DC's Spider-Man

By thedoctorgonepale

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Amazing... Spectacular... Fantastic... Sensational... Any one of these words can be used to describe any numb... More

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider themed hero
A Wonderful Vacation
Itsy-Bitsy-Birdy and Spidey
The emissary of hell rises
The Wonderful Spider
Astonishing Justice: part 1
Astonishing Justice: part 2
Wings and Webs: part 1
Wings and Webs: part 2
Wings and Webs: part 3
How to trick a spider
Spiders of Prey
Super, Power
Central feeling
A Titanic Spider: part 1
A Titanic Spider: part 2
Maximum Power
Maximum Power: part 2
Maximum Power: part 3
Caw the crow croaks craving cruelty
Fearful night
Let there be Vengeance
Emerald and Ebony
Down the dark path
Spider and Bat
Hero complex
Hero complex: part 2
Toxic next steps
Crawling Crocodile
Robin's Bombastic Problems
Friend Request
Unlimited Power
Lethal Protector
Spider Venom: Part 1
Spider Venom: Part 2
Spider Venom: Part 3
Beyond The End: Act 1
Beyond The End: Act 2

Earlier Summer?

6.1K 201 35
By thedoctorgonepale

3rd person POV:


In the middle of a bank robbery, Spidey leaped in to stop it.

But not without taking photos of the battle with his hidden camera webbed to the wall.


While looking for a way to make money.


And immediately failing as a pizza delivery guy because of all the flips he does.

Spidey came across an ad for a certain news-sight that bad mouths most Superheroes looking for photos for those said heroes.

Deciding to take advantage of this, he of course began taking pictures of himself while as Spidey.


Taking his phone, subtly, Spidey says goodbye to his defeated foes.

Spider-Man: Tell the police I said hi!



Having flipped onto a wall, Spidey turned to who tried taking a photo of him.

(Eddie Brock: Photographer)

Eddie: Come on, man... That would have been a great shot!

Spider-Man: Sorry buddy. It ain't gonna be that easy!


Swinging away as he tried to take more pictures of him, Spidey realized how many are going to try and do the same as him.

Spider-Man:(mind) Nothing can be easy, can it?

He makes his way to school.

(Opening theme)

(Ring, ring)


Looking at his phone, Spidey found Ned calling him.

Spider-Man: Hey Ned, can't talk right now, I'm swinging towards school-

Ned:(on phone) Pete! You need to get to school, now!

Spider-Man: Whoa, calm down... what's going on?

Ned:(on phone) Some guy from our school came in with a gun and bomb vest!

Spider-Man: WHAT!?

Ned:(on phone) He's taken the whole cafeteria hostage. And is asking for Spiderman...

Spider-Man: Thanks for the heads up. Get to safety.

Forgoing the spot where he would change into Peter Parker, Spidey quickly swung to his school to find the police already there.

He landed on a car, gaining everyone's attention.

Spider-Man: I heard there was trouble so I thought I'd swing by.

Spider-Man: What's the situation?

A mustache man then walked up to the Wallcrawler.

(GCPD Commissioner: Jim Gordon)

Jim: Spider-Mam, I presume?

Spider-Man: Yep. That's me.

Jim: I'm commissioner Jim Gordon of the GCPD.

Jim: We have a hostage situation. Teenager, bomb, gun, in the cafeteria.

Spider-Man: Who's the kid?

Jim: We've identified him as Johnny Frisk. A senior in the school.

Jim: He wants to talk to you. Do you know why?

Spider-Man: Nope. But I'll go find out.

Jim: Be careful, and try to keep him calm. You have until nightfall.

Spider-Man: What happens Nightfall?

Jim: The Batman.

Spider-Man:...(mumbles) So cool.

Jim: Hm?

Spider-Man: Wish me luck!

Leaping across the air onto the wall, Spidey begins crawling along the wall, all the way to the cafeteria window where he knocked to gain everyone's attention before crawling in.

Spider-Man:(mind) Can't really make the same mistake with Gwen. So better keep the chit-chat to a minimum.

Johnny: S-Spiderman...

Crawling onto the ceiling, Spidey began lowering himself down to Johnny by web, stopping when they were face to face so he could calmly talk in private with him.

The other students were as far from Johnny as could be. So with a deeper voice that wasn't too ridiculous, Spidey spoke.

Spider-Man: So why are you doing this Johnny? And why do you want to talk to me?

Johnny: I-I didn't want to get beat up by Batman... Besides, I heard you do days.

Spider-Man:... Fair enough. And why are you doing this?

Johnny: They made me...

Spider-Man: Who?

Johnny: I don't know... Thugs... Black masks... Black everything...

Johnny: Th-they told me to do this or boom...

Spider-Man: But they were okay with you calling me?

Johnny: They told me to call whoever, as long as I stayed here...

Spidey began inspecting the bomb vest.

Spider-Man:(mind) Okay... Doesn't seem to be capable of remote detonation... But there are wires in the straps... Might explode if it's taken off.

Spider-Man: Everyone! Slowly leave from the fire exit in the back of the kitchen!

They do as he says, the teachers helping to escort the students before themselves.

Eventually, with the rest of the school already evacuated, it left only Spidey and Johnny.

Johnny: Wh-what now...?

Spider-Man: Do you trust me?

Johnny: Uhh...

Spider-Man: Okay, don't answer that.

Dropping to the floor, Spidey inspects Johnny even further, finding a wire attached to the gun Johnny was holding.


Spider-Man: Calm down dude... Just think about good old Principal Crane.

Johnny: Wh-Why would I think about that scary old man?

Spider-Man: Because he makes the best expressions when he's angry. Just imagine what he does when he finds out about this.


Spider-Man: See?

Looking at where all the wires lead too, Spider-Man believes himself capable of disarming the bomb.

Spider-Man: Alright... How good are you at running?

Johnny: Average...?

Spider-Man: Kay... When I take the vest off, I want you to run out of the school and go to the cops.

Snapping some wires with the help of his spider-sense, Spidey then removes the vest, letting Johnny run away as he webs the vest in a ball of web then booking it himself.

Swinging over to Gordon, Spidey explains the situation.

Jim:... Good job, Kid.

Spider-Man:(panting)...(sigh of relief)

Jim; Something feels off though.


Jim: What was the point of doing that to that kid?

Spider-Man:(shrugs) A distraction?

Jim: A distraction for what?

Spider-Man: Who-


Turning to the school, Spidey felt his Spider-Sense tingle wildly.

Spider-Man: GET BACK-


The whole school exploded.

No one was killed, however, Spidey and the police quickly got to work evacuating the area.

The principal, who had just arrived, stared with complete rage at the events.

(Days later...)

Gwen: Can't believe no one died...

Ned: Hey, the school announced that we'll have home study for the rest of the curriculum.

Peter: At least that's something good for me.

In Ned's room, the trio talked about the event that transpired at the school.

Gwen was on her laptop, Ned was on his, and Peter sat on the wall, on his phone, trying to find something on the type of thugs described by Johnny.

Peter: Could it be Black Mask?

Ned: Didn't he die or something?

Peter: People come back to life...

Gwen: I think I found something more likely.


She shows them a picture on her laptop, of people in complete black, looking like shadows.

Gwen: I think whoever blew up our school, is new. Not just in Gotham.

Gwen: Metropolis... Keystone... Central... A lot of folks have seen these guys.

Peter: Wish I could just take a trip over, and ask them about it since they seem more open there than here...

Ned:... Then let's go to those places.

Peter: We're not exactly Bruce Wayne, with seven private jets, for each day of the freaking week.

Ned: My uncle just bought an RV but got mauled by something in a swamp.

Peter: Jeez, is he okay?

Ned: Eh, a few months in the hospital won't kill him.

Ned; But I'm sure he'd lend us the RV so we can take a road trip around the states.

Ned: Investigating this new evil organization while spreading Spidey's name? It's genius.

Peter: It kinda is... But do you have a license? Because I've been too busy swinging to get one.

Ned: Ehhh... I failed all my tests...

Peter: Great... Now what?

Gwen:(clears throat)

The two turn to see Gwen with her driver's license held up proudly.

Gwen: I think after what happened to the school, all our guardians would want us to get out of town for a bit.

Peter:... I'm so lucky Gotham has several heroes.

Peter: Alright, let's take a road trip!

(Ending theme)

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