purple hyacinth

259 13 3

3 years ago.

her hands were his lifeline. he held onto her so.

the music from the main hall was faint, filtered through the layers of walls and spaces of hallways. in the backroom where she stood, she could hear the light melody not more than she could hear his voice.

"should we just ditch?" he spoke softly, his voice a whisper against her ear, his cheek pressed against hers.

"our own wedding?" she laughs.

"we're enough to be married, no?"

Ran pulls her closer; both softly sway to the dance of muffled music. he was in his white suit, dashing as ever; although paradoxical. an angelic devil is what he was, it's like something you see on your death bed and you're confused as to where he'll be taking you—heaven or hell.

she was brimming with peace and love for him. he was completely right; all they needed was each other to get married. but their friends were out, waiting for them to proceed. Haru wanted to be the bearer of rings.

it was their wedding day and they were due to get married about five minutes later. it'd mark them spending the rest of their lives together; yet here Ran was in her room, endlessly eager to be beside her.

"we should go, Ran."

"I can't get over it, you're too beautiful, Hikari."

"oh, be quiet," she says, rolling her eyes as she plants her feet firmly.

Ran also stops from guiding her to dance, mirroring her smile as he remained holding her hand in his.

"shall I help you do final touches?"

"it's fine, go on now."

"alright...I'll see you out there."

+++ one thing led to another. Ran was walking back to the main hall when his phone rang. he didn't answer it. Hikari's friends stood up at the sight of him, instantly flooding him with their usual energy. he was glad that Hikari did have friends, and that they genuinely looked happy for her.

"where's the bride?" Ella teased him.

"should be out any minute now." he smiled.

"uhuh, and what were you guys doing back there? took you long enough to come back."

he did leave saying he just wanted to see her because he was nervous—everyone knew he wasn't nervous at all. impatient maybe.

"she was just telling me to calm down," he lies, excusing himself.

Koko stepped in in front of him, causing Ran to halt. he realized then that he reeked of alcohol.

"you're a lucky little shit, you know?"

"really? drinking on our wedding?"

"can't take any of this sober."

"get over it," Ran only shakes his head, offering him one pat on the shoulder before he walks over to Haru who was talking with Mikey.

the child didn't notice him at first, but as his eyes meet Ran's, he saw a flicker of joy. Haru grinned, then he jumped to his chest, wrapping his arms around him. Ran couldn't contain his chuckle as he ruffled his hair—Haru only ever hugged him when he wanted to be bought something, or when Hikari said no and he was hoping Ran would say yes.

"you look decent," Haru says.

"your sister says I'm gorgeous."

"love makes everyone stupid."

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