Unum Annum

By ThatUnusOrry

979 69 39

A faint ticking. You hear it wherever you go. As if there is no end. Is there an escape, or is it just an end... More

Wake up!
Tick... Tick... Tick...
The Encounter
The investigation
You're not alone
Into the closet
The Dilemma
The Black Door
The White Door
The Portal
Gongoozlers Pond
The Abandon House (At Night)
The Hourglass
The Left Door (option 1)
The Right Door (option 2)
Into The Hourglass
The Dark...
See you on the other side
A Wardens Visit
The Plan
Hunting For Tears
Moment Of Truth
The Last Goodbye
Come Back... (Epilogue)

Heehoos Pass

16 1 0
By ThatUnusOrry

The dirt path to the rocky hills was a long winding path. The further you got on the path, there was an abundance of takis bags. All empty, no takis dust in sight. Remembering your research, Heehoo, was a Mark persona who went crazy and fled into nature. He could be lured out by the call of Unus Annus and with a bag of takis in hand. Thank the heavens, you just so happened to bring a bag with you in case of this particular matter. With every step you came closer and closer to the first pass of rocks and it was only uphill from here. Climbing up the rocks, you hear a crack of bush up ahead. Peaking over the rocks, you see a creature, crouched with its head in a bag of takis. (You knew you couldn't give up this chance. You pulled out your phone to take a vid of him.)  Well, Heehoo has a pretty good sense of hearing and smell. Heehoo put his head up, turning towards you. Now was the time to make the choice; stay silent, or do the call. You decided to wait a few seconds to see what he would do. Well Heehoo being himself, dashed off further along the trail, in all its glory. This was now a hunt (hopefully a peaceful one that is).

     You continued up the ever so narrowing trail, with the rocks closing In on both sides. You were following tracks. Human footprints, with a trail of taki dust. Coming to a peak, you crouch and peak over. On an open rock field, Heehoo was sitting by a little pond. You decided to use the call while obscured. "Unus!"  ...... "Annus"- it returned. You exchanged the call a few times as you got in closer. All of a sudden, you stepped on a stick, Heehoo heard. He proceeded to bolt off into a nearby cave. This was hopefully a dead end for him, the only issue being, was this it's home? Were you really going to walk into the home of the illusive Heehoo ? Surely there would be something of use inside of that cave for you. You proceeded toward the cave with caution.

     Inside the cave was cold and damp. There were little bones scattered around along with plenty of takis bags. You could hear echoes of snarls coming from deep within the cave. With every step further in, the more cautious and aware you became. Readying your tactical shovel you prepared for anything. Further you got into the cave, all of a sudden you heard a crinkle of a Taki bag behind you. Turning around all you say was a moving bag in a draft wind. Another sound came from behind you again. Turning around, it was leaping towards you , Heehoo. You dart out of the way and hit its back with your tactical shovel. It was okay though as since it was like mark its "not a masochist" side made it feel unscathed. You were deep into enemy territory with no visible way out, so you ran deeper in. You came to a tight crawl space, squeezing yourself in, you bought some time. Heehoo was close on your trail, barreling down the caves path. He could not fit through the gap, his shoulders were too broad. Inside after the crawl space, was a large room, with ice stalactites. Sitting in the middle was some weird box. You open the box to find half of a dimension container. It also had a note with it that read " two of the fables that once came true, and the eye of one SCP shall do. Through at a target and do not miss, show the enemy the black abyss." Was this the way to stop the Timer? Could REDACTED be contained with this?  This was great but the only problem was, now you had to get out. You had to get past Heehoo. You crawl back through the small gap to see no sign of him. You start to walk the way back out carefully, then "crack". You looked up to see Heehoo jump down from a tiny vantage point above. He manages to make contact and you fall to the ground, knocking the tactical shovel out of your hands.  It's now out of reach and Heehoo is staring at you with intent to hurt. You hear the crinkle in your bag, THE TAKIS! In one quick swipe, you grab the bag and pop it open. The pop startles Heehoo, enough time for you to get to your feet. You hold up a Taki and he affixes his gaze upon it, mouth beginning to water. You throw it at him, giving enough time to pick up the shovel. Takis went everywhere! Heehoo went to the floor grabbing as many as he can as you sprint pass. You run without looking back, and you can see the moonlight at the entrance. You dash out and collapse for a second. All that running made you tired, but at least you knew Heehoo would be busy and no threat. You could feel something gazing at you but couldn't see anything. It was probably just you being on high alert. Making your way back down the dirt path towards the house, it was now approaching night and the sun had just set fully. You arrived back at the direction post and looked at the house. Nothing appear to be there yet, not a sound. You had some time to kill, so why not go to the Gongoozlers Pond. You remembered the note in the box. It stated about "two fables coming true" perhaps these were Heehoo & The Gongoozler. In order to use the dimension container, you needed the other half, and best guess was The Gongoozler knew exactly where it was. You regroup yourself and started walking down the path towards Gongoozlers Pond.

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