27 - proposal

295 13 1

it was the fourth day of Ran's absence that Hikari began to truly sulk. not that the previous days were less excruciating, but she had done her best to distract herself with work. on this particular rainy day, however, much to her surprise, no matter how much she worked through Bonten's audits and accounts, the aching loneliness wouldn't leave her.

it was a funny thing actually, how this was all her fault. but if she may, she'd put half the blame on Ran. he was too persistent, and she knew he'd never allow her to go outside without him. most of the time, she won't complain about that since there's no greater company than the one who knew her best, who had the most charismatic smile and sharp wit, not to mention a pretty face...okay, it's drawing on—

but I just miss him so much.

she had to buy him a gift in secret, meaning he needed to be nowhere near her. when she'd asked Mikey for a little help, she thought he was going to occupy Ran for at least a day. now here she sat in the balcony, gloomily staring at the rain as she buried herself in a blanket.

she had bought gifts for Ran successfully without his knowing, but what she didn't have was Ran himself.

it didn't help at all that winter was fast approaching and it was cold, and there was no body to warm her, no husband whose one of many love languages is physical touch. and today it was raining. the atmosphere was peaceful and serene, and she would've loved to share today's view with him—save for the fact that if he really were here and the weather was this way, he'd keep her busy inside and trick her into 'taking advantage of each other's heat' as he often puts it.

she groans to herself, putting the book down whose words were not reaching her. for the very least, she's learned her lesson and has been greatly humbled.

she did need Ran more than she thought. she knew she loved him immensely, but it still caught her by surprise how everything completely the same now felt empty. take the bed for example. her greatest heartaches lately had been waking up alone.

no good mornings, no morning kisses or love making, no one to make coffee for her, no one to piss her off the way only he did.

why am I tormenting myself?

she picks up her phone, dialing for Ran, already impatient on the first ring. one would think he'd call her all the time, but he was apparently pretty busy.

well he is a busy man

though I always forget

he makes too much time for me, that's why

when she thought he won't be able to answer her, he does pick up. Hikari found herself standing up in excitement as she practically squealed into the phone.


he chuckles instantly, making Hikari smile no later.

"Hikari," he softly says.

she took a minute to cover her face with her hand, flustered by his voice alone.

"is it raining there?" he asked.

"it is, wait I'll head inside to hear you better."

the sound of pounding rain dwindled as she slides the balcony's door close. she then raced to plop down on the bed, composing herself as she lets out a breath.


"hello, lover," he muses, and she could already picture his smile.

"how've you been, Ran?"

"it's terrible here."


"because you're over there."

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