That time I got reincarnated...

By Wanderingyoshi

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Your a normal Japanese guy living your life then one day your life ends right then and there but you wake up... More

Meeting rimuru.
The Armed Nation of Dwargon.
Weapon LostVayne
The champion Shizue Izawa
The Fire Spirit Ifirt
Attack Of The Orges
The Orc Lord
Demon Lord Milim/Kyru Tempest
Best Friends!
King Gazel Dwargo
Charybdis The Destroyer
Rimuru glamrous life as a teacher.
Rimuru glamorous life as a teacher part 2.
Trade with the Animal Kingdom.
Peace maybe
Kingdom of Falmuth
Rimuru vs Hinata
Tempest Attacks!
Birth of a Demon Lord.
Veldora comes back
Swirling Conspiracy
Man-And-Monster Summit
Man-And-Monster Summit part 2
Man-And-Monster Summit Part 3
Demon lords and True Dragons
Eve Of Battle
Return of the Great Beast
Wont be posting for about a week
Update on my arm also going on hiatus for a bit
Claymans domain
Milim vs Kyru Tempest
Tempest vs Clayman
Demon king vs Demon Lord
Kyru Tempest
Dragonoid vs Demon.
Milim's apology
Sorry for not posting.
Thanks for 11k views
Adventure of Kyru Tempest
Rimuru's Problem.
Kyru Tempest vs Thomas Andre
Rebuilding Ingrassia
Kyru vs Escanor
Hidden enemy
Kimuru Tempest
Christmas special
So i got covid...
Reason why ive been gone for so long
The Saints Motive

The Monster Federation and the Holy Empire

209 0 0
By Wanderingyoshi

Within the Farmus castle.

"I will not stand for  becoming a vassal nation! That would be the end of Farmus! Not only would our position be uncertain, but it is simply preposterous to be duty-bound to monsters!" A man yells out.

"Shall we pay the reparations then? But wasn't it thousand steller gold coins?!"

"That's equivalent to one million gold coins, or twenty percent of our country's tax revenues..."

"Listen well, all of you. I wish for you to hear my thoughts. We lost the war against them. I chose to attack them not for my people, but for my own desire. That is despite receiving advice from wise and far-sighted people." King Falmuth says.

"Brother... Ahem I mean my liege. Does our prideful king admit defeat?"

"Pride? You saw Edward? That is meaningless in front of them! Even those who weren't present have heard of it correct? What my appearance was when I returned. Would you care to experience that for yourself? No amount of honor  or pride can shield the people. But I understand that to ask you all to give up your pride as nobles is too much. You would never make the choice to become vassal state of the monster nation. So that leaves us with two paths. Pay the reparations. Or continue this war that we will lose. It's ironic for me to say this now but. I'm asking you to choose for the sake of the people!" King Falmuth explains to the nobles.

Suddenly someone comes into the door.

"Apologies for the interruption!"

"Cease! We're currently in a very serious..." A noble says but is cut off.

"Forgive me! This is a very important message from the guild! There has been a major shift of influence among the demon lords! With the death of the 'Marionette Master,' Both the 'Beast master and the Sky queen' have relinquished their demon lord status and joined the ranks of the 'destroyer.' Consequently, the ten great demon lords turned into eight, and from now on they shall be known as the "OCTAGRAM" "



"The numbers don't add up? Who are the others?

"Yes although it seems to be a provisional alias, given that they have yet to establish their own epithets, One of them is called Kyru Tempest. 'Demon King' the other one 'Rising Star' Rimuru tempest. After the chancellor of the Great Jura Forested defeated the "Marionette master," They become demon lords!" The knight explains to the nobles.

Suddenly the room filled in uproar.

"So its settled then... Even without taking the storm dragon into consideration we cannot underestimate the threat of the demon lords Kyru and Rimuru. There is only one option left to choose. We will pay t he reparations and I will abdicate the throne. And I will have Edward succeed me. A new era of hardships lies upon Farmus. I leave it to you brother."

"Ahem... Yes first of all we must hear everyone's opinion" 

("Calm down it still to early to celebrate"...) Edward

"If no one objects I shall respectfully accept, brother."

("Everything is going smoothly so far...) Razen

Back at Tempest.

"I'm back Rimuru-sama!"

"Oh! Welcome back shuna. Its a relief to see you in good health too Souei. So... is this the skeleton you were talking about?"

"It's god!"

"Yes... This is the former Wight king Adalman and his men. They closely followed us through "Spatial movement." Souei explains to Rimuru.

"Well take them to the sealed cave for now. The undead at the back will soon enter Nirvana if they stay in the sun. Also where's Hakurou? He didn't return alongside you?"

"That's right I asked him to take care of the rest."

("Let's see from Shuna's explanation he is currently working with Geld to investigate as well as organize the spoils. He's also giving instructions to the prisoners who surrendered in the castle. Since Hakurou can't use 'spatial movement' I should pick him up when he's done.") Rimuru.

 Somewhere random out of no where.

Kyru is sitting down on top of a cliff looking out into the distance. 

"Now that I think about it I've been so busy with all these events happening I haven't been able to get a good look at the nature around Tempest... The ocean everything."

Kyru just sits there on top of the cliff feeling the gentle wind hit his face as he looks up he sees the clear blue sky. 

"It's a really nice day out... It's been a while since days have been like this. Peaceful without fighting so much. A day were we can finally rest..."

Kyru takes this time to reflect on all the things that he's done in this world so far. All these fights these battles. His growth and how he has people he cares for in this world. He has his brother Kirin and many others. 

"I wish everyday could be like this... Welp I guess it's time to head back then."

Kyru gets up from his area and flies back towards Tempest and once he arrives there he walks through the town taking a good look at the place for once.

"I've never been around town now that I think about it. I know that Rimuru has been around the town many times but for me not really."

 As Kyru walks around everyone in the town was looking at him.  They all noticed a smile on his face for once and not a super serious face.

Kyru walks over to one of the stands.

"Hello is it fine if I am able to order one of these?" Kyru ask politely

The owner of the small establishment didn't know what to say. Since they all knew that Kyru was the friend of Rimuru and also a Demon Lord. They also didn't know what to say to him since they don't really see Demon King Kyru much at all walking the streets of tempest.

"Don't worry I'm not here to harm you or anything..." Kyru says to reassure the owner.

"Sorry about that..." The owner makes Kyru's food and Kyru pays for it and he starts to walk towards the main building while eating his food.

"This is pretty good! I guess I should go out more and not stay inside all day planning things."

Kyru arrives at the main building and walks into the meeting room.

"So? What's the news on Farmus so far?" Kyru ask Rimuru.

"Right now it's doing good. But we still need a response from Youm about Farmus." Rimuru explains to Kyru

"I see... Well let's hope they are smart about this and decide to accept our plans."


Later that night.

Benimaru had returned from his mission after Walpurgis.

(Also out of context I know that I had all these things going on in the other chapters that I made for fun I guess. I had Benimaru in the last couple of chapters when Kyru and Rimuru had fought the supreme deity. But I'm just gonna go mainly off of story line now.) Author Text

"So aside from all the Beastmen we'll most likely need to house Clayman's Soldiers who we took as prisoners of war." Kyru says to everyone

"Yeah since Milim ended up blowing up the capital of Yuurazania. Well anyways I don't mind as long you can find a place for them but..." Rimuru

If we find a village that will take them, we'll send them there. The rest can come here, if they have no other means to sustain themselves, or wish to learn our technology." Benimaru "Most of the Prisoners have been roughly organized and handled by Geld." Benimaru.

"Yeah they will help in the reconstruction of Yuurazania. Incorporating them into Geld's construction force immediately is the right call." Rimuru "But there are defintely those among them who hold grudges. I hope there won't be any rioting during the move..." Rimuru.

"Ah you don't have to worry about that. I gave them a little Demonstration." Benimaru says with a bright smile.

("...Well of course they're going to be obedient to the man who instantly killed Charybdis.") Rimur and Kyru.

"Well just to be sure, I want everyone here to be aware of this. I'll leave that to you Rigurd-dono." Benimaru

"I understand I shall explain the situation with the prisoners to everyone." Rigurd says listening to Benimarus command.

("What reliable people... 'Reign but do not rule' will soon become a reality.") Rimuru

After several days, Diablo ended up successfully making the other party sign a peace agreement, and now came to present his report. 

"This is the document. And this is the partial payment for the reparations 1500 stellar gold coins." Diablo

"Woaaah. Farmus sure is a major country. It's amazing how much they were able to amass this much."

"I mean we did just go to war with them. Almost killing half of our people but luckily it ended up good for us. I became the Demon King and you became a Demon Lord Rimuru." Kyru.

"Yeah. Well the majority of this money appears to be from Edmalis's private assets." Rimuru

("According to King gazel, The one who minted the coins, There are a total of about ten thousand stellars in circulation. We have more than ten percent of all stellars in the world...) Rimuru

"So is the war going to happen, as planned?" Kyru ask Diablo.

"Correct without a doubt. The unpaid amount was given to them as a loan. The new king Edward will certainly not be able to tolerate it." Diablo says giving them a explanation of what the current events that are going on.

"So what happened to the former king Edmalis?" Rimuru ask.

"After giving up the throne he moved to a small estate in the countryside. The new king will surely push all the blame to the previous king." Diablo says.

"And that's when Youm will come into play. He will condemn the insincerity of the new king and start a civil war as planned." Kyru.

"Well I'll leave this matter to you make sure not to cause any harm to any people Diablo." Rimuru.

"If that is your wish I shall see to it." Diablo says to Rimuru and Kyru.

"Always keep your guard up okay? Even if the plan is flawless, there might be external factors that will mess things up." Kyru tells Diablo.

"I understand. I shall keep that in mind. Ah that reminds me the western saints church is summoning Rayhiem."

"Rayhiem???" Rimuru was confused.

"The archbishop of the church Rimuru." Kyru tells him.

"Ah that guy."

"Well they most likely want to hear about the details of the war situation between Tempest and Farmus. What should we do about it my lord?" Diablo ask.

"Hmm... Those guys are particularly hostile towards Veldora."

("If we let them hear the outline of the story they might know it's fabrication...") Rimuru and Kyru.

"I think we should let him go... To see how the church will react."

"Hmm you do have a point..."

("The Western Saints Church... Their creed of not accepting monsters is a problem. I'm not going to dismiss a creed that has already been around for over a thousand years but... It is not okay for them to force it upon us. It might be hard to be friends, but I do believe that there's a way for us to get along.") Rimuru

"...All right. Have Rayhiem bring a message. Shion bring the crystal ball you seized from Clayman." Rimuru.


Several days later.

Gabiru had returned with the beastmen and the prisoners. 

"I have returned Rimuru-sama and Kyru-sama!"

"Yeah good work to your whole squadron." Kyru says to Gabiru shocking Gabiru gaining praise from the one and only Demon King.

"I heard you did a nice job in the battle." Rimuru

"No... I still have a long way to go. I was completely overwhelmed by the Dragon Worshipper, Midely-Dono." Gabiru says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah I heard from Benimaru. He was a strangely powerful dragonnewt. He must be really good at combat like his master Milim." Rimuru.

"It has served as a good experience for me though. Ah also that's right speaking of Milim-sama. This is for you and Kyru. I was told to give this to you no matter what..."

"Hmm? What's this? A letter?"

Rimuru opens it and reads it.

"Heya, Milim here! The next time I'm coming to hang out I'll bring the people that love taking care of me with me. Please teach them to cooking really means... I'm quite serious about this request, so I hope you would help me with this one, as my Besties. I'm really counting on you both!! 


("She sounds quite desperate...") Rimuru and Kyru

"Is she requesting me to improve her personal chef's skills? Cause they suck at cooking?"

"No... It looks like there are no chefs in that country." Gabiru explains.

"When I was still over there I helped with the cleanup after the battle with Midley-Dono and others. But I did see them cook anything. Dragonnewts' Taste buds are not that different from hjumans, Some of them had the eyes of dead fish while gnawing at raw stuff." Gabiru explains to Rimuru

"So it's not the cooking skills, It's that they doin;t ahve the concept of 'Cooking' at all?!" Rimuru was shocked by this.

"I think I heard that the food offerings to Milim-sama would be raw as well." Gabiru tells Kyru and Rimuru.

Both of their jaws drop...

("I see... So that's why whenever she came over to Tempest she was so excited for every meal. I guess she can't complain... She knew they did it ouf of goodwill. You seem surprisingly able to read the room at times, Milim...") Rimuru and Kyru.

"Well if that's the case... then let's hold a magnificent feast for them... With cooking so that they would want to eat it again." Kyru and Rimuru say at the same time.

"Yes, Sir! That seems like a great idea!" Gabiru says.

We ended up continuing that chat for a while. And as usual Gabiru was adored by his companions.

"Well then! We shall be returning to the cave!"

"All right then good work." Rimuru and Kyru say

Gabiru and his companions fly back to the cave.

"Oh right there should be a weird skeleton in the cave. Get along with him." Rimuru tells Gabiru.

"Weird Skeleton?!" Gabiru freaks out.

In the cave with a certain scientist. 

"Hah *Cough*"

"Is that a sneeze?"

One month after Walpurgis.

With the increase of the population in the town it has been more lively than ever.

"Good work. Here drink up first." Rimuru and Kyru says to Geld.

"Yes thank you..."

Geld slams his drink down fast.

"I've once again come to know Rimuru-sama's and Kyru-samas greatness..." Geld says holding his head.

"What's wrong geld?!" Both Kyru and Rimuru ask.

"In truth..."

("Geld's worry is about handling of the newcomers. Those who don't follow orders, those who do not even try to understand explanations. Those who laze about, Those who try to hide their mistakes, The high orcs seemed unable to reach their desired results... Due to the complications in their ranks.") Rimuru and Kyru.

"Alright! Let's Drink! Let's Drink! Today away, Geld!"

The next day. We went to go pick up Hakurou, who had stayed behind at Clayman's castle. Though we've already claimed it with Kyru now taking over the place and securing the 10 commandments there.  Though we seemed to have missed something.

"Ancient ruins? And they're located in Jistav?" Rimuru ask Hakurou.

"Yes. That's what the dark elves that were in charge of the castle revealed. 'We are grave keepers'... Is what they said." Hakurou explains to Kyru and Rimuru.

("Ruins guarded by long-lived elves huh... It makes my boyish heart tingle, but I have other things to do right now.") Rimuru

"Hakurou please keep this matter a secret. I want to see it for myself before deciding."

"Of course. Regardless to think that both Rimuru-sama and Kyru-sama would come pick me up."

"No it's fine. We owe you one anyways."

And finally with that we've finally all gathered as one again.

"Now everyone... As some of you may already know. We both are now Demon Lords. But Kyru goes by something else. 'Demon King' so now we are offically Inaugurated as Demon Lords/Kings." Rimuru explains to everyone.

"So now we have decided to split the powers of domains between me and Kyru. Kyru will no longer rule over this place with me. He now rules over Clayman's domain. But I have decided that my domain will encompass the entirety of the Great Forest of Jura."

Everyone was shocked to hear this news. But the room also grew quite.

("Did something go wrong?") Kyru and Rimuru talk through telepathy since they are now linked through Raphael 

"With you standing as the chancellor was only recognized within the scope of the Dryads'Influence. Those living on the other side of the river are beyond the 'Dryads reach. The emergence of two new Demon Lords/Kings must cause them a lot of headaches. Its good if they come and greet you. But should they resist you both, well there are many ways." Benimaru explains to Rimuru.

("I somehow feel sorry for them... It isn't like I'd get offended if they didn't come to greet me. But an endless flow of visitors is pretty tiring too...") Rimuru.

"It's just an idea. But wouldn't it be great if they all came at once?" Rigurd ask Rimuru.

"We've been under constant tension lately, and I thought we could take a breather for once in a while right? And so, let's all have a festival! is what I'm saying. That way we can both deal with Milim's request and my goal of attracting new residents. It will also serve as mine and Kyrus Debut! So lets make it grand!" Rimuru says to everyone

And so Preparation went under way. Invites to many vast leaders many grand scale festivals without holding out on anything.

Well anyways after all that prep let's start with the progression of the conquest of Farmus.

"Diablo is the plan progressing well?"

"Yes Rimuru-sama. As expected the new king Edward is gathering the Military forces at his disposal. It's only a matter of time until a revolt breaks out." Diablo explains to Rimuru and everyone else in the room.

"Things have been moving pretty fast..." Kyru says.

"That is except... I'm not at a point where I can report on this yet, so I've kept quite, but Rayhiem has not returned..." Diablo says explaining to Rimuru.

"I'm sure you gave him my message, but perhaps he didn't deliver it yet?" Rimuru ask Diablo.

"No I had a handful of subordinates escort him to the western saint's churchs headquaters. So he has definetly arrived." Diablo says to reassure Rimuru.

"Don't tell me he died..." Rimuru questions Diablo.

"There is no way that can be true. I can tell you for certain if someone dominated by 'Tempter dies.' Diablo says to Rimuru.

("The western saints church... There is so much we don't know about them.") Rimuru and Kyru.

"Do you think they'll actually become our enemy?" Kyru ask.

"That's a difficult question. If they're going to intervene aggressively, I'd like to settle the score with them once and for all." Benimaru says.

"Now that Rimuru-sama and Kyru-sama have becoming Demon Lords/Kings and Veldora-sama as well they probably won't attack us." Souei explains.

"When Rimuru-sama was fighting the saint Hinata, We were raided... It definitely doesn't seem like a coincidence. I think there was someone who instigated all this. This is further supported by Clayman hinting ay the existence of a mastermind." Shuna explains.

"You mean whoever 'That Lord Is?'" Rimuru ask.

"It's an enemy we cannot ignore. There is a good chance that they will interfere again this time." Shuna says.

"Yeah we need to keep our guard up at all times. If not then we will all die. Even with the powers of us 3 we could be over run by someone far stronger than all of us." Kyru says.

Rimuru uses Raphael and scans his memories but finds nothing a sort.

"Hmm seems like I was wrong... Was Hinata being used then? I she still thinking of me as her sworn enemy of Shizu?" Rimuru

At the western saints church.

"Hey, Hinata, everyone has gathered already. Aren't you acting quite leisurely?." A women says to Hinata.

"Then why don't you quite standing there and get to your seat already, sare."


"I"ve kept you all waiting. Now then let us commence the joint meeting of the Holy Emperor's Twin Wings. On the Agenda are: The Resurrection of the Storm Dragon, As well as... The birth of two new Demon Lords. Hinata says to the Twin Wings.

End of the chapter.

OK FINALLY I MANAGED TO GET A CHAPTER IN. Sorry about the long wait. Just got done with Drivers ed which I did pass the class test now I must take the permit test. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter I am very very sorry for the long wait. 

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