34 - without a pair (i.)

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when so many things are going on at once, when your body demands rest and action at the same time, you're bound to go numb. Hikari was calm as the sea it was almost unsettling. just like Ran. Koko wondered how both can be so fundamentally different yet the same.

"we will not get him out," she hisses at Takeomi.

they were gathered in Ran's room, all of them but Kakucho who stayed by Mochi's side since he too got poisoned.

"he needs to be far away here as possible, him and Mochi!" Takeomi raised his voice.

"Ran is unable to protect himself—the moment you so much as get him past the door everyone will be waiting to kill him."

"we're here for a reason."

"guard Ran here, don't move him elsewhere."

a silent glare passed them both. they used to be so friendly just moments ago, but Hikari wasn't to be trifled with when Ran's life was on the line.

"you have no experience at being a criminal, Hikari. we know this better than you."

"go ahead and get Mochi out this fucking hotel. people will attack." she points at his chest. "it isn't rocket science. we're already short on people and we will lose more trying to protect the unconscious. when that happens, the rest of us will be more vulnerable than we already are!"

"quit yapping! you're saying this because you're worried for Ran!"

"and you're opposing me because you don't want to entrust decisions to a woman!"

"whose decision is it that we participate in this damn auction? it's your fault your husband is poisoned!"

Hikari's eyes widened; Mikey, Rin, and Koko looked at them quietly. it was obvious how Hikari's first wall of defenses crashed at such harsh words; judging from her face she believed them to be true.

she grit her teeth frustratedly, her back aware of Ran's sleeping presence just behind her. it felt like she had big shoes to fill—as his partner, as the one who initiated the plan in the hotel, as the guilty person responsible for Ran's downfall.

the image of Ran's blood against his pale lips resurfaced. she could still feel the dread that terrified her so when his arms went limp around her frame—when his eyes closed and he fell on her shoulder.

she let out a deep breath. what would Ran do if he were in this position? well, maybe he wouldn't ever find himself in this position at all, considering how meticulous he was with everything. she can't possibly compare.

"I'm not the smart one, Hikari, not between us both."

"that's not true."

"it is. I have experience, you have your brain. you're the only one who could make me feel stupid—it's why I fell for you," he joked, chuckling as he kissed her.

"I have a plan," she says, glancing at Mikey.

"we already have a plan."

"shut it, Takeomi," Mikey scowled, "both of you are so noisy—I was thinking."

"what do you think we should do?" she asks him.

"I don't know yet, we still have insufficient information to go by. plus, we're short on two executives—three if you count Haruchiyo. things would be different if Ran was awake, he already knows what we don't—the profiles of the guests, the hotel system, its staff—everything."

"we're short on time, Mikey, let's not spend it on listing our disadvantages," Koko sighs.

"Hikari, you need to learn more from Red Flower," he tells her, "do it now."

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