'll..let them know we aren't expanding our business."


He smiled at her and nods. "Ya..I was way over my head..if I leave now my position as Number 1 will fall..cant have that can I?" He asked as she smiled softly.

"Ya you are an idiot."

Kyoko babbled biting her mothers finger with a giggle.

Katsuki looked over as he leaned to them.

"I'm sorry" he repeated smiling softly.

"Still sleeping on the couch."

"Wait what?" He looked at her as she smirked getting up with Kyoko.

_____ ignored his 'WHATS' as she walked upstairs with him at her tail.

"B-babe come on you don't mean that right?" He asked following her to Kyoko's room.

"Well you did kinda tell me I don't support you. And that hurt."

"HUH WAIT COME ON THATS NOT FAIR!" He yelled as Kyoko giggled as _____ changed her.

"Mmm it's pretty fair."

Kyoko watched her father whin as her mother placed her down into her crib.

"Kats please, she needs to sleep already."

"Stop ignoring me. I'm not sleeping on the couch..I want to be with you" he said making her turn to face him.

He glared as she smiled.

_____ turned on the little musical for Kyoko to sleep to as she walked out with Katsuki turning off the lights.

He followed her to their room as he looked at her silently.

She turned to him. Torturing him like this was amusing.

Very amusing..

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