screw you - fred weasley

By stories000007

63.2K 1.4K 127

a fred weasley love story. very slow burn status: ongoing warning: mature language and mature themes no sm... More

|Part i|
~Part ii.~
~twenty one.~
~twenty two.~
~twenty three.~
~twenty four.~
~twenty five.~
~twenty six.~
(Part iii.)
(twenty seven.)
(twenty eight.)
(twenty nine.)
(thirty one.)
(thirty two.)
(thirty three.)
(thirty four.)
(thirty five.)
(thirty six.)
(thirty seven.)
[Part iv.]
[thirty eight.]
[thirty nine.]
[forty one.]
[forty two.]
[forty three.]
[forty four.]
[forty five.]
[forty six.]
[forty seven.]
[forty eight.]
[forty nine.]
<Part v.>
<fifty one.>
<fifty two.>
<fifty three.>
<fifty four.>
<fifty five.>
<fifty seven.>
<fifty eight.>
<fifty nine.>
<sixty one.>
<sixty two.>
<sixty three.>
•Part vi.•

<fifty six.>

199 5 0
By stories000007

IT had been a month. One month since Ellie and Fred broke up. And it felt like it had happened a day ago.

The last time Ellie even talked to Fred was at that party. Sure she had seen him around but it wasn't the same. It was never going to be the same.

Ellie looked over at the Gryffindor table and Anthony looked at her.

"Staring isn't going to solve all of your problems." Anthony stated.

"Shut up." Ellie shot.

"I'm just saying." Anthony mumbled, then looked at her again. "So, are you over him?"

Ellie looked up at him and sighed.

"Anthony, you know that I will always love Fred. Whether it's romantically or platonically. But It may take a bit longer." Ellie explained and Anthony just gave her a small nod.

"So, we should head back to our common room then." Anthony said as he stared at Ellie's plate and noticed she had also finished her dinner.

"I can't, I have to go to the library." Ellie explained and Anthony nodded.

"Okay well I'll see you later. Brandon wants to have a meeting." Anthony advised.

"He hates those." Ellie explained.

"Then it's important." Anthony stated and Ellie rolled her eyes.

She hated when he was right.

Ellie got up with her bag and started to walk to the library. However, she stopped and decided to go somewhere else.

She started to go to the Slytherin common room.

As she walked in she found exactly who she was looking for.


Blaise looked up at her and gave a small smile.

"Hey stranger." Blaise greeted her and Ellie smiled.

"Hey." Ellie said and then sat next to him.

Then Blaise's cat Noir jumped in her lap.

"He missed you." Blaise stated.

"I'm aware." Ellie spoke.

Then Blaise looked at her.

"So, what do you need help with?" Blaise asked.

"I don't need help. I just wanted to talk to you." Ellie explained and Blaise nodded.

"How are you? I heard about Fred." Blaise asked.

"I'm better. It still hurts." Ellie exclaimed.

"I bet. So do I have to beat the jerk up or does Theo have it covered?" Blaise asked and Ellie rolled her eyes.

"That's not necessary and Theo isn't going either." Ellie explained.

"You two have gotten pretty close." Blaise spoke.

"We have." Elle said.

"Do you think you would give him another try?" Blaise asked.

Ellie gave Blaise a look.

"Honestly, I don't think I could see myself loving him romantically. Platonically sure. But, if I was dating him I probably wouldn't be happy. And I'm sure now he feels the same." Ellie explained.

"How do you know he feels the same?" Blaise queried.

"Because I know Theo." Ellie said.

Blaise smiled at her.

"So. Have you done the herbology yet?" Blaise asked and Ellie rolled her eyes.

"I'm not giving you the answers." Ellie exclaimed.

Blaise chuckled then looked at Ellie.

"What about Mace Milburn?" Blaise asked.

"What about him?" Ellie queried. She knew where this was going.

"It's obvious he likes you. But do you like him?" Blaise asked her and she started to fiddle with her fingers.

"Blaise, Fred and I broke up a month ago." Ellie spoke.

"That's not answering my question." Blaise stated and Ellie felt her heart beat a bit faster.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't like him. But I know that a part of me still loves Fred." Ellie explained.

Blaise just thought for a moment.

"Don't hide your feelings just because of how you think it will impact others." Blaise told her and Ellie just sighed.

"I just don't want things to get messy. Besides, doesn't Daphne fancy him?" Ellie asked.

"No, she thinks he's attractive. If anything she probably fancies Chase. But they haven't talked much." Blaise explained.

"What do you mean they haven't talked much?" Ellie asked.

"Well the only time Chase comes here now is to tutor Astoria. He used to come all the time. Now he only comes with you." Blaise advised.

"Oh." Ellie spoke then looked at the clock. "I should probably go. Brandon wants to have a Ravenclaw meeting."

"Bye Ellie." Blaise spoke.

Then Ellie looked down at her lap.

"Right." Blaise spoke. "Noir come here!"

The cat gave Blaise a look but then walked over to him.

"Bye Blaise." Ellie spoke, and started to leave.


"NO way, absolutely not!" Brandon shouted.

"Well Brandon, that's really our only choice. You're leaving this year and someone has to take over being quidditch captain." Rosie protested.

"But I love quidditch!" Brandon exclaimed.

"Why are we still fighting about this? Move on to the next topic." Rosie shot and Brandon glared at her.

"Right, we need to figure out this entire situation that revolves around Prefects." Brandon explained.

"So can people who aren't Prefects go?" Jane Hankel queried.

"Not yet Jane. It turns out that we aren't allowed to suggest anymore." Brandon advised.

"That's rubbish! It's tradition." Anthony shouted.

"I know, but it's one of Umbridge's rules." Brandon stated.

"I never thought I could hate anyone more than Snape. But she makes Snape seem like a good person compared to her." Micheal spoke.

"That's rude." Rosie spoke.

"Well you've never had detention with her! My hand still hurts." Micheal explained.

"I still have a scar." Anthony stated and showed Ellie his hand.

"Look, I know we all don't like her but we can't change anything. We're all stuck with her." Brandon explained.

"Are we done now?" Jane asked.

"Yes Jane, we're done now. But next time don't ask so much or I'll stop inviting you." Brandon exclaimed.

"That's exactly what I want!" Jane shot.

"Okay, you're obviously on your time of the month." Brandon muttered.

"Excuse me!" Jane shot and Rosie smacked the back of Brandon's head.

"Ow!" Brandon shouted.

"You'll be fine." Rosie stated.

Ellie looked at the three with a concerned look and Anthony looked at her.

"So, guess what." Anthony spoke.

"What?" Ellie queried.

"I have a date!" Anthony smiled.

"Really? With who?" Ellie asked.

"That I can't say." Anthony said.

"Hey! You can't say that and then not tell me!" Ellie spoke.

"Sorry I swore!" Anthony said with a smile.

"Fine." Ellie spoke. "When is it?"

"That's for me to know and for you to not know." Anthony smirked.

"You're obnoxious." Ellie spoke.

"Why thank you." Anthony replied.

Ellie walked over to Rosie, Brandon, and Jane. They were still arguing.

"Okay fine I'm sorry!" Brandon shot.

"I don't forgive you." Jane shot and Brandon groaned.

"Brandon, shouldn't you be patrolling?" Rosie queried.

Brandon looked over at the clock and his eyes widened.

"Shoot! I'll see you girls later. Bye." Brandon spoke and started to run away.

"He needs to get more organized." Rosie said.

Ellie shrugged.

"I don't know, I think that's what makes Brandon, Brandon. He just does what he does." Jane said.

"You're right Jane." Ellie said.


"FRED, are you sure?" George asked.

"I'm sure. Besides Lee said that Brandon's patrolling today. I can't even look at any of the Smith's right now." Fred explained.

"Okay, I'll see you later Freddie." George spoke and Fred nodded.

Fred watched as George left and sighed.

Then Harry walked down the stairs and looked at Fred. Fred just gave the boy a glare.

"Fred, you can't still be mad?" Harry spoke.

"Of course I'm still mad!" Fred shot.

"Well then you should know I'm not sorry for what I did. And there's a Dumbledore's Army meeting tomorrow." Harry exclaimed and walked back up the stairs.

Then Mace Milburn walked in and Fred glared at him.

"What did I do now?" Mace queried.

"Nothing. I just don't like you." Fred shot.

"Look, if you're trying to blame me for whatever happened with Ellie then you're a fool." Mace spoke.

"Well too late because I am. If you had never talked to her in the first place I wouldn't have gotten jealous." Fred exclaimed.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten jealous in the first place." Mace said, and then started to walk up the stairs.

He always hated Mace ever since Mace came to Hogwarts. He remembered when Mace got sorted he had a cocky look on his face and since then he became many peoples problems. Mostly the Prefects. This year was the most Fred had ever dealt with him.

And it drove him insane.

Mace was bringing out the worst in him. At least he only had a few months left of this stupid school. Then he can go start the shop with George.

And he'll finally be at his happy place. And at the place he had wanted to be since he was eight.


ELLIE looked at the clock and sighed. She had just got in bed and was bored out of her mind. She didn't want to read because she didn't want to spend the entire night reading. It was also past curfew so the only thing she could really do was either lay there. Or she could talk to Jane.

That sounded like the better option.

Ellie got up and went to Jane's bed. It was the furthest from hers considering they still weren't friends in the beginning of the year.

Ellie walked over and saw that Jane's curtains were still open and that there were papers scattered all
over her bed.

"What are you doing?" Ellie asked.

"Just organizing my notes. I want to get ready for exams." Jane stated.

"But those are months away." Ellie said.

Jane then looked at her.

"You're kidding? You would've had this done already." Jane stated.

"Oh it is. I organize my notes for each topic. I'll just study about a month beforehand." Ellie explained.

Jane nodded and looked down.

"I suppose I can do this tomorrow." Jane then moved her papers so Ellie could sit. "What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing." Ellie lied.

"Ellie, as much as we haven't talked for a bit we do share the same dorm and we were best friends. I can tell when something is on your mind, you would've been asleep by now if you weren't thinking." Jane stated.

"That's not true." Ellie spoke.

"You usually fall asleep when your head hits the pillow." Jane said.

Ellie sighed.

Jane knew how to get things out of her.

"Well I was talking to Blaise earlier and he started to talk about how I was with the break up." Ellie said and then looked at Jane. "Then he started to ask me about Theo."

"You mean the jerk?" Jane asked.

"He was a jerk. He's cool now. Anyways, I said that I could never love Theo romantically." Ellie exclaimed.

"But that's not what's bothering you?" Jane queried and Ellie shook her head.

"Then he asked about Mace Milburn." Ellie said.

"Ah, the one who Fred was jealous of." Jane spoke.

"You know about that?" Ellie asked.

"Almost everyone does." Jane stated, then looked at Ellie. "You like him don't you."

"I like him. But I just started too! I would've never been with Fred if I liked someone else." Ellie exclaimed.

"I believe you. So, I don't see a problem if you like Mace and Mace clearly likes you. Why don't you go for it?" Jane asked.

"Well, I just don't want Fred to get upset. He was always paranoid over Mace. I just don't want him to feel betrayed." Ellie explained.

"You shouldn't push away your happiness for others Ellie. You know that." Jane said.

Ellie shrugged.

"We aren't even sure Mace likes me." Ellie said.

"Stop lying, he's mentioned it to you before I accidentally overheard you guys were talking about it in the common room. Besides, I heard that he started getting better with transfiguration one week after Brandon started to tutor him. Brandon tutored him for months. He came practically everyday just to see you." Jane explained.

Ellie knew that she was probably blushing.

"Jane, I just can't. It's too soon." Ellie stated.

"It's really not. Micheal started dating Ginny Weasley two weeks after we broke up." Jane explained.

"You didn't care?" Ellie asked.

"Ellie, I'm gay." Jane spoke.

"Right." Ellie said.

"But clearly it doesn't matter. Because it took him two weeks! It's fine if it's a month." Jane advised.

"I don't know." Ellie admitted.

"I just want you to be happy. You deserve it." Jane exclaimed and Ellie smiled.

"Thanks Jane." Ellie said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Jane replied.


ELLIE glanced over at the Gryffindor table and saw that Mace was looking at her. He waved at her and she gave him a small smile. Anthony looked over and laughed at the interaction.

"You're acting like a first year." Anthony said.

"Shut up." Ellie muttered, then looked over at Fred.

He was playing with his food.

"How many people have to tell you that you shouldn't feel guilty?" Anthony queried.

Ellie shrugged then Anthony just looked at her.

"Hey, who was your first kiss?" Anthony asked.

"Why?" Ellie queried.

"Just curious." Anthony admitted.

"Well his name is Adam Jones. He lives next door during the summer." Ellie told him.

"The French guy?" Anthony asked and Ellie nodded.

"Didn't he date your sister?" Anthony asked and Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Sort of. But it was before that and I didn't even like him that way. It's fine." Ellie explained.

"Your life confuses me." Anthony advised.

"Try living it." Ellie spoke.

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