31 - hotel stay (ii.)

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the sun was at its peak, Mikey and Kakucho sat by the bar of the pool. Ran was talking to people from another organization, more specifically an old man who held more power than his body. he was the one who holds the annual auction, and he owned the hotel. they wouldn't really want to get on his bad side or else everyone in the area would've turned on them.

"it's hot," Mikey lowly says.

that's what he got for wearing all black. Kakucho had taken off his coat.

"it is. why don't we go in?"

"it's fine."

he nods, both of them looking at Hikari whose back was to them. the girl had her feet dipped in the pool's water, her white dress bunched up over her thighs. on either of her sides, Koko and Takeomi were talking to her.

"do you like Hikari, Kakucho?" Mikey asked out of the blue.

the man almost choked on his drink.


"do you?"

"no, it's not that way."

as he said it, there was a faint red tint on his cheeks which were probably just because of embarrassment.

"it's not," he says again, more firmly.

"good. Sanzu, Kokonoi, Rindou, Ran—I can't have all of you struck dumb because of one woman."

"I just pity her that's all. I don't know what exactly happened but it's clear Ran fucked up."

Mikey nods in agreement. they watched the girl, Hikari felt their eyes on her back. as she looked back at them, it was as if she was just imagining it.

"oh look at that," Koko says.

turning to look at whatever he was pointing at, Hikari was surprised to find Ran speaking to a woman who wore a red dress. she almost rolled her eyes, Ran had once said how much he loved her in red. she half-heartedly watches the man, his perfunctory smile present as he slightly leans down to hear her better.

get away.

Hikari felt annoyed. Ran chuckled at something she said, then as a waiter holding drinks passed by, Ran had the audacity to fetch her a drink. it wasn't hard to tell that the woman had been greatly pleased, her eyes gauging him like she was a breath's away from taking his clothes off.

"he behaves so flirtatiously," she says.


that piqued Takeomi and Koko's attention.


she nods.

"what do you expect, he's naturally that way."

"I want to push him into the pool."

"well, we can arrange that," Koko supportively says.

"why don't we go for a swim, Hikari?" Takeomi offers.

"we're about to eat lunch though, for the meeting," she murmurs.

Ran was under the shade as he spoke to the girl who had now gone closer. too close for her liking, although Ran seemed unbothered by the proximity.

maybe he even likes it.

she let out a long sigh, looking at her feet underwater instead. it was unbelievable how someone you'd call your life becomes a stranger. they always sat together during meetings, always held hands, and the thing she missed most was him walking into a room and the first thing he does is look for her.

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