18 - executives

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it's been long since Hikari last saw Ran, or Rin for that matter. the past week, she's been alone in the penthouse save from the maids and guards, and neither of the brothers would allow her to leave, but both of them kept on leaving. it was fine though since Koko would sometimes stop by to get her to help in on his work—which will be her work soon, as Mikey had said.

"so I'll just have to help you?"

"yup, we're hoping that Mikey'll forget about sending you to Red Flower and just leave you as our accountant."

"no, I do want to get back on them."

"it's dangerous."

"you sound like the brothers."

"you know it's because we care for you."

they cared for her. it took her a while to come to terms with that, because again, Hikari had never been cared for so much in her life. but she knows it was true, and that she cared as much if not more for them.

now she was before the building where she'd been kidnapped. Rin had said this is where Mikey usually lived, and it's why this had become their most visited headquarters.

"come on," Rin says.

"just a minute."

she needed time to take in the sight before her. did buildings have to be so tall and menacing? she guesses that scary and intimidating were necessary for Bonten at least.

"it's okay," Rin mutters, holding her hand in his.

her hand was cold, and Rin only squeezes it in his as they both walk to the entrance. Hikari didn't even notice she was holding his hand tight, dozens of men looking at them before they slightly bowed at Rin.

once they got through the front door, the girl felt trapped. she turns to find the guards close the door behind them. she gulps down her anxiety as she tried to take in the sight of the lobby. about where they stood, she could remember the view from up the stairs.

she was crawling, on her knees and arms, drugged out of her mind, and she had seen Ran. she recalls calling for him, but he wasn't able to hear her.

"you alright, Hikari?"


Koko had walked up to them, and both men were looking at her in worry.

"it's really fine, you all look like I'm dying or something," she blurts out, not feeling any more relieved with the looks on their faces.

Koko only gave her a sympathetic smile before the three of them make their way up the stairs. as they passed by the room Sanzu had locked her in, Hikari was set on training her eyes in front of her, but her stomach was churning. Rindou didn't look so pleased either, knowing how it must feel like for her to walk past here.

and he had done nothing for her back then.

breathing became easier once they walked further inside the hall. red and black, yellow light—Hikari had been quite acquainted with their interior. they stop before the door to their meeting room. it's where she thought she had lost Ran, where he went against everyone to protect her.

she missed Ran. she wanted to see Ran.

where is he? he's supposed to be here.

a hand softly touches the small of her back, Koko and Rin looked at someone behind her. she slightly looks up, her gaze caught with the man she was looking for as he shortly leans in to kiss the corner of her lips.

"hello, lover," he smiled, charming and at ease.

like there's nothing to be nervous about, like they haven't been fighting, like everything's going to be okay. his eyes drop down to her hand in Rin's, and while she expected him to say something about it, he only takes her other hand in his own.

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