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"he's not good for you, nee-chan."

those were Haru's first words upon being told that Ran was technically his brother-in-law. the purple-haired man looked so wounded as he looked at her little brother, and Hikari was half surprised and half amused. Ran had it coming after all for excitedly telling him that he was her husband despite her protests.

"how am I not good for her?" Ran asks incredulously.

"you're just not," Haru huffs, "so that's why you've been taking care of me, huh?"

"why else," Ran mutters under his breath but Hikari elbowed his side.

he watches as the girl bended down to Haru's height, cupping his cheeks in her hands. they looked very much alike, like pretty dolls. he unconsciously loosens his tie around his neck as his chest tightened at the peculiar sight.

Hideo would've fit the picture perfectly, the three of them like children of the night with their pale skins and dark eyes and hair.

"how've you been, Haru?" he heard her say.

"are you really married to that guy?"

Ran could only think that maybe children sensed just how vile he was.

"not really, but he's my boyfriend, Haru."

Ran smirked.

"do you really not approve of me, kid?" he asks, pulling Hikari up upon seeing the cuts at the back of her feet.

"I don't"

"do you want to get off your heels?" Ran whispers to Hikari.

she shook her head. "it's not like I could walk barefoot."

"I'll carry you."

"I could tell from a glance you're too obsessed with my sister," Haru hisses, cutting them off.

"how is that a bad thing?"

"it's a very concerning thing."

Ran looks back at him with a cocked up brow. he didn't necessarily love or care for the child, but he thought he was a cool brother for Hikari, and it's also because he's her brother that he mastered the art of acting like the best older brother in the world.

"I'm really hurt, Haru-chan, I thought you liked me," he says.

"yes, but not for Hikari—she's too good for you."

Ran nods. "I would never disagree on that, but no one could even compare to how much I love your sister."

"I don't care," he deadpans, his frown resembling that of Hikari's.

"look at your boyfriend, nee-chan. he has a nicotine addiction, he carries a gun, he doesn't have a life of his own—I'd know because he kept on visiting me instead of doing what grownups do. and I know for a fact you don't like men with tattoos, and you prefer gentlemen over-over whatever kind of guy this is."

"Haru," Hikari was meant to sound stern, but she couldn't stifle her laugh.

"see? you know it too."

"he's not that bad, Haru." but the girl was laughing, slightly hiding her face in Ran's shoulder as if that would keep her amusement a secret.

"I see, you both really are siblings," Ran smiled dejectedly. sharp wit and sharp tongues, bullying him as a hobby—it seemed Haru was too much like his sister.

"but I assure you, Haru-chan, your sister loves my tattoos."


the three of them had dinner in Haru's house since his fake parents were away, and from the kitchen where Hikari cooked, she could hear Ran pestering her brother, offering him toys, books, and just about everything money could buy in hopes that he'd get his favor.

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