25 - truth is seeping through

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Rindou never came back home to the penthouse. today, he sat across Hikari, the executives and her having a meeting in their lounge. the girl had been worried about him endlessly—he wouldn't even pick up his calls or answer to her messages.

her eyes search for his, but he was skilled in pretending he couldn't see her. at this point, Hikari might as well just believe that Rindou really could forget her name. she dozed off from the whole meeting, Ran doing all the talking for them both as he sat beside her.

without even realizing, the girl was staring at Rin. deep inside, maybe she'd believed that they'll be okay as some time passes, or if they would be fighting, it wouldn't be to the point of not talking to each other at all. a while ago when she got in, she accidentally bumped into him, and guess what he did? he slightly shoved her away.

it was petty. unsurprisingly enough, it was very much like Rindou. she sighs to herself. there was no need to worry about him. he had money, and he's a very capable adult, he practically lived out of her sight for most of the time, but despite all that, her mind was plagued with thoughts of whether or not he's okay.

Ran glances down at her before he looks at where she was staring. it wasn't the where that ticked him off, but very much so the who.

Hikari's eyes only widen in surprise as she feels his fingers gripping her chin, turning her to face him.

"should I just switch seats with Rindou?" he whispers against her ear, his voice slightly teasing.

"what are you talking about?"

he only pulled away from her, leaning in his seat as he gives his attention back to Sanzu who spoke about Red Flower. they were things he already knew, particularly because he was responsible for the destruction of most of their properties, but he'd rather focus his attention there than on the fact that Hikari was somewhere else like he wasn't just here beside her.

Hikagi gave him a questioning glance, and he only smiles as he shakes his head, his fingers reaching to play with the ends of her hair.

as his so called wife finally stopped gawking at his brother, Rindou finally turned to steal a glimpse of her. that was the beginning of Ran's foul mood for the day.


after the meeting, Mikey asked everyone to leave except for Hikari. everyone did leave, except of course, Hikari and Ran.

"get out," Mikey tells him.

"the last time I left her with you you fed her to the sharks."

"Ran, we talked about this," Hikari sighs, giving him a pointed look.

"why do I need to leave you alone?"

after arguing a bit, Mikey decided he could stay. he did however warn Ran that he won't like what they'd be talking about.

"they want me to prove my loyalty," Hikari starts.

Ran only stared at her being on business mode, which suit her well. like a passive malewife, he sat still, making notes in his head as their conversation progressed. it's not that he wasn't dying to go against every dangerous plan that came to their mind, he somehow just knew Hikari would be kicking him out herself if he wouldn't shut up.

"they don't trust me so much—even when their leader acknowledged me himself. but I do know there was an event for yakuzas at the end of the month?"

"what about it?"

"isn't Bonten a part of it? they mentioned it was an auction that's normally just held to show off wealth and power or something."

"we don't waste our time on that," Mikey distastefully says.

Corpse Bride || Haitani Brothers/OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang