The Story Of My Life (A One D...

By musicgirl3345

4.6K 67 9

Jessica's summer is about to change her life. How did she meet One Direction? Who does she fall for? Do they... More

Chapter 1 - Freedom!
Chapter 2 - Ouch
Chapter 3 - How could he?
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 -The Kiss
Chapter 6- Jobs
Chapter 7 - Warn you already
Chapter 8 - Girlfriends
Chapter 10 - Party
Chapter 11- New Beginning
Chapter 12 - flirt
Chapter 13 - New Girl
Chapter 14 & 15
Chapter 16, 17, 18 :)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
new story

Chapter 9- Cheater

143 1 0
By musicgirl3345


Danielle POV

I mean was I seeing things? I saw the way Niall looks at Jessica. It's so cute. I mean he waited a long time to find his princess. "Did you guys see the way Niall looks at her. It's so cute. I think he found his princess."-me

"Well it's obvious he likes her, I mean he kinda doesn't leave her side."-Perrie

Niall walks into the kitchen. We all shut up. I mean I don't think he knows that we know about his little crush.

"Whatcha talking about girls?"

"Nothing"-perrie and I reply a little to quickly.

"We should tell him we are all friends right?" Eleanor says while yawning.

"Tell me what?" Niall says

"We know you fancy Jessica" - we all said

He scoffs. "I don't fancy her" he looks the other way. He's totally lying. He always avoids eye contact when he lies.

"Your lying!"perrie screams in a whisper.

"I am not" -Niall

"Are too"-perrie

"Na uh "

"Ya uh"


"Yes" I'm like not even kidding they act like their five. "Stop your going to wake Jessica up" I say.

"Fine I do"Niall confesses, he blushes aww. " how did you guys find out?"

"The way you look at her" we all chorused.

"I mean I don't know what to say sometimes, or act. She gives me this like I don't how to say it. Butterflies in my tummy."

"It's natural that you get that it's called nervousness." Eleanor says.

Right before we could say anything else we heard a loud thump.

Jessica POV

I woke up to whispers. Got out of my bed tied my hair in a bun. Headed downstairs. I was like barely awake so I guess I couldn't see straight and I tumbled down the stairs. I saw Eleanor, Danielle, perrie and Niall. The last thing I heard before everything went black was," get the ice pact."


I woke up with Niall watching TV right next to me.


"Hey how long was I out for?"

"Five minutes. You need to be more careful." He smirks

"Your not my dad" I replied playful

"So um what to want to do?"

"I don't know, where is everyone?"

"The girls went with the boyfriends. Harry went out to run some errands. It's just you and me" the way he said you and me. I don't know it made me warm inside.

"So um watcha wanna do?"

"I don't know I don't really have anything to do today. So um we can hang for the whole day." After he said that he blushed . Aww he looked so cute.

"Got any board games?"

"Um let see. Liam has monopoly, life, connect four and clue."

"Life and monopoly"

We played for like three hours in our pjs. Until I start to notice Niall cheating. He takes a hundred every time I roll.


"Who you?" He says playful

"No you! Your taking money when I roll". I got up reaching for the money, then I think I stepped on a little house. I swear they hurt so bad. I tripped and fell on top of Niall. He laughs, he has a nice laugh. Before I know it I was pinned on the floor squirming. I still need to get the money out of his hands.

"Give me the money!"

"Never" his says. His blue eyes staring right at me, I mean he has the most beautiful eyes I ever seen.

"Give up? " he says with a smile


Niall POV

So Jessica thinks I cheated, maybe I did. We ended up on the floor. She was right under me. I just wanna kiss her. She has been squirming for like three minutes, but she wasn't going to give up. Suddenly she stop squirming and raised her head up and pecked my lips. I let go of her arms. She quickly grabbed the money out of my hands.

"Ha! Told you I was going to get the money!"

"You cheated!"

" or did I ?"

"You did, come back here!"

She ran with the money in her hands into the yard, she was the closest to the hose. She put the money on the floor and grabbed the hose and sprayed me. The was water was So damn cold. I quickly ran to her and took the hose from her and sprayed her.

"Stop!" She screams


"Be that way." She quickly turned and turned off the hose and pushed me into the pool. When I got out she was laughing until I took off my shirt.

"Like what you see?"

"Uh.." She scampers for words and looks to the floor and blushes.

"I'm going to go change" she says quickly.

Harry POV

I had to get out the flat. I mean with Niall there , I knew I wasn't going get time with her. I still had my black eye, which won't look good when I see her. I told the girls I had errands to run. Obviously did not, I need to get my mind straight. I mean I don't want hurt Niall he's like the baby in the band even though he isn't the youngest. I mean he did wait a long time for his princess but.. Jessica was different from the girls I met. I mean she's beautiful, funny, and able to take a joke. I mean the last girlfriend I had couldn't take a joke, way to serious. I know that Niall saw her first and all but she's different. A good kind a different, the kind of different that I want. Walking down the pier on the jersey shore, I'm surprised fans didn't mob me yet. I mean our fans were crazy quick at finding out where we are, even better than the FBI. As I walk into Starbucks I order a grande regular coffee, this girl walks up to me and whispers," your Harry styles huh?"

"Yea want an autograph or something?" Gosh that came out more harshly than I thought

"No, what are you doing here? I mean without your band mates?"

"We have the day off. What's your name love?"

"Clara, Clara Hampton"

"I see what do you do?"

"I'm a model." She says with a model.

Our conversation was interrupted when my coffee was done. Before I headed out Clara gave me her number. Walking back to my car, I just realize a plan, a plan that can help me get with Jessica.

Jessica POV

Oh my god. My jaws nearly dropped when I saw Niall come out of the pool.

"Like what you see?" He says with a smirk playing on his lips. I mean I didn't know what to say. All that came out was "uh... I have to go change" I ran up to my room, well the guest room I was staying in. I mean I don't know how explain it. Was I attracted Niall? I can't be we only were friends for days. I mean I believe in true love and all but it's not like it can happen me. Can it? To clear my mind I took a shower then decided to wear a lace top with shorts. I walked downstairs and find Niall just sitting watching TV, did he fall asleep? I mean I can't see eyes, or is it just from my angle. I slowly sat on the coach, suddenly I hear "BOO!"

"Holy shit Niall!, I thought you were sleeping."

"No just resting my eyes."

"That's sleeping."

"Did I scare you that bad?"

"Yea, you did."

"I'm sorry" he says with his puppy blue eyes. I'm trying to avoid eye contact. Then I turned Niall's face was inches away from mine.

"No your not" I said, trying to keep my voice as serious as possible.

"You know your eyes say other wise."

"Huh? What do mean?" He didn't answer my question and his lips were on mine. The kiss was sweet.

"If you kiss me like that, you know you want me"

"Please Niall, not a chance."

"Don't lie to yourself love. You know enjoyed that kiss."

"Na uh. I just didn't want to make you feel bad, so I didn't pull away."

"Sure like how your jaws dropped when you saw my abs"

"I did not, you seeing things."

"Sure.. Well I was thinking we should go out on Thursday."

"Go out?"

"Ya like just you and me"

"Ok sure."

"One more thing, would you be my girlfriend?"

"Um... Niall, we only known each other for a couple of days."

"You'll change your mind"

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