Corpse Bride || Haitani Broth...

By manjiluna

21K 974 211

sequel to Killer Stranger after Ran's death, Hikari and Rindou only have each other to turn to as they grieve... More

01 - picture frames
02 - rindou
03 - the man in the purple suit
04 - hope, soul, and the lack of both
05 - the arsonist
06 - closer to truth, closer to danger
07 - lies and kisses
08 - out of control
09 - home
10 - Mikey's mercy
11- Ran
12 - jealousy
13 - smile
14 - desire
15 - fever dream
16 - breakfast disaster
17 - beginning to an end
19 - date
20 - to be yours
21- when you're away
22 - first act
23 - is it not love
24 - cruel
25 - truth is seeping through
26 - monsters don't stay buried
27 - proposal
28 - all good things come to an end
29 - bloody night
30 - lovers part
30 - lovers part (ii.)
31 - hotel stay (i.)
31 - hotel stay (ii.)
32 - Haitani Ran (i.)
32 - Haitani Ran (ii.)
33 - kiss, fall in love, die
34 - without a pair (i.)
34 - without a pair (ii.)
35 - executive
36 - back to you (i.)
36 - back to you (ii.)
37 - falling to place (i.)
37 - falling to place (ii.)
38 - falling apart (i.)
purple hyacinth
haha not an update
author's note

18 - executives

366 17 0
By manjiluna

it's been long since Hikari last saw Ran, or Rin for that matter. the past week, she's been alone in the penthouse save from the maids and guards, and neither of the brothers would allow her to leave, but both of them kept on leaving. it was fine though since Koko would sometimes stop by to get her to help in on his work—which will be her work soon, as Mikey had said.

"so I'll just have to help you?"

"yup, we're hoping that Mikey'll forget about sending you to Red Flower and just leave you as our accountant."

"no, I do want to get back on them."

"it's dangerous."

"you sound like the brothers."

"you know it's because we care for you."

they cared for her. it took her a while to come to terms with that, because again, Hikari had never been cared for so much in her life. but she knows it was true, and that she cared as much if not more for them.

now she was before the building where she'd been kidnapped. Rin had said this is where Mikey usually lived, and it's why this had become their most visited headquarters.

"come on," Rin says.

"just a minute."

she needed time to take in the sight before her. did buildings have to be so tall and menacing? she guesses that scary and intimidating were necessary for Bonten at least.

"it's okay," Rin mutters, holding her hand in his.

her hand was cold, and Rin only squeezes it in his as they both walk to the entrance. Hikari didn't even notice she was holding his hand tight, dozens of men looking at them before they slightly bowed at Rin.

once they got through the front door, the girl felt trapped. she turns to find the guards close the door behind them. she gulps down her anxiety as she tried to take in the sight of the lobby. about where they stood, she could remember the view from up the stairs.

she was crawling, on her knees and arms, drugged out of her mind, and she had seen Ran. she recalls calling for him, but he wasn't able to hear her.

"you alright, Hikari?"


Koko had walked up to them, and both men were looking at her in worry.

"it's really fine, you all look like I'm dying or something," she blurts out, not feeling any more relieved with the looks on their faces.

Koko only gave her a sympathetic smile before the three of them make their way up the stairs. as they passed by the room Sanzu had locked her in, Hikari was set on training her eyes in front of her, but her stomach was churning. Rindou didn't look so pleased either, knowing how it must feel like for her to walk past here.

and he had done nothing for her back then.

breathing became easier once they walked further inside the hall. red and black, yellow light—Hikari had been quite acquainted with their interior. they stop before the door to their meeting room. it's where she thought she had lost Ran, where he went against everyone to protect her.

she missed Ran. she wanted to see Ran.

where is he? he's supposed to be here.

a hand softly touches the small of her back, Koko and Rin looked at someone behind her. she slightly looks up, her gaze caught with the man she was looking for as he shortly leans in to kiss the corner of her lips.

"hello, lover," he smiled, charming and at ease.

like there's nothing to be nervous about, like they haven't been fighting, like everything's going to be okay. his eyes drop down to her hand in Rin's, and while she expected him to say something about it, he only takes her other hand in his own.

"Ran," she breathes.

"it's been a while, Hikari," he whispers softly against her ear, "you look so pretty."

she let out a nervous breath as she took the time to look at the three. she hated everyone but them. them and her brother—that's about it, the people worth living for.

"anything I need to know before I go in there?" she asks.

Hikari could feel Ran rub his thumb against the back of her hand, his eyes attentive in every little way her face reflected her jumbled nerves. she met his eyes, and all she could think of was that he was too calm. and so he seemed so reliable.

"give us a minute," he says as he pulls at her hand.

Rindou lets her go without any qualms as Ran took her a few feet away, hiding her from their view with his back to them.

"what is it?" she asks.

"we can leave."


"you don't have to go through with this, it's fine if we just go home."

his voice was soft and consoling, like he was soothing a child. Hikari gave him a small smile at that.

"won't that get you in trouble?"

"I can handle it."

"you can't take on everything, Ran."

"you know I can, and I will. come on, I'll get you home—"

"Ran," she says, cutting him off, "it's alright. you don't have to worry so much."

he looked at her, searching her eyes for any sign that she'd give in. but he knows she won't, and he could only sigh as he slightly brushes his lips against her forehead. he just hated to see her so scared.

"just don't be so afraid, Hikari, feel free to do as you please. I'm right here, you won't get hurt."

she knew otherwise. that she wasn't free to do as she pleased. only Ran would ever say that. both of them make their way back to the rest, and it was Rin who opened the door.

Ran walked in with her in hand, and if he was worried before, none of it could be seen on his face now. he walked with ease, like his steps were light, and in contrast, Hikari felt heavy. the first thing she's laid eyes on upon entry was Sanzu's pink hair, then she met his eyes.

he was already looking at her. she must've showed her distaste on her face as Ran tugged slightly at her hand.

all the other executives were present as they sat on the couch. Rin and Koko moved to join them, but Ran took her to sit on a love seat. she does so self-consciously, briefly exchanging glances with Koko who looked as nervous as her.

Ran lets go of her hand as he sits on the arm of her chair, and she could only widen her eyes upon seeing that he's already withdrawn his gun.

"safety measure," he whispers with a small smile at her.

"would that be okay?" she asks.

she was worried about him too, there was no telling what Ran would do for her sake. it's why she's determined not to mess up or provoke anyone. Ran was the only one with a gun in hand for god's sake when nothing even happened yet.

"it's fine," he reassures her.

"Ran," she slightly chuckles nervously, "there won't actually be any use for guns now, would there?"

"don't worry," he smiled again.

"haha, you didn't answer my question."

"I said don't worry."

"Ran!" she hisses.

Mikey looks at the two across him. Ran was wearing a deep purple three-piece suit, Hikari wearing a lighter purple skirt, and a white blouse that hung on her shoulders elegantly. they truly looked like a married couple, her husband casually leaning close to her, smiling like they weren't in the middle of a meeting.

are you happy Ran?

he wanted to ask him as the two grinned at each other. Hikari looked nervous, but she was grinning. Ran had said something to make her smile like that, and Ran just looked happy—unfairly happy.

Mikey wanted to put a bullet in his head.

"are you done?" he coldly asks the two.

Hikari purses her lips while Ran only looks back at him, his face serious. the room had gone silent, and Hikari felt that every second that passed slowly reduced her life. she could feel everyone looking at her.

then she heard Ran softly chuckle from beside her as he rests her hand on her shoulder.

"i understand that my wife is pretty, but can we start now?" he asks, "I'll really gouge out all your eyes at this point."

he muttered the last part under his breath, but Hikari could only pinch his thigh knowing that he was still heard. Ran seemed to misbehave a lot, and she had a feeling it was only because it involved her.

"do you all know what brings Hikari here?" Sanzu starts, receiving a nod from Mikey.

most executives muttered a no, Mochi said he had no fucking clue. it's when Sanzu began to explain that she's been working for Red Flower before, and how she vowed to be a rat on the inside. her tension didn't wane the whole time, half surprised and half amazed of how they knew about her debt, about how her brother died, and how she went to Ran for the purpose of using him.

"watch your mouth," Ran had interrupted then.

"but isn't it true?"

"our private life is none of your concern, why don't you go on with more objectivity."

Sanzu laughed at him.

"okay, fine. anyway, objectively speaking, Hikari somehow found true love in Ran, she wasn't just using him, she's finally on our side, hooray!"

Hikari couldn't keep herself from frowning at him. as he talked, it was easier to look at his face—Hikari willed herself to look at his face; face your fears and whatnot. seeing as he had multiple cuts and bruises, he didn't seem so frightening and powerful as she's made him seem in her head.

but it didn't change the fact that she was scared, and if it weren't for the reminder that Ran was just by her side with his hand on her, she wouldn't be as brave.

"but how do we know she's really on our side?" Mochi asks.

she gulps down. all of them looked scary, but they were quite pretty—especially Kakucho. Mochi just looked like he could snap her neck with his bare hands.

"she could be working for Red Flower still. Ran, are you really sure about her?" Kaku skeptically asks.

"no, I'm not sure," he responds automatically.

Hikari can't help but almost choke on his words.


everyone looked at them both, and she could feel herself shrink under their gazes.

"I'm not sure of her loyalties so I think it's best we don't involve her in our plans. Mikey insists otherwise, but you can't possibly ignore the executives' concerns now can you, Mikey? this is a matter of security."

ah. he wants to play it that way.

"very funny, Ran," she spoke, conscious of her own voice. it sounded fine, like her heart wasn't hammering against her chest.

she can't let Ran do all the talking, not wanting to submit with men even when they were armed and dangerous and frightening.

"how can you not trust your own wife?" she asks in fake hurt.

Ran only smiled at her act. "I'm being cautious, Hikari. it's better you betray just me than the whole organization."

"so she really can't be trusted?" Kaku asks.

before Ran could further sabotage her position, she speaks directly to Kaku.

"Mikey wouldn't ask for my help if he doesn't trust me. and to clarify, I never worked for Red Flower—I was simply indebted, there are no special ties, except maybe for the fact that I want to get back on them for everything they've cost me."

"but then what if you're using Ran?" Kaku asks, narrowing his eyes at her.

"whether I'm using him or not, why would I be on the weaker organization's side?" she asks, looking straight back at him.

"logically speaking, being the wife of someone like Ran is the best way to bring us down. he handles information as you might already know. what? you'll argue that you're in love with him? we can't trust just that."

"logically speaking, let's say I seduced Ran to get intel on Bonten, that I don't love him at all..."

she could feel Ran's mood worsen for every word she spoke, but she continues.

"...but then overtime, it's no secret that Red Flower is slowly losing power. so I, a previous loyal Red Flower employee as you so believe, would naturally continue to take advantage of my husband for the sake of my own protection. so whether or not I love Ran, regardless of my reasons for approaching him, I won't be helping the weaker side. if you doubt my love, you can at least believe in my selfishness and will to survive."

Kaku didn't have anything to say back, none of them did. she defended herself pretty well, and Ran was stunned as he stared at her. she'd been so nervous earlier, but look at her silencing every single man in the room.

he was the first to recover as he smiled to himself. it bruised him a bit to hear her repeat she was using him and whatnot, because she did try to kill him before. but he let bygones be bygones as he softly played with the ends of her hair.

"well, there's that. care to continue, Sanzu?" he casually says.

"one more thing," Sanzu says.

"what is it?"

"neither of you are wearing a ring."

Ran's noticed it before, that Hikari chose to not wear the ring. he didn't say much of it—it felt like a cursed ring anyway. a death ring. he had retrieved it from her hand that day he rescued her from the ocean.

"Ran's not much of a romantic," Hikari says.

he looked pointedly at her again. he wasn't a romantic?

he knew she was covering up for the loose ends, but hell was she too well-versed in lying. she almost lied as eloquently as Ran did, but he was more proud than concerned.

"if it were me I would've put a ring on that pretty finger of yours, Hikari," Sanzu smirks.

"if it were you, I wouldn't marry you," she smiles back, pretty much telling Sanzu to fuck himself as she leans her head on Ran's side.

the meeting went on smoothly after that. they discussed her duties, and Koko expressed that he was glad she'd be there to help him clear his mountains of paperwork. Ran even found the time to boast about her degree in accountancy when Kaku questioned her capabilities again.

once it was over, Hikari had expected them to leave the room, but they all stayed. instead, Takeomi grabbed some glasses and whiskey as he set it on the table, Kaku moving to pour himself a drink.

she looked up at Ran curiously.

"we often just drink in here," he explains, "but as for us two, we should go now."

"no, no, neither of you are going anywhere. it's Hikari's first day here, she has to drink!" Takeomi says.

she glanced down her watch—again something Ran bought for her god knows when—and it read five in the afternoon. it wasn't that early to drink, not that she was really considering it.


she looks up to find Kaku offering her a drink.

"it's for you. sorry about earlier, I was just making sure."

her face flushed. Rindou and Ran simultaneously raised a brow at her reaction.

"oh, I won't drink," she politely declines him.


"you have to drink!" it was Takeomi this time who spoke, grabbing the glass from Kaku as he pushes it to Hikari.

"she doesn't want to," Ran says, forewarning in his voice as he shoves away Takeomi's hand.

"ya rascal! let your wife drink! just one glass to celebrate, c'mon!"

"yeah, don't be such a pussy Ran," Sanzu teases.

Hikari was worried Ran would start a fight so she grabs the glass from his hand and drinks from it. she could hear Sanzu cheering in the background as some of the liquid trickled down her chin, and almost instantly, Ran had pressed his handkerchief on her skin to wipe it.

"you didn't have to drink," he softly says.

"it's fine—wow that wasn't so bad."

"you like it?" Takeomi grins, "why don't you drink some more?"

"ah no, it's fine."

she had to talk to Ran first. she grabbed his hand that was on her shoulder, causing him to look at her questioningly.

"can I talk to you?"

he studies her for a while, and he could tell what kind of talk it'd be.

"...of course."

he stood up with her hand in his, walking to the door with Hikari by his side.

"Ran, I need to talk to you," Mikey called.

Hikari involuntarily frowns. she didn't trust Ran around just felt so off.

"tomorrow," he responds, "I'll take Hikari home for today."

surprisingly, Mikey didn't pester them any further. Hikari turned back to look at Rin as she left. he didn't look so happy.

"see you at home," she mouths at him.

he only nods.

the rest of the executives bid her a simple goodbye. Koko slightly waved at her, Kaku gave her a polite nod, Mochi ignored her, and Takeomi shouted something along the lines of 'be sure to drink with me tomorrow.'


once they walked out the lobby, Ran's car was waiting for them. the man lightly taps on the driver's window, asking him to get out before he walks Hikari over to the passenger seat. he opens the door for her, subtly putting his hand over her head.

Hikari got in the car, looking at Ran as he walked back over to the driver's side. he was going to drive, and they'd be alone in the car. she tried to rack her memory for times when Ran had driven the car himself, but all she could remember was them doing whatever in the backseat while his driver drove them.

she looked at him as he got on his seat. he put his seatbelt on, then he reached over to put in her seatbelt as well. with him so close, she could smell the fresh scent of his cologne, could feel the warmth radiate off his body.

without thinking, she hugs him to herself, and he stills.

"what's wrong?" he softly asks.

she doesn't respond as she just takes her time to hold him. about a week ago, he had come home drunk, smelling of perfume that wasn't his—that was of a woman's.


he slightly pulls away, his eyes widening a fraction as he took in her face. she looked like she was about to cry.

"what's wrong, love? did something happen while I was away?" he asks, cradling her face in his palms.

she only shook her head. "it's nothing, just drive."

Ran looked at her for a second longer before he does as she says, but he just holds her hand on her thigh as he put his other hand on the wheel. she can't help but smile a little as she looked at him. it was a shame that he had a driver when he looked so good driving his car.

he wore a watch on his wrist, his hands pale and full of veins that resembled cords, and the tendons of his fingers were prominent. she only squeezed his hand that she held.

"so how was it?" he asks her, his eyes on the road.

"it was fine, they aren't so bad. except Sanzu of course."

"yeah, I'll take care of him," he thoughtfully says, "or you could also not push through with this."

"Ran," she sighs, "I want to, okay? plus it's a real job, I could earn money."

"you don't need money. you have me. and your bank's already as full as it can get."

"so it was you!" she gasps, "I thought it was weird that I became rich overnight."

"but you barely spent it on anything," he says, sending a brief glance her way.

"because it's not my money."

"my money is your money."

"it's not. that's why I would like to keep this job. I want to earn money."

"you know I'd give you my wallet any day, Hikari," he rolls his eyes.

"that's not the point, stop acting like a rich bastard!"

"I am a rich bastard."

she scoffs; Ran only smiled. she knew Ran would have no problems spoiling her, he was already buying her so many things at random that she somehow formulated a theory that the books in the library and the clothes in her closet increase every single time she steps in to check.

maybe Ran loved her a little too much, and she was drunk on that love. she'd die if he were to give it to someone else.

"I want you all to myself, Ran."

she had said it so out of the blue that Ran almost crashed the car. Hikari rarely, if ever, said things like that. deciding that hearing her talk would endanger them and everyone else around them, he parks the car on the side.

"could you repeat that?" he asks with a sheepish smile.

"never mind." she turns away from him.

"I'll record it so say it just once more."

he softly pulls at her arm to have her face him, and much to his surprise, she was crying—more like trying not to cry. but her lips were slight quivering, her tears rolling down her face.

"Hikari, what's wrong?"

"you cheated on me didn't you?" she says, a small sob accompanying her accusation.

"I- I what?" he asks, appalled.

he unbuckles his seatbelt as he leans in to grab her face.

"me? I cheated?"

"don't lie to me," she says through her tears, bringing her hands up to wipe them away. "we were fighting, and you went home drunk, and then you've barely been home at all—"

"I was working, Hikari," he tries to reassure her.

"but you smelled like woman's perfume! and your suit was disheveled."

"when was that?"

"when we fought, Ran—don't play dumb with me."

he'd been drunk that night, so he carefully went through the events. they fought in the morning, had to kill some people in between during work, then the executives took a break in some bar.

"ah," he softly says, as if he'd remembered something, "I went to see my therapist."


"it's nothing, I just had to get something from her, but she's the only female I met with that day, Hikari."

"is she pretty?"

he slightly laughed. "no, she's not pretty, why didn't you tell me you were worried about that? is that why you slept on the couch that night?"

"don't laugh," she says, covering her face.

then the man kissed her over her hands.

"stop crying, I haven't been doing what you think I was doing. and I came home everyday, it just so happens that you're asleep when I arrive."

much to his surprise, Hikari leaned in to hide her face in his chest. he could only smile fondly at her as he runs his hand across her soft hair.

"we were fighting and you wouldn't come home, what was I supposed to think?"

"I'm sorry."

"it's fine."

"I'm sorry about our fight too, Hikari. I was jealous, I didn't mean to yell at you, or to blame you for anything. you did nothing wrong."

it seemed he had made her cry harder, and his kisses didn't help in consoling her. maybe he's hurt her a little too much.

"maybe I was avoiding you a little, because I was afraid that we'll fight, that I'll do more damage than I already did, just like...just like that day in the hotel when I did that to you."

"but it was me who made you feel so jealous, Ran," she says, trying to compose herself as she held him tightly.

"but you're wrong, you know? I do love you, and it wasn't hard for me to love you, it didn't take me long to fall in love with you. Rin—of course I care about Rin, but he's not you, and I only love you."

"okay," he soothes her, rubbing her back, "it's okay, Hikari, don't sweat it. whether you fall for him or not, whether you kiss him or sleep with him, I'm not letting you go regardless."

he can't say he wasn't surprised that she'd cried so much, because at the back of his mind, he thought that their fight hurt him more than it hurt her. as he held her close to him, stroking her hair while she sobbed against his chest, he realized that maybe Hikari loved him more than he thought.

"since when did you get so soft, Hikari?" he asks, his voice admiring and soft as he kissed her head. "seriously, you're making me fall for you again."


some time later, Hikari was stubbornly staring out the window while Ran continued to drive. she wouldn't look at him or talk to him, too embarrassed of earlier's outburst. but Ran seemed to be good at talking to himself.

"what do you want to eat later?" he asks.


"do you want to visit Haru?"


"should we go on a date?"


"about my therapist, she is kind of pretty."

Hikari turned to look at him so fast that he can't help but laugh at her.

"are you having fun?" she glared.

he casually turns the wheel against his hand as he grinned.

"I'm having the time of my life, Hikari—it's thanks to you. so why don't we go out tonight?"

"go out with your therapist," she shot back.

"I'd rather go out with my wife. anywhere you want to go?"

he must know that her knees weaken when he calls her that. she only scoffs at him, her cheeks flushed.

"I do want to see my brother..."

Ran nods, turning in the direction of Haru's house.

"then let's go visit our son."

"what are you talking about?" she scowls.

"our son," he grins.

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