Love us like you do

By BlazingHydra27

475 184 66

Hellen, Nicole, Stacey and Jasmine are best friends with different personalities. where some find true love a... More

chap_2_Random guy
chap_5_Everyday Talks
Chap_6_New Information
Chap_7_Stripped from the Title.
Chap_10_New Start
Chap_11_First Day
Chap_12_First Meet.
Chap_15_Project day 1
Chap_16_project day 2
Chap_18_The Trip
Chap_23_Escape Room
Chap_25_Proposal Decision
Chap_27_Heart Broken
chap_29_Moments with stranger

Chap_28_Beginning Of New Present

22 6 3
By BlazingHydra27


The following story will be taking place in the present.

The following part would be a small recap its very small don't worry.


"I kept that box inside my luggage and left without looking back*"


AUTHOR: it was very helpful right??

Random guy: No it wasn't.

Author: OH wow you're back. *rolls eyes*

Random guy: ofc I always make my presence in the chapter where there is present time taking place.

Author: just so you know the present hasn't started yet.

*Author clicks her fingers and boom Random guy disappeared, yes the Author is wannabe Thanos.*



*it has been weeks since Hellen left and like usual we 3 have been distant ever since she left the house, even Silas seems to be not present there for me like he used to be, he is always seen with the other girl whom he had dragged with him on our almost last date.*

*everything in my life seemed to fall apart unlike for others, Nicole seems happy with her and Ryan's relationship, even Stacey has stopped with her pranks and started to concentrate on her studies, we could see a slight shade of Hellen in her, nope she isn't ordering us around but definitely has become more matured than before, everything was changing around us.*

*after Hellen went back to her parents, our parents have been extra worried, they keep tabs on us on everyday basis.*

*Ryan and Nia seem to be good at being friends than in a relationship and they have found their better half or that's what they say at the same Time, they seemed to be love struck atleast one of us seems to be happy.*

*Xavier being Xavier he has been seeing so many girls already so that he could replace Hellen and of course he couldn't do it but he never gave up.*

*I even tried calling Hellen but it seems that she has changed her number, even her family members aren't saying anything about her whereabouts, even if we fought and separated still she was our bestfriend and we missed her maybe the way I reacted wasn't right but what she did also didn't seemed to be fair.*

Jasmine: Guys, get back down.

Stacey: am already here.

Jasmine: where is Nicole??

Stacey: she is still getting ready.

*instead of waiting for Nicole I decided to go to the kitchen and make PB&J, I grabbed 6 slices and made 3 sandwiches, 1 for each, I took them with me and handed it to Stacey, she didnt waste any time and started to eat and by then even Nicole was down I handed her the sandwiche too after speed eating we left for college.*

Ryan: Hey babe and girls.

Nicole: *pecks him on his cheek*

Stacey: keep the PDA away from me, am leaving.

Jasmine: *sighs* Hey Ryan did you see Silas??

Ryan: I sure did, he was seen in the library.

Jasmine: thank you Ryan.

*I made my way towards the library, I wanted to talk to Silas about everything I didn't like how we are falling apart and after thinking about it the whole night yesterday I decided to finally confront him, I couldn't keep playing the waiting game when I can just solve it by talking, I was even ready to say yes if he wants to break up or even a small break from our relationship.*

*I was already in the library and looked everywhere for him, even asked few people present there, it was pretty hard to find him since our college had one of the biggest and spacious library and once I used to appreciate but not now.*

I made way towards the stairs to check for him, what if he was there in the 1st floor of the library.
And I was right I went there and found him dangerously close to the same girl, I could feel my heart breaking, he was cheating on me.

He didn't see me there already so I went near him and pulled him by the shirt and turned him around to face him and I......SLAPPED him with all the energy I had.

Silas: JASMINE?? w-wha-t ar-e you-u do-ing here.

* I didn't know how to answer him, he had the audacity to ask me what I was doing here, I started crying without my consent tears were flooding my vision making it a blur for me I blinked my tears away and they rolled down my eyes one by one, this gave me Deja vu*

Silas: Jasmine babe it's not what it looks like.

Jasmine: *scoffs* yeah right.

*the tears couldn't stop from falling from my eyes, what did I do to deserve this is all it was running in my head.*

Silas: you know what, since you have already caught me I will stop lying.

Jasmine: what do you mean Silas *crying*

Silas: you see her, the girl you caught me kissing, well I was indeed kissing her I won't deny, you see I can't simply stop myself from falling for every girls I lay my eyes on.

Jasmine: Are you serious, *sobs* you did everything to make me fall in love and then break my heart *screams* JUST SO YOU CAN BREAK MY HEART.

* I slapped him once again and I CRIED even louder, I didn't know whether it was cause he cheated on me or the reason he said or for the sake of his own didn't even try to lie to escape the situation.*

Silas: lets not cause a scene now Jasmine.

Jasmine: how am I the one causing the scene here huh you bas**** just confronted me about you're hobbies for cheating on me.

Silas: listen let's talk and solve, I still love you but you see I couldn't control myself around other girls, we can forget all this and move on like nothing happened and continue dating.

Jasmine: really Silas, you think am drunk or even gone crazy to simply agree with you.

Silas: why not, after all we both have an advantage you have me and I have you.

* I slapped him again, this piece of shit is treating so many girls like an use and throw plates.*

The girl who stood listening to him got pissed and came near him and slapped him hard.


Girl: that's for lying to me about you being single and Jasmine right?? Am really sorry its ok if you won't forgive me, I already feel guilty for helping this ***hole help him in cheating on you, if I knew about him not being single or even about his cracked up side I wouldn't have gone near him for my own sake.

*I just noded my head and saw her leaving, I had to do something before leaving too right??*

Jasmine: Silas

Silas: Jasmine babe.

*I slapped him for the 4th time with 5times the more energy before .
I even could see my hand print on his cheek*

Jasmine: you can go jump from a cliff and I wouldn't give a **** , bye Silas.



Hellen: HEY STOB IT. (BTS reference)

*Angel is my small sister from another mother, we have been staying together in an apartment ever since I was back from canada because we both didn't want to live with our own parents so we decided to share the rent, I met her for the first time when we were kids, when i tried to talk to her with my messed up jokes she didn't even care.*


Hellen: Hey kid do you want to hear a joke.

Angel:...... .

Hellen: I will take you're silence as a yes now listen.

Angel: *stares at Hellen*

Hellen: there was a guy who fell in love with a girl and decided to propose her so he bought a bouquet of flowers and he wrote a love letter saying "I LOVE U", but the girl rejected him guess why??

Angel: *ignores her existence*

Hellen: cause He wrote "I LOVE U" instead of "I LOVE YOU". *laughs*

Angel: *ignored her again*

Hellen: don't you get the joke, he wrote YOU as U so he got rejected *laughs harder.

*guess I will have to try harder* *sighs*


Hellen: Do you like BTS??

Angel: *gets excited* YES I DO, DO YOU LIKE THEM TOO??

Hellen: Yes I do, who is you're bias?

Angel: it's V

*we spoke about our biases and our favourite songs of them, SHE FINALLY SPOKE TO ME*

Angel: what's you're age??

Hellen: 11 and you??

Angel: OH I guess you're my unnie.

Hellen: unnie??

Angel: it means elder sister in Korean so I will call you that from now on.

Hellen: I would love that.


*that was how we met, ever since then we were inseparable sadly I had to go Canada with my other 3 bestfriends but guess fate had another plans and I was back and now we are back to being inseparable.*

Hellen: why were you screaming kiddo.

Angel: did you open my phone??

Hellen: I might have.

Angel: Seriously, what was it about.

Hellen: well when you were busy in shower singing fake love you're dad had called so I answered it for you.

Angel: what did he say??

Hellen: he said to make a visit at you're parents house seems like they are missing you're hand made tea. *laughs*


*ever since we were kids Angel has a passion for Teas whenever I used to go visit her or text her about what she was doing she would always say making Tea even her parents tease her with it.*

Hellen: He said to also ask you something.

Angel: what is it??

Hellen: He asked whether you have decided yet or not.

Angel: about what??

Hellen: For opening a TEA SHOP.

Angel: ugh PABO UNNIE yaar STOB IT.

*We were running around the living room throwing pillows at eachother.

The outcome of it was a messy living room with a broken vase and a cup of Tea in our hand made by THE LEGEND HERSELF ANGIE. *smiles*

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