Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures πŸ˜‹ Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Theatre of Puppets
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Return of Emily's Forgotten Past
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Online Interview
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Baby Shower Stream
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Govenment Robot
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS

IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit

26 2 0
By Emilythecat66

(Based on the Vincent Price movie 'house on the haunted hill')
It was a nice day and it had been almost a week since the BAFTAs with that ghost lady, casper getting his new ability and jerma saving the day, emily was napping in her room while ben had taken mima and casper with him to help train casper with his new ghost abilities while helping mima master her love abilities, emily is happy to get time to herself as looking after 2 babies is hard work sometimes, meanwhile both tom and sebastian were out in america doing their new movie and they were actually together in a movie for the first time which was exciting for the both of them, lastly in LA and jerma was chilling in his living room, he had told ster the news the day after the streamers awards over the phone and ster was really happy that he was going to be a dad but upset that jerma didn't tell him sooner but then forgave him after jerma explained, jerma was now in his living room eating chocolate ice cream with a big spoon which is what the baby asked for with craving and watching a random thing he found on youtube, as he was watching the video, he was also thinking on a live stream he can do with emily as she did ask if she can be in one of jerma's big streams and jerma really wants to use her but he couldn't think of what, as he eats his ice cream, he was coming up with idea
"i got to think of something soon" jerma says to himself loudly "and if i don't 'jerma jr' here will be about 16 and i'll be 52...i'll be old!" he adds and he puts his left hand on his almost 8 month old baby bump to rub it slowly and affectionally as he thinks on what to do
suddenly the next youtube video plays as jerma forgot to turn off auto play and it was one of those public domain black and white movies, he smiles as he remembers doing 2 live streams on then and then he remembered the manos the hand of fate movie, he cringed at the thought but he then gets an idea as he remembered what he said during the house on haunted hill movie
"i know! i'll make a black and white movie parody sketch!" jerma says happily and then he grabs his phone
he open his notes and he write down the idea in the note called 'future stream ideas', he sighs pleased with himself and then he decides to text emily if she likes the idea, he was about to start typing after he opened emily's text box and then he suddenly disappear with a purple magic sparkle letting his phone drop to the sofa, meanwile with emily and she had just woken up from a nap as she was stretching her body, she then shakes her body then looks at her tablet
"i wonder what i've missed" emily says to herself out loud then opens her twitter first
she looks around and sees that the news from the trending part of twitter of tom and sebastian working together in a new movie spreads fast as some photos were taken by paparazzi of the pair talking, teasing and flirting each other in front of a trailer
"wow! news spreads fast and dey just got to america 2 days ago" emily says to herself then she giggles
she carries on looking around her social medias as she jumps from twitter to tumblr and she sees that the new spider man movie 'no way home' is trending, she smiles at the memory that sebastian had told emily that he doesn't want to see the movie as it has tommy in it and he and anthony still have a brotherly rivalry with tommy even though the last time sebastian with emily has seen tommy was 3 years ago when they worked together for that devil movie on netflix with emily sitting behind the scenes watching, emily huffs at the memory then she closes tumblr, she was about to open youtube to see what videos had been uploaded recently but then she disappears with purple magic sparkles like jerma did leaving the house completely empty.
meanwhile in america and both tom and sebastian were on break lunch from filming which has gone well so far, the pair were in a little cafe connected to the studio they're working at and there were some other people sitting around, they chose to sit next to the tv which was on the a random channel which was playing the near end of a game show, tom and sebastian were eating their food with tom sitting on the right side of the table which was facing the tv having a cup of tea in those white paper cups and a sandwich while sebastian who was sitting next to tom in the middle of the table but close to tom had a bottle of water and also a sandwich, tom checks his phone after taking a bite of his sandwich and notice emily hasn't texted in a while
"hmm...i wonder where emily is? she hasn't text me yet today" tom says looking like a worried parent as he was looking at his phone
"she's probably busy either sleeping or getting distracted by mima and casper so she's probably fine" sebastian replies on a comfort tone after swelling his bite of sandwich and tom looks at him before nodding
"yeah, you're probably right" tom says with a smile then he take a sip of his now warm tea
sebastian smiles back at tom then he takes his water unscrewing the cap to the bottle
"and now on ABC 1, a new show to get excited for, the big prank show" the male american announcer says on the tv as a number 1 was bouncing around like the DVD pause screen (i don't know much about the main channels in america tv so in my AU, america has a similar main channels to the BBC)
suddenly a title card pops up as it was a card with the title 'the big prank show a.k.a tbps' on it with the words 'live!' in red in the top left corner them the card gets pulled down showing a duchy looking guy, the guy looked to be late 20s, had really long blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, a hawaiian shirt in yellow and blue, shorts, sneakers and he looked like he was ripped from the 90s and put in a 2022 show which was really odd
"yo! dudes and dudettes! welcome to the big prank show or as i like to call it, tbps!" the 90s looking man says looking cool yet duchy "on todays show, we have selected 6 random strangers to go into a big scary mansion and get the scare of a life time, so let's see who these strangers are! aw yeah!" he adds then it changed to 6 cars driving to the mansion "our first stranger is 30 year old ayna hawkins who is a pro dancer and a ballerina is 25 year old tyler dennis who is a mechanic and a space nerd...thirdly is 41 year old david berry who is a office worker and a giant sceptic so we've going to change that, ahaha!...fourthly is 20 year old megan campbell who is a sassy gossip, a social media girl and a rood lady so don't mess with her...fifthly is 26 year old lucy clark who is a smart girl who knows what she's doing and is a doctor...and lastly is 36 year old jeremy elbertson who is a livestream person on twitch and it seems his years of streaming has caused his weight gain...we also brought along his pet cat as he will need it to cuddle when those scares come" he says still in his cook duchy tone as it shoes off  each person
the first girl ayna as mentioned 30, she had long light brown hair with it in a bun at the top of her head, brown eyes, a fashion shirt, fashion jeans, pump shoes and she was holding a pink suitcase, the first boy tyler as mentioned 25, he had glasses on, short dark brown hair, green eyes, a shirt with the planet mars on it, black trousers, black trainers and holding a black suitcase with planets and robots in it, the second guy david ias mentioned 41, he had a bold head, blue eyes, was in a business suit with the black shoes, slightly overweight and he was holding a black breif case, the second girl megan as mentioned is 20, she has long dark brown hair, brown eyes, pink shirt with her left shoulder exposed, tight jeans, sneakers, on her phone and has a pink handbag by her leg, the third girl lucy as mentioned is 26, she had black hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, a plain white shirt with a pink fleece cardigan on top, slightly baggy jeans, black pump shoes and she had a blue suitcase with her and lastly was jerma and emily, jerma has now as at home, he has only his pyjama bottoms on a his black and white shirt on which strangely fit over his baby belly, baggy trousers, trainers and a black suitcase by him while emily was sitting next to him with nothing.
while the people were being shown, tom was still eating and sebastian was looking around at the people, he then glance over the tv then does a double take as he sees emily sitting by jerma looking confused
"uhh, dear? i think i found emily" sebastian says after he taps tom on the arm and as tom looks at him he points to the tv
tom looks up at the tv and there emily was on the tv
"how did she get there?" sebastian asks as tom looked unsure
"don't know but from the looks of her face, she isn't suppose to be there...or her friend jeremy for that matter" tom replies and he notice jerma's face which also looked confused
"shall we do something? emily did tell us that her jeremy friend is pregnant and this is a prank show to scare people so..." sebastian says and tom look at him a little worried but calm
"i want to and i know you want to but we have this movie to do so i think emily will solve it out" tom says and sebastian still looked worried but then sighs
"yeah...i'm sure emily will come up with something" sebastian says sounding sad he couldn't help emily then then smiles knowing emily will have this all sorted out as she's a genius
"she is, she really is" tom says happily and they both smile at each other cutely with love for each other in their eyes
they then look back at the show and all 6 cars have arrive at the mansion, everyone gets out of the car and they all look around the mansion holding their baggage, emily and jerma get out of their car and they look at the mansion confided
"dis a weird...i don't know why we are both 'ere but i guess i'm glad i get to be with you again, jermaine" emily says looking at the castle then at jerma
"me too" jerma says happily with a smile and emily giggles happily "but it's weird for me, before i appeared in this car with you, i'm pretty sure i just had my pyjama bottoms on as i didn't have a stream to do today" he adds confused as he looks down at his clothes with his right hand on his baby belly
"hmm, whoever teleported you 'ere must of given you clothes" emily says as she points to jerma's shirt
"weird, i would of like it if they kept the pyjama bottom but just put a shirt on me" jerma says as looks up at emily and she smiles
"reah! i would love dat too, especially if i'm pregnant like you!...which i was 14 years ago but not now" emily says happily then mumbles to herself
"hahaha! yeah...anyway, let's go see what's happening" jerma says as he looks at the mansion and emily nods as she looks at it too
the pair then go over to the door and the other 5 random people joined them when the door opens on its own
the 6 people enter with emily walking beside jerma and they all put their baggage in the living room
"this place looks nice" the tyler guy says as he looks around
"it looks like a abandoned dump" the megan girl says looking annoyed as she looks at her phone
"it would probably look nice if they remade it into a dancing school" the ayna girl says and she smiles at the idea
"or they could knock the house down and make a hosing estate here instead" the david guy says only caring about money
emily looks at the 5 people and she could already tell by her instincts that she doesn't like the megan girl and the david guy, the tyler guy, the ayna girl and the lucy girl see, to be okay though which is good, emily then looks over at jerma and he has sat down in the single sofa in the living room due to his back hurting from carrying his baby and this feet being slightly swallen
"maybe we should sit down and introduce ourselves" the lucy girl says kindly and she goes over to the chairs in the living room
the other listen to her and they all sit down in the chairs that were left, lucy, tyler and anya sit in single chairs while david and megan sit in the double sofa both looking annoyed like they were father and daughter
"i'll start, hi! i'm lucy clark, i'm 26 and i'm a doctor" lucy says as she points to herself happily
"umm...hello, i'm tyler, i'm 25 and i'm a mechanic and a astronomer" tyler says next as he points to himself shyly
"hi! i'm ayna, i'm 30 and i'm a professial dancer and ballerina" ayna says next pointing to herself happily
"hi! i'm megan, i'm 20 and i work as a store clerk" megan says not even trying to join in as she was so sucked into her phone
"i'm david, i'm 41 and i'm a businessmen" david says slightly pointing to himself but being lazy about it
"i'm jeremy, i'm 36 and i'm a twitch streamer...also this is emily" jerma says pointing to himself then at emily who poses happily on the arm of jerma's chair while jerma smirks at her
"emily is a weird name for a ginger cat like her but she is cute" lucy says as she looks at emily happily
"i must have my disguise magic on so peeps like dese 5 can only see me as a ginger cat and you jermaine, are the only one who can understand me in this mansion" emily explaisn to herself and jerma and jerma nods once
"huh!" megan says as she looks up from her phone "you're a fucking nerd! you're fucking a nerd! you're a creepy weirdo! you're a fat fucking baldy! you're a jerk! and you're a fucking fat idiot!" she says insultingly going from lucy to jerma then she cackles when everyone gasps at her offended except jerma
"meh, i've heard worse" jerma mumbles and emily nods to agree as she knows his fans on twitch can be quite rude and offensive
emily looks at the others and they can see that they don't like megan anymore as they all look at her staring her down, suddenly a door opens to the side and a man comes out, the man looked to be around 55, brown hair with gray highlights in it showing his age, a goatee that has gray showing in it, blue eyes, wearing a suit with black shoes and he looked smart
"hello everyone, welcome to my mansion" the man says and he gives everyone a smile
"hi mister-" lucy says and the man still smiles
"my name is mr.perry but you can all call me victor" the man says happily and everyone nods at him
"so what are we doing here?" tyler asks and victor smirks at he stands in front of everyone near the fireplace
"well, i have a challenge for you all, spend 24 hours in my mansion and if you all still in this mansion by this time tomorrow, you'll win a hundred million dollars for first place, a luxray week vacation to hawaii for second place and a trophy for third place while the other 3 get a $20 gift card to somewhere of their choosing" the vistor guy explaisn and emily felt something was off
"is it me or did that sound like a speech you give at a game show?" emily whispers to jerma and jerma nods as he notice it too
"ooo! i want second place!" megan says greedily with an evil looking smile then she imagines herself on a deck chair by the beach with the sea going in and out while she holding a glass of coloured vodka
"give me first place! i would love to have first place!" david says with a selfish look to his face as he had an idea to use the money to build a lot of buildings and housing estates
"and you can give the others the gift card, i think they will apreachate that alot" megan says and gives an evil look to the others
"hmm...we'll see what happens, for now, i will show you all to your rooms for the night" victor says and he starts walking off as everyone grabs their stuff
they all go upstairs and they were met with a corridor full of rooms, lucy, ayna and megan got the 3 rooms on the left in that order while tyler, david and jerma with emily get the rooms on the right in that order, when emily and jerma enter their room, the room was medium sized with a double bed in the middle, a desk by the window with a small computer chair in front of it, a single chair in the left corner with a buffet, a table with beverage stuff on the left of the table with stuff like water, tea bags, coffee powder and hot chocolate powder, a little fridge  on the right side of the table with stuff inside like milk, cold drinks like coca cola, fanta, sprite and pepsi, some beers and some chocolate like kit kat, a hershey chocolate, a reeses bar, m&ms, butterfingers and skittles, a flat screen tv with the remote next to it in the middle of the table, a door next to the bedroom door which is the bathroom with a toilet, shower-bath and a sink with big mirror and lastly a waldrobe.
"dis is a nice woom" emily says as she looks around the room then jumps on the bed "and dis is a very comfy beb" she add and she lies down on it
jerma goes over to the left side of the bed and then he sits down on it, he jumps on the bed a little loving how comfy it was then he lies down on the bed
"this is a comfy bed!" jerma says happily as he spread out his arms on the bed with emily looking at him
"umm...i'm glad you think the bed comfy...but now you have a problem" emily says and jerma looks at her confused
"what's that?" jerma asks and emily giggles a little
"get up!" emily says looking smug
jerma then tries to get up but due to his baby bump, he couldn't and he was stuck on the bed
"oh, umm...i forgot about this" jerma says worried before trying again to get up but failing "" he asks as he looks over at emily
emily giggles again and she uses her magic to get jerma standing up, he then felt his baby kick suddenly and he puts his hand above his belly button
"the baby kicked me, he knows that was a bad idea" jerma says to emily and she giggles again
jerma then goes over to the chair in the left corner and sits in it as he feet have become swallen again from the walk from the living room to the bedroom, he takes off his shoes and socks and he sighs in relief from his feet being free as he puts them up on the buffet
"so, did you tell ster?" emily asks jerma after he takes off his shoes when she goes to the end of the bed to talk to him
"yeah and first he was upset that i didn't tell him when i was announced pregnant but then he got happy about being a father, it was quite cute really" jerma explains the smiles at memory of ster freaking out about being a father over the phone and what to get the baby when it arrives
"but wait...didn't ster have a wife and you a girlfriend? holly i think her name was?" emily says and jerma sighs sadly
"yeah but...ster divorced his wife after finding out she was cheating on him with a another twitch streamer i forgot the name off and holly left me after finding out i got pregnant with ster and she left me calling me a cheater and a freak as she was shock i could get pregnant...i'm still surprised i am right now as i thought i was a pure male all my life" jerma says as he rubs his baby bump with his left hand idly while having his head on his right fist
"i've heard a lot of story of men thinkin' dey're pure men but den finding out dey're men-woman when dey realise dey are pregnant, it's the same with woman-man, dey thinkin' dey can't get pregnant due to them thinkin' they don't have ovaries for being pregnant but den findin' out they are pregnant and dey are in fact a pure woman" emily explains and jerma sighs
"why does this happen? i thought doctors and scientists have all this figured out" jerma says and emily smirks
"it's not dat it's not figured out, it had but the body doesn't know what it want to be" emily says and jerma looks at her confused
"what do you mean?" jerma asks kinda getting it but need emily to explain
"well, my friend lauren has found ot that the body just straight up changes what it want to be when it feels like it so it was said you were a pure man when you went to check but den without you noticing or checkin' by a doctor, your body changed to have ovaries making you a woman-man" emily explains and jerma nods as he understands "it's kinda of a similar tings chickens do, chicken can turn into roosters when dey feel like it" emily says and jerma looked shocked
"so...are you saying that people have become like chickens?!" jerma says looking surprised and emily gave nod
"reah! ladies can be like chicken turnin' into roosters when their bodies feels like it while men are like roosters turnin' into chickens when their bodies feel like it...that can happen too by the way" emily says and she grins while jerma still looked surprised
" learn something new everyday!" jerma says after recovering from the surprise and emily giggles
"reah, i learn dat about a week ago while looking around, it's weird dat hoomans are low-key related to chickens and roosters" emily replies with a smile and jerma shakes his head amused " changing da subject, do you tink dis whole ting reminds you of dat vincent price movie 'house on da hunted hill' dat you watched with chat for a live stream a while back?" she says and jerma thinks about it before realising too
jerma was about to reply when a night pitch girl scream was heard, emily pricked her ears up then runs to see what it was
"emily!" jerma shouts as he was stuck again from his baby bump pinning him down again
emily comes back and she uses her magic to stand jerma up and put his shoes and socks back on, jerma then follows emily slight waddling like a penguin and they get to the kitchen where ayna was on the floor while lucy was comforting her, tyler was lookig around the kitchen for some reason and both megan and david aren't here
"what happened?" jerma asks as he looks around the room
"i...i went to go t-to the pantry over t-there to get a-a snack and t-then this t-thing came out and scared me!" ayna explains still shaken up and emily goes over to the pantry
emily opens the door with her paw as she stays on the floor and this dead lady dummy comes down from the top of the door, everyone jumps in surprise and then jerma goes next to emily as he looks up from the door seeing it was a dummy on a 'invisible string' tape to the top of the door
"looks like someone is tryin' to scare us" emily says to jerma and jerma nods at her before pulling the dummy on the floor with a big tug making the little string holding the dummy up snap
"what is this? a scare house?" tyler says as he looks at the dummy on the floor
"i don't know but it looks like someone is trying to scare us" jerma replies as he takes what emily told him 10 seconds ago and emily shakes her head with a smirk on her face
"that's true but who?" lucy says and everyone looks at each other seeing if they'll confess
"oh! i see you've all found my scare doll" victor says as he enters the room as he saw ayna and lucy on the kitchen floor "sorry about that" he adds as he picks up the dummy as both emily and jerma move out of the way for him to get it off the floor
"why are you leaving scary dummies in your pantry cupboard?" jerma asks as he looks at the dummy then at emily who looks in the pantry cupboard
"reah! da only places you should place a dummy like dat is in da attic or in da basement" emily adds as she looks up to where the attic usually is and then looks down to where the basement usually is
"i put it in there for a reason i forgot" victor says and both jerma and emily look at him like they knew he was telling a lie but weren't sure "anyway, if you excuse me" he adds then leaves the room
everyone watches him go and then lucy helps ayna onto her feet
"i'll take her to her room" lucy says and she, ayna and tyler leave the kitchen only leaving jerma and emily left
"umm...well, dat was veird" emily says and jerma nods to agree with her
"yeah especially leaving a scary doll in a pantry cupboard...unless it was there to scare us like you said and this is how this 24 hour game works" jerma says as he thanked about it
"i tink you're right on dat, it is one way to get dese people to leave da mansion, with fright and da other is in a emergency situation like a fire, a killer trying to attack and a bomb warning" emily explains and jerma hums as he thinks with emily
"...i'm hungry" jerma says with a sudden announcement and emily giggles by the sudden announcement
"ok, let's make somethin'!" emily replies and they go into the pantry cupboard to look for something to cook
meanwhile with the other 5 people and they were all in their room, lucy had just put anya in her room on her bed so she can recover from her fright and now was in her room thinking on the situation, tyler was in his room fixing his tv as when he turns it on, it doesn't have sound so he's grab his tools from his suitcase and was now fixing it, ayna was calming herself down by ballet dancing as it calms her nerves, megan was lying in her bed texting a mate of hers about where she is and the 'stupid' people she is with and lastly david was counting up the money he has so he will know how much he'll get when he wins, outside the rooms and victor walks down the corridor without the dummy, he then goes to the room by jerma's bedroom and he looks around before he goes inside, back downstairs and emily and jerma was cooking together and by 'together', it's just emily cooking and jerma is helping and emily was cooking a mediun pizza for jerma as she puts it in the oven after putting jerma's choice of toppings on and now she was making noodles for herself
"so, did you ask for da pizza or did your son's cravings ask for it?" emily asks and jerma smirks
"i did, the baby's never had pizza before so this is new to him" jerma says as he sits to the side on a chair mindlessly circling the top of his baby bump using his finger
"so what have you been eatin' for the last almost 8 months if you didn't touch pizza and da baby never craved for it?" emily asks as she steps away to let the noodles cook in the pot
"well...i've ate fries, burgers, pork, steak, chicken, mac and cheese, ice cream, chocolate chips and ice just to name a few" jerma replies listing what he ate during his pregnancy so far
"dat sound like a lot of unhealthy food but whatever, at least you're eatin' food" emily says with a shrug and jerma nods
"yeah, hopefully after the baby is born in may, i can go do some excises again like running or do some VR streams, they always exhausted me after a few hours or so" jerma explains and emily nods knowing jerma VR routine
"i've watched your stream and i do know dat da VR streams you do does ware on your back after you've played with the VR for a few days" emily says and jerma hums knowing that well
emily goes to her noodles to check on them then when she sees they're still cooking, she check on the pizza and it was halfway cooked as she was kinda using her magic to make the pizza be done the same time as the noodles as noodles cook faster then pizza
"so, i still think it's quite odd that this is a strange recreation of the house on the hunted hill movie" jerma says picking up the conversation from the bedroom before being interrupted by the scare
"reah, its really odd...but you did say while watching da movie on da livestream dat you would do somethin' like dis if you were asked" emily says and remember jerma saying that in the livestream
"...oh yeah, i did, didn't i?" jerma says as he just remembers too
"'s funny, i've notice over watching all your livestreams dat you don't seem to have the best memory in the world, it must be your ADHD making your memory funny" emily says and jerma was silent for a minute before agreeing with a nod and a hum
"yeah, memory has been weird" jerma says in a audible mumble and emily looked sorry for jerma with his weird memory
emily then checks on the food and sees both her noodles and the pizza was done do she gets them ready, she puts the noodles in her favorite red bowl she made appear with her magic then she sorts out jerma's pizza, as emily does place the pizza on the plate, jerma smells the pizza and his craving kick in super fast and he goes over to the pizza after slightly struggling to stand up
"dere you nar! a peepza!" emily says happily and gives the plate to jerma
jerma takes the plate and he goes into the living room with it, emily ate her noodles in the kitchen and jerma happily enjoyed his pizza in the living room with the baby loving the pizza too as he will happily kick a lot while jerma ate the pizza, after the pair ate they went back to their room and jerma lies in the bed on the right side after he puts on his pyjamas he found in his suitcase which the shirt still fitting over his baby belly while emily sits next to him on the left thinking about something as she has her paw on her mouth
"'s strange, i've notice dat if this is suppose to be a scary place dat trying to make everyone leave in fright...dere hasn't been much scaring" emily says as she realises and points out "dere only been one scare and it was on dat ayna girl" she adds and jerma tiredly nods
"maybe they're waiting for night to come around to do the scaring, it's better to scare at night i've learnt" jerma says tiredly then he yawns
the pizza has caused jerma to become exhausted as the pizza filled both his and the baby's bellies and now he want to sleep when it's only 5pm
"maybe, you have your sleep and i'll guard you in the meantime" emily says and she pats jerma on the forehead
"ok...goodnight" jerma says sleepily and he goes to sleep after pulling the duvet over him
jerma went to sleep on his left side facing away from emily and emily stayed in the bed guarding for anything to happen, meanwhile in tyler's room and he had just fixed his tv, he puts the tv on the table and he turns it on after he plugs the tv into the socket, he turns on the tv and it plays normally with the sound and then it gets staticy, tyler gets annoyed and goes over to the tv to see what was wrong but then the tv acts strange, he inspects it then a scary face like the one from the maze game appears and makes tyler jump back onto his bed, he then scurried out of his room then goes into lucy's room which makes her surprised as she gets up from the chair to the desk
"tyler! what's wrong?!" lucy says as she bends down to tyler as he fell on the floor as he trip over his shoes
"i-i was fixing my tv and then w-when i fixed it, i t-turned it on and it was a bit weird and then this c-creepy face appears on it!" tyler explains in fear and lucy lifts him up onto the sofa in the corner
"shh, it's okay, it's gone now, you're safe" lucy says calmly as she takes tyler's hand into hers "shall we go back and you can show me what happened" she asks and tyler takes some deep breathes to calm himself
he soon nods after a moment of quiet then he gets up, he takes lucy to his room and he points to the tv where lucy looks at it as it was playing the america news channel
"it was on there" he says still pretty scared as he was slightly shaking
" doesn't seem to be there now, what did it look like?" lucy says then asks and tyler sits on his bed
"it-it look like that dummy from the pantry cupboard but it looked more scary" tyler says scared as he still shaking
"i see, it's gone now so don't worry" lucy says calmly like a mother and she goes over to tyler
"...thank you" tyler mumbles happy thanking lucy for calming him down
"you're welcome, i'll be in my room if you need me again" lucy says and she leaves tyler's room after she gives him a warm smile
tyler was left along and after some thinking, he gains a blush on his face as he realised he has gained a crush on the intelligent black haired girl, he shakes his head removing the thought and then decides to grab some food from the mini fridge as he was hungry, with lucy and she had returned to her room, she slightly blushes as she leans on her door after shutting it as she realises that tyler is cute and she had gained a crush on him, she sighs and then goes to her bed to check her phone, as she was looking though it, she doesn't notice that behind her a white feminine looking hand comes out of the wall.
meanwhile emily had come out of her and jerma's room as she felt something off so she came out to investigate, she was sniffing around in the middle of tyler's room and lucy's room as this is where her instincts took her, as she was sniffing and looking around, she doesn't see that victor came out of the room he went into and he sees her looking around in front of her, victor was about to ask emily something as he walk a little towards her when a loud scream was heard in lucy's room, emily opens the door with a horse 'cat' kick and she sees lucy freaking out at the hand coming out behind her, emily jumps into the bed and gives the hand a scratch causing it to retreat back into the wall
"lucy, my dear, are you alright?" victor asks looking over at lucy who was breathing heavily
"i'm...i'm fine, i think" lucy replies as she sits down in her chair having her hand on her heart
"lucy?" tyler says as he enters the room and goes over to her "are you okay? what happened? i heard you scream" he asks and lucy looks at him looking frightened  it glad tyler is there
"i'm fine, this creepy woman's hand came out from the wall and grabbed my shoulder, then emily came in and scratched the hand causing it to retreated back into the wall" lucy explains still scared but calm "by the way, thank emily" she adds looking at emily who was at the end of the bed
emily watches at tyler calms down lucy then she looks over at the door where victor was leaning on the door frame, she then feels this sudden urge to go see jerma so she bolts out of the room with tyler, lucy and victor watch her bolt off confused, she goes into jerma's room and she sees this long black hair lady with the hair over her face in a white sheet dress on standing next to the sleeping jerma, ahe growls and snarls at the lady and she then lunges at the lady, she bits the lady's arm and the lady goes down like a dropped brick
"get off me!" the lady says bitumen it sounded like a man
lucy, tyler and victor come in the room and see emily had a teeth grip on the ghost 'lady' left arm and was shaking it about like a dog with a toy, lucy and victor go in the room and lucy picks up emily making her let go of the ghost 'lady' arm and victor picks up the 'lady', victor then takes the ghost 'lady' out without a word and lucy leaves the room with emily still in her arms
"omg! what happened?!" ayna says as she ran over to tyler and lucy "i came out of my room hearing a funny noise and i see victor dragging this ghost lady away" she adds looking concerned
"well, it all happened at once, i was first attacked by this lady ghost hand in my room, victor, emily and tyler came to check if i was okay after emily scratched the hand away from me, emily then bolts off to her owner's room where a ghost lady that you saw was about to scare jeremy, so emily attacks the ghost lady and it turns out to be a man dressed up as i took emily and victor took the ghost prankster away" lucy explains calmly and ayna nods when lucy was finished the story
ayna then looks down at emily still in lucy's arms and emily did look calm dispite the face emily's fangs had blood on them and her eyes were as thin as thread but then emily's eyes go back to being big again and she looks around
"it looks like someone is just pranking us to try and scare us away from the mansion" tyler says as she looked a little annoyed
"yeah but who?" lucy adds and she looked to be thinking
"it's probably either victor or there is a hidden behind the scenes show that is pulling our legs" tyler says as he looks around for a hidden camera
emily looks around as well to see if she could see a camera but she couldn't see one in view, then the trio look over down the hall and they see victor coming back looking really annoyed
"i'm sorry about that ladies and gentlemen, that wasn't really suppose to happen and i have sorted out the problem" victor sayd politely "i have notice it's coming up to dinner time so shall we all go down and have dinner" he adds and the others nod at him
"what about david, megan and jeremy, aren't they coming?" ayna asks and emily looks over at her
"me and jermaine have already ate and dats why jermaine is asleep" emily says but she knew nobody could hear her
"i believe that jeremy ate earlier and i will collect david and megan later" victor says and emily looks at him puzzled
"ok then, let's go eat" lucy says and both tyler and ayna agree with her happily as they both nod
lucy puts emily down by jerma's door and then they all walk off leaving the corridor empty, emily watches them go and then when they were gone, emily goes into jerma's room to see jerma still fast asleep not knowing what happened, he was lying on his back and had his left hand in his baby bump while his right was next to his head and he was lightly snoring, emily smiles and she goes in the bed after shutting the door quietly to guard the room from any more spooks, meanwhile downstairs and tyler, ayna and lucy walk into the dining room to see a table full of different foods
"wow! that's a lot of food!" tyler says as he looks hungrily at the table
"yeah, who cooked all this?" lucy says as she looks over at victor
"i did while i was sorting out that intruder" victor replies and the trio look at him confused
"how did you do all this in 10 mintues?" ayna asks looking puzzled
"well, i'm very fast at cooking" victor says and the others look at him still lost
tyler went over to the table and he sits down, lucy and ayna join him and they take what they want to eat, tyler takes the first bite of a meatball he chose and he adored the taste
"oh my god! this is amazing!" tyler says in awe as he eat half of the meatball he bit into
lucy and ayna look at him then they took a bite out of their food, the pair light up like what tyler did and then they tuck into their food happily
"wow victor, this food is delicious!" lucy says happily in between bites
"yeah, thank you for making it for us!" ayna adds happily as she eats her food
"i'm glad you like it, now of you excuse me, i must round up megan and david to see if they want food" victor says happily then he walks off out of the dining room leaving the trio to eat
the trio carry on eating till they were full and then they go off to their room after cleaning up to repay victor for the nice food, they were confused on why victor didn't come back down with megan and david but they guessed that meagan or david or both of them were being difficult to round up do they did leave some food out they didn't eat or finish, after the trio went into their rooms, the trio chilled for a few hours either watching tv, texting, dancing, fixing something or writing in a diary, they soon went to bed around 10 to 11pm and they were all sleeping in their comfortable beds, when everyone was asleep, megan decided to come out of her room to grab something to eat, she had been spending the entire time they went to her room texting her girlfriends about things whinier just lying on the bed and going though the things in the mini fridge, she also did hear lucy and ayna scream earlier but she ignored it being a jerk, she walks to the stairs and she goes downstairs to goes into the dining room to see the leftover food
"ah good! some fucking food!" megan says in annoyed relief as she sees the food and she goes over to it
she grabs some food and puts it on a plate, she then sits down at one of the chairs then tucks into her food like a food obsessed dog given food, as she was eating, she doesn't notice something is crepping up behind her till she sees the shadow on the table
"if this another fucking prank i will-" megan says annoyed as she stops eating then she turns around
she screams but he scream gets cut off by something, meanwhile back upstairs and david had decided to come out of his room to look around, he had spend the whole time in his room figuring out how much money he'll get if he win and now he has figured out he will get about $100,450,345.93 in total, he has decided to finally look around the mansion, he also did hear ayna and lucy scream earlier but he was so distracted by his calculations that he didn't care, he went downstairs and as he was looking, he was trying to see what is valuable enough to steal for more money, he then walks into the dining room and sees the leftover food on the table, he goes over to it and he sits down to eat the food
"at least there is free food to have while being in this old place" david says and he tucks into the food
as he was eating, he didn't notice that simething was creeping up on him like what happened with megan and when the shadow goes over david and onto the table, he didn't even notice and kept eating, something then happens and it was quiet on what happened, meanwhile upstairs in emily and jerma's room, emily was asleep next to jerma while jerma was still asleep but now on his right side with both arms hugging a pillow he took from emily's side of the bed, suddenly emily gets woken up by a strange noise, it sounded like a bang but it was a funny sounding bang like something was thrown onto a interment
"hmm" emily says sleepily as she looks around 'what dat noise?' she thought and she shakes her head
she hears the noise again and she gets up, jump off the bed and go to the door, she opens the door quietly and then looks around the corridor to find nobody, she shuts the door only leaving a little gap and then walks down the corridor, as she walks down, she sees that both megan and david's doors were open but they weren't inside
'dey must of went down to get foods' emily thought after checking megan's room to find it empty
she keeps going down the corridor and she looks downstairs to see if she can hear any noises
"why hello emily" victor's voice says and emily turns to him poofed up in fright
"dude! don't do dat!" emily says seeing it was him and calmed down a little
"sorry" victor says and emily sighs before realising something
" can understand me?" emily says realising and victor nods
"yes and i'm also the one who brought you here with your friend" victor says and lifts up his hand to show off his purple magic
"ok...but why?" emily says then asks with a big head tilt of confusion "and what are you?" she adds as it came to her mind
"i've been around for a very long time and i've heard a lot about you and your elemental friends since i've been alive" victor says and he look calm and smart about it "i am what the humans call a vampire but except for wanting blood and turning into a bat, i drink wine and i have the abilliy to look human dispite i'm not" he explains and emily looked a little surprised
"so you told me what you are which is good as i've heard about your species before, your species is called a humanpire and you've are all know as peaceful species that don't bother with hoomans much unless you are in danger, being attacked by hoomans or just straight up curiosity about them" emily explains and victor nods to confirm "now, what do you want me 'ere in your mansion?" she asks and victors smirks a little
"well, i want to know something about humans" victor says and emily listens in curiosity
"what dat?" emily asks curiously and victor sits down in a chair by the stairs
"what is wrong with them? why do some act mean but others act nice? and why do you stick around them when you know you will out live them?" victor ask in a mixture of confusion and annyance while looking stumped
"...umm...vell" emily says and she looks down at the corridor to all the rooms "hooman are just hoomans, they act da way dey want as the are da 'master race' species, dey made all dis stuff in dis house and more but at da same time, dey are causing gobal warming with dere stupidness and carelessness, da reason some peeps act nice and some act mean is due to multiple reasons like da way dey're raised, da friends dey have, da relationship dey are in and how smart dey are, i've learned if you want to know two is a good peep and who is a bad peep, watch deir body language, watch how dey treat pets and children, use your instincts and gut feeling to see how it reacts to da peep and if dey are a good person, that great but if dey are bad, keep as far away from dem as possible, i know dat out of these 5 peeps dat ayna, lucy and tyler are good peeps while megan and david aren't" emily explains seriously "and why do i stick around them? i just do, i mean, i do have my friends with me and i do have 2 kids but peeps are so weirdly fascinating to me, dey can do all dis stuff but just can't save themselves as dey don't have magic like us, dey act like a predator and the pray at the same time, dey can do dis ting most animals can't do where both males and females can get pregnant or impregnate others, dey don't have any special powers and dey can be really intelligent or really dumb so it's up to me and my friends as well as other peeps to rescue dem out of situations like the elements, other peeps, any type of creatures and mainly monsters, monsters are da worst" she explains more and then she was done
"...humans are strange beings" victor says and emily nods
"yep, dey are" emily says with a 'i know' face "so, why are the other peeps 'ere other den me and jermaine?" she asks and victor looks over at her
"i brought your pregnant friend along so then you'll have a reason to stay" victor says and emily nods knowing she would stay if jerma stayed which they did "the other 5 were chosen by 'random' by this prank show so they could be pranked but all of them have good or bad backstories" he adds and he magics a paper in his hand "the first girl, ayna, even though she bacane a good dancer she was forced to be one by her adopted chinese parents, they pushed and pushed her to be the best and she failed or got something that wasn't first place, they would verbally abuse her causing her to have a depressive meltdown in her room, luckily she managed to get away from her adopter parent after she found her biological dad though facebook when she was 13, he greeted her with open arms and has stayed with him since and she a happy 30 year old dancing girl wit the dream to be a famous dance teacher and to teach girls and boys to dance" he explains about anya and emily listens intently
"i have heard stories online about asian parent pushing their kids to do tings like school work and hobbies to da point of dem almost commenting suicide over it, it's really sad to tink about but at least she got out of there when she did" emily says and victor nods with a smirk
"next is tyler, the reason his is a machanic is because his dad is a mechanic and tyler wants to be just like his dad but his dad never acknowledged him, his dad is more interested in tyler's 5 year older brother frank who is a alcoholic, smoker, woman, animal and child abuser and has been in prison multiple times since he was 18, tyler did have his mom and she loved him more then she did frank as she knew he would turn out the way he was now after he almost set tyler on fire when tyler was 9 and frank was 14, tyler's mom also got tyler interested in space ever since he was 3 and he had always wanted to be a astronomer but also a handyman, tyler is now both a mechanic and a astronomer working with NASA and he loves every second of it" victor explains about tyler and emily looked a little worried
"hate it when parents have a obvious favourite child, i would never do dat with mima and casper, i love them both equally!" emily says seriously and annoyed
"me too" victor says also looking annoyed "anyway, next there is lucy, lucy was raised with a wealthy family, she had 2 moms with her being a baby from a previous relationship and half 4 siblings, 2 brothers and a sister, unlike her half siblings though, she doesn't care how rich her parents are and just want to be the girl that can get her doctor degree and become a doctor which she did, she's the oldest of her 4 half sibling and the other 3 have a 18 to 24 year age difference,  the second oldest is her brother martin who is 8, then it's the sister holly who is 5 and lastly is the youngest brother bailey who is 2, the 3 youngest are super spoilt and lucy doesn't really care as long she get what she needs and her moms don't spoil her which they don't, she's a happy girl and she does love spending time with her much younger siblings, she even has 2 pet dog which one is a otter hound named ollie and the other is a pomeranian named twinkie which is cute" he explains about lucy and emily smirks
"well at least one of dese peeps have calm family life without the drama" emily says smirking for how lucky lucy is
"then there is megan, megan was raised by parent who loved her but she was always mean and rude to them as her old older sister who is 3 years older then her and her cousins who are between 3 to 6 years older then her were mean to then so she joined in, the parents did nothing wrong, it just that megan was basically raised by her older sister and cousins to be mean to her parents, her aunts and uncles and to basically anyone, the reason the sister and the cousins were rude to their parents is because the sister and cousins believe they need to be after constant visits to a distant cousin who has killed his parent before megan was born and he feeds the sister and cousin lies about parents being bad and all types of bad stuff, so now megan believes being rude and spiteful to everyone is normal and she can't be convinced it isn't" victor explains and emily looked annoyed
"that's just sad, really sad" emily says and victor nods "but she did call me a jerk and jermaine a fat idiot so dontblike her" she adds and she does an angry sneeze and a huff
"lastly there is david, only cares about his business, money and everything going right, he did have a wife and a infant girl named jessie but when he saw it was a girl and not a boy like he wanted, he killed the baby, divorced his wife on the spot, kicked her out of his house which is actually hers but he stole the house from her behind her back, burnt everything that belonged to the wife and the baby things, got the money back thst his now ex wife spend by stealing her money then killing her and making sure it was a accident, he had also cheated on his ex wife 10 times with different women before she got pregnant and he did have 5 girls with 5 of the 10 different woman but when he found out, he killed his daughters and the mothers with an hired assassin, he is now living at his work hoping to start building a real estate on a public field where people like to walk their dogs on" victor explains about david and both emily and david went silent on anger and emily had so much anger she looked she wanted to kill
"...i hate peeps like dat, can i kill 'im?" emily says looking over at victor with a dark look to her face and victor shakes his head with a smirk
"you don't have to, i've already sorted him and megan out" victor says and emily looked at him surprised
"what? how?" emily asks and all she got was a wink and a nose tap from victor
emily was a little confused but then she shrugs it off with a physical shrug not really wanting to think on what victor did
"you should get back to bed, emily, then tommorow morning, the winner will be announced the you, your friend and the others can go back home to their lives" victor says and emily nods a little
"i guess, aren't you going to bed too?" emily asks and victor shrugs
"i haven't slept in so long, i've forgotten how to sleep or what it feels like" victor replies and emily smiles
"oh! it's great, you get to close your eyes to go to sleep while feeling really relaxed and den sometimes you have dreams and dey're great too" emily says excitability as she loves sleeping
"mmm, i guess i'll try it" victor says and emily giggles a little
emily then looks over at the time on a grandfather clock behind victor and she saw it was 3:30am, she then yawns with a stretch and then she walks over to her and jerma's room
" know what're the first chillest guy i've met and i like it" emily says happily then she enters the room
victor smiles at the compliment and then he head to his room which was the room at the end of the corridor, he looks at his bed which hasn't been touched in a long time, tidys it up and then when he lies down, he suddenly feels sleep take over and he drops off to sleep, 5 and a half hours later and it was 9am, lucy, tyler and ayna were in the dining room eating breakfast when jerma and emily come into the room, jerma sits down at the end table and he happily eats a bowl of cereal, toast and a drink of water
"i wonder where megan and david are? haven't seen them since yesterday when we arrived" tyler says after jerma starts having his cereal
"me neither, i wonder what happened to them?" ayna says and she looked very curious
"they sadly got disqualified from the challenge" victor says as he walks into the room
"oh? how did that happen?" lucy says and victor shrugs
"i heard they ran out in the night after getting the scare of a lifetime but i was asleep to notice" victor replies and gave a wink to emily
'i know you did somethin' but i don't want to know' emily thought as she looked at victor suspiciously
"yeah, us too" ayna says with a sigh "it's odd though as i didn't hear a scream or anything and i'm a light sleeper" she adds looking list in thought
"it happened downstairs so that why you lot didn't hear anything" victor says and he grabs a piece of toast from a plate in the table
"oh! that makes sense" ayna says and she takes a bite out of her toast
"does it?" lucy says and ayna nods
"yeah because i've notice with my sleep, i'm only a light sleeper to sounds that are near me but not far away like in a different area of the house" ayna explains and lucy nods before shrugging at tyler and eating the last of her toast
"anyway, i came to say that after everyone has had their breakfast, washed and dressed, i will be announcing the winners of this challenge then a taxi will come to pick you 3 up to take you home" victor says and the trio nod before ayna looks over at jerma who was petting emily on her back
"but what about jeremy? where is his taxi?" ayna asks and points to jerma
"well, 'he' has to stay with me for a bit after you lot leave, i need to have a chat with 'him'" victor says and emily knew that he wants to talk to her and not jerma as he smirks at her
"oh, okay" ayna says and she eats more of her toast
"good, see you all in the living room in an hour" victor says and he leaves the room with his toast which he half ate
the others carry on with their food then they go to their room to get washed, dressed and packed to leave, jerma and emily took a little longer to get ready as jerma suddenly gained a craving for toast and after he ate, got washed and dressed with emily just grooming herself, they went downstairs and went into the living room where the others were waiting
"good, now that everyone is here, it time to announce the winners" victor says as jerma sits down in the chair he sat in yesterday "ok, the winners have been decided and in first place is...ayna!" he says and ayna gasps in shock
"i..i win the money?!" ayna says surprised and victor nods
"you do and here you are!" victor says and hands ayna a check with a hundred million dollars on it which made her cry with joy "then second place goes to...lucy!" he says and looks over at lucy who was suprised
"is second place the holiday?" lucy says trying to remember and victor nods
"yep, 2 ticket to hawaii" victor says and hands lucy the 2 ticket
lucky looks at the ticket and then she glances over at tyler who was smiling at her which she though was cute, she then looks back at the tickets then she gets an idea
"here you go!" lucy says happily and hands one of the tickets over to tyler
"wh-what? you want me to go too?" tyler asks in disbelief and lucy nods shyly with a blush on her face
"y-yeah" lucy says shyly and tyler blushes back
"h-hey, umm...can i...get your number?" tyler asks and lucy giggles and tyler smiles like a goof
lucy then grabs her phone, finds her number, writes it down on a card she finds on the table then hands it to tyler
"text me when you get home" lucy says and tyler nods as he grabs his phone out of his pocket
"ok, now in third place...tyler!" victor says and tyler smiles as he was given the third place trophy
"thank you" tyler says and he looks at his bronze trophy
"and in last place with the $20 gift card is jeremy" victor says and he gives jerma a gift card
"aw, thanks!" jerma says with a smile then he looks at the gift card
emily looks too and she sees it was a gift card to a baby shop and except it saying $20, it had $200 on it and emily looked up at victor to see him give her a wink making emily smile
"now, i hope you all had a good time at the mansion and i hope you all have nice lives" victor says happily as after he says that, some car horns were heard at the front of the mansion
ayna, lucy and tyler said goodbye to each other and to jerma and then the trio leave with tyler handing lucy the card she handing him with his phone number on it, when they were gone and the taxis have drove off, it just left emily, jerma and victor in the mansion
"now, emily, i have to say that, our talk last night wasn't the only thing i wanted" victor says and he looks over at emily who was flying up a little from the arm of the chair jerma was on "i also have a present for you" he adds and emily puts her right paw on her mouth
"vhat dat?" emily asks curiously but a little worried
"here, i have this for you" victor says and he holds out something in his hand
in his hand was a gold ring with a red gem at the front, emily takes it with her left paw and looks at it
"it's very pretty" emily says as she looks at it
"it is and i suggest you put it on when you get home" victor says and emily nods then puts the ring away with her magic "well, i guess this is goodbye, it was nice to see you" he adds and emily looks at him sadly
"will i see you again?" emily says and victor only smiles at her
"...maybe, when you least expect it" victor says and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out "now, you better drop off your friend, i heard he got a visitor coming over" he says and points to jerma who looked a lost on what was going on with a dazed look
"ok, i'll see you when that time comes" emily replies and she lands next to jerma on the sofa
she puts her paw on jerma's arm and then she waves at victor, victor waves back and then emily with jerma disappear leaving victor alone in his mansion, emily returns jerma to his house appearing in his computer room and jerma looks around seeeing where he is
"ah! back home again" jerma says happily and he leaves the computer room
emily follows him finally seeing the rest of his house and then they end up in the living room which was a little messy, emily used her magic to clean up the mess and then there was a knock at the door
"who dat?" emily asks and jerma smiles at the door
jerma goes over to the door and he opens it to see ster who looked happy to see jerma
"jeremy!" ster says happily and he gives jerma a hug but the baby bump kinda got in the way "wow! you've gotten big, bro" he adds and he points to jerma's baby bump
"well, yeah, i am almost 8 months pregnant" jerma replies like it was obvious
ster smiles and when he enters the house, he sees emily flying near the tv and gasps a little
"is that emily?" ster asks and jerma nods
"yeah me and her have been friends for a while" jerma replies and ster gasps again
"and you never told me! some boyfriend you are" ster says and huffs with his arms crossed
"wait...we're boyfriends now?" jerma says and ster nods with a confused look
"well yeah, i wouldn't of did this to you if i didn't want to be your boyfriend" ster replied while pointing to jerma's baby bump
' least he admitted he did knock up jerma and he want to be involved with the baby' emily thought with a shrug
"anyway, look what i have" jerma says and shows ster the gift card to the baby shop "now we can buy some things for the baby and set up the baby room" he adds as ster takes the gift card and looks at it
"wait, $200! where did you get this from?!" ster says surprised by the money on the gift card
"oh, just from a friend of emily's" jerma says and he goes over to emily to pet jet happily
"that's cool! where is the baby room going anyway?" ster says then asks and jerma points to the corridor
"it's the 2nd room to the left which is opposite my room" jerma says and ster nods before going to see
"before i go, i have a question" emily says when ster is gone and jerma looks at her confused yet curious "umm...have you had the hormonal part of da pregnancy yet?" she asks and jerma shakes his head
"no, what's that?" jerma says and emily blushes a little
"it's where-" emily says and then looks around before whispering into jerma's ear "it's where you suddenly get super hormonal with your privates getting super hard and want da sexy time" she whispers and jerma blushes as well
"n-no, not yet" jerma says and emily smirks
"well, i have warned you about it and ster is here with you so if you get it between now and before the baby is born, i'm sure ster will help you out" emily explains and then she sighs "well, i better go, have fun with your now boyfriend and make sure at some point, you make a video about your pregnancy to your fan, dey've been super curious about your weight gain" she adds and jerma nods
"i will, i'll get ster involved too" jerma replies and emily smiles
"lastly, tell me if you want me to be in any of your future stream events and also tell me any news about you or the baby, okay?" emily says and jerma nods happily "bye!" she adds then teleports away back home
jerma sighs in a little sadness that emily is gone but then ster comes back into the living room with a smile
"the baby room looks nice so far, where did emily go?" ster says and sees emily is gone
"gone home but she will visit me soon" jerma replies and he sits down on the sofa putting his feet up on the buffet
ster joins him sitting next to him and then he puts his left arm around jerma happily with a smile
"so how has ster.jr doing? has he been giving you a hard time?" ster asks as he puts his right hand on jerma's baby bump
"no, he's been good for this last 7 months so far and his name isn't ster.jr" jerma says calmly then a little annoyed
"whats his name then? have you even thought of one?" ster says in a teasing tone and jerma huffs annoyed
"yes, i've thought of a name but it wasn't me who came up with the name" jerma replies and ster looked at him curiously
"then who did? and what is it?" ster asks and jerma smiles
"it was emily in a dream she had about us and she said i told you i called our baby boy emile" jerma explains and ster rubs jerma's baby bump affectionally
"emile, really? i mean, it's a good name but i haven't even heard of anyone called emile" ster say and jerma shrugs
"yeah but i like it" jerma say and ster thinks about it
"...yeah, it is a good name...i like it too" ster says and he gives jerma a loving kiss on the cheeks
"emily also told me that in her dream, you wanted to call the baby gary" jerma adds after he places his left hand ontop of ster's hand
"...i might say it as a joke to trick people on my stream in the future" ster says and the pair chuckles at the thought
"yeah, speaking of streams, we need to announce the pregnancy to our fans" jerma says and looks over at ster
"yeah, how are we going to do it?" ster replies unsure on how he and jerma are going to tell his and jerma's fans at hat they are now in a relationship and jerma is almost 8 months pregnant
"umm...well, emily told me that in her dream, we just straight up announced it on my twitch channel" jerma says thinking on what told him in her text "but then it got weird as you got horny" jerma says and ster looks at jerma for a second before he gets flirty
"oh really? well maybe, that's what i am now" ster replies in a flirty tone and jerma flicks his nose in a affectionate way
"not now...maybe tonight" jerma says then mumbles making ster smirk
"good!" ster says and he pulls jerma face into his for a kiss
the kiss lasted a bit but when jerma pulls away, he smiles at ster then he feels the baby kick him
"the baby kicked" jerma says and ster nods
"i know, i felt it" ster replies still having his hand on jerma's baby bump then he bends down to put his face on the bump after lifting jerma's shirt up while rubbing his hands around it affectionally "hello my baby, i'm your father and i can't wait to meet you in almost a month, my little baby" he says lovingly then places a kiss on jerma's belly
the baby kicks again but more affectionly and ster smiles happily while jerma smiles at ster, jerma then rubs ster's hair affectionly while ster was talking to their baby as well as rubbing and kissing his belly, meanwhile back with emily and she was sitting on her bed looking at the ring victor gave her, she did text tom before she looked at the ring telling him about what happened and he replies about him and sebastian seeing everything up to when emily attacked the ghost lady then the show just ended right there
'i knew dere was some type of prank show ting goin' on but dose cameras were hidden really good which is worryin'...mmm' emily thought after she read the text from tom
she then puts her phone down and look at the ring, she then puts the ring on her right paw and then she was taken over by a red light, a few seconds later, the red light disappears and emily felt confused
"wha-what happened?" emily says as she looks around feeling a little dizzy
she then looks at herself and see that her paws were now hands, she gasps then goes over to a body mirror which was in tom and sebastian's bedroom, she looks at herself and see she was now a human, she looked to be 6 years old, she had dark blonde hair that was slightly curly as it was long on the top, she still had her blue eyes but they were a mild blue compared to her electric blue in her cat form, she was a little chubby but that is baby fat, she had virtilligo on her face from below her eyes and bridge of her nose to her chest, on her hands ending at ther wrists and on her feet ending at the ankles, she also had her cat form's ears, wings and tail but no human ears, she still had her flower bracelet on her left wrist but it was covered up, she was wearing a plain red dress with no sleeves and the dress part ended at her ankles, she had a red jacket ontop of the dress with pocket, holes in the sleeves for the thumbs but she had only her left thumb in the left sleeve hole, the jacket was what was covering the flower bracelet and emily just needs to pull the sleeve up to see the bracelet, on her feet she was wearing red socks that ended at the ankles and she was wearing gold glitter shoes with white and gold shoelaces, she looks at herself then she spins around to look at her wings and tail which she can both move
"wow, i look nice" emily says to herself as she spins around to the front
she giggles and then she takes off the ring to turn back into her cat form again, she then looks at the ring and then smiles
"thanks for dis, victor, i'm not sure when i'll use dis but i know it's going to be useful" emily says to herself and then she goes back to her room
when she gets into her room, she put the ring on her desk then went back on her phone to text tom about stuff, a few hours later, it was 8pm and emily was still at home alone, she got a message from ben saying he'll have to spend about a month or 2 helping casper master his abillity and mima want to stay with him as she wants to support him like a food sister, emily smiles at the text and she puts her phone down, suddenly she hear a noise which was the magic of tom as both him and sebastian just came back from the movie they're making, emily smiles and then leaves her room making sure she has the ring before she left, she goes downstairs and sees sebastian taking his shoes off while tom had walked into the living room
"hi emily!" sebastian says happily and he gives her a hug and kiss after he pulled both shoes off
"hi again!" emily says happily as she was getting hugged by sebastian while purring
after sebastian gives emily a kiss on her head, emily headbutt him in her nose gently then she went over to tom who starts doing the same as what sebastian did, he hugs her and kisses her and she giggles by the affection
"hi sweetheart, how are you?" tom says happily and he rubs emily on her back above her wings
"i'm foine!" emily says happily and tom sits down at his side of the sofa "had a weird 24 hours at dis mansion with jermaine but it was cool" she adds the she goes to her spot on the sofa
"we saw it on tv in the cafeteria we were eating at, it was called the big prank show and it shows off a lot of things that happened at the mansion till you attacked the ghost lady to protect your friend" sebastian explain as he sits in his spot on the sofa
"i had too attacked dat 'ghost lady', if i didn't, jermaine would of ended up going into early labour from fright" emily says and the pair hum knowing what would of happened if the lady scared jerma
"so what happened after the ghost lady attack? the show just stopped right after you attacked the ghost lady" tom asks and emily shrug
"nothing really, victor da host took the ghost lady away, then ayna, lucy and tyler had dinner while i went back to guarding da room me and jermaine were in, then about...i believe 1 in da morning, i went to investigate a noise which turned out to be victor and both me and him had a chat for a bit, victor turns out to be a cool guy and i went to bed at half past 3 after our long chat, in da morning, after we had breakfast, got washed and dressed, the winner were announced with ayna won first place with da money, lucy got second with danholiday but she is sharing it with tyler as dey are now goin' out and tyler got third with da trophy, jermaine got da '$20' gift card but it was actually a $200 gift card and it was for a baby shop so jermaine can spend the money on stuff for his baby, then before i left with jermaine, victor gave me dis" emily explains and then she shoes the pair the ring victor gave her
"a ring?" tom says and emily nods happily
"reah but it's no originally ring, watch dis" emily says and she flies over to between the coffee table and the tv
she then puts on the rings and she transforms into her human form
"ta-da!" emily says happily and she does a pose
"..." both tom and sebastian were quiet as they looked at emily and then tom smiles widely
"wow! you look...adorable"  tom says happily and sebastian nods to agree with him
"you do, you look strangely like mine and tom's child and i love it" sebastian says and he looks over at tom to smile at him
"i love it too, i especially love the hair, curly like mine but a brownish colour like sebastian" tom says and emily swips the side of her hair
"i tink it's meant to be dark blonde" emily says as she turns around to look at her hair in the tv screen "or you can call it light brown, ever one sound about right" she adds then turns around to tom and sebastian "so reah, i can turn into a hooman now, i don't know what to do with dis or how is goin' to useful to me but i have it now" emily says as she looks at the ring on her middle right finger
"i've notice that you've still have some parts from your cat form" sebastian says as he points to emily's cat ears
"oh reah, da ears, da wings and da tail, i also have vitiligo on me face, chest, hands and feet from my white fur of my cat form" emily says and shows off the white skin pigments over her light tone skin colour on her face and hands while pointing to her chest and feet
"can you make them disappear? the ears, wings and tail for when you're in public" tom asks and emily looks at her hands
"umm...maybe with my magic" emily says and she uses her magic to make her ears, wings and tail turn invisible
"now you look more human" sebastian says with a smirk on his face
"i do!" emily says after she looks at the tv screen reflection again "but the weird part is, if da peeps see me walking around with you 2 or one of ya, dey will be confused thinkin' who i am" she adds as it came to mind
"meh, let them talk, they would probably figure out sooner or later it's you as you'll the only person or cat that has a recognisable voice and speech impediment" sebastian says shrugging it off
"or even a mystery daughter we never told anyone about" tom adds and sebastian gave a shrug
"reah..." emily says and then she giggles at the image of people freaking out about tom's and sebastian's 'mysterious' daughter
emily then looks at the ring and she noice something, around the red gem was number from 0 to 25, she touches the red gem and she turns it to the number 3, suddenly the red light appears and emily was now a 3 year old with both tom and sebastian surprised
"i'm baby now!" emily says happily and shows off her 3 year old self
the only difference to emily now was that her dress, jacket, shoes and sock had changed size to fit her but she was still the same
"very cute" sebastian says happily and tom nods to agree "but how did you do that?" he asks and emily points to her ring
"da ring has different numbers around da red gem and when i example selected 3, da 6 dat was glowin' in a yellow light went down to da 3 then i changed into a 3 year old with the 3 now glowin' in yellow, see" emily says while pointing to the numbers around the ring
"what other numbers are on there?" tom asks and emily looks at the numbers again
"it goes from 0 which a newborn baby to 25...let's see how i look at 25" emily says and she turns the gem to 25
the red light comes back for a second and emily was now 25...but didn't look it, she was about 4'8 which is quite little for a 25 year old and she had next to little breasts on her chest but was still wearing her dress, jacket, socks and shoes and her hair still looked slightly thick in the top of her head
"...i feel small" emily says as she was looking at herself
"are you sure you chose 25 and not 12?" sebastian asks and emily looks back at the ring again
"no, i looked and i choose 25...i'm little! i tink i'm about 4 foot 8 which i know is small for a lady as ladies usual height is 5 foot 3 to 5 foot 6...i tink" emily says and she looked a little confused
"well, people have always say that big things come from small packages, do you think that's true with you, sweetheart?" tom says then asks and emily thinks about it
"hmm...hmmm!" emily hums then audibly hummed "i tink so"  she says then she turns the ring number back to 6
she turns into a 6 year old again then takes off the ring turning back into her cat form, she then looks at the ring and smiles
"and if i'm dis small, i must own a giant thing from a tiny package!" emily says jokingly and she giggles loudly making the pair laugh too
after the trio calm down, both sebastian and tom yawn at the same time and then realise how exhausted they both were
"well, it looks like it's bedtime" tom says and he gets up
sebastian also get up and they both head off to bed with emily behind them turning off the lights, emily went to her room and after the pair brushed their teeth and changed into their pyjamas, they kiss each other good night then fall asleep in comfortable silents.
The End

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