How Could She? (Book 2.0) - I...

By SMMarie11

94K 5.1K 470


Copyright © 2021 S.M.Marie
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Eighteen

2.2K 148 21
By SMMarie11


"Baby." I sit down with Mason on the floor and watch him stand and walk away. "Babyyyyy." I sigh at my wife calling me.

"What woman?" I yell, then look over at the girls coloring at the table. "Evie, watch your sister and Mase." She nods and goes back to her coloring book.

I get up and walk to the bedroom, leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed to see her with her shirt pulled up, rubbing her swollen belly and pouting. "What's wrong babe?"

"You don't love me." I sigh and walk over to her. Lying between her legs with my head on her belly.

"I love you so much Adelaide. What are you talking about?"

"Promise?" she puts her pinky up, and I laugh, locking both pinkies with hers and leaning up to kiss her lips.

"I promise."

"Good! Can you rub my feet then? Because your son is killing me."

"Of course," I say, sitting up and pulling her feet onto my lap. Addy and I got married after college. We didn't want to rush things, and we wanted to make sure I had a few years drug-free before trying for kids. I am now 15 years clean without a relapse.

My kids and wife mean the world to me, and I would never want to jeopardize my family future the way my mother did.

We tried for 2 years to get pregnant, but it was very hard for Adelaide. Finally, we had a breakthrough at age 27 when Addy got pregnant with Evelyn.

Evelyn is now 6 years old; Mandy is 4, and Mason just turned 2. Since we had the first one, all Addy wanted to do was keep having more. Which I didn't mind. Our family was growing, and I couldn't be more pleased. Elliot wasn't lying when she said Adelaide wanted multiple kids. All the kids have the same sperm donor, and we chose one with blonde hair, so they look a little like me. Regardless of them not having my blood, they are my children.

"Mmm, that feels good," she moans as I dig into her heel. "Mays, what do you think about Ray and Liv?"

I chuckle because Addy has always been involved in Rayden's love life. They have always been super close. "I love that they're back together. They have wanted to be together since they could talk. I'm just pissed that Rayden thought it would be a good ideal to sleep with Olivia while still with Chelsea."

"Yeah, that was not cool. I wanted to beat her up when she told me that shit. Chelsea did not deserve that; she was so sweet."

"She didn't but can you blame Rayden? Her and Liv have so much history."

"For cheating? Yes, I can blame her. For wanting to be with Olivia instead? No. I just wish she would have come to us when they lost the baby." I look up to my wife and she's fidgeting with her fingers. "Junie would have been a little younger than Evie."

"I know baby."

"Ugh, and I wish they would have told us about them getting married so we could have been there."

"Baby, you can barely walk. Ethan is hanging very low, and he'll be here very soon."

She starts rubbing her belly, smiling at it, "I can't wait. I miss the kids being this small."

"Ads, you have a small one out there right now walking around, screaming no at everything, and slobbering everywhere."

She grabs the pillow next to her and throws it at me. "Quit it, I can't help wanting so many." She pauses and frowns. "Is it bad that I want another after him?" she asks, looking down at her stomach.

I move the pillow and her feet off me and sit back between her legs, rubbing Ethan and looking up to her. "There is nothing wrong with that baby. I love all of our kids and as long as you want more we will continue having more."

She sighs. "Okay, just one more after Ethan... but I'm not carrying anymore. I'm too old for this."

I roll my eyes, "Baby we're only 33."

"Whatever! This vagina is tired of pushing big headed babies out. Plus, I want to adopt. I watch so many kids age out of the system with no loving parents at my job. It makes me sad," she frowns. Addy is a social worker, and I became a trauma surgeon after many years of school.

I smile at how caring she is. "Then we'll adopt next time baby." She grins big, and we hear little feet pattering through the doorway.

"Mama, Mommy we're hungry," Evie says, walking in with Mandy. I lean over, helping Mandy as they jump on the bed. Evie sits next to Addy, and Mandy sits in my lap.

"What do you want to eat, baby girl?" Addy asks, but Evie shrugs her shoulders. Her mother looks around the room a bit confused. "Where's Mason?" And right on cue, he waddles in smiling with cheese crumbs all over his mouth and a Cheetos bag in his hand.

"Where did he get that?" I ask, and we all start laughing. "Come here little man." He runs to me, and I pull him up onto the bed with us.

He sits next to me, still munching on the Cheetos. "Can I have one Mase?" mommy asks, and he nods his head and reaches up to give her one.

I smile at how cute he is. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Addy groans and I look at her a bit panicked. "What's wrong?"

She relaxes and waves her hand at me. "Just Braxton hicks again, I'm okay." She's been getting them a lot more lately. Ethan is giving her quite a bit of problems that the other three didn't. I think that may be why she doesn't want to physically give birth to anymore kids.

"Girls, come feel this," she says. They both move to put their hands on her belly, and they start giggling as the baby moves. "Do you feel that?" They both nod. "That's your little brother."

Evelyn starts rubbing her stomach and whispers, "Hi baby brother. I can't wait to see you."

Mandy nods her head vigorously, chiming in "Uh huh! Me too! I can't wait!"

Adelaide and I laugh at them and then look at Mason trying to put a Cheeto into Addy's deep belly button. "Macy, get your son before I kick him and his Cheetos off of my bed."

I fall over laughing, then grab a Cheeto out of the chip bag and help him. We both start shoving chips into the hole, and she tries to wiggle up to get them out. The girls start laughing as well.

"Mommy, you have Cheetos in your belly button," Mandy yells.

"I know baby girl. Tell your Mama to stop!" she yells

"Mama, stop! Leave mommy alone!" Our oldest yells, running across the bed and tackling me. "Get her!" Mandy yells and does the same. Both girls push me into the bed as Mason gets up, trying to join them.

"Good job babies! Get her!" Adelaide yells. I start tickling both girls' sides, and they fall off of me laughing.

"Mama, stop!" they yell.

"I can't hear you. Your brother is shoving a Cheeto in my ear! What did you say?" I ask, still tickling their small sides.

"Truce Mama. Truce!" Evie yells, and I stop tickling them, putting my hands up in defense and taking a breather from all the laughing.

I look over to Adelaide, and she's smiling at me. "I love you," she mouths.

And I mouth it back to her, moving the kids out my way to crawl over to her and give her a passionate kiss. "Ooooooo," I hear the girls scream behind us and clapping coming from Mason.

We chuckle against each other's lips before I pull away to help her up to the living room. "Let's go eat guys!" Addy yells, and they all scurry to the floor, including big boy Mason, to get food.

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