How Could She? (Book 2.0) - I...

By SMMarie11

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Copyright © 2021 S.M.Marie
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Nine

2.3K 144 8
By SMMarie11


Liv is still in a coma. I watch her every day as her stomach grows and the twins come closer to term. She's eight months now and bigger than ever with these twins. Her brain swelling went entirely down three weeks ago, and we don't know why she hasn't woken. They were able to close her skull back and soon removed the stitches and bandages. Her leg has also fully recovered, and she is no longer in a cast. Just a small scar is in its place.

Her hair has grown a lot, and it's so beautiful and shiny. She hasn't gained much weight except for the twins, which have her stomach swollen now. When her heart increased that day, we all thought she would finally wake. But it never happened, and here we are eight weeks later, and she still hasn't opened her eyes.

I sometimes find myself wondering what if she never does. Does she want me to keep her on the machines, or would she want me to let her go? Her boss or friend or ex whatever you want to call her, Lacey, made Roger aware that Olivia signed a DNR. None of us were aware of this and technically she was supposed to be pulled off of life support months ago when the agency found out she was in a coma. The one thing or should I say two things keeping Olivia alive were our babies. With two lives thriving inside of my wife the DNR couldn't be enacted, giving Olivia time to hopefully come out of the coma.

I have faith in her but there is still a chance that once our babies are born that she does wake and...

I shake the thought and continue to get dressed. Today the entire family is coming to the new house. It has been completed, so I wanted them all to be there. I designed the house the way Olivia used to talk about her dream home growing up. She was very simple, hated clutter, and wanted everything to be white and scream squeaky clean.

I lowkey thought she had OCD. But never called her out on it. She Loved glossy marble floors and ceiling tall windows. She had a weird taste for art. She loved The Avengers and loved how they would permanently somehow save the world. I put a few of them around the house for when she wakes. I know she would love it. Instead of 2 ovens, I gave her four to burn our house down with. I chuckle at the thought. "What's so funny?" I hear Dad ask

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how much she would love the house," I say, standing up.

"I know she will; you did an amazing job."

"Thanks, dad" she pulls me into a hug, and I relax into it.

"The family is starting to pull in. you ready?" she asks, looking out the window and then back to me. I nod and follow her downstairs.

I'm greeted by a bunch of soft hugs and smiles. Mom and Aunty Jay cooked for everyone, and the smell from it filled the air.

"Aunty Ray!" all the kids yell, tackling me to the floor. Ten bad kids are suffocating me, and I lift a few off as they giggle.

The party consists of Mom, Dad, Addy, and Macy, their four kids, Camden and Miguel and their daughter, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jayda, Uncle Benjamin, Layla, her wife, and 2 kids Mia, her husband and son, Uncle Roger and Aunt Tracy, Oliver and his daughter, Olly, Mrs. Lewis and Jessie, and Gina with her wife and four kids. Jason and Kim. And, of course, for the second time, Olivia is not listed. The thought of her not being here clouds my mind, but I am soon pulled out when a baby is placed in my lap.

"Hi, Ethan!! How are you, little man?" he starts making spit bubbles, and I smile at him.

"This will be you soon, Ray," Macy says

I sigh. "Yeah, I know. I'm excited for the twins." I smile but don't let it reach my ears. They know not to bring Olivia up as much, so they don't harp on the subject.

"I love the floors. And the ovens are to die for," Macy says.

"What? did you see the wine cooler in the kitchen. Since I'm no longer pregnant, I'm going to go ransack that baby right now," Addy says, dismissing herself.

We both start laughing, and I look at Macy. "Are you two wanting anymore?"

She nods. "Yeah, Addy is done having them from her body, so we're going with adoption."

"Wow, that's a big step."

"Yeah, she sees them every day struggling at work. It's only right we do what we can to help one of them, at least. If we could more, we would. But our house is getting full."

I start laughing and bouncing Ethan on my lap. "You got that right."

Evelyn comes to her mother with Mandy and Mason and asks if she could make their food. She takes Ethan off my hands, and I turn to see Olivia's mother and father. I get up, walk towards them, and then they give me a shy smile as I hug them. "How are you holding up?"

"Alright. I should be asking you she's your daughter."

They both smile. "Honey, you have known her for the same amount of time we have. It's just as hard on the both of us." Roger says.

I nod my head. "She'll wake, Rayden. We have to trust that," her mother says.

I smile because I know we have to stay optimistic even if she's been in a coma for six months. They hug me again, and I walk away to converse with the rest of the party. It's soon coming to an end, and I step up in front of everyone, clinking my glass for their attention. I clear my throat before beginning.

"I'd like to thank everyone for coming... I know you are all my family, whether it be bloodline, marriage, or friendship." I see everyone looking around and smiling at one another. "I asked you here to witness the first look at mine and Olivia's new home. Phew, it was a lot of work building this." They all start laughing, knowing I did nothing but tell the builders what to do. "I'm kidding I owe my gratitude to my construction team." They clap again and my smile begins to fade thinking of her again. "Olivia..." I take a second to breathe. "Everything in this home, from the floor to the ceilings, was the dream she had when thinking of a home for us, and I know we all wish that she could have been here to enjoy this with us today." I wipe the tear that has escaped

"There is one last request I ask from all of you before this amazing party is over. Come with me to bring it to my wife. Show her the love she would be receiving on this day had she woken up already. I want you guys to all to have faith that she will wake and hope for her to have a full recovery" They all nod and raise their glasses. I smile at the crowd.

"I love you all so much" I love you's are said back from everyone, and I step down, walking into a crowd of hugs.

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