Unum Annum

By ThatUnusOrry

979 69 39

A faint ticking. You hear it wherever you go. As if there is no end. Is there an escape, or is it just an end... More

Wake up!
Tick... Tick... Tick...
The Encounter
The investigation
You're not alone
Into the closet
The Dilemma
The Black Door
The White Door
The Portal
Heehoos Pass
Gongoozlers Pond
The Abandon House (At Night)
The Hourglass
The Right Door (option 2)
Into The Hourglass
The Dark...
See you on the other side
A Wardens Visit
The Plan
Hunting For Tears
Moment Of Truth
The Last Goodbye
Come Back... (Epilogue)

The Left Door (option 1)

22 1 3
By ThatUnusOrry

    Left is the new right? Right? Well, it was decided. Touching the left door, the right door crumbled into dust beside you. (Hate to believe there was anyone behind that door. If so I guess they are doomed forever) The door handle was cool to the touch. It gave you a strange feeling, almost like an impending doom. Turning the door handle, opening it fully, revealed a large building. It was the middle of the night and it's was nothing but crumbling infrastructure around it. Most likely an old factory or something along the lines of that. There was a full moon overlooking the building. From inside, there were noises. It was unsure of exactly what was in there making the noise, but you were prepared for pretty much anything at this point. Right here, right now, it was time to go. Wasting no time, pulling out a flashing you headed into the front entrance. There was ripped signage at the front that was hard to make out what it read. It looked as if it said, "DEL MONTE - WATERMELON WING ''.  Well this had some explanation. Unus & Annus said to watch out for the guards. Perhaps the Melon Man. The best place to find him was in a place known to have melons. As for Del Monte, why would REDACTED come here, not even Mark wants to be in the same room with Del Monte. A perfect place to meet! Walking in the front foyer of the facility, all lights were off. (Probably because it no longer had power here) there were multiple hallways with many rooms branching off of each. One way spoke for itself from the directional sign above your head. " left, Melon scooping room". Following left, you make your way to this melon scooping room and the noises begin to get louder. Getting to the room's door, there was a small window to peek through. The room was indeed filled with melon rimes, and seeds all over the floor. There was a shadow in the corner. Being the most curious you could be (yet also maybe a bit dumb), knocks on the door to get its attention. A head in the corner turns, and a creature runs and rams right into the door. Well congrats! Melon man was found, and it looked like he was contained in this room for now. (If only it didn't know you were there. If only someone didn't knock on the glass.) With that being said, the main reason for being here was to find Unus Annus to make a full proof plan. You continue to keep looking.

      Walking down the seemingly never ending hallways, there was an impasse. Two heavy iron doors blocked the path. The sign above said " Top Secret. Authorized personnel only." (Of course Del Monte had secrets) It required a key card to get in, one of which you did not have. There was a small window in the door. A quick peek into the window, you can see two figures at the end of a long hall. One black, one white. It was Unus and Annus! Pounding at the door was useless, they could not hear the thuds. One thing was for sure, something else did. A snarl is behind you and started growing louder. Turning around, it was none other than the melon man. It figured a way out of the melon scooping room and was now fixated on you. Within seconds of locking eyes, it started barreling along the hallway coming to you. With almost no time to think, a dash was made to the nearest open door. Pulling it closed behind you, Melon Man ran into the door face first. It was safe for now, but the only way out of the room was a vent. With Melon Man at the door, there was no other choice. The room you were in contained a large table and chairs all around. The lintel of the door frame had a banner that stated it was a conference room. A stack of papers on the table had Markipliers name with a huge red stamp "DO NOT SPONSOR" (Well that's a bit harsh. The man was eating corn for them, and this is what he got in return?) Climbing on top of the table, you were able to reach the vent. Pulling yourself up into the vent, it was narrow and very dark. There were lights coming from the left, very faint but visible enough to make out. You proceeded to crawl that way towards the light.

Crawling as fast as possible, you come to a grate on the bottom of the vent. Taking the grate off and looking into the room, it appeared it was beyond the top secret doors. Getting ready to jump down, a thrashing sound is coming through the vents. Looking back it was once again, the Melon Man. With no hesitation you jumped down and bolted towards the door of the room. It followed. It smashed onto a table that was under the vents grate, leaving it winded for a few moments. Grabbing the door handle running through the door frame, you slam the door behind you. There was a chair sitting in the hall so it was made of use. Sliding it under the door handle now prevented Melon Man from following you. Looking down the hallway Unus and Annus were still at the very end. You run towards them as fast as possible and call their names. "Unus! Annus!" Both turned their heads in unison looking towards you now. Finally reaching them, gasping for a breath, you utter the words "Melon Man, that prick, it kept following me, I ain't no melon!" They both laugh with a smile upon their face. "Well I see someone's having fun, don't worry, he's with us, just ain't used to your scent I guess". They both grab you by an arm helping you walk into the room they were standing in front of. The doors were closed behind and locked. "Melon Man just likes to play hide and seek, don't tell him that this room hasn't got a way in or out other than that locked door though. Glad you could make it, we have much planning to do."

      While catching your breath Unus and Annus explained their findings and their plan to stop redacted. "There's unfortunately not much me and Annus can do in this situation, but we tried our best to figure a way to support you as best as possible. We know you have the hourglass and the dimensional container. Both will play a huge role in your success. The Timer and REDACTED are much too powerful in our dimension to fight, but bringing them to yours is much worse. There needs to be a common ground area that you would have the advantage."

"We have a very specific place in mind, one you know all too well... There's a hidden place inside our dimension called "the spiral staircase". It is a room that contains a never ending staircase that has a spiral in every direction. Its purpose is for keeping someone there for eternity, for a non human entity that is. It was made in a way that a human can go on and off anytime they please, along with leaving the place. And the more stairs that are climbed only affects an entity. For you, it would be equivalent to tripping backwards from the ground, meanwhile it'd be 10 stories for an entity. The only problem we have is we don't know how to get there... it's only ever been talked about.we had a part to play in creating it, but it was never shown its whereabouts."

"That's where you come in! You got some blueprints explaining the hourglass right? Looking into it more thoroughly, I found something that might just help. It was in a code that only an entity such as I could read."

- to the holder of the hourglass. Time will stand still. At the channel's ending hour, place the two well known flowers. Use the hourglass the way it shows and it will show and Erie glow. Follow the glow until it's bright, there awaits the staircase in sight.

"Here's a Melon to help you get out of here. Don't worry, he's super friendly to those with melons. We're counting on you!"

Nodding your head in agreement, you give them a quick hug and ask, "what happens if I fall into trouble? How can I reach you?" Unus replied, "Unus Annus will be there when you need it most. Take this spiral amulet with you. Use the spiral rocks you got from earlier on. They will fuse with the amulet. If you throw it upon the ground we will appear there through the power of time. But I warn you, it can only be used once. Please be careful." You put it around your neck for safe keeping. Unlocking the door, there was a certain creature waiting for you. Melon Man was waiting. Pulling out the melon, you held your hand out towards him. Cautiously, it comes close enough to access you. It grabs the melon and runs to the corner to eat it. Once finished it starts going down a hallway looking back at you as if it wants you to follow. You do just that and within minutes it brings you to the exit. There is a door, a wooden door shaped like your closet. Grabbing the handle, opening it and walking through, led back into the human world. Walking over to the table where your friend is sitting waiting, you set down the hourglass and the amulet. "Ready to go find a spiral staircase with an hourglass?"

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