15 - fever dream

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Hikari half woke up shivering, the girl unconsciously snuggling closer into the warmth beside her. her warmth was a breathing, naked man, and she buries her face in his chest, pulling the covers tighter around them.

so cold.

she feels him pull her closer in his sleep, but she just can't feel warm enough.

"are you okay?" a voice asks, and she felt like opening her eyes to look at his face.

she groggily moans, tangling her legs in his. "it's so cold," she whines.

"you're burning up, Hikari."

some time after, they both slipped into unconsciousness again, bodies pressed and legs intertwined. it had been a long night.

merely hours later, Hikari woke up again, the coldness deep in her bones. she opened her eyes to find Ran's face nested in her chest, his arms tight around her waist. it was already morning, and she felt the night's toil weigh heavily on her body. she felt beat up, and sore, and everything was just aching.

her eyes still wished for sleep, but her body had gotten used to waking up early to cook breakfast. cook breakfast for Rin.


she'd forgotten him the entire night. Hikari looks down at Ran's sleeping face, serene and gentle. her fingers move to stroke his hair, making him unconsciously nuzzle his face against her skin.

he had cried last night, and she still doesn't know what was wrong. but more importantly, she'd told him she loved him—they made love. all night. until dawn. in his bed, in the kitchen, in the living room.

her already hot face burned in embarrassment. she tries to slightly move, careful to not wake Ran up, but a pain jolts down from her shoulder. after inspecting it with her hand, she looks back to find dried blood. Ran had bit her.

my god.

she pitied her body so much, it seemed tasting a bit of Ran came with consequences of its own.

Hikari sighs, pulling Ran closer as she kisses his forehead. it was a good thing she loved him, or else she'd really kick him off the bed for the damage he's done.

he stirs in her arms, and she feels him move his face to kiss her neck.

"you're up?" she asks.

he hums, a deep tremor in his voice as he pulls away. he smiled at her, his face against the early morning light causing a rupture in her heart.

"thank you for the best sleep of my life, Hikari." and he sounded like he meant every word.

her heart must be tired from all the overwork last night, but here it was on a frenzy once again because of the man before her.

"go easy on me, Ran," she teasingly says, pulling his face to peck his lips.

much to her dismay, he pulls away from her all too quickly. he got off the bed, picking up his robe from the floor as he concealed his body from her sight.

"where are you going?"

"I think you're sick."

"I'm not."

he shakes his head as she motions to get up, his hand pushing her back down the bed.

"I'll come back to wash you, just stay put."

Ran disappears into the bathroom, hearing Hikari scowl as he went. the girl only rubs at her face. she did feel sick, she thought as she rolled in the covers. it wasn't the best idea, every fiber of her muscles screamed at her to freeze.

Corpse Bride || Haitani Brothers/OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora