Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest...

بواسطة IDrawzStuff

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*Characters belong to Favremysabre* So this is a bit of a different story. I had this idea and a friend said... المزيد

Idk A Bit Of Context? I Guess?
Bonus: Hight charts
Ch.1: Who's up this early?!
Ch. 2: A past to miss yet regret
Ch. 3: A Loud Morning
Ch. 4: Beyond or Below?
Ch. 5: Burning Excitement
Ch. 6: for nostalgia's sake
Ch. 7. Dream or Reality?
Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal
Ch. 9: Back Home We Go!
Ch. 10: Everyone's Concerned
Ch 11: An Escape
Ch. 12: WHERE IS HE?!
Ch. 13: Time To Talk
Ch. 14: Conspiracies
Ch. 15: what?
Ch. 16: fun time :)
Ch. 17: The masks I wear
Ch. 18: Sick day
Ch. 19: it got worse
Ch. 20: story time
Ch. 21: that's gotta hurt
Ch. 22: nightmare
Ch. 23: really? Again??
Ch. 24: a mad scientist
Ch. 25: 'tis but a scratch
Ch. 26: I'm Deadn't
Ch. 27: Preparations
Ch. 28: Lovebirds
Ch. 29: Date And Aftermath
Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise
Ch. 31: Just A Bad Memory
Ch. 32: A Day With Green :)
Ch. 34: Something... Is Wrong
Ch. 35: Father-Son bonding Activity????
Ch. 36: I Forgor

Ch. 33: The TALK

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بواسطة IDrawzStuff

*sabre's pov*


Here I am.

Facing the kingdoms gates.

The sun is slowly creeping up the distant horizon.

I turn around to watch the sunrise.

I spent the night at green steve's house...

We had fun, it was kinda like a sleepover.

We told stories, had a pillow fight, I taught green how to make hot chocolate and we baked cookies together! :D

It was an enjoyable evening and a calm night. :)

I was able to forget my worries for a night.

Just be in the moment for once.

Now all that repressed nervousness is hitting me all at once.

"hmmm maybe I should check on that village near the kingdom! ':) I have time... Right ? I don't need to be here so early." I say to myself to calm my nerves.

I let silence fill the air for a bit.

"ugh, who am I kidding. The whole reason I'm out here so early is because I wanted to come early so light steve wouldn't be up and waiting for me." I continue to talk to myself.

"get a hold of yourself. Come on. You've faced Gods. You're a godamn warrior! You've faced entire templar armies! You've survived hell itself! You've lived and fought in the fore front of dozens of wars!"

"talking to one glowing boy is nothing compared to that!! >:0"






nooooooooOOOOO lamp is scary...

He's mad at me :(

"hello sabre-"

A voice behind me scares me.

"WH HUH??? aH hEy TiMe-" I quickly blurt out as I see the familiar clock faced steve peek out through the gate.


Hold on.

The gate opened???

How did I not hear that???? :/

That thing is giant and makes a looooouuuud screeching sound when it opens!


Gate goes screeeeEEEEEEE


Time steve.

Yay :)

"I noticed you avoided light steve yesterday..." time says with a bit of a frown as he motions for me to follow him.

With a heavy and a bit stammered sigh I head through the gate.

I sprint a bit closer to time so we can walk side by side.

"sooo... You know about the whole... Thing that went down... With the... Uh... Leaders meeting and stuff?" I say awkwardly rubbing the back of my head.

"yes, I might have eavesdropped for a bit...':) " time says looking away.

":0 you eavesdropped on a conversation you didn't have anything to do with?! Time! You dirty little crime boy! >:DDDD" I tease the watcher of time.

"hey! I'm not dirty!" time argues back a little flustered.

"ahah. Nope. The dirtiest of crime boys! >:]"

"let's just head to your house. Light steve is already awaiting you there." time changes the topic.

"right...light steve..." I mumble.

"WAIT. HE'S AT MY HOUSE?!" I blurt out as I realize what time just told me.

Time just nods awkwardly.

my house comes into view. 


The guards are still there.

The two front guards notice us and wave.

"Hey guards! Good to see you're in a good mood... ':]" I greet the guards and open the door to my house.


Honestly... I don't think I should be this scared to open a door.

Especially the one to my own house.

Oh well. Better now than never!

Wh-.... actually... I'd rather never do this...





On three! >':)








I open the door quietly.

I peek inside and find the house dead silent.

"well that was anticlimactic-"time suddenly pipes in from behind me.

I jumped at his remark but got my composure back fairly quickly.

I walk inside the house and look around.

"Huh- I thought you said light was gonna be here-"

"I am" a familiar voice speaks up from the kitchen table.

I look to the table and find 8 figures there.

One is...demonio boio! D! :D

Or 'face' as I like to call him :)

I'm happy to see my roommate!

In fact... All the leaders are here...

But then I realize who else is sitting by the table.

"Sabre... Sit down" light orders me calmly.


I was expecting a little more... Loudness-

But he's calm. :)

I like that :]

I sit down opposite from light.

He's got a serious expression.

NOT mad.... Not happy...


He's just kinda numb.

Is.... Is that good????

Light begins to speak.

"sabre... I know being locked away and being under constant supervision must be very uncomfortable for you..."

"But...for the love of origin...WHERE DID YOU GET THAT CRYSTAL FROM?!"

Aaaand there it is.


He mad.

He angy.

"uh... I found it :)" I answer calmly, trying to steer the situation into a more calm direction.


I flinch a bit at the outburst.

Light notices that and goes back to a calmer tone.

"you're... Telling me... You just up and went out... Found some kind of- crystal- a crystal that's stronger than all the steve's power, -PLUS the rainbow crystal, combined."


Light just stares at me as I debate on how to answer.

"... Um... Perhaps." is all I say.

"fine fine. Where'd you find it anyways????" light asks, I notice time has sat down as well.

He made himself some tea.

D' s just... Sitting there... Munchin' on some bread.

He seems to find this interesting.

All the other leaders either look concerned or just... Very focused.

"well uh- you're... You're not gonna like the answer." I warn the serious lamp.

"whatever it is... I'm sure we'll understand" green leader suddenly chimes in with a reassuring smile.


Greens really trying to make me feel better <:)

"um... Okay... I seriously doubt that- but okay. I found the" I stop for a moment...

Hoping it would make the anticipation and tension dissappear.

But it only made it worse.

"in... The world below...!" I say with an awkward smile, watching as their facial expressions change.

D- or well... Red leader...seems interested and a bit caught off guard.

Orange, green and violet seem... Scared.

Blue is busy trying to calm down indigo, who is... Very scared.


I... I don't even know. He just....hes got this mix of... Scared, shocked, concern and a little bit of interest on his face.

And light...

Light just looks shocked.

Not scared...

Hm... he's taking it better than expected :)

We sit in silence for a bit-

And then the entire council just... rains down on me with questions-









"YOU'RE DEAD?!?? D:"

"did ya like the view?"

I look to the only person that answered with calm.

Everyone went silent as they realized who asked.

"yeah, it was nice D :) I made some friends! :D" I answer for the red demonic steve.

"friends?" yellow leader busted in.

"yep, piglins to be exact! I found a bastion. I don't like to brag... But... I speak fluent piglish! ¦]" I say proudly ignoring all the questions from before.

"wait you speak piglish??" Dee suddenly asks.

He seems surprised by this.

"uh... Oink, rui ro"

"uh- hm... Uhm... Wait... I got this... '' I think...I was never good at understanding those pigs. >¦/" D sighs as he leans back in his chair.

I give him an excited nod.

He knows piglish!!! :0000

Awesome :))))

"çrunkro! :D" I say in piglish as I direct my attention back to light steve.

"uh...correct?" D translates.

"yep. So uh..." I get caught up in lights unimpressed expression.

"sabre... You're my friend... So please don't take this too personally... But I... We put quite some time into our desicion... And we've come to a conclusion." lights expression slowly turns into a frown.

The leaders all seem to get a little uncomfortable...

"The leaders and I have to step in." light sighs... He's holding back some emotions, I can tell.

I start to hold my breath...

If light is so uneasy just trying to tell me their desicion... It's probably not gonna end well.

"We have to ask you to please hand us the crystal-"

"WHAT?! NO." I rudely interrupt the slightly glowing steve.

"sabre... Please just listen" violet leader chimes in.

I stutter something out but stop myself.


It's only fair if I hear him out... Calm yourself.

"you are one of the older and most loyal inhabitants of this kingdom. But... We cannot allow you to posses such a dangerous item while living within these walls." light gulps... And I hate the direction this conversation is going.

"so... Please hand that crystal over to me, we'll safely store it in a vault beneath the citadel." light says carefully stretching his hand out to me.

"what if I don't?" I ask with a bit of sass leaking through my voice.

"you won't be allowed inside the kingdom walls." light explains with a frown.

"wait-SO YOU'RE GONNA THROW ME OUT?!" I finally realize why they all look so upset.

"sabre- please calm yourself. You'll be able to stay as long as you turn in the crystal" green says with a soft voice.

"UGH- but only if I give it to you huh? Nope. Not happening." I stand up from my seat with my arms crossed.

"Sabre, please, reconsider-  why don't you want to give the crystal to us...?" green asks hesitantly.

"oh? Hand a literal bomb, that if you poke it with a stick, it will destroy this universe-and - and you want me to just... Hand it over to y'all??? Nah." I stubbornly focus my attention on the window.

I don't think I can keep myself together if I stare at light any longer.

"AND YOU THINK IT'S SAFER WITH YOU?!! I HARDLY BELIVE THAT!!" light blurts out those words as he stands up himself, a few of the leaders let out a quiet gasp.

"WELL-  IT'S SAFER WITH ME THAN WITH ANY OF YOU!!!" I retort back louder than light.

"W-WELL-... THEN GET OUT-" Light screams back at me.

He's not bothering to hide that upset tone in his voice anymore.

"WE CANNOT ALLOW YOU TO ENDANGER OUR PEOPLE LIKE THIS" Light argues even louder than before.

I look around at the leaders-

They're not doing anything.

They're not stepping in.

I look at time steve... But he just looks at me with worry.

I give him a pleading look, but he turns his gaze away from my and redirects it to the ground.

I can't belive this... They're throwing me out.

"FINE. I'LL LEAVE. IF THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL WANT!!" I scream back, that scream came out with far more emotion than I meant...

I've had enough.

I stomp out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

To say I'm upset is an understatement.






I walk over to a chest in my room and put some stuff into my enderbag.

I also grab some of my normal bags and sling them over my shoulder.

"ugh... Potions... Some gold... Iron... Netherite... Emeralds...and my weapons... Along with some other resources" I say to myself, double checking everything in my bags.


Where do i go from here?



I walk over to the window I usually climb out of.

I open it and then make my way out.

I skillfully drop down to the gravel ground.

I turn to look at the door and find my two personal guards just staring at me.

We just stare at each other in silence for a minute or two.

"hi" one guard says with a happy little wave.

"hey... Y'know what?" I walk over to them.

They look at me questioningly.

"you two are coming with me >:/" I order the two guards.

"uh- sabre... You don't really need us anymore th-" one guards starts as he takes a few steps towards me.

"Shhshshhhh I don't care! I need some company." I explain and sign to the other guard to come to me as well.

They're both standing infront of me now.

I start rummaging around in my enderbag.

Pulling out my illusion bow, I also take an ender arrow out as well.

I aim and pull the string back.

The glitches and particles surrounding me.

I let the string go and the arrow flies into the sky.

I hurriedly let the bow dissappear into my inventory.

I then grab the guards hands.

"let's go. I think I know where we can go." I say as I wait for the arrow to finally hit the ground.

It's way beyond the wall.





Why has it not teleported us yet???

The guards just seem confused but let me hold their hands anyways.

" uh... What was this supposed to do exactly...?" one guard asks.

"give it another second-" I calmly tell the guard.

Just as I had said that, the particles surround us and our location changes in the blink of an eye.

I look around to check if we made it.

I see some houses in the distance... A path... We're standing in a plains biome.

"ah, close enough :)" I say as I drag the two confused guards along with me.

"uh- where are we???" the guard on my left questions

"we're at a village. Specifically... The one green took me to once!" I say letting out a sigh.

Taking in a deep breath of the fresh air, I let go of both of the guards.

"I've been here once or twice. The people here are really nice :D" I tell the guards as they follow me into the small village.

There's lots of violet, green and yellow steve's around.

Most of them wave to me and greet me.

The guards are a bit hesitant at first and stay close to me, always being ready to pull out a weapon, but they calm down a bit as they are met with loads of harmless greetings.

I stop in front of a small green house.

I'm about to knock on the door-

It opens before I could even get a chance to make contact with the wood.

"sabre! So glad to see you visit us!!" the green leader of the village greets me.

Behind him 2 other steves pop up.

Yellow and Violet village leader!

"hello sabre!" the two say in unison.

I give them an excited wave.

"so, what brings you here?" the green leader asks as he let's me step inside.

The guards step inside as well.

The leaders look a little startled at the armored steve's but don't comment on it.

"soooooo... Uh... I'm having a bit of an issue with all the kingdoms leaders and light steve... So... I wanted to ask if I could stay here for a few days...? ...until I get this mess under control..." I explain to the village leaders.

"Oh! Of course you are always welcome to stay here! Actually... We have a house here for you!" the green leader happily says as he goes to open the door again.

"wait-you-... You already have a house for us?" I ask confused.

How did he know we'd be coming here???

Mmmm I'll ask him later.

For now I'll take what I can get.

He leads us to the edge of the village.

There's a big white house with a dark oak roof.

It's faaaar bigger than all the other houses.

"that's your house!" green leader stops right in front of the doors of the house.

"it's one of our newest ones. We're actually planning to make most of the houses bigger... Since... Some steve's have complained that the huts are too small." the leader explains with an exhausted sigh.

"huh? But... Wouldn't the steve's who live in the village want this house?" I ask the leaders.

"this is just a prototype. We'll build more if the people like the architecture of this one." yellow village leader explains.

"oh... Okay! But more question... How did you know we'd come?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

"oh...A steve that knew this was going to happen told us in advance." the violet leader chimes in.

"uh... Okay." I dismiss the explanation.

I don't think I should question who that was. ':l

The guy sounds scetchy.

"alright-Well- thanks!! :) this is really helpful! We'll just go settle down... I'll see you later!" I wave to the leaders as I open the door to the house.

"Glad we could help you! Oh and don't worry about the villagers. They really like you, you should go talk to some later!" the green leaders calls out as he walks backwards and away from the house, presumably to go back to his own house.

I just wave to the leaders and then turn to look at the two guards who are with me.

"well, let's get inside and cuack out the rooms, shall we?" I suggest in a more cheery tone than before.

The guards both nod and follow me inside the house.

We settle down and everyone gets their own room.

I take the one with a window on the roof.

I do feel a bit bad... The Guarda told me I should take the biggest room.

One doesn't like big rooms and the other said I deserve my own space.

... I mean... I appreciate that they're so... Respectful.

But I still do feel bad...


Tomorrow morning I'll get up extra early to make breakfast for them! >:]


Sounds good!

Hmmm... But it's only like... 1pm.

Hmmm guess I'll go talk to some of the villagers.

Maybe I can help them with some chores!

And maybe I'll make some friends too! :D


*awkward gremlin noises*

Hello ':]

Yeah uh... Have a chapter with uh... Drama. I guess ':^

Sorry for not uploading anything last week, I got caught up in stuff (and I was a tiny bit lazy ':/)

Mmm have fun with this :)

Next chapter will come out on Monday next week as usual.

Do me a favor. Drink some kind of... Source of hydration or somethin-pls. I beg of you :'<


I'm a go write another chapter of something else.


*respectfully yeets serotonin at u*

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