32 - Haitani Ran (i.)

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Ran gently untangled Hikari's arms from his shoulders as he stood up from the floor. the clock read six in the morning. the sun rose with a light he did not appreciate.

except when he looked at Hikari's face, touched by the white light of the early morning sun, he felt grateful for her beauty. he holds her bandaged hands, stroking them softly, feeling the slight bulging of her wounded flesh. if he could take them he would.

if he could take all of her pain, the better.

he brings up the covers up her shoulders, tucking her arms beneath its warmth. Hikari moved as if in search for something—for his body perhaps. Ran cannot lay with her. he just stood there for a pathetic while, memorizing the fleeting peacefulness her sleep gave her.

"I'll be back," he softly says.

he withdrew his hand from feeling her cheek, tearing his eyes off her frame as he walked over to the bathroom. he winced as he removed the bandages that wrapped around his chest, momentarily cringing at his reflection.

his face had been given generosity with the small cuts, his body the same but with bigger wounds. it felt like the ugliness inside him manifested physically and he genuinely thought:

how could she still love me?

she'd spent the time of her slumber hugging him. how could she?

after taking a shower, he dressed into his usual suit. he didn't bother with a tie. then as he left their room, a sudden thought crossed his mind. what if she left while he was out? he knew that was highly possible.

still, his feet carried him on. if he comes back to an empty house then be it. he was giving her a chance.

he opened the door to Rindou's room, not at all surprised to find his idiot, injured brother wallowing in alcohol. not that he wouldn't turn to alcohol when he feels fucked up, he just hates the sight of it now, unconsciously blaming it for half the hurtful words he'd told her last night.

"let's go," Ran tells him.

Rin chuckled, took a chug, wiped his mouth, then grinned at him.

"to the cemetery? you'll burry me alive?"

"I'm taking you to our old house," the older monotonously says, leaning on the doorframe. "recover and rest there, when you're well, go to a different branch."

"if I don't?"

"you'll see."

"you'll kill me?"

"perhaps," Ran sighed.

even the blind, the deaf, and the emotionless could figure out how empty and soulless Ran was. he was like an empty bottle of the fanciest-looking wine. it was beautiful yes, but did the world want anything to do with it? not anymore.

"let's go while she isn't up yet."

Rin looked at him quietly then avoided his eyes.

"I loved her."

"excuse me?" Ran almost scoffed. he thought he'd dried of blood but here it was, boiling at his brother's audacity.

"I really, really love Hikari, Ran. you of all people would get it. what she does to you—to your head—to your heart, Ran. it fucks me up, it fucks everyone up. I just want her so much sometimes I think I'm better off dead if I can't have her."

"if you wish for death I could arrange that."

"are you not hearing a word I said?!" Rin screamed. "she is the love of my life, just like she is yours. have you even tried putting yourself in my shoes? I was just your back-up, damn it."

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