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By DWeber02

107K 2.9K 1.1K

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1K 36 9
By DWeber02

After the trio collected some human skulls, they all decided to go to the nearest university to find any connections or some legends according to the happenings. Sam pulled up outside of the university, and they all got out of the car. Sam walked toward the backseat, taking off his jacket to cover the bones in the box.

As Sam got out of the car, lifting the box. Karina closed the door for him. They all continued walking to the university. Sam began to speak up from his mind, "So, a bunch of skeletons in an unmarked grave."

Dean made a list, "Yeah. Maybe this is haunting. Pissed off spirits? Some unfinished business?"

Karina nodded, "Maybe, but the only question is why bugs? After all this time, why now?"

Dean pointed Karina out, "That's two questions."

Karina mockingly imitated him, and she rolled her eyes. Dean continued on, looking at Sam, "Yeah, so with back there... why'd you tell him to just ditch his family like that?"

"Just... I know what the kid's going through."

"How about telling him to respect his old man? How's that for advice?"


Sam chuckled and ignored Karina's warning. He looked at Dean and stopped him. "Dean, come on. This isn't about his old man. You think I didn't respect Dad. That's what this is about."

Dean looked at Sam for a moment. He moved aside, walking near Karina. "Just forget it, alright? Sorry I brought it up."

Sam stopped him, "I respected him. But no matter what I did, it was never good enough."

"So what are you saying, that Dad was disappointed in you?"

"Was?" Sam scoffed, and looked at Dean, "Is. Always has been."

Karina tilted her head and asked softly to Sam. "Why do you think that?"

He looked at Karina, and then at Dean. Confessions of his thoughts. "Because I didn't wanna bow hunt or hustle pool because I wanted to go to school and live my life, which, to our whacked-out family, made me the freak."

Karina eyed him down, thinking of pity for him. She never knew he was a freak even though he thinks of one. Dean grinned with a comment in his head. He looked at Sam, "Yeah, you were kind of like the blond chick in The Munsters."

Karina looked at Dean, and she slapped him on the back of the head. Dean looked at Karina, not giving back. Sam didn't see what Karina did as he looked away for a moment. Looking back at their green, and brown eyes together at him.

"Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full ride? Proud... Most dads don't toss their kids out of the house."

Dean nodded with understanding. Remembering a memory. "I remember that fight. In fact, I seem to recall a few choice phrases coming out of your mouth."

Sam looked away for a moment and hesitated. Sam scoffed as he looked at the two people in front of him. "You know, truth is when we finally do find Dad... I don't know if he's even gonna wanna see me."

"Sam, Dad was never disappointed in you. Never. He was scared."

"What are you talking about?"

"He was afraid of what could've happened to you if he wasn't around. But even when you two weren't talking... he used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. Keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe."

Sam looked at Dean, shocked, "What?"


"Why didn't you tell me any of that?"

"Well, it's a two-way street, dude. You could have picked up the phone."

Sam looked down sadly. Thinking about what his brother said to him. Karina couldn't feel anything hearing between them. She finally understood why Sam wanted to get out... because he wouldn't feel like that. She admitted to him before, freaks there are, the freaks they owned themselves for it.

Dean walked away, "Come on, we're gonna be late for our appointment."

Sam glanced at Karina. All she ever does gives him a soft smile. Sam responded to her as well. They both walked into the university together in harmony of silence.

After their visit with the professor, he explained the information from the bones they collected. He informed them that they were over 170 years old, and belonged to Native Americans. He made another decision to collect more information when he gave the location of the Euchee tribe in Sapulpa.

When they arrived at the diner, they all saw a Native American man playing with cards at the table. Sam began to approach a man and asked him, "Joe White Tree?" The man nodded back at Sam. He continued, "We'd like to ask you a few questions if that's all right."

"We're students from the university."

"No, you're not. You're lying."

Dean was taken back by his outspokenness. He looked back at Sam and Karina, and turned to him, "Well, truth is-"

"You know who starts a sentence with truth is? Liars."

Karina muttered softly, "Well, he's not wrong."

Dean looked at her, giving her a glare. She moved aside and began a conversation with a man. "Joe, have you heard of Oasis Plains? It's a housing development near the Atoka Valley."

Joe looked at Karina for a while, and then looked at Dean. "I like her. She's not a liar." Dean looked angry and shared a look with Sam. He tried to calm him down. Joe continued on, "I know the area."

"What's the history of that place? If you can share with us?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Something really bad... is happening in the area. The boys and I, we think it might have led to some old bones we found in the woods. Native American bones."

He sighed and nodded. He looked up at them, "I'll tell you what my grandfather told me, what his grandfather told him. Two hundred years ago, a band of my ancestors lived in that valley. One day, the American cavalry came to relocate them. They were resistant, the cavalry impatient.'

"As my grandfather put it, on the night the moon and the sun share the sky as equals, the cavalry first raided our village. They murdered, raped. The next day, the cavalry came again, and the next, and the next. And on the sixth night, the cavalry came one last time.'

"And by the time the sun rose, every man, woman, and child still in the village was dead. They say on the sixth night, as the chief of the village lay dying, he whispered to the heavens that one white man would ever tarnish this land again. Nature would rise up and protect the valley. And it would bring as many days of misery and death to the white man as the cavalry had brought upon his people."

Dean looked at Sam and Karina, "Insects. Sounds like nature to me. Six days?"

"And on the night of the sixth day, none would survive."

After listening to the legend, they all walked back to the car. They began to discuss things from the story. Sam asked, "When did the gas company man die?"

Dean answered, "Let's see, we got here Tuesday... so Friday the 20th."

"March 20th." Dean nodded back to Sam, and he continued, "That's the spring equinox."

Karina pointed out, "The night, the sun, and the moon shares the sky as equals."

"So every year about this time anybody in Oasis Plains is in danger. Larry built this neighborhood on cursed land."

"The sixth night. It's gonna happen tonight."

"If we don't do something, Larry's family will be dead by sunrise. So how do you break the curse?"

Dean answered, "You don't break a curse. You get out of its way. We've gotta get those people out now."

Trio got in the car. Drove away in a hurry.


Night fell, Dean was on a phone talking to Larry about the gas leak. Trying to get them out. Dean's plan failed when Larry already knew the name he told him. Sam took his phone from his hand and began dialing another number.

Matthew's number.


"Matt, it's Sam."

"Sam, my backyard is crawling with cockroaches."

"Matt, just listen. You have to get your family out of that house right now, okay?"

"What, why?"

"Because something's coming."

Matthew sighed, "More bugs?"

"Yeah, a lot more."

"My dad doesn't listen in the best of circumstances, what am I supposed to tell him?"

"You've gotta make him listen, okay?"

Dean grabbed his phone back from Sam's hand and began talking to Matthew. Karina was looking at the boy between them. Slowly terrified at what she's seeing, most of all annoyed. She kept hitting her head, repeatedly on the cushion on the front seat.

Dean tried to make Matthew lie. Saying about the pain in his right side. Making him, guide his parents to go to the hospital. He hung up on the call and looked at Sam. "Make him listen? What are you thinking?"

Karina sighed annoyingly, "I want the bugs to consume me now..."

After a short while, the Impala pulled up in front of the house. Larry looked out, seeing the car from the window. He ran toward them, outside. "Damn it, they're still here. Come on."

The trio got out of the car. While Matthew was behind Larry, he was running toward them in rage. After hearing Matthew's statement. Or perhaps the truth.

Larry demanded, "Get off my property before I call the cops!"

"Mr. Pike, listen."

"Dad, they're just trying to help."

Larry commanded him, "Get in the house!"

Karina growled, reaching toward her knives. Until Sam stopped her, without looking. Matthew looked at the trio, "I'm sorry. I told him the truth."

"We had a plan, Matt, what happened to the plan?"

Karina tried to understand Larry, "Listen to me, it is midnight. They're coming any minute now. You need to get your family together and go. Before you get killed."

Larry said to her, sarcastically, "Yeah, you mean before the biblical swarm."

Karina was fed up. She was close to reaching her knives, and Sam stopped her again. They both shared a look, and Karina rolled her eyes.

Dean explained to him, "Larry, what do you think really happened to that realtor, huh? And the gas company guy? You don't think something weird's going on here?"

"Look, I don't know who you are, but you're crazy. You come near my boy or my family again, we're gonna have a problem."

"Well, I hate to be a downer, but we've got a problem right now."

"Dad, they're right, okay? We're in danger."

Larry yelled at Matthew, "Matt, get inside! Now!"

"NO! Why won't you listen to me?!?"

"Because this is crazy! It doesn't make any sense!"

Sam yelled at Larry, "Look, this land is cursed!! People have died here. Now, are you gonna really take that risk with your family?"

Dean noticed the sound, looking at all of them. Somewhere nearby, a very loud buzzing noise is spreading around them. It got louder and louder. The fluorescent bug light on the porch, getting more and more bugs. Overheating it.

"All right, it's time to go. Larry, get your wife."

Larry did what he said until Matthew stopped him. Looking at the other side of the area. They noticed them all. All of them looked at what Matthew was seeing. In the sky, millions and millions of bugs are flying toward the house. Blanketing the sky. Making everything around them, dark upon the shining moon.

Karina pointed out, "We'll never make it."

Dean yelled at them, "Everybody in the house. Everybody in the house, go!!"

They all rushed inside the house, and Dean locked the door. As they all entered, Sam turned to Larry. "Okay, is there anybody else in the neighborhood?"

"No, it's just us."

Joanie entered the room, hearing the noise. She began to question. Larry ordered her to call 911. Karina asked Larry for some towels. He pointed her out in the closet. Sam and Matthew began locking everything upstairs.

"Phones are dead."

Karina was putting the towels at the base of the front door, which she pointed out to Joanie. "They must have chewed through the phone lines."

At that moment, the lights in the house went dark. Karina repeatedly pointed out, "And the power lines."

Larry tried to call his cellphone, and he was getting no signal. Dean began to explain, "You won't get one. They're blanketing the house."

Millions and millions of each bug began collecting in the house, covering the doors and windows, covering the entire building. Leaving the light from the window turn dark.

Larry turned to the trio, "So what do we do now?"

"We try to outlast it." Dean walked toward the kitchen, grabbing one thing. Sam continued on, "Hopefully, the curse will end at sunrise."


Dean returned to them, carrying a can of bug spray. Joanie noticed it weirdly enough to ask him about that. All Dean answered was trust me. Then there was a creaking noise coming from the fireplace.

Matthew asked them, terrified, "What's that?"

The trio examined the noise. Hearing it louder and louder. Karina walked closer to the stairs, eyes widening. Sam walked closer to listen harder. Realizing what's happening.

"The flue."

Karina announced to them all, "Everyone needs to go upstairs, now."

Suddenly, a swarm of thousands of bees flew off the flue. Aiming toward the living room. They all surrounded them, they all screamed. They're flinging their arms away, protecting themselves. Then, a flame appeared to them, leading Dean to hold a bug spray of fire at the bees. Dean yelled at everyone upstairs, guarding them as he was still spraying the fire.

Karina led them all upstairs. Finding the door of an attic. She pulled the string on the ceiling, opening the stairs to the attic. She let the family come climbing in a hurry. Dean was still spraying some fire on them more.

Sam then climbed up the stairs, followed by Karina. He turned to her and offered his hand. He yelled at her, "Come on!!" Karina grabbed his hand, and he pulled her up with all his strength as she climbed up.

Dean hurriedly climbed up the stairs, turning his way. Spraying more fire. Karina grabbed another string, making the door close as Dean was still spraying at them.

The door was shut tight.

After the moment in the attic, cutting wood dust began to fall from the ceiling. The buzzes of insects began louder and louder, and more anger. Joanie noticed it, terrified.

"Something's eating through the wood."


Karina yelled again, "All right, everybody gets back. Get back, get back!"

The family of Pikes moved closer to the corner of the attic as they could. As they were still eating, a piece of wood came through. Swarm of bugs came flying into the attic. They all were flinging around as Dean was spraying more fire at the bugs.

Karina grabbed the ceiling beam on the floor, carrying it toward them. Dean found the coverage, he put it on the hole to patch up. Karina picked it up and aimed to not let it move. It worked only for a minute until two more holes were chewed.

Sam and Karina ran to the family, covering them the best they could, Dean was still spraying the fire at them until it ran out. Karina lifted her jacket, covering the boys and family away from the bugs. Dean did the same along with her. All of the six were holding on to each other. Swating the bugs away.

The sun began to rise. All the bugs in the attic were flying into the holes. Leaving them be. The trio looked at the incident in confusion, how time went fast. They all stood up, seeing everything gone. When they went to the hole, they saw the colony of bugs near the sunrise.

All of them, including the family, were safe. Relived as the new day appeared to them.

The mission is accomplished.


The Impala drove off to the Pike family, seeing them moving out. The trio approached Larry as he was placing the boxes in the van.

Dean asked, "What, no goodbye?"

"Good timing. Another hour and we'd have been gone."

Larry smiled at them, he shook off each hand. "For good?"

"Yeah. The development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again."

Sam mentioned, "You don't seem too upset about it."

"Well, this has been the biggest financial disaster of my career, but..." He looked at Matthew who was carrying a box to the garage. The trio followed his eyes, and then Larry looked back at them. "Somehow... I really don't care."

Karina nodded a single nod and smiled softly at him. "Good words, Larry."

Larry smiled at her, and Sam looked at two people beside him. They both smiled at him before he walked up to Matthew for his personal goodbye to him. Dean and Karina walked to the car. Examining the scene between Matthew and Sam.

Yet why do I say of this? I have myself been blasted in these hopes, yet another may succeed.

After that, Karina was finishing up reading the last page of her book. Karina smiled at the wordings, thinking about what Sam said to her and Dean yesterday. Hopefully, these kinds of hopes that Sam has in mind will fail, hopes that John would be proud of him still. After all of those years.

Sam walked up to the car, standing by Karina and Dean. They all watch Larry and Matthew work things out and smile at each other. Sam looked at the scenery between them and spoke up from his mind.

"I wanna find Dad."

"Yeah, me too."

"Ditto. It would be nice to see him again."

"Yeah, but... I just... I wanna apologize to him."

Karina turned to Sam, and asked, "For what?"

"All the things I said to him. He was just doing the best he could."

Dean nodded for a moment and spoke up. "Well, don't worry, we'll find him and you'll apologize and then within five minutes, you guys will be at each other's throats."

Sam smiled and laughed. Karina noticed him smile... somehow it made her smile a little. Karina turned away from staring at him a little before Sam noticed her.

"Yeah, probably."

They all sat in silence for a moment, and then Sam commented on them. "Let's hit the road."


The trio got in the car, back to their usual positions. Giving one last wave to Larry and Matthew. As the Kansas license plate driving off to new adventures.

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