Cold All the Way Through, But...

By thecowgirlbookworm

15K 303 113

Anastasia Dalian was not expecting to have to deal with an unwanted suitor on the return trip from unsuccessf... More

The Launch
Some Minor Rule Breaking
An Incident
Breakfast and Society Tea
Dinner and a Question
An Afternoon Promenade
Waiting in the Cold
Bridge and the Brig
The Morning Session
AN: Switch
The Afternoon Session
An Afternoon Caller
A Private Rail Car
The Funeral
A Few Frazzled Days
One Night
A Questioning
An Interview
An Attack
A Letter
A Ball
A Trip
Spreading the News
Hair of the Dog
The Business of Pleasure
A Joke
Settling Things
The Party
Renewing Acquaintances
A Warning
A New Launch
The Duchess
A Favor
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
Almost to the Race
The Regatta
First Voyage
Awkward Conversations
The Tour
A Picnic
The Opera
An Ultimatum
The Costume Ball
The Birthday Party
White Camellias
Wedding Plans
Four Days Late
A French Letter
Opening Arguments
The Kidnappers' Testimony
A Red Dress and a Golden Necklace
The First Anniversary
Oscar's Gift
The Wedding Portrait
The Stag Night
The Morning After
The Wedding
The Wedding Night
The Wedding Breakfast
Shipboard Antics
A Slight Discomfort
Uncle Will and Aunt Anna
The Brightest Jewel in My Crown
Until We Meet Again
An Attack of Memory
An Unlikely Friend
An Abomination
Those Who Should Never Will
A Moonlight Swim
A Greedy Man
A Siren and a Scotsman
Purple Hyacinths
The Great White Hurricane
There's Nothing a Best Friend Won't Do
Cheering Up
Breaking Point
A Trip to Town
Groveling on His Knees
The Spell is Broken
Christmas Visitors
Heading Home
Modern Major General
Unwelcome News
A Turkish Bath
Dinner With the Captain
Old Friends
A Quiet Sort of Grief
Captain Rogers
A Storm
A Look of Adoration
The Second Anniversary
A Surprise
Another Trick
Crossing Together
Stealing Up to Newport
Finally, A Proposal
Before the Storm
Whispers on the Wind
Alfred Arrives
The Wave Breaks
A Long Time Coming
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Another Time, Perhaps
Dragged Kicking and Screaming
Live Bait
Rule Britannia
The Talk
An Agreement
An Early Christmas Gift
Mrs. Moody
A Public Confrontation
A Raider's Early Demise
A Court Martial
The Leave Taking
The Perfect Target
Drowning in Despair
Fitting Together
Tea With the Lightollers
A White Feather
A Mutual Friend
An Interrupted Afternoon Tea
Back in New York
Leave's End
Off to London
Yet Another Inquiry
Lord Mersey
Letters and Tricks

A Happy Occasion

130 3 0
By thecowgirlbookworm

I donned my traveling suit again for our arrival, enduring yet another lecture from Will about the dangers of an over-tightened corset. He seemed to have endless opinions on it, wrangling a promise from me to purchase some of the new fangled brassieres the next time I ordered lingerie. I had glanced back at him in the mirror, "Should I be curious about why you know about brassieres? They've only been around for a couple years."

"Well," He grumbled, ducking his head. "Sisters, nieces, things like that. I hear things."

"Mmmm, and you definitely haven't looked at women's magazines, or talked about it with your friends over a pint." I chuckled, seeing his red face. In the end I had wrapped my arms around him, drawing his attention with little kisses. "It's fine, I'll put in an order for some. Along with a top hat for you."

"Foolish things. My bowler suits me fine, I will have you know." He had in fact collected said bowler from the bed, handing me my forget-me-not hat as well. The rest of our bags had been sent down to join our trunks, to be unloaded and delivered to the dock house.

I pinned the hat to my hair, "And here I thought you thought your Reserves hat was foolish."

"It is the most foolish item I own." Will held out his arm for me, and we made our way up the Boat Deck. It was a beautiful summer day in New York harbor, with the Statue of Liberty keeping sentinel over the rowboats and yachts that were out plying the waters, white sails billowing up and catching any bit of breeze. I had no doubt I knew some of the people on those yachts, and that they were relaxing and drinking chilled wine while their staff did the business of sailing. He watched as a yacht nimbly crested the slight wake of the Oceanic as the tugs directed us towards the docks. "That sailor knows his stuff, that was well done."

"More like his hired hands do," I squeezed his hand, "You'll be the one with the most actual experience up in Newport."

Will looked down at me, "Surely some of them have actually sailed."

"Oh, I have no doubt. But none of them went to sea as young as you did." I shifted, looking out as we approached the dock. The sailors waiting for us had us tied up and the gangplanks extended quickly, and we joined the crowd jostling down them. I couldn't help the smile on my face as we wound through the crowd, searching for our carriage out of the many other carriages, autos, trucks and wagons waiting to take passengers and cargo away. I finally spotted it, a fair distance from the dock. I waved, catching the coachman's notice. "Here!"

He had already jumped down, opening the door. "Miss Anastasia, Mr. Murdoch, welcome back!"

Will disregarded the other bench, sitting next to me and quickly pulling me tight against him. "And are you happy to be back, Miss Anastasia?"

"Of course, Mr. Murdoch." I chuckled, kissing his cheek. "I'm so happy to be back, with you." All it took was a quick whistle, a snap of the reins, and the carriage was pulling out into the streets. The sun hadn't gotten intense enough to drive the crowds from the streets yet, so we had to negotiate our way through. It only gave me more time to point out places to Will, shops and restaurants that we needed to go visit, the houses of some of the richer families we knew. But it took time for the place I was most excited to return to reared up, seven stories of brick and glass that represented all that I loved.

Well, aside from the man at my side.

"Miss Anastasia, oh we're all so happy for you." Peggy was practically waiting on the doorstep, enveloping me in am embrace as soon as I had set foot inside. She turned to Will in a flurry of starched white apron, "And you as well Mr. Murdoch. Your mother is in the parlor, Miss."

She practically hustled us into the parlor, the curtains pulled back and sunlight streaming through. Mother was sat in the rocking chair by the empty fireplace, her hand occupied with her sewing. She looked healthy, full of color and actually smiling. The only thing dark about her was her clothing, still black for her mourning. She looked up as we entered though, the quilt block forgotten as she rushed forward and pulled me into her arms. "Oh my dear Anastasia, my dear girl." She stepped back, bringing her hands up to cup my face. "You look so much better, it's truly a marvel." Her hands moved down from my face, tracing my shoulders before coming to my hands. They pulled them up, displaying my ring. "And this is lovely, really Mr. Murdoch, you have wonderful taste."

"Ah, well." Will ducked his head, "It's a family ring, a bit large for Ana, but it's what I wanted to use. Thank you though, Mrs. Dalian."

She looked back to me, "And are you truly happy with this, Anastasia?"

"Oh Mother, I don't think I could be happier." I hugged her tight again, feeling a sting come to my eyes. There was only one thing that would have made it better, to have Father here to clap Will on the back and offer him a drink. But I couldn't dwell on that, not when I had the two people dearest to me right here. "Has everything been alright while I've been gone?"

"Yes, yes." She shook her head, "Samantha Reichster has been trying to spread rumors, but when isn't that woman spitting venom? Oh, Mr. Murdoch, I had Gareth-" Her voice caught, and she took a deep breath. "I had Gareth's humidor upstairs restocked, please, go fetch a cigar to celebrate with us down here." I saw a huge smile break out on Will's face, and he quickly set off up the stairs. Mother waited until his footsteps faded before turning to me, "Has he been proper with you? Ezekiel mentioned that you spent some time with him unchaperoned."

I could feel my cheeks burning, "He has been nothing but proper Mother, and so kind."

"You had separate cabins on the way back?"

"Yes Mother," I kept my words short, not trusting my face. "And we only promenaded when others could see us."

She returned to her chair, a smile still on her face. "I know you have a predilection for staying close to him, especially at night." Her eyebrows went up, a knowing look gleaming in her eye. "I am afraid I am going to have to insist for it to stop, until your wedding. He is welcome to stay in the house with you, in the room you gave him before, but I have given strict orders to the staff. Separate rooms, and if you do not obey that rule, I will have them lock you in at night."

I had to bite back my first reaction, taming my voice down from the yell that I wanted to release. "Mother, don't you trust me? Or Will?"

"Oh I trust each of you on your own." She gave a short laugh, "But together? I'm afraid not. And when we head up to Newport it will be the same. Speaking of Newport, how is his wardrobe? Yours will suffice, the order from Paris arrived while you were away. I am afraid you two will have to be our representatives at the various parties, etiquette and all."

"It is rather lacking." I sat down, brushing my hands over my skirt. "We brought back a good deal of what he has, several suits and his uniforms. A few hats, shoes, but that's about it."

"Nothing formal?"

"Not outside of his uniforms."

"Hmmm," She hummed, considering for a moment. "I will see about engaging a valet for him quickly, Peggy has already interviewed several ladies maids for you and was only awaiting your decision."

"I brought up a valet to him earlier, he won't even think of it."

"Honestly, what is it with the men we fall for?" Mother smiled, her eyes far away. "Gareth only hired one after we got engaged and I forced him to."

"Perhaps you can force Will to accept one?"

"I think that's your duty." She turned, looking up. I could smell the cigar smoke behind me, sweeter than the cigarettes I had smelled on him the other day. "Wouldn't you agree, William?"

"I'm afraid I'm not going to agree to anything unless I know exactly what it is." Will chuckled, coming to sit on the settee. "What is it?"

"A valet, for you." I smirked, seeing his brow immediately furrow. "It's a part of life when you live like we do, Will. And he doesn't just help you get dressed, he helps with correspondence, with sending messages. Some of them even act like bodyguards."

"All of which are things that I can do, along with shaving myself and brushing my own hair." Will puffed away on the cigar, "What will he do when I begin working again? I highly doubt the other officers would appreciate me bringing a valet along and taking up a berth."

"Mr. Murdoch, my word." Mother shook her head, chuckling. "You're acting as if we're offering to torture you."

"I'm afraid I am just unused to what is common to you."

"Perhaps instead of hiring a new valet, we could simply train one of the footmen?" I spoke as the idea formed in my mind, "That way when you are sailing he can just return to his usual duties."

He inhaled, holding the smoke for a moment. "Maybe, but must it be settled now?"

"No, it does not need to be." Mother pulled a threaded needle from her basket, beginning her sewing again. "Although you may want to return upstairs for a rest and a change of clothes, Morgan, Abraham and Ezekiel will be over later. Morgan is over the moon about this, she refused to wait for the party to come celebrate."

I stifled a yawn that was threatening to slip out, "A rest doesn't sound too terrible. Travel is rather exhausting."

"Well, I will head up later. And Anastasia, remember what I said." Mother caught my eye, her voice firmed. I gave a small nod, making for the stairs. My own bed sounded like heaven at the moment, although I could hear Will following me up behind me. My bed might be a bit less than heaven, I was unwilling to have the servants lock me in my rooms at night like a child.

Which meant that I had to turn to Will, my voice quiet. "Will, there's something you should know. Mother doesn't want us sharing a bed until the wedding."

"Well, we'll keep up the charade when she's here." He stepped up, slipping a hand to my waist.

I shook my head, "She's told the servants to lock us in our rooms if we don't follow her order." His hand dropped away, his face falling as it did. I pressed a hand to his chest, twining my fingers in the lapels of his jacket. "I'm sure we can still spend time alone together. You did say you wanted to supply the library with some poetry, we could always go up there."

"Yes, well," He pulled my hand up, squeezing my fingers. "I knew things would change here, just never thought it would be within the first few hours of arriving."

"They're just small changes," I leaned up, kissing his cheek. "And it changes nothing about how I feel. I just don't want to see you talked about for being out of step with our set. I want them to see you as I do, handsome and kind and the best of men."

"Handsome, Ana?" He dropped his lips to my cheek, "And what exactly is it that you find most handsome about an old tar like me?"

"Will, you are not that old. I prefer your eyes above all though, such a true blue. Deep, but they can be icy and clear. Now, go get some rest. Dinner is likely to be a bit of a trial. And don't think I won't notice if you and Ezekiel slip off to discuss things by yourself. Zachary is still in Berlin, and I still don't want you two to do anything."

"Ana, you have to admit, it is tempting." He chuckled, "As are you at the moment."

"And you aren't? Do not think that you haven't been tempting me right now, Will. But I know that both of us can resist our temptations well enough."

"Only for so long though Ana, once I have some poetry in your house I may not be able to resist much longer." Will snorted lightly, and I forced my face down. My mouth had dropped open, remembering the last night onboard the Oceanic. It hadn't been a single moment of pleasure for him, I had offered my hands and mouth and he had gladly taken both. It had been heaven to hear his voice catch as he read while tangling one hand in my hair, guiding me in his pleasure. He hadn't been selfish that night either, letting me find my pleasure while rocking against him and using his fingers to set me begging. I felt Will's fingers tipping my chin back up, "Ana, I was only joking."

"Oh, Will." I shook my head, "It's alright. I'm just going to find it hard to return to my old life after our time in Southampton."

"I'm only across the hall." He murmured, brushing his thumb along my jaw. "We're still together, even if it's not in the same bed."

"I know, I know." I sighed, "Just foolishness I guess, please, go get some rest. I'll meet you out here when it's time for dinner."

"You need your rest as well, my little fool." He pressed a kiss to my forehead before turning and slipping through the door. I made my way in as well, breathing in the scent of my rooms that rushed towards me. Someone had cleaned thoroughly while I had been away, the floors shone with fresh wax and the rugs had been beaten. The clock on the mantel ticked away, newly wound and chiming softly as I headed for my dressing room.

A maid was already waiting, helping me slip out of my traveling clothes and into a tea gown that swirled around my ankles. It was full enough that I didn't have to worry about harming it by slipping into bed, the lavender sachets Peggy had begun slipping into my pillows perfuming the air. I breathed deeply, trying to forget how my bed seemed so large, the sheets so cool, and the lack of a weight on my waist. I noticed a paper had been left on the table by my bed, usually where my book rested. I pulled it over, seeing it had been left open to a page.

Mrs. Ruth Dalian is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter, Anastasia, to Mr. William Murdoch of Southampton, England. Invitations will be sent out to the celebration of this happy occasion, and are required for attendance.

The early evening found me surrounded by a variety of new dresses, all considered and decided against. I wished I had the dove gray silk I had worn before, and while there was something similar, the chiffon draping just wasn't pleasing to me at the moment. It was just too much drapery, too little embellishment. I sighed, setting a pink gown back into the wardrobe. I looked to Peggy, standing back after she had helped me into my corset. "Are you certain I can't just wear black?"

"Yes, Miss." She nodded, "Your mother has said you're free from your mourning, in light of the happy occasion. Perhaps this would suffice?" She lifted a pastel green silk from a wardrobe, the skirt shorter than what I was used to, looking as if it would brush against my calves.

I considered it for a moment, "White stockings, a silk shawl, and my pearls?"

"It would be lovely, Miss." Peggy gestured for me to step in front of a mirror, lifting it over my head and letting it settle around me. Her fingers skillfully did up the buttons along the back. "Lighter colors suit you well, especially with the color you've gained."

I anxiously peered in the mirror, looking for any trace of a sunburn. "Oh Peggy don't say that, I swear I wore a hat every time I went out."

"I meant your natural color, Miss." She brought my pearls over from the carved jewelry case on the vanity, draping them around my throat. "You were so pale when you left, and you had such dark circles under your eyes. Now you look much better." I brushed a hand against the pearls, already slightly warm against my skin. They did look well with the dress, the shimmering ivory chiffon over the light green silk with its square neck. It was so short though, the white silk stockings leaving nothing of my lower legs to the imagination. It was not that I was embarrassed of them, they looked well turned in the white leather heeled shoes, but I was just unused to showing them so openly. Peggy brought a shawl over, placing it over my arms, the white kid gloves almost hidden by it even though they covered my forearms. I brushed at my curled hair before opening the door to the hallway.

Will, his cheeks pink from a fresh shave, was examining his pipe in the hallway. He was wearing a dinner jacket, which I had no doubt he'd been forced into. He must have noticed me looking at him, for he slipped his pipe into a pocket and offered his arm. "Your mother has already set a footman to me, apparently a plain suit won't do for a dinner with guests."

"It's only Abraham and Morgan, although I doubt Ezekiel will wear one." I took his arm, noting how he looked down at my legs emerging from the skirt. "Do you approve?"

He immediately raised his head, staring down the stairs as we started on them. "Oh, ah, your dress is lovely. And your shoes, very pretty."

"What about my stockings?"

"They are very white." He flushed a bit, "As are your pearls." Mother must have been planning the dinner for quite sometime, the dining room had been aired out and a damask tablecloth covered the massive mahogany table, even though only six places were set. A large vase of lilies, orange blossoms and amaryllis had been set out, an explosion of color against the dark wood. Light shined down from the chandeliers, glinting off crystals and flooding in from outside. The doors to our small courtyard had been opened, lanterns hung and resting on wicker tables, adding beeswax to the perfume of the room. Will stopped when we reached the door, "This is quite something."

"Mother has a tendency to go overboard," I squeezed his arm. "Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid," He said, striding into the dining room. "Just amazed." I watched him take in the various crystal glasses set out around his place setting, the silverware embossed with an elegant scrolled D. I must have looked quite the same when I had found his plain flatware and dinner service. While he may have been surprised by the setting, he had impeccable manners which he demonstrated by rising and giving Mother a half bow as she entered, having changed into a finer black dress. "Mrs. Dalian, this is lovely. Thank you."

"Mr. Murdoch, this is a simple gathering of family and friends." She collected a glass of champagne from a footman, actually wearing his formal uniform for once. We tended to disdain the formal uniforms some others required their footmen to be in every day, but apparently tonight called for the dark blue silk knee breeches and frock coat, with the gold bullion trim. She gestured to the open doors, "We can wait on the terrace for the Fields. They shouldn't be too long."

Will and I followed her out, sitting down at a settee and sipping on our drinks. I felt Will reach for my free hand, his fingers warm even through my gloves. He nodded to Mother, "You garden is quite something."

"It is small compared to some others you will see," She looked out at the trellises covered in jasmine flowers, the breeze stirring the scent. "That is, before you head off on our newest ship." I must have made some reaction, for she laughed. "Anastasia, Mr. Welton telegrammed me in quite a state over your demands. I could see nothing wrong with it though, as I did tell Mr. Murdoch to not discount our company."

"I am quite excited to begin sailing for you, Mrs. Dalian." Will sat a little straighter as he spoke.

Mother smiled, "We still have some time. The ship will be ready to launch in August, which means the soonest she will set out is late September. I encourage you to enjoy your time ashore, you will find it in short supply soon."

"I fully intend to." Will said before looking aside, hearing voices coming from the dining room. The Fields had arrived, and were immediately greeted with embraces and handshakes, Will receiving a clap on the back from Abraham, while Morgan simply threw her arms around him and thanked him for everything he had done. Will had to straighten his dinner jacket after he had extricated himself, "There's no need to thank me, Mrs. Fields. It was certainly no hardship."

"Oh, but you must tell us everything." She called back over her shoulder as we returned to the dining room and took our seats.

More footmen in their formal wear quickly emerged before Will could answer, setting the first course down in front of all of us. Will waited until they had left before speaking over his crab bisque. "I had thought to take Ana out, perhaps to Brighton for a day and ask her after a dinner." He reached for my hand, his eyes catching mine. "But then I saw her, she had come to visit me in my house, and I just couldn't wait."

Morgan sighed, her eyelashes fluttering with such a speed it had to be deliberate. "Oh, how romantic. Abraham simply asked me when I met him at his ship one day."

"I had almost died on that trip." Abraham grumbled, "I wasn't taking any chances after that."

Ezekiel rolled his eyes, "Mother, Father, please. I've heard this a hundred times." I saw Mother glance down, focusing on her soup. I had heard the story though, as had the Fields, about how she and Father had been courting through letters, until one day he showed up on her father's doorstep with a ring. He had only had her father's permission for but a moment before he had turned to Mother, saying that he could not go another day without having her by his side.

I turned to her, hoping to draw her out of her thoughts. "What day did you have in mind for the party, Mother?"

"Certainly sometime before Mr. Murdoch sets out again." She shook her head slightly, "Perhaps just after the launch of the ship. Two joyous occasions for our family." I drew her on with conversation about the details, Morgan jumping in enthusiastically and helping me bring Mother around.

"I swear, they will speak all night of the party. Any excuse to dress us up in tails." Ezekiel shook his head, "Tell me, Mr. Murdoch, how did you find the trip back?" The men started talking of sailing almost immediately after Will had related the storm the first night, surprise surprise. It quickly turned into all of them sharing their stories about the worst storm they had endured, each trying beat the other. I kept one ear open for their talk, even as we made our way through several more courses.

Mother had arranged for almost everything already it seemed; plans to use the Fifth Avenue house ballrooms, an orchestra to provide the music, a French chef for the dinner, fresh flowers and gifts for the attendees. By the time we had a handle on everything, the men had already finished the discussion over the newest ship and Ezekiel had promised to take Will on a tour of our offices, docks and the shipyard before we left for Newport. I had barely tasted the ice cream that had been brought out, and Will immediately offered the other two men a cigar to smoke outside while we enjoyed a sherry at the table.

Mother had hers drained first, and gave a smile to Morgan and I. "I am afraid I am quite spent, please, stay and enjoy another round." She rose, calling for a maid to attend her in her rooms upstairs.

I almost spilled the sherry I was pouring for the both of us when Morgan spoke under her breath. "Did my lessons help?"

"Morgan!" The bottle almost fell, and I felt a rush of relief at seeing the unmarked tablecloth. "Good God."

"Anastasia, be glad I waited until your mother left. Now tell me, did they help or do I need to speak to Mr Murdoch about his husbandly duties?"

"No, no. Nothing to Will, not from you." I swirled the sherry in my glass, and hoping for a bit of courage, downed it in a single gulp. "Your lessons were very helpful, now please, can we speak of something else?"

"No, I am quite happy to continue this. The boys won't notice, not out there. Has he used his mouth on you? There are such wonderful things he can do with it."

I would definitely need another sherry.

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