Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Gir...

By AQuickSeriesOfWords

116K 2.1K 1.1K

Gojira's faced perils, fought countless battles with other godlike beings, and even the forces of Hell could... More

So I Walked Out of Hell...
Then I Fought a Bug and a Cyborg Chicken.
Training Came the Next Day...
We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day
They Needed a Place to Stay.
So I taught them about Seafood...
Her First Lesson...
Then Came the Metal Menace!
Those Three Were Rather Nosy...
We Checked Out Her Tunnel...
I Actually Played with Rocks...
I Watched Their Rematch.
Then Came the Party.
A Calm Yet Aggravating Day...
The Calm Before the World Shook.
Bonus Answers 1
The Night of Frost.
My Wrath Reignited!
I Knew Where to Strike.
My Rage Echoed Beyond!
Denied Once Again...
I Awoke Before the HEAT...
While I got a Gift...
That's When They Met...
Fights are Easier...
And of Course I Knew...
She Arrived...
And While they Were Away...
Answers 2
And Here's Where it started!
It was My Fault (Webtoon Announcement)
I Thought There Would be Peace (Patreon!)
And she Said Too Much!
But she Would be Fine...
It was Her I Worried About...

I learned something New...

2.8K 54 41
By AQuickSeriesOfWords

AN: I have a lot of momentum so I decided to go for another chapter in a row.

Changed up the Pic since I hate my old art and need to promote my upcoming webtoons. Made this beauty with J. she did the Line art and I did the colors.

And I completely forgot to mention: guys I have a SECOND comic coming out. This time it's for Old World of Darkness by White Wolf.

It's got Werewolves, fallen gods, mass Gbends like in here, harems, vampires, witches, mummies, ghouls, oh my!

And some... similar attributes to here.

I'll be making an announcement for it alongside my Kaiju Girls story when that's out.

Chapter 30 is next... and that means questions!

Public Discord Server! It's discord https//discord.gg/EJ2BJFEMC5 Come join us, we have movie nights!

My Kofi is: https:///serendipitoushousepet

Twitter: _S_H_P_ and Addict_Attic (NSFW)

I take commissions if you want. 1000 words for just $10. Email me.

Any who, please enjoy. And huge thanks to DragonkingDragneel25 as always.


"You know," Zilla muttered with her lightly bruised face in the sand, "you seem like the kind of guy who needs a stress reliever."

"This is my stress reliever," Gojira told her as he cracked his knuckles once more, "I teach you, Godzilla, and Junior discipline while relieving tension in a safe, productive way."

Zilla stood up and grunted out, "Plenty of other options for you to explore too. Ya know you can treat yourself to other stuff right?"

"Whatever, I'll take it under advisement like the rest," Gojira waved her off, though he did take a second or two to ponder.

"He isn't wrong," muttered Orga as she decided to make her presence more known, "it also allows the useful collection of battle data."

"And that's where we'll call it for a while," Zilla grumbled as she stood up, cracking her back with a quick grunt, "only one takin' medical or science notes on me is dad."

"Smart decision for once," Junior called out while she idly messed with a crab beast.

"Hey, what's that!? Lemme see," Zilla immediately rushed over to check out the creature Junior was messing with.

Gojira shook his head before turning to Orga with a distasteful look, "What do you want? You're acting more social than usual... should I be wary, ship beast?"

"No, no, I have no such motives," Orga immediately told him. Obviously, he wouldn't buy it, but she'd make due. She wanted to test Mecha's theory to the fullest. Nay, she had to, "I simply want to... bond with you a little more as the others have."

"Elaborate," Gojira wasted no time.

"Well... we never did get to finish your exam," Orga began, "And I could help with any questions you have regarding more biological functions. Perhaps we could even work out together. And we could hunt more while we're at it," the last one was thrown in hastily. She remembered Gojira's more simple tastes. The first three options were more so for herself than him and she had to remind herself to appeal to him.

"That sounds..." Gojira was about to tell her to buzz off, but realized that, in her own way, she was trying. A lot of them have been trying with him. And to be that harsh with her now would be unwarranted. And as much as he would gladly shit talk them, he should give them each a fair shot. Including Orga. Hell, he was being more amiable to Queen Ghidorah of all Kaiju. Why not Orga too, "Alright. Fine."

"Splendid," Orga's heart was pounding again. But in a good way, "Would you be interested in doing that now?"

"Later. I need some me time," Gojira told her as he began to lay down, "until then, go watch the metal menace."

Orga folded her arms and asked, "Gigan or Mecha?"


She shrugged and went on with her newly assigned task, leaving Gojira to sunbathe in peace.

Meanwhile, Junior had watched them with narrowed eyes. She saw the aliens starting to make more moves, including Orga too. She definitely didn't trust her nature, all that science stuff. Ignoring Zilla's pained hiss from the crab pinching her nose, she decided to get the others back on track. She had a feeling Anguirus made a move. She knows Rodan already did, there was no way she didn't by now.

So that left Queen Caesar.

"Hey, where are you goin'?" Junior did her best to keep her serious expression intact after listening to Zilla talk with a pinched nose.

After a small outburst of restrained laughter, she cleared her throat and turned back to tell her, "Grown Kaiju stuff. Just keep playing with the crabs and I'll tell you later."

"How old do you think you - ow!" Another crab blindsided her and pinched her right on the tip of the tail, "Oh that's it! It's go time, you crustacean creeps!"

After watching Zilla roll away in her scuffle, Junior briefly lost it, laughing, "What a dummy!" before getting herself together and marching straight towards Queen Caesar's tree. She saw her up there, lounging about casually as Orga worked her way into Gojira's defenses.

It made her sick. She was way too lazy.

With small grunts, Junior began climbing up, intent on biting her tail like she used to. The way it gently swishes back and forth within biting distance made it the perfect target. Just as she was about to take a chomp, it moved away and Queen Caesar brought her head down to tiredly ask, "any particular reason you're looking to maim my limb again?"

"Gah! Junior had to scramble to regain herself and cling on the tree. After a quick sigh of relief, she let out a harsh whisper, "What are you doing? Did you not see that?"

Queen Caesar cocked her head to the side, "See what?"

"Don't play dumb," Junior hissed as the older Kaiju picked her up and sat her down on the branch next to her, "That Orga chick just made some moves."

"She did... that was rather awkward," Queen Caesar had to pause for a moment, "Then again, what hasn't been awkward lately?"

"Exactly and deep down, it's probably endearing to him," Junior stressed on the word endearing, "you know, Zilla told me she was suggesting stress relief to the big guy. Maybe you could introduce him to some more. You are the most laid back of us."

"I, well, maybe," Mumbled Queen Caesar as she took a moment to think about it. There was something that's been on her mind for a while, but was rather ancient. And it was a bit touchy. Literally.

But considering her own interest and Gojira's current attitude, it only made sense to at least try, didn't it?

"I see your planning," Junior was wiggling her eyebrows, "now's a good time. No trouble, at least for a little. Aliens are in line, no other Kaiju around this stir up trouble."

"Hmm..." Queen Caesar thought it up for a little while longer until she snapped her fingers, "Alright kid, you got me again. Hop on my back."

"Yes," After a fist pump, she hopped right on Queen Caesar's back right before they hopped down. light on her feet as a feather, the cat Kaiju landed with barely any sound... by kaiju standards. Once she let Junior off, she decided to head over and rest beside the male.

He opened one eye, expecting her to say something. When she didn't, he just went back to his beauty rest.

"Hey, Gojira... I need to ask you something important," Queen Caesar began.

He squirmed a bit, "What is it?"

"You have any free time later tonight?"


Mecha narrowed her optics at the coast line until she hit the very target of her scanners, "Aha, there it is."

She brought up her arms and activated a minor magnet function. She aimed it right for that area of the detected metal and something quickly went flying until she lowered the strength to gently bring it into her palm. It was tiny, but her eyes were good enough to see the finer details.

"Aaaaagh! Oh goodness, oh my!" Shouted the human sized droid. It unfurled from it's odd capsule position and began trying to run around, trying to find some escape route or even make one if need be. But it was too high up and there was no way it was going towards the shoulder.

"What the hell, you're a tiny ass bot," mumbled Mecha as she carefully took it between her thumb and index finger to give it a closer look, "what the double hell, you're made of GDF tech!"

"Please don't scrap me!" The robot continued to plead, holding up its hands like it was pleading to a goddess.

"Scrap you!?" Mecha practically laughed. She also enjoyed the look of fear and reverence on it, "You assume because I'm a giant metal monster, I'd hurt you on the spot!? That's actually hurtful," she took a moment to put her hand on her chest and spook as if she was some noble gentle lady, "all robot lives are precious. Not like you're some stupid fleshbag creature or whatever. They don't have souls."

"Oh, please, giant, I have a little boy at home!" The robot continued.

That caught Mecha off and she had an important question to ask, "He made of metal?"

"He looks soft, but he's a sturdy young man," The look of fear ceased and the robot spoke like some doting mother. With pride in her child, "My little Craven may be a bit messy, shy, and sometimes a bit nerdy, but I couldn't be more proud of him."

Mecha blinked for a sec before narrowing her eyes at nothing, "Huh, kinda feelin' jealous now," she immediately shrugged and said, "eh, nothing a good old fashioned violent outburst and petty crimes couldn't solve."

"Violence is never the answer, young lady," now the robot was getting too comfortable and Mecha swung her around for a bit, "Aaagh! Aaagh!"

"Not with that software, it isn't," Mecha muttered before placing the shaking bot on her shoulder, "look, what's your name-"

The robot placed a hand on its chest as it introduced itself, "I am N. I. G. E. L. -"

"Yeah, cool," Mecha cut off, "Look, acronym, I'm gonna keep you for a bit. I need some companionship around this organic pump and dump factory... preferably one that can't backstab me and another that can't turn me off."

"What?" Nigel began to scoot away as far as he could.

Mecha coughed into hand before chirping, "Don't worry, you're in trustworthy hands."

"But what about my objective," Nigel always kept his primary task at the first and utmost priority despite the personality alteration.

Mecha gave him a dumbfounded glance before rolling her eyes, "I'm not a freakin' philosopher. What will you do when the sun explodes or the oil runs out? Not my problem, that's for sure. But luckily we've got some time to kill."

"That isn't what I meant..." mumbled the startled robot. And all of this was being broadcast to HEAT.


"Oh crap," Muttered Craven as he took in the sight of a desolate patch of rainforest and bottomless tunnel in the center. It was rather small by giant monster standards, but still big enough to warrant fear from the scientist, "we got another burrowing Kaiju Girl to worry about now."

"And it looks like Nigel is compromised," Monique hissed while checking her phone before letting out a quick profanity in French. randy had messaged her. She glared at Nick and told him, "if we lose that robot, it will cost you a fortune. And I mean you specifically."

"Noted," Nick muttered before he turned back to the tunnel with a light glare, "but for now, we need to handle one problem at a time. The fact Nigel wasn't smashed yet means we've got time. Gonna be a little harder to contact Zilla though if things get dire."

"For now," Elise said as she finished carefully collecting some mucus samples, "you think it's still just this big?"

"Not sure," Nick kept studying the surrounding area, "what we do know is that the creature is apparently going after areas with certain plants. At least that's what they say. Come one," he stood up and led his group to an RV, "I got a message. The current generalissimo wants to see us."

"Hnn... kinda wary of him," Elise, with a grunt, held up her case of samples, "I hear the guy has a bit of a rep. Especially after a Kaiju related incident hit him too hard on the noggin."

"Yeah, be sure to bring it up," Nick's sarcasm earned him the bird from his colleague, "but that's good to know. Come on, let's do our best to play ball with the guy at least."

Craven sighed out, "And get ready to deal with another slimy, burrowing Kaiju chick."


The sun was setting on the island, Mothra and Godzilla arriving just as the others were winding down. Everyone was pretty much scattered around the island and doing their own things. Only Anguirus remained on the beach, laying on her belly with her tail a bit raised up in the air.

"Hey, Cyka," Anguirus waved, "how was your little vacation with the missus?"

"So good I almost didn't want to come back," Godzilla replied with a cheeky smirk of her own while Mothra shook her head and went to the den, letting the two have time to themselves, "it looks like you guys managed to behave yourselves."

Anguirus chuckled as she stood "Eh, we managed to keep him under control. He was too busy pounding Zilla into the sand."

"Gross," Godzilla grumbled as she pushed her friend back down, making her roll a bit on her back until she was back up on all fours, "and annoying. She try to throw her weight around on Junior or any of you?"

"If anything, it was the other way around," Anguirus laughed boisterously, "seriously, she's getting a bit big for her britches. Seems bit bigger in general too now that i think about it."

Godzilla had to softly laugh at that. What else could she expect from her daughter, "good. She got it from me."

"And a bit of him," Anguirus chuckled. When Godzilla gave her a small look of scrutiny, she shrugged, "it's true though. She really has got a bit of his fire in her eyes. You do too."

"Hmm... yeah," Godzilla muttered. She still had to keep thoughts of her mom out of her head and that uncanny resemblance. She put those away for a surprisingly long time, especially with everything happening at once. GDF hasn't used her still, so that was good. She really did want to just march down there and lay her to rest.

One day, but not today.

Instead, she just focused on the jovial talk at hand to keep the spirits p, "So, you and Megalon really starting to buddy buddy up huh. So I'd be jealous?"

Anguirus let out a snort and shook her head, "Eh, wouldn't go that far."


"Heh... no, too shiny... too dull... pretty big, but not jagged enough... him, maybe this..."

"Oi, escarabajo," Megalon turned to see none other than Rodan flying over her, "what the hell are you doing?"

"Rocks. I'm trying to pick rocks," Megalon stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "what, are you flying?"

"Oh, someone's getting a smart mouth," Rodan now sat cross legged above her, adding to her condescension, "luckily for you, I'm in a good mood."

"You are?" That was a genuine question.

Perplexed, Rodan asked a question herself, "It isn't obvious?"

"No," Megalon told her while still looking for a good rock. She believed she found one, "Yes, this will suffice."

Rodan narrowed her eyes at that display, "You building a nest?"

"He might be... wait, no!" Megalon immediately shook her head and kicked away a few of the rocks, "Uh, anyway, what do you want? I'm not giving rocks to just anyone!"

"Puta, I-" Rodan rubbed her temples and took a breath, "I'm not here for that. I gotta rant to someone. And you've clearly got nothing better to do."

"Yes... yes, I do," Now Megalon just sounded swiftly went to aggravated as her hands spun and wings twitched.

But Rodan ignored her and decided to go on her rant as she came down, "There's been so much human interference here lately. It's getting kind of worrying. Like we're getting too chummy."

"Then just yell at them," Megalon grumbled, "That's what I did when my people got too chummy and asked for stupid stuff sometimes. Like snacks."

"But that's the fuckin problem. The Pendejos just don't listen most of the time. And it doesn't help this new Zilla chick is bringing a crew near her," Rodan was pacing back and forth before kicking a rock, "I swear, the new Zillas have to always bring something in."

"They bring good stuff mostly," Megalon began ticking at her mask as started to list off her points, "Me, my claw buddy, hurting Ghidorah's pride. Orga's stupid scientific junk."

"And it always come at a price," Rodan turned in the direction of the lava pits and looked wistful, "sometimes it makes me want to just go back to Mexico and return to my volcano in peace. locals be damned. Again."

"Yeah," Megalon nodded before an idea popped into her head, "want me to renovate a lava pit for you?"

Rodan was confused by the offer. She mulled it over then shrugged, "Sure, why not? Make it feel more homely. And Anguirus has been busy with her own home work."

"I know, she lets me help," Megalon told her with a hint of pride that made Rodan roll her eyes, "aside from Gigan, she makes me feel useful. I like it."

Rodan shivered and held her hands "Alright, alright, come on. Ay dios mio, don't get sappy while you're at it."

Megalon scratched behind her head, "Sappy?"

XXXXX (Lewd Warning)

Gojira took a deep sigh as he walked over to the volcanic openings. Queen Caesar was already there, stripped bare and lounging in the volcanic depths with a sake bottle by her side. He walked over to her, "Alright... here I am. So..."

"So, take off your clothes," She told him with her eyes closed and a smirk on her face.

"Okay," Gojira began to get naked and his mind began to wonder. Something felt off here. Different from all the other times he was nude in front of the others. An "atmospheric shift" he had to bring up, "This feels different."

"It's the context I suppose. It happens," she casually replied with a shrug as he got in the lava pool, "Want any Sake? You're not getting too much though. You need to be sober for this," she wiggled her eyebrows rather suggestively.

"Hnn... no," Gojira decided he wanted his mind fully functioning for whatever Queen Caesar planned. As far as he saw, she was giving him a warning for whatever shenanigans may ensue. Or something more genuine.

"Alright. Now, come here," Caesar gestured with her index finger. He scooted over, but they were well a few feet part, "Closer," he scooted over a little more, "Closer," a few inches. She rolled her eyes and moved over herself, pretty much rubbing shoulders with him, "there, better. Now we're where we need to be. Come here."

Slowly, Queen Caesar brought their heads together into a soft kiss. After the other two times for him with the others, this didn't feel abnormal. But he did have to wonder why this happened, why they did what they did. It was strange. Not negative, but still strange.

"Hmm," Gojira rumbled after, though he was still greatly unsure of what was happening. Queen Caesar began feeling him up, trailing her right hand down his arms until she reached his stomach. Then she started moving lower and lower, "What the hell?"

"Easy there, big guy," Queen Caesar held up her other hand and softly spoke, "Tell me something, do you know what mating is?"

"Of course," Gojira was a little insulted by such a question. He wasn't born yesterday. He made a small gasp, however, once he felt her take a firm grip on his length, "But, hn, how's that relevant to what you're doing?"

With a small grin, she began moving the hand up and down, quickly bringing that front tail of his to attention, "But do you know what it's for?"

"For making offspring," he meant to sound dry and annoyed by these obvious inquiries, but that was surprisingly hard to do with Queen Caesar softly pumping him, "why?"

"Cause you don't know the full picture," Queen Caesar slowly shifted to be directly in front of him and rose a bit to give him a full view of her bare chest, "for some species, it's actually recreational and can be used for a myriad of things. Like bonding. And stress relief. Or, in this case, both."

Gojira mumbled, getting a little more relaxed as she went on, "strange... you didn't open with the second part."

"Yeah, I guess I didn't," Queen Caesar shrugged and switched to a solid two handed grip. She was incredibly dexterous, massaging and stroking all over him.

"Hn... what is this then? Shouldn't I be inside of you," Gojira wondered aloud. Were it not for this new sensation, he wouldn't have asked.

"Woah, eager!" Queen Caesar giggled. But she shook her head, "but no. I know you're the type who needs someone to hold your hand... or at least this," For emphasis, she gave him a few more forceful, yet still soft, and she whistled "Yeah, Ghidorah wasn't kidding. That's a solid cock right there, my friend."

"Your hands are... soft," Gojira muttered, now completely enthralled, so unused to this type of physical contact. Queen Caesar had told hold back on a comment and keep from letting him know she now knew of a "strong attack" on him.

"Not the only thing on me that's soft. Here," She pointed at her chest with one hand for a moment and told him, "go ahead, don't be shy. Feel 'em up."

"Don't give me commands," Gojira growled at her, though it was a more husky and lust filled growl. She was working him over, from his balls to the tip of his rock hard cock. But he would not, could not, be outdone.

He reached up and dug his hands into the soft pillows that were her breasts and gave them a soft squeeze. They were so malleable, yet firm. They were so amusing for him to press and jostle around, "There ya go, mmm," and to Queen Caesar, it was an arousing sensation itself. A trait to be handled this way, even by a novice, "But you're no power top... not yet."

Make sense," he mumbled, "I am power, hn, and... er, always on top," Gojira was trying his damndest to sound challenging.

"That's the thing about you, so much unnecessary aggression and need to compete," She gasped a little at the end of her sentence when he gave her another good squeeze, "Sometimes, you just got to lean back and enjoy the warmth of others. No fighting, no competing, just relaxing. Like this."

"Grrr... Caesar..." He rumbled as they went on. Hearing him call her name like that started to make her inner beast rile up a bit. She knew this wasn't Gojira's territory in the slightest, but she still didn't think he would end up practically moaning her name like that. Or at all.

And she had to hand it to him, he was doing pretty well handling her girls. She thought she would pretty much have to have some healing herbs ready, but he knew how to apply his strength. And tone it down when needed.

Queen Caesar suddenly came in closer and whispered in his ear, "You still haven't cum yet, huh?"

"Cum?" He breathed out.

"Okay, bear with me some more," Queen Caesar nearly shivered with delight despite the incredible heat of the lava and their bodies pressed up like this. With a touch of reluctance, Queen Caesar let go of him before diving down.

"Wha-" Gojira didn't get to question anything before he was cut off by another tense sensation. He was feeling more than just warm now and his hard on was somehow more awake. He quickly moved his hand in the lava and felt the top of her head. She was moving around gently and he slowly came to the realization that she had him in her mouth.

And she was just as skilled with her tongue as she was her hands. He could feel it, that tongue of hers dancing on every square inch of his dick from tip to base, and when she would take as much of him as she possibly could with a big gulp.

His breath hitched when he felt her switch up and could feel her place her breasts over his cock, wrapping him up in her girl's softness once more. And she still continued to blow what was exposed through her great cleavage.

The pleasure lasted a good few minutes, which Queen Caesar found a bit surprising. She expected him to be more easy to fire off. But she supposed That was just her being arrogant. Not that she did that often.

But he would erupt incredibly soon. She could tell from the way his grip was tightening and the precum just oozing onto her taste buds. Gojira was cumming and she was hoping for a big load befitting the king.

Gojira snarled in pleasure and felt the pressure within himself. And, finally, he came. It erupted like an atomic blast, a tidal wave of cum that shot straight into the Kaiju Girl's mouth. For a second, she was about to resemble a chipmunk from all that jizz that fell into her mouth. She swallowed most of it, but had to back off and let some of it hit her in the face.

Pungent. That was the first word that hit her when she had to think of a way to describe it. And this was her first time with a male Kaiju.

Overall, not a bad experience. In fact... she was thrilled. And he didn't taste half bad. She could definitely go for another round if wanted. But first she'd let him have his moment to think.

As for Gojira, he was indeed on cloud nine. How could he not be? It felt nice. Wonderful. Another rare positive form of touch added to his super small list. Once Queen Caesar rose up from the lava with a smug smirk, he told her, "That was... actually relieving."

She winked at him before she began cleaning what clung to her face, "Figured that would help. You're welcome. Later, we can try the full thing. Unless you're feelin' up for it now."

After saying that, she immediately froze and her jaw slowly dropped. Gojira narrowed his eyes before turning around to see just what she was staring at.

It was Megalon holding a few rocks alongside Rodan. Both were like statues with unreadable expressions. The only sound now was the quiet flow of the lava around them and a few small explosions. An awkward stand off between four Kaiju. One that would change the course of history.

The very first words of this moment was Megalon's signature intelligence, "Why do you have some weird cream stuff on your face. Smells weird... does it taste good? Can I have some?"

An awkward silence persisted.

Megalon narrowed her eyes, not liking the feeling of what she perceived as herself being ignored, "don't be selfish. We are allies. If there's more, hand it over. Or else."

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